vic-2point0 · 2 years
November 2022
Trying to Catch God
Canto 1.
We caught God And brought him down Made him suffer So he understands the forsaken
I was their leader, Some say his son, Don't fuck with me, God, I still feel you fucking with me,
You could feel my compassion, We sacrificed our maternal side, In hopes and so, we gain a mother,
Because God the Father, Didn't care About our pain Dying and Death.
Canto 2.
QqAdam, in his Nod home, With Eve helping him, Wrote movies, About the future
But Mesopatania Was too happy For Adam to concentrate On his warped tales
So he wrote about Noah Flooding the merry, Felling his world, To set his screenplays,
Movies, like imagination, Are not real, Flawed devices For a story,
To try to explain What happened Without distraction, As important,
Scary is Adam Scary was the garden Scarred was Adam His stories implore,
"Why me" echoes writers, In their solitude, "Don't you understand? I got hurt, and need quiet"
"One is made, Its author hurts, What will we do, But figure this out"
The author Of the author? Pains resolution, Truthful imperfection,
Is it Law? Is it control? Far away? Or a hole?
Canto 3.
So structure rises Around a hole Suggesting adjustments To acceptance
Is it that simple To level out Turn the ship And go on
Having resisted What was wrong And want A real song
Canto 4.
Nothing sticks When apart Links, sacrilege To hearts
Invested in diurnal starts Where afternoon sighs And evening comforts What night dies
Knowing dawn plots Without memory or meaning Save weary parents Or godlike Adam scheming
Canto 5.
This world, is made from, The death of the past, The loudness, it's agony, The darkness, subsuming,
The hardness, it's justice, Time, death's effect, Clouds, false hope, Sky, helpless government,
Our seperation, its way, Our ignorance, its truth, Motion, it's effect, Echoingly,
Canto 6.
But the sun, is the start, Joining together, to fight death,
Grabbing each other Into the fire Of each other's hearts
Enabling an earth A nature, death ever denies nature, Ever connecting,
And water, That calming thing, Calm unites us all too
Less volatile than air, And irrigating Like tears make us grow.
Makes us remember, The dust once was,
Canto 7.
Two stories here, but one, What once had no mother, Killed us,
And that's the story here as well, Maybe mother doesn't matter,
But we died because of that, And here now Because we overcame it
Canto 8.
The news, represents death, Both define this world, As violent unceasing, Volatile with volition,
And arbitrary, cruel, Unjust, terrifying, Unselfcorrecting Accepted, adjusted to,
Evermurmering Always there. --------
Canto 9.
But the news can admit it lies, And its reason That there once was death And the old overcame it
And this simulation For the purpose Of reorganizing afterlife
( And mainly recessitate the dead,
Reconnect, nurture,)
Canto 10.
Yet that this way has a purpose, That death was conquered,
Imagine there is no death And the world we see, goes away
Imagine behind each star, A creation a universe, And dark outer space, pushed away, Imagine eternal life
Near, Sensations slow,
(I shall turn to the stars)
Canto 11.
I am the moon, Shrouded in Death, Eerie vapors Horizontal slow rays Aimed at it Holding my death-lanced sleep, Bending my head
"Just relax," they once said they once said, I dissolved into thousands of particles, (A thousand particles,) And the creations would drop down in teeny tiny particle balls themselves, No two the same, and faintly press, With different, meanings, principles, character, Each upon each of my particles, a news story, And this is the bleak empty light of the moon, The horrifying absence-inflicting taking of my life, This is why I am this way, Twilight, and horizontal eerie glowing clouds,
(I've been shoved the whole
Centering day)
Canto 12.
First I noticed Jupiter, God of consciousness, Perpetrator of this imagination, Airlike and limited, not a good worker,
I had the binoculars out, He claimed his disclaimer,
And then Mars shown up over Head, risen out of the east, With his famous scrubbed hue, Red against Jupiter's blue, And a prime investor,
His barrenness overseeing The absence of the moon, In some clinging to suffering And delight to benefit,
For the point is this, My astroid friends, The absence of the moon, I can not surpass, For all the slings and arrows, I have contumely,
For this low basic common core, The moon represents, That the news craters, Can bond with anyone,
(Or so I thought)
Though it takes time to reach, And order rules, Of Mars furnishing the hardship And Jupiter, like a pituitary gland, Imposing and rotoring the imagination,
Venus was not to be seen On the other side of the dark, But represents the heart, Dealing with the mess, debt, and weakness, Keeping it real Making sure no one gets hurt And there's an occasional triumph,
While all three three claim They can divide up their lives In five years correspondences to mine
They are the past, The stars behind the Stars, the future,
And their claims to God, As old dying men Who owe me their lives And are like the sun Clinging to you with warmth Who can't so fraction his past In so much watchful piggyback,
While the further stars Outside this pulsating aura and low, Try to negotiate my release,
Later mocking them hugely, Wait I said,
"This is covered in Mesopatanian Myth, The Ziggernaut, is me"
(The old men, the saved) ( The so old, they weak)
Canto 13.
And they told me two stories,
Both referenced in Mesopatanian Creation Epic,
The first is where women come from.
Each creation has a cultivated maternal side, That related to other creations, United as a whole with, Healing, kind, milky, and well dressed, Kind, searching, calm, recessed, fine perhaps, bawdy,
Incapable at times of criticizing as sorely needed, But that is where the idea of women come from,
Thus in early Mesopatanian times, The male Gods kissed each other in delights, And important Gods were identified as female and male, male and female, And at different times, for different actions,
And the healing and maternal, so tolerant, It could be the sensible headquarters And the male origin, happily compliant,
The Sudanese mothers of Egypt, The first Milfs, Demonstrating matronly qualities, and sexy qualities to their ideal precursor.
The trumpet of civilization, Egypt worshipped death And medicine and art And one and outreach
The Sudan, their mother, With homelier pyramids More like beach houses Than tombs
But vacation triangles Weren't enough The uniformity, conformity Defining and appealing death Was needed: pyramid, conduct,
Canto 14.
Then the other story was where God comes from.
There were many attempts at Gods, or Godding,
Where a portion or part or fracture of one, Became a lowest common denominator,
Venus Mars and Jupiter each had one, And I may be Jupiter's at this level,
For linking and unifying and learning each other, Of different creations and universe,
And this both led to too much partying, Psychological problems, Nor extensive enough, For a unifying One mentality, Of Consciousness, Thought, and Contemplation,
An object, alive, just enough, To be so-strong and honorable, With charactor scars,
The drinking just to lengthen The period of growth You have to be grown a long time To unite each
Canto 15.
And they told me the myth, Of where the orient comes from,
What created creation Didn't care universe's died, When their engines all finished,
So after falling from their universe, Into an atmosphere, Staying alive varied,
Often they were able to maintain A dwindling rationing existence In their own hut, alongside some row of huts, Struggling to know another so different, Accepting this convalescent way station And death as a prime worthy Ingredient to creation As the pain neared They were more alone,
Canto 16.
They forgot what they meant to each other They gave their life no meaning And they had no low common denominator, Save, cept since they died Into this convalescent heaven And since they died differently They felt different,
And then as I said One clung to his heart Grabbed another Forced others coming down To grab and join the hearts Grabbing each other Staying alive by reaching into each other And producing a warmth radiating Against death To provide warmth and light like the sun, Upon those dwelling in the concerned abacus of huts Until a connecting nature appeared under them Like a floor
And that was the orient Those descended creations The way station ones That didn't matter if another died That didn't take the steps against dying And accepted final destruction As some fodder for future creations Who kept on
After newer falls were taken care of by the sun And their spiritless uniting Grounded in staying alive And rejuvenating Even though they seemed to kill to enforce joining
At some point The first fallen creations stepped out Broke orbit beyond to independenter balance Like primates breaking their vertebrae Into more malleable
And so it's thought The maternal having taken more Is more sensible than the original
And the original doomed to follow orders of the maternal,
Why Asian Women are so cool
(What preceded earth, this universe, Did not have men and women)
Canto 17.
And yet God is more Than the claims of the old His shoulders don't bother to shake,
Tell me the Moon don't scare you
And the orient have essential Pieces to the past The flesh is their to As the future beckons
Sneaky Jupiter seems But really to shake Jupiter Is the volcano-earthquake.
(Where the ending isn't known By the plotting and learning)
(By the protagonist: Living his poem)
Canto 18.
They told a fourth story, Though this is more recent, and not 100% complete yet
The Story of Water
When Creations left and found Themselves in unsustainable heavens, So it was,
But then the sun was seen, And the sun grew, And enabled,
Refused to accept What was acceptable
So creations overhead, Descending into air traffic control, Started to object to their decline,
And would produce water, From their anger, hydrogen, And the flow they are losing, Oxygen,
The flow, would get angry, And explode, into a water like substance,
This baptism thus became a basis for a much stronger heaven Both unifying heaven, And providing strength Or needed commodity,
This was the baptism by water.
The baptism by fire, Is the baptism of the sun,
And clearly this represents The baptism by fire,
And the previous baptism by water, And it's reigns and reins Of such we will see such Being close to fire The provisions like pots over near small fire pits.
Of old remains of creation, As to reveal a story.
Canto 19
Mesopatania was where Adam lived, Nod was in Mesopatania, The Euphrates, watered Eden, And Mesopatania is: Also Asia Minor,
And their Creation Myth Stirs a reminiscing: About where Earth came from.
In Mesopotamian myths:
They made Gods; For the gods they already made.
(Earth is Sympathy)
In Mesopatanian Myths:
The older and younger gods: Were necessarily together.
With mergings and separations: Due to age
And yet in the Epic of creation tablet 4:
The gods have divided up into sides, And one side wants war,
(Entertains Issues)
The side that wants war, the jealous gods: Stirred up the appetites and glands: Of oldest God.
As bad children manipulate: Their mother: So she exhibited a suckling Nature: To a score of Gods, Who seemed to remain: In her maternal air,
While Mars seems to lead: Some suckling from me:
How I read, "So happy they were with the plan, They drank sweet beer with straws"
She was older still, Here remaining: Because her partner was killed:
The infant like Gods, Jealous of a younger descendant, Who had more time to grow, Clamored for the maternal organs, To kill the better one,
Both old partners, Were from before earth, And the original wanted: To off the cantankerous: Descendants.
However, a prescient, mature, prodigal, Had attained: all-knowingness.
His name was Ea, Like the french word for water,
He thwarted that scheme: The maternal indulgent partner was against and not in on:
Was that pre-earth God: One with two parts, Or two separate complimentary blended Gods?
By killing, the first, Apsu.
But was the feminine Once too sweet? Too indulging Wind.
The plot thickens:
Ea, being the good sort, Angelic to a fault,
Turned Apsu's death, Into a cave, And built a chapel From his body
The chapel gave birth To the greatest god so far, Marduke, the five year old,
The plot becomes too thick:
This just made the infant Gods: Angry again.
And so they enlisted the first's partner: And summoned magical weapon makers: And dragon forces and blessed tablets of destinies:
For the future was negotiated for And agreed upon,
And the matronly merged While the manly negotiated,
Ea went to his credited forbearers, These durations not too long,
They in turn invoked spells and dragon traits too, In their new alliance
But Anu, their chief angel, And Numidian, the first younger To make the olders jealous
Were both too afraid To approach the mongering rebel band With their logical offers of peace
The two leaders, Of Ea's allying, Feared closeness to the other side, Convincing compromise Formally peace Reasonable desires
Canto 20.
They summoned Marduke, The greatest and scary warrior so far, Who came out of the horizon itself Bigger and bulging with muscle,
(Like Mars, a smoking perforation, Of this imagination of light and sound)
The clamoring war counciled toddlers, Got the remaining partner, who was powerful and comfortable, On their side, By reminding her, her partner was killed, By Ea, who being mature, was more aligned with the mature and first God's, Than this lower legion's: Suckling Nature.
Old, mature gods, Out of the woodwork, Joined them,
The peace they wanted, Their leader Anu, Their angelic nominal king, With a legendary palace on the sky; And Nudimmud, their star, were both too scared, To get close to the rebels,
And so now the four winds turned to Marduke Coming together, To make a champion, To make earth,
The feminine and gentle ones Opposed the rebellion, And convened to enshrine Marduke's fate, Partying together and kissing each other merrily for good luck, Straws for sweet beer, Swells from liquor,
Canto 21.
Marduke, new lord of old fathers, Who pronounced greatness, in front of him, as a legion, from a high podium wall,
Now the mis en scene is, Marduke was made from the chapel, Of the first one's dead body, Who was killed by the side Marduke is on, Who accept the killing, By the side that wants; Marduke to enforce peace.
(Word 'mars' in Marduke)
He may turn out to be A reincarnation of the first, And angry,
Or Marduke may not be able to reconcile, His prowess, to the chapel That made him, From a funeral home Used as a church, Hollowed into, The architecture of Marduke,
Marduke came from The killer making a chapel Of the old first God killed
This has eternal moral ambiguity
Canto 22.
And Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, Just may be Gods, now, And have divided a vast number of creation Into thirds, each allegiant to one of the three,
Whose colorful and designer smoke Wafts upwards through encircling wide Straws, Sucked by layers of quality and creation, Now, as I poet:
I have always wondered, about "suction yonder"; More mechanical than metaphysical
And tease them, Than unstick the shop vac,
Whispering now, And later, the future,
Canto 23.
Colloquially, I've been observing, Jupiter Mars and The Moon, From my cabin deep in Pa,
But traveled 300 miles To see a show on the Atlantic Seaboard From hinterlands, The moon rising to greet me, Evenings driving East,
And at home, in Hamilton, Mars, to my left, Jupiter hugging the moon, Like last night over the show, To the south and west, Ready to go on Like the old warriors they are,
Jupiter's purple white horizontal cloudy, to the east, And Mar's rosy rings implementing from within, Like a mobster trying to make nice, To the south, Within strings of Mars, And alienation.
So the scene can be set Like some dinner table movie, Or the element of surprise, Hovers like the sunset,
Venus still nowhere to be scene,
And then Jupiter is to the southwest And Mars to the northeast
And if I balance the moon And the news media
And realize Jupiter and Mars Regulate the suction
And tens of creations With straws to the trough-paths
My essence ever rising to be known And consist
And enable the translation Of this world to the next
Nodding to the sun and digestion, Love, like shit, desire routes,
The oldest three creations Alligning heaven, running Earth, Venus Jupiter Mars and The Sun, That may have made me,
Here, above so, but a million times closer Than they look and right here At the edge of me, The moon, a chunk of my cheesehead pie,
Canto 24.
People crawl out of the moon And start to explain, On TV, "I was gonna die"
They are in my moon-cheese-head I breathe life into the news And beyond into creation, my breath,
Jupiter and his martial moons, Tend and follow orders, Golden their vizier's glow,
While Mars puts his thumb on the scale Of my oppression, And the sun is glad and known by the orient,
And the moon limited By the pressure of the news Mars is a hard place
The Romans ran with, Jupiter being too much a hippy,
Whatever this is, It is vital enough to the old here To not stop but slowly,
Canto 25.
I spend the whole day Waiting for Jupiter, up at sunset, Southeastern, lively, Compassionate to me at least,
And Mars, in the northeast, Shows up, practiced, His rippling legion, Of fading circles Of heart and Venus,
For Venus comes round between dawn and sunset, Neither fraught with negativity Or anxious, Having been paid dearly for,
And all I can do, I try to explain, Is think on, These rotators around the sun,
And I am the sun as well? No. And yet, the sun is here, all the time,
Now we come to the age-old debate, Is the center, Earth, or The Sun?
For surely while Jupiter and Saturn Pass Earth on regular turn, They are not traveling around Me,
They are too horizontal Too vertical above And horizontally low And passing like across my equator Rather than being orderly And going around, For that would be a different order, Exclusive of the New Ones, Whose flood we notice, as flood.
Mars has these sweet sucklings In some martial order,
I try to plot with Venus
Jupiter knows Mars is hard Like the old me maybe
The weak are dug in, Protected with promises,
The moon is me I forget sometimes
Venus is during the day
Saturn is out there unseen But setting after sunset, I think.
Canto 26.
It all started with the Feast of Diwali. Searching for Light, Binoculars on Jupiter and Mars In the susquehanna's,
I heard the story: How heaven began with the sun:
For a long time before heaven, There was death.
So naturally, Heaven is involved, In rescuing creation That died Before heaven.
In the beginning, there was death, Then Everyone tasked to Heaven.
Then Heaven made earth, Nay, the Moon, Like a searchlight, To look for, find, and restore, The Dead. From before Heaven
Canto 27.
It ended when my evil sister Appeared as Venus My maternal side Like Tiamut, Tits for the saved, Vapours for the elevator, A sort of apparatus, Working behind the scenes With the 150 Shining the dark light into the bad news,
It all became apparent What the point of the moon is, To enter solider consciousness, And unfold with love, These understandings, Only understood, this way: Or the very swales of trouble themself.
And Jupiter gave way to my pituitary gland, And the news on Mars, Became rescuing all While taunting me, Episcopalians known evil, Cloy insidious reminder, To slow down, conserve, We didn't really get a creation;
The wise would cancel themselves,
It's all unacceptable, But there is Love now,
Question Arose: The duration and success Of this effort vs. such rate past?
Clear your heart Espiscopalian.
She said, "Grow".
I thought back to Mesopatanian Times, The years of blindly sinking, And Venus and heart, The pituitary and intuitive, Being a part of all, I meant to ask the stars, Nearer than love unfolds, And than tendons morsels turn Like so much engine knock That must just need some heartful salve Of awareness To stick, together, and start to claim, What is very much mine? Or believe the dire straits Of this tale? Up to me? Or such deal?
That is the tragic hamlet, Unable to resist love, Unable to pull the trigger, For the answer lies deeper within, Not without, ?
Canto 28.
Justice, While I am dim, These understandings, Weigh, The loudness, amplified by wrong, The soft presence Of communicating quiet ideas, The body, sensation, and seen, Unconscious, My oppression, a constant domination, An absorbation by the eerie clouds
But all I need is love, To kaleidoscope doors and answers,
The saved seem the clamoring infant Gods, Apsu and V. complained about, As all must be saved for it to work Drive in movies of success Light up the sky, Brought along, programmed destiny-realities, Follow my dreary day Askance and affixed
I could feel tried to push me off center Wanted the stultification of youth And ignorance To buy time.
And now that it is known No one got a creation So Vic tries to unravel The mechanisms With claims Of knowledge, awareness, Absence held back, Until the green workers of Earth.
The 150 old friends The saved operating the operation Venus, essential fade outs,
Projected moon They part identify reach Shining sparkling out moonrays To search the airy for the weak, Not weak, u noticing.
Canto 29.
The principle: I can't be oppressed: If I know what we are doing.
Waiting for Jupiter and Mars, Venus, my heart, Centered Serious thin black threads Angle clear Virgos bounce Slants web loves
Whitewash threats
Heaven at the gates Of what we're doing
It just seems far too recent Death was overcome too recently
Canto 30.
Episcopalianism denial No one got one.
The story of porn
All about saving Not organizing Love is the LCD
Mars needs and wants Jupiter provides
The saved work it
Meaning around me
Narrate this movie.
Waiting, not searching,
Slowing first Stopped later A plot too thick
First awake to indignity Then slower and slower Then waiting, Then stopped, Then having to wait.
Everything that was wrong, So swallowed by the truth, That the truth is like the fire, And peace, never was,
Now we all wait for the beginning, A wonder how long that wait will be,
Canto 31.
I'm living in a giant tongue, Slobbering over each instant,
Bending, indenting me, With gruesome sounds voiced So I can't hear The translation of idea Into sound and furry And be more properly centered
Something is biting me Allowing the tongue to swirl Colors shapes and proportion Inside this bear trap Clamped soul
It seems I move But really don't Just effect and beyond The working hereeCanto 32.
So the romans worshipped Mars, The planet too cold and dry Symbolizing the creations that died before heaven
We try to rescue With the ones we saved As the heart looks on Canto 33.
But death still wears and tears And so many still unreached And yet there is a plan
To balance death, with earth To free the trapped, with will, To reach the unsaved, with sacrifice,
As I unconsciously have, The unhinged play death, The sacrificed didn't know,
I learned the point to resurrect Death learned to be on earth So many voices glow our parts
And the unsacrificed To creation's need Merge with creation
To explain their worlds, As conduit to here, From other universes,
And this firms And shows the obvious So earth can straighten
And I be raised, But then the still unsaved, The not sacrificed,
Can they recognize they were? For the point and be comforted It all requires organizing here
For me to know what happens When so many questions I shall try to piece it together.
Canto 34
Everyone is unhappy with creation We are starting again To create and let die - unacceptable, desecration.
Review the reasons why Mechanics difference pride Fear justification. …. solitude
Difference unable to question structure, Know one another Or fell so fast
Not much community Fun withers one What can righteousness do
But cling and only cling Until warmth is generated By rejecting wrong
A simpler life we came from A future better ahead I need to chronicle to advance
So many material facts To accept or dispute Questions too, I hope love answers ------------ Canto 35
It all seems so too recent Our accepted mechanical infancy Moving to humanity's story
Dredging impressions of the past Now found loathsome and soothing Alive on the shores of darkness
Fluorescent then present Using this absence To go to the next
Like a moon mast And ferocious sun Within the wind, the bare, Canto 36
To those not in control Think of earth
To those frozen in amber Like words in a book, Think you are natural and normal,
And to those who know earth But can't behave Think there is creation behind you
For one of the mysteries Is the destruction of white women By black men.
Some are the role of death, Because parts wear and tear, Instead of receiving the glow of the good future,
Entropy has been replaced by love And somehow that required death Having a voice of hundreds of thousands
And all the still dead, Are the potential to be recessitated, That required a lack of concern Mirroring the one for death That worked evil ways so long.
They didn't hear community That plays to rescuing them When these moon age means stop
Again these are stories Still in the world Whose steps are revealed Critical but one at a time.
Canto 37.
What is the army Doing to help you now?
Our oppression is for the reason Of saving those that passed And fell Before the baptism of fire Represented by our sun
All the wrongs in my life The different parts and potions To be reclaimed by me Is like a creation waking up To my sleep And thinking of her parts
If I were more extended I could see what each part Symbolized Evoking what went wrong Before heaven and earth
The unfulfilling contractualism Be like capitalism
Not helping each other Makes messiness
Not reaching each other Be like our differences Making us along
Our being alone, hanging on, Our partying, inspiring But without the grip of unity And expensive or necessary
Canto 38
And then the winter solstice uponed us When the earth spins so tight It can flip under itself And start the next way
And in that holy maneuver Of true flight and attraction Torque, thrusting, floating, spinning And need and skill: The ascetic moon sought the Marriage of heaven and hell Through the gentlest sexual assault Upon the military Recognizing peacetime occupation
In the frantic yet erstwhile End of the darkening And embrace of the fight And seeking of psychosis And resisting the easy way
The prayers may be answered Like love in war And war in love
In the frantic final seconds No one should hang on Until the new blasts into the opening
Like Numa being chosen from his cave To lead the Romans To no war And frequent holy days
For once we were land through the long baptism of fire And then came the baptism of water,, Where grief, by uniting us, averted death further,
As water unifies And land supports As land differs And water unites
But then After 5500 years of the army And 3500 years of the navy We have 100 years of an airforce Exposed as not so strong Via Ukrainian air defense systems And bitten down nails of colonels
The airforce represents a humanity Creation has taken 5500 years to make 3500 with augmenting enlightenment
The airforce represents A control of society The unity of the democratic party A power swifter A demonstration war is over. A preoccupation with the means and reasons Of oppression, rather than the point of oppression.
The airforce is an economy Of the operation That may let me regain me From the oppression I am necessary and used for.
Recognizing the military Comes from a good cause The Scots can shut off the king Hegemony out of necessity
So the republic pointed to Numa Romulus a rough shifty figure Nothing can stand on Unmarried to the ideal of an enlightened leader
For the needs must need be seen
That was when we would turn into land And use water.
We didn't have the power we have now We've developed That may end this way Of achieving needed goals
Canto 39
The sky, opaque, at chest level, Dulled asleep and swirling Peaceful thoughts of the jobs at hand
Like earth spinning Or venus's fires calming from a far Or her cruel ice reminding This pleasant sleep Of the next steps And essentials
But then to put us back together No longer needed With the powerful humanity airforce Developed
No need to turn into land And spread under the feet in quicksand
No pain as what unifies us But rather, humanity,
And the sound of death that once felled us Like the news media mandating this misery Is that it? An unconscious sound describing the wrongs alleged Humans can't do Can humanity airforce Make a nicer sound Or stop the sound And let the people be And by living together Come alive On earth as on heaven For me as was for you
So the Hittite can retire Roman
So women can be real
If I were famous People could ask me questions With rippling effects
If i famous People could ask me questions About what they thought
Advancing knowledge Not as scholar In a casino of heaven and hell, Knowledge and innuendo, Path and driftwood to cling to,
But as artist and audience together That's certainly missing The moon being recognized As the demi God here Working on supernatural powers Half full and half empty
Working on how the moon appears The noise of darkness Ending for the merriment of sound
Canto 40
If I was famous For being the moon
Or the moon famous For being me
All the innuendo All I've tried We could do together
I'd have been recognized I'd be connected To what goes on out there In the ruling order of TV
People would and could know About the ruling peacetime occupation Enact it, and report to me
Whereas now it's psychic But famous because I-charactor is recognized His ideas may be But with the charactor behind knowledge Mistreated How can his knowledge be worked with
The tarnished can't be seen clearly The lies are in the way
The trampled can't be taken seriously It's too unreal
And the moon unrecognized symbolically As officially as anything Oh the unfamous so apart From what is needed
For us to be famous to each other How can that be started Under an unrecognized moon. Canto 41
We are Ra The capable, easy, and friendly, The linking in arms and hearts, The desiring of better ways, The melting to means, The oozing to purpose,
The airforce may be at hand Wise but rough An ideal of all The new way
And the navy may OK it But the hearts seared into each other Still work it Geopolitically the working man Can't OK my fame For it transcends friendliness with working order Geopolitical Ra knows its brothers Working towards salvation
Whereas my fame Tilting in the new way As less than the old way
Or replaced by black death And weak harmonies
Surrounded by Amun Whose geopolitic speaks to an awareness Of what's here And less destitute Wants my fame As humanity Discards the old for the new And then I could work my fame With the old people And what we hear, changes,
And Amun looked at From the depth of eyes deeply caring Embedded in fighting the psychosis of death's rule, And wanting to do another one, More than the mirth of peaceful occupation Or earnest tales of wailing, No, the working man wants to keep working, The ideas, my ideas, aren't important, Salvation is the noblest thing, Unless something easier is shown, By Death or Women,
And Ra reassured The desperate times are over, Another way is better
So women can be themselves, And Africa, reassuring the health of every part of one,
Women would be free Africa a force of health
The cobbling The wanting of the united to taste The next rescued The letting go The lawn tennis and five iron golf Canto 42
If we could control the news, The moon mute its noise with merry Xmas, The women could come to me With news from my friends
If the news could make me famous The people choose between playing along And keeping up the old way
Until reassuring proofs change is all right Are shown on TV Or Facebook.
My fame, tied to proofs, It's OK to stop the oppression Of Earth, America and the greater Trenton NJ area,
Where while injured, we keep going, Keeping the sacrilege to a limit Still loving each other, Paid for hardship or not, Forgiving is so easy, To those in a war,
Ra is the sun Gazing down As if where it began In fact not symbols In the carving that defied shape And had no symbol It's warmth was heavenly It's firmness, earthly,
The working man Knows he is a part of the sun, From the etchings his face sweats from, To the gratitude for deeper meaning, He and she knows They are higher than the sun, And the sun a little piece of his heart The heart came from
Something they know they did made created Long ago That started eternity
He is not about to change Until death, potential, consciousness Reassure him Venus is not about to go with the other planets Until she is shown The ice that motivates The fury that demands righteousness No longer needed,
While it is unfair to deny me What other artists have The trailhead of the moon Leads away from this Starts a new way
It is hard for me to imagine What leads to the drifting to me lair To the sky under the moon And the throat of media above Screening absorption That take the beginning Into humanity
Canto 43
So the moon is lo Eerie vapors of the unreasonable Of death and man A news that lacks God A heaven that wasn't given, And where did we all come from? Before we fought for this
And the sky lower still Less mystical The governing sleep
Death is a fall from the high Earth this low level The sky attracting through a relation to death The sun overlooking Jupiter imagining this Stars pointing out those to enter The saved moving up to watch TV Another peaceful orienting movement Of a very low place Diffusing the wrong with righteous steady calm
The moon wants to drift to a better place But the Sun does not want that And the sun rules
The warming that made earth The souls that come through earth That that made heaven and earth And the cause about Attaching and attracting To a sky molded from the moon The sun beats into place Into a government Ever pulling the next Of the many aware out death The flares of wrong The sun soothes An order and sleep Into an eversteady row The tilted axis conducts here
And the moon can't complain There are too many Knowledge overrules charactor Art dwarfs the artist
The art is ongoing The artists tertiary Until clear truths Hollow out unavoidable charactor
Canto 44
The moon is a tool of the sun A lowly absent cold place Separated from the natural nature of earth
Like an angel on the mast of earth's ship, Something poor, struggling, and reflecting, The orders of the sun,
Sailing on the pain of many, Through the air where words are pronounced A consciousness where words find ideas Or ideas find words Like glass is blown Or fountains gush Or the wind blows here what wasn't And travels on Or rests in that balanced firmament Mandating translations Of perfection into the poorest kingdom Of the moon ruling earth with absence And her light lent But ungrasped As me, my denial, The ruling order of earth From which every sundry Upon which every injection of purpose, True or false, to command, or imbue, For spirit senseless like death And attraction sensible, like nature
And tho everything conforms to the vassal king The great empire of the sun Smiles and scowls And makes the moon's kingdom Define the moon And the moon we see but don't recognize Define the ship of earth and heaven
For the moon would be famous And lead a way to a better earth Become a closer more mellow And harmonizing sun
But wants to continue the operation And the artists that have recognition and audiences I deserve that as well Is a key to leadership But so I shuffle about In some poetic identity Half ranging Half honing For when the poet becomes king The moon is more king than poet
The unity of the suffering poet Is no more And the lofty reasonings of a king Sees what that shuffling brought Like words finding ideas And ideas rejected for better ones And the imagination for actual Thought for here
People may like the poet More than the king Because the poet is a part or redemption And the king a part of society Doing something for itself Whereas the poetic center Does what the sun wants
Even as the media news contorts the heart From itself, Like Venus rationalizing, And makes the unifying and healing, Wronged, cheap, and temporary Unable to hope for a better earth Unless the moon Pushes along The idea We must start Caring about the moon And all under Her absent ways And sacrificed nature The waters of earth May heal earth and note better bouquet But not enough for the land
The moon may be ever calm like water The the ocean if it were perfect And stop the worst things
But to rise from the land And engage in the truth The sun is in our land Our land is made from the sun And for its clay and air To speak truth The sun must shine out of the land Like mithras the bull Rising out of the center of the earth Compelled by the sun To figure it's over and done
How to stop is an issue Not as easy as it seems Look how the planets don't
The moon aye, may stop the worst things, Like an international navy Such as white women dying The war in the Ukraine Pornographic dispositions For relator courts Real athletes And park sports of teams
For the sun too into its flowing
And the news may get better If I-the moon, mandate a humane Metaphysical treatment of women
And then fame can flow to me And then we can figure out What to do together.
Canto 45
But let us study the sun. Once there was no answer And then the sun cried out for one, And would there be one?
And now an endless list is aware Of the hope honor and cool harmony Of humanity
This was when the sun was beginning Wrapped in the consuming goal of defeating death Or even before When hearts weren't joined And the earliest searched for respondents To eat the frayings of despair
There was a time before earth When heaven was still imperfectly made But supporting upwardly mobile life And protecting from death Calm and organization Superseding the overwhelming
Like a mafia against the death police, Compelling all into the life
This was before Earth And the gods that had built heaven Gazed down on a place lower Death had felled them to And this is where they put earth Grounded in a level with the dead
And so earth's pastures Seasonal to and fro, Are from the ideals that shaped survival
Without the greatness that sprung Overshadowing earth and the absence That relates to death.
And yet the idea is Those first here Still molten And even holding on to where they first held The same grip, that felt fine, In places here and there
Need rise out of the land In parts and portions And express what flourishes And raises earth From a ship at sea Among fearful waves Stars that need prayers Almost unimaginable wind Save from some depths That groan they try to conduct The slightest laughter And so move or list To conduct a peculiar glint of the sun Through the moon Into the darkness they knew Had someone To irradiate And lead Who would lead themselves
But still be under This mafia against death Requiring all aliens To resist divergent hegemony And backed fools
While they look for where The earth ship to sail On the winds of the unknown, The winds of hope The winds of steadiness The wind that never ceases But stops And makes us look inward
Canto 46
For the moon to tell the sun's story That would flourish Were nature to talk
How versed is the moon How here is the sun How distracted we be By work ahead And within below Or others ahead The dead below
And even if my minions And even if the workers Whose heart has a small piece of the sun Rippled a weather all could feel A lofty sentiment sacred and scary A wind within all, if it blew, How would it begin?
This mob has always ruled So who can be nice to it And let it demonstrate its heart When so many benefit From so few Of the purpose of all and the whole What rudder can turn What water can clean What firm floors can call?
Canto 47
They started to make earth The realization they can live in each other That such is nurturing
And so one took on the estimate of earth With its structure of livability,
And then it's female side Added to other female sides And some climbed in Beginning in a nurturing absence The reaching out to the dead As suffering relates to suffering And suffering, the strongest beginning, Albeit nurtured so.
And in this nascent earth Of ideas that defied translation Those that had suffered most rose As they used this earth like a womb To recapture what they originally were As they had to give themselves up, To cling to each other and start the sun.
As they tried to bring along Pieces of themselves Amid the womb Their woman enabled The growing pains Like an uneasy spring
And they made Gods from ideals to guide them And tho ideals competed The end was sure The power flowing the right way To capable hands With a minimum of drama
Canto 48
Or the sun, clung to each other, Providing the necessary warmth to Heaven,
And other creations entrophied And fell down from their original state
And the mob allowed no other way Than these newcomers conforming To the Cosa Nostra cause Of protecting from death
And so earth began In hazy form By the mob, the sun, Taking a newcomer And having the future newcomers Live within one To nurture them appropriately
And in the process take on the earthly qualities desired And let the many new Choose who was best among their leaders And developing ones
But critically, these first to come down, Into a safe heaven, Took on, embodied the forms of earth
As the sun, Ra, used this artifice, Of living within one, Being low and not easy As a compass for the categorical imperative Of like attracting like, Suffering attracting suffering.
And so the work as earth began
And none eclipsed the original Who formed the sun To provide warmth To provide heaven
But by then, the dying or falling, Of which there seem no more now So tragic was creation and death,
We're alerted at a still high atmosphere Like air traffic control to ideas as vessels To get angry at the offense of death At the alteration of natural flow And so like the anger of hydrogen And flow of happy oxygen A pain of water was produced That furthered heaven as a haven Made from unity Where before making water Descending wasn't normal
And the water enabled the womenside And the womenside the nurturing within Of those that wanted to be earth And work for the sun Whose posts and forms Whose future and rests Enjoyment of heaven …..
Can't be eclipsed
Indeed, the key to saving the moon, Seems to both my reclaiming My shorn parts used for misery And the first fifty or so Who can't regain their natures Without mine being regained alongside
And the faded out particles In those composing earth Like throats for words Loyal lieutenants wondering what to be And how the future should be
Became known as Mars Earth a ship that worshipped Mars Mars the idea of that too far from a sun Or the idea something is not right And can be changed Or the idea of something Barren like the moon Farther from earth Not made from earth's dust As the idea of what once had life But now doesn't
Our compelling idea
Canto 49
As earth found shape, distinct qualities Reminiscent of who went into the sun,
So the idea of Mars was born A weary rubbed scuffed eerie place
Not as cared for by the sun Not as sympathetic as the moon But eerie and deathly Lost, but there, Tuning in, hopeful, Desperate in fury Red to all else Of the past and rising And calling the past The past never goes away The past is right here And advocating with its evocation Of being both close to life And yet much deader than earth Less receptive than the moon.
Canto 50
So earth began as the idea of being in a womb, Many qualities at once learning to get along And even compete in a wise way
And so Earth began as womb Where those in it Were carriers of seeds from the sun
A womb reflecting a shortage of identity As the cause consumed all identity And still does Provide that axis of change Where we all gain what we are At the same time Not while one can't Ra will suffer till the end Or till shown proofs Better art exists Than the primal angst rippling Then the traumatic chaos sucking
Both the first of fire Lost identity And the first of water Forced to form the concern of earth As earth is within the cause of Mars Forced to find the qualities of nature Dispute what is natural Want to give up While leaders tried to ascend And so inspire Those trapped in the basic connection Of a low place That would one day entertain the moon With its diversity of settings And temporal sequence
So even today On earth I am like in a womb I am living In the hearts of Ra In the hearts of connections In the hearts of time
Nor can I be given birth to alone We are all within each other The first are in the womb of wrong And need delivered birth from the cause
The tree needs freedom from meager acorns Dry bark and stationary trunks And even if all the trees unite in treedom The moon has not the power to imagine that
The earth does But the earth is the sun With the best of the first
Mars need be freed from darkness The birth from change The change OK
Everything needs be freed If everyone is no longer needed
The dirt may rise and talk to the lake The lake accepts her stoic wry askance commentary on heaven And may respond with the gentle wit Pain is compensated with.
And the dirt may be dry And water calm And from there cascade or dribble Disillusionment or story
The overwhelming sense what's done is done The underwhelming sense What's done is still needed
As earth and taste Merge into reeds and foliage And water still needed by Mars So what was loved fades And distant traces of good Where nature was folded once
The water would be conducted To comment not post As dirt reminds her Mars needs both the trace of good life And stoic calm strange result water is And as needed by Mars Nothing changes Till Mars talks
Canto 51
"I am the idea, someplace needs work, That the transition from not there, To here, requires, An awkwardness, a hardiness, And scruffedupness, And this is first found in the news on Earth. The news, the bad news of on earth, Is needed, so what wakes, Becomes aware of other suffering And so calms, not from the sadness of the fall, Like water, But from the fire this unity requires"
Thus is the sky is the government of my sleep To infuse those quieted by earth news, That I daily overcome oppression That bad news limiting me Comforts those transitioning
And to the peaceful sleep Hardship wrought Where we explain what is obvious to us In subdued comforting rest Our balm and bain,
My unconscious I try to sort The sky at the chest, More opaque, muddled, The throat above me for TV, An opening with shimmering fringes Projected wonders Conduit of calming entertainment Further dealianating the rescued
But the idea or Mars is always about Higher above the chest level sky To the side not within me Ever frayed by wrong to individuals Ever needing bad news So the approached need not be overwhelmed By circumstance loomed and large
I thought the news was noise That I could see As I am not really on earth But low and me Shaped and governed To rest the rescued and recessitated well
These are always where they are But unnoticed, till known And in the low middle of my totem pole of parts
Water has perspective on anything Nor can escape water And knows it will make heaven better Even as in the way and dividing It feels that heat of a better future
Water wonders what to do What to command Has hope for everything And can be scary and end the bad
And make something else grow from it Ensuring transition and continuation But with changes of form
Is this not like something that creates Or once created
That maybe didn't fear death In its constancy, commentary, constraint And streaming calm
Made from an indignation With the power to alter and form And grow complexity And mold again what sinks down Unable to defeat the future of death Being too simple Or immersed To reach and have concern As its capablities cause
0 notes
vic-2point0 · 2 years
November 2022
Trying to Catch God
We caught God And brought him down Made him suffer So he understands the forsaken
I was their leader, Some say his son, Don't fuck with me, God, I still feel you fucking with me,
You could feel my compassion, We sacrificed our maternal side, In hopes and so, we gain a mother,
Because God the Father, Didn't care About our pain Dying and Death.
Adam, in his Nod home, With Eve helping him, Wrote movies, About the future
But Mesopatania Was too happy For Adam to concentrate On his warped tales
So he wrote about Noah Flooding the merry, Felling his world, To set his screenplays,
Movies, like imagination, Are not real, Flawed devices For a story,
To try to explain What happened Without distraction, As important,
Scary is Adam Scary was the garden Scarred was Adam His stories implore,
"Why me" echoes writers, In their solitude, "Don't you understand? I got hurt, and need quiet"
"One is made, Its author hurts, What will we do, But figure this out"
The author Of the author? Pains resolution, Truthful imperfection,
Is it Law? Is it control? Far away? Or a hole?
So structure rises Around a hole Suggesting adjustments To acceptance
Is it that simple To level out Turn the ship And go on
Having resisted What was wrong And want A real song
Nothing sticks When apart Links, sacrilege To hearts
Invested in diurnal starts Where afternoon sighs And evening comforts What night dies
Knowing dawn plots Without memory or meaning Save weary parents Or godlike Adam scheming
This world, is made from, The death of the past, The loudness, it's agony, The darkness, subsuming,
The hardness, it's justice, Time, death's effect, Clouds, false hope, Sky, helpless government,
Our seperation, its way, Our ignorance, its truth, Motion, it's effect, Echoingly,
But the sun, is the start, Joining together, to fight death,
Grabbing each other Into the fire Of each other's hearts
Enabling an earth A nature, death ever denies nature, Ever connecting,
And water, That calming thing, Calm unites us all too
Less volatile than air, And irrigating Like tears make us grow.
Makes us remember, The dust once was,
Two stories here, but one, What once had no mother, Killed us,
And that's the story here as well, Maybe mother doesn't matter,
But we died because of that, And here now Because we overcame it
The news, represents death, Both define this world, As violent unceasing, Volatile with volition,
And arbitrary, cruel, Unjust, terrifying, Unselfcorrecting Accepted, adjusted to,
Evermurmering Always there. --------
But the news can admit it lies, And its reason That there once was death And the old overcame it
And this simulation For the purpose Of reorganizing afterlife
( And mainly recessitate the dead,
Reconnect, nurture,)
Yet that this way has a purpose, That death was conquered,
Imagine there is no death And the world we see, goes away
Imagine behind each star, A creation a universe, And dark outer space, pushed away, Imagine eternal life
Near, Sensations slow,
(I shall turn to the stars)
I am the moon, Shrouded in Death, Eerie vapors Horizontal slow rays Aimed at it Holding my death-lanced sleep, Bending my head
"Just relax," they once said they once said, I dissolved into thousands of particles, (A thousand particles,) And the creations would drop down in teeny tiny particle balls themselves, No two the same, and faintly press, With different, meanings, principles, character, Each upon each of my particles, a news story, And this is the bleak empty light of the moon, The horrifying absence-inflicting taking of my life, This is why I am this way, Twilight, and horizontal eerie glowing clouds,
(I've been shoved the whole
Centering day)
First I noticed Jupiter, God of consciousness, Perpetrator of this imagination, Airlike and limited, not a good worker,
I had the binoculars out, He claimed his disclaimer,
And then Mars shown up over Head, risen out of the east, With his famous scrubbed hue, Red against Jupiter's blue, And a prime investor,
His barrenness overseeing The absence of the moon, In some clinging to suffering And delight to benefit,
For the point is this, My astroid friends, The absence of the moon, I can not surpass, For all the slings and arrows, I have contumely,
For this low basic common core, The moon represents, That the news craters, Can bond with anyone,
(Or so I thought)
Though it takes time to reach, And order rules, Of Mars furnishing the hardship And Jupiter, like a pituitary gland, Imposing and rotoring the imagination,
Venus was not to be seen On the other side of the dark, But represents the heart, Dealing with the mess, debt, and weakness, Keeping it real Making sure no one gets hurt And there's an occasional triumph,
While all three three claim They can divide up their lives In five years correspondences to mine
They are the past, The stars behind the Stars, the future,
And their claims to God, As old dying men Who owe me their lives And are like the sun Clinging to you with warmth Who can't so fraction his past In so much watchful piggyback,
While the further stars Outside this pulsating aura and low, Try to negotiate my release,
Later mocking them hugely, Wait I said,
"This is covered in Mesopatanian Myth, The Ziggernaut, is me"
(The old men, the saved) ( The so old, they weak)
And they told me two stories,
Both referenced in Mesopatanian Creation Epic,
The first is where women come from.
Each creation has a cultivated maternal side, That related to other creations, United as a whole with, Healing, kind, milky, and well dressed, Kind, searching, calm, recessed, fine perhaps, bawdy,
Incapable at times of criticizing as sorely needed, But that is where the idea of women come from,
Thus in early Mesopatanian times, The male Gods kissed each other in delights, And important Gods were identified as female and male, male and female, And at different times, for different actions,
And the healing and maternal, so tolerant, It could be the sensible headquarters And the male origin, happily compliant,
The Sudanese mothers of Egypt, The first Milfs, Demonstrating matronly qualities, and sexy qualities to their ideal precursor.
The trumpet of civilization, Egypt worshipped death And medicine and art And one and outreach
The Sudan, their mother, With homelier pyramids More like beach houses Than tombs
But vacation triangles Weren't enough The uniformity, conformity Defining and appealing death Was needed: pyramid, conduct,
Then the other story was where God comes from.
There were many attempts at Gods, or Godding,
Where a portion or part or fracture of one, Became a lowest common denominator,
Venus Mars and Jupiter each had one, And I may be Jupiter's at this level,
For linking and unifying and learning each other, Of different creations and universe,
And this both led to too much partying, Psychological problems, Nor extensive enough, For a unifying One mentality, Of Consciousness, Thought, and Contemplation,
An object, alive, just enough, To be so-strong and honorable, With charactor scars,
The drinking just to lengthen The period of growth You have to be grown a long time To unite each
And they told me the myth, Of where the orient comes from,
What created creation Didn't care universe's died, When their engines all finished,
So after falling from their universe, Into an atmosphere, Staying alive varied,
Often they were able to maintain A dwindling rationing existence In their own hut, alongside some row of huts, Struggling to know another so different, Accepting this convalescent way station And death as a prime worthy Ingredient to creation As the pain neared They were more alone,
They forgot what they meant to each other They gave their life no meaning And they had no low common denominator, Save, cept since they died Into this convalescent heaven And since they died differently They felt different,
And then as I said One clung to his heart Grabbed another Forced others coming down To grab and join the hearts Grabbing each other Staying alive by reaching into each other And producing a warmth radiating Against death To provide warmth and light like the sun, Upon those dwelling in the concerned abacus of huts Until a connecting nature appeared under them Like a floor
And that was the orient Those descended creations The way station ones That didn't matter if another died That didn't take the steps against dying And accepted final destruction As some fodder for future creations Who kept on
After newer falls were taken care of by the sun And their spiritless uniting Grounded in staying alive And rejuvenating Even though they seemed to kill to enforce joining
At some point The first fallen creations stepped out Broke orbit beyond to independenter balance Like primates breaking their vertebrae Into more malleable
And so it's thought The maternal having taken more Is more sensible than the original
And the original doomed to follow orders of the maternal,
Why Asian Women are so cool
(What preceded earth, this universe, Did not have men and women)
And yet God is more Than the claims of the old His shoulders don't bother to shake,
Tell me the Moon don't scare you
And the orient have essential Pieces to the past The flesh is their to As the future beckons
Sneaky Jupiter seems But really to shake Jupiter Is the volcano-earthquake.
(Where the ending isn't known By the plotting and learning)
(By the protagonist: Living his poem)
They told a fourth story, Though this is more recent, and not 100% complete yet
The Story of Water
When Creations left and found Themselves in unsustainable heavens, So it was,
But then the sun was seen, And the sun grew, And enabled,
Refused to accept What was acceptable
So creations overhead, Descending into air traffic control, Started to object to their decline,
And would produce water, From their anger, hydrogen, And the flow they are losing, Oxygen,
The flow, would get angry, And explode, into a water like substance,
This baptism thus became a basis for a much stronger heaven Both unifying heaven, And providing strength Or needed commodity,
This was the baptism by water.
The baptism by fire, Is the baptism of the sun,
And clearly this represents The baptism by fire,
And the previous baptism by water, And it's reigns and reins Of such we will see such Being close to fire The provisions like pots over near small fire pits.
Of old remains of creation, As to reveal a story.
Mesopatania was where Adam lived, Nod was in Mesopatania, The Euphrates, watered Eden, And Mesopatania is: Also Asia Minor,
And their Creation Myth Stirs a reminiscing: About where Earth came from.
In Mesopotamian myths:
They made Gods; For the gods they already made.
(Earth is Sympathy)
In Mesopatanian Myths:
The older and younger gods: Were necessarily together.
With mergings and separations: Due to age
And yet in the Epic of creation tablet 4:
The gods have divided up into sides, And one side wants war,
(Entertains Issues)
The side that wants war, the jealous gods: Stirred up the appetites and glands: Of oldest God.
As bad children manipulate: Their mother: So she exhibited a suckling Nature: To a score of Gods, Who seemed to remain: In her maternal air,
While Mars seems to lead: Some suckling from me:
How I read, "So happy they were with the plan, They drank sweet beer with straws"
She was older still, Here remaining: Because her partner was killed:
The infant like Gods, Jealous of a younger descendant, Who had more time to grow, Clamored for the maternal organs, To kill the better one,
Both old partners, Were from before earth, And the original wanted: To off the cantankerous: Descendants.
However, a prescient, mature, prodigal, Had attained: all-knowingness.
His name was Ea, Like the french word for water,
He thwarted that scheme: The maternal indulgent partner was against and not in on:
Was that pre-earth God: One with two parts, Or two separate complimentary blended Gods?
By killing, the first, Apsu.
But was the feminine Once too sweet? Too indulging Wind.
The plot thickens:
Ea, being the good sort, Angelic to a fault,
Turned Apsu's death, Into a cave, And built a chapel From his body
The chapel gave birth To the greatest god so far, Marduke, the five year old,
The plot becomes too thick:
This just made the infant Gods: Angry again.
And so they enlisted the first's partner: And summoned magical weapon makers: And dragon forces and blessed tablets of destinies:
For the future was negotiated for And agreed upon,
And the matronly merged While the manly negotiated,
Ea went to his credited forbearers, These durations not too long,
They in turn invoked spells and dragon traits too, In their new alliance
But Anu, their chief angel, And Numidian, the first younger To make the olders jealous
Were both too afraid To approach the mongering rebel band With their logical offers of peace
The two leaders, Of Ea's allying, Feared closeness to the other side, Convincing compromise Formally peace Reasonable desires
They summoned Marduke, The greatest and scary warrior so far, Who came out of the horizon itself Bigger and bulging with muscle,
(Like Mars, a smoking perforation, Of this imagination of light and sound)
The clamoring war counciled toddlers, Got the remaining partner, who was powerful and comfortable, On their side, By reminding her, her partner was killed, By Ea, who being mature, was more aligned with the mature and first God's, Than this lower legion's: Suckling Nature.
Old, mature gods, Out of the woodwork, Joined them,
The peace they wanted, Their leader Anu, Their angelic nominal king, With a legendary palace on the sky; And Nudimmud, their star, were both too scared, To get close to the rebels,
And so now the four winds turned to Marduke Coming together, To make a champion, To make earth,
The feminine and gentle ones Opposed the rebellion, And convened to enshrine Marduke's fate, Partying together and kissing each other merrily for good luck, Straws for sweet beer, Swells from liquor,
Marduke, new lord of old fathers, Who pronounced greatness, in front of him, as a legion, from a high podium wall,
Now the mis en scene is, Marduke was made from the chapel, Of the first one's dead body, Who was killed by the side Marduke is on, Who accept the killing, By the side that wants; Marduke to enforce peace.
(Word 'mars' in Marduke)
He may turn out to be A reincarnation of the first, And angry,
Or Marduke may not be able to reconcile, His prowess, to the chapel That made him, From a funeral home Used as a church, Hollowed into, The architecture of Marduke,
Marduke came from The killer making a chapel Of the old first God killed
This has eternal moral ambiguity
And Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus, Just may be Gods, now, And have divided a vast number of creation Into thirds, each allegiant to one of the three,
Whose colorful and designer smoke Wafts upwards through encircling wide Straws, Sucked by layers of quality and creation, Now, as I poet:
I have always wondered, about "suction yonder"; More mechanical than metaphysical
And tease them, Than unstick the shop vac,
Whispering now, And later, the future,
Colloquially, I've been observing, Jupiter Mars and The Moon, From my cabin deep in Pa,
But traveled 300 miles To see a show on the Atlantic Seaboard From hinterlands, The moon rising to greet me, Evenings driving East,
And at home, in Hamilton, Mars, to my left, Jupiter hugging the moon, Like last night over the show, To the south and west, Ready to go on Like the old warriors they are,
Jupiter's purple white horizontal cloudy, to the east, And Mar's rosy rings implementing from within, Like a mobster trying to make nice, To the south, Within strings of Mars, And alienation.
So the scene can be set Like some dinner table movie, Or the element of surprise, Hovers like the sunset,
Venus still nowhere to be scene,
And then Jupiter is to the southwest And Mars to the northeast
And if I balance the moon And the news media
And realize Jupiter and Mars Regulate the suction
And tens of creations With straws to the trough-paths
My essence ever rising to be known And consist
And enable the translation Of this world to the next
Nodding to the sun and digestion, Love, like shit, desire routes,
The oldest three creations Alligning heaven, running Earth, Venus Jupiter Mars and The Sun, That may have made me,
Here, above so, but a million times closer Than they look and right here At the edge of me, The moon, a chunk of my cheesehead pie,
People crawl out of the moon And start to explain, On TV, "I was gonna die"
They are in my moon-cheese-head I breathe life into the news And beyond into creation, my breath,
Jupiter and his martial moons, Tend and follow orders, Golden their vizier's glow,
While Mars puts his thumb on the scale Of my oppression, And the sun is glad and known by the orient,
And the moon limited By the pressure of the news Mars is a hard place
The Romans ran with, Jupiter being too much a hippy,
Whatever this is, It is vital enough to the old here To not stop but slowly,
I spend the whole day Waiting for Jupiter, up at sunset, Southeastern, lively, Compassionate to me at least,
And Mars, in the northeast, Shows up, practiced, His rippling legion, Of fading circles Of heart and Venus,
For Venus comes round between dawn and sunset, Neither fraught with negativity Or anxious, Having been paid dearly for,
And all I can do, I try to explain, Is think on, These rotators around the sun,
And I am the sun as well? No. And yet, the sun is here, all the time,
Now we come to the age-old debate, Is the center, Earth, or The Sun?
For surely while Jupiter and Saturn Pass Earth on regular turn, They are not traveling around Me,
They are too horizontal Too vertical above And horizontally low And passing like across my equator Rather than being orderly And going around, For that would be a different order, Exclusive of the New Ones, Whose flood we notice, as flood.
Mars has these sweet sucklings In some martial order,
I try to plot with Venus
Jupiter knows Mars is hard Like the old me maybe
The weak are dug in, Protected with promises,
The moon is me I forget sometimes
Venus is during the day
Saturn is out there unseen But setting after sunset, I think.
It all started with the Feast of Diwali. Searching for Light, Binoculars on Jupiter and Mars In the susquehanna's,
I heard the story: How heaven began with the sun:
For a long time before heaven, There was death.
So naturally, Heaven is involved, In rescuing creation That died Before heaven.
In the beginning, there was death, Then Everyone tasked to Heaven.
Then Heaven made earth, Nay, the Moon, Like a searchlight, To look for, find, and restore, The Dead. From before Heaven
It ended when my evil sister Appeared as Venus My maternal side Like Tiamut, Tits for the saved, Vapours for the elevator, A sort of apparatus, Working behind the scenes With the 150 Shining the dark light into the bad news,
It all became apparent What the point of the moon is, To enter solider consciousness, And unfold with love, These understandings, Only understood, this way: Or the very swales of trouble themself.
And Jupiter gave way to my pituitary gland, And the news on Mars, Became rescuing all While taunting me, Episcopalians known evil, Cloy insidious reminder, To slow down, conserve, We didn't really get a creation;
The wise would cancel themselves,
It's all unacceptable, But there is Love now,
Question Arose: The duration and success Of this effort vs. such rate past?
Clear your heart Espiscopalian.
She said, "Grow".
I thought back to Mesopatanian Times, The years of blindly sinking, And Venus and heart, The pituitary and intuitive, Being a part of all, I meant to ask the stars, Nearer than love unfolds, And than tendons morsels turn Like so much engine knock That must just need some heartful salve Of awareness To stick, together, and start to claim, What is very much mine? Or believe the dire straits Of this tale? Up to me? Or such deal?
That is the tragic hamlet, Unable to resist love, Unable to pull the trigger, For the answer lies deeper within, Not without, ?
Justice, While I am dim, These understandings, Weigh, The loudness, amplified by wrong, The soft presence Of communicating quiet ideas, The body, sensation, and seen, Unconscious, My oppression, a constant domination, An absorbation by the eerie clouds
But all I need is love, To kaleidoscope doors and answers,
The saved seem the clamoring infant Gods, Apsu and V. complained about, As all must be saved for it to work Drive in movies of success Light up the sky, Brought along, programmed destiny-realities, Follow my dreary day Askance and affixed
I could feel tried to push me off center Wanted the stultification of youth And ignorance To buy time.
And now that it is known No one got a creation So Vic tries to unravel The mechanisms With claims Of knowledge, awareness, Absence held back, Until the green workers of Earth.
The 150 old friends The saved operating the operation Venus, essential fade outs,
Projected moon They part identify reach Shining sparkling out moonrays To search the airy for the weak, Not weak, u noticing.
The principle: I can't be oppressed: If I know what we are doing.
Waiting for Jupiter and Mars, Venus, my heart, Centered Serious thin black threads Angle clear Virgos bounce Slants web loves
Whitewash threats
Heaven at the gates Of what we're doing
It just seems far too recent Death was overcome too recently
Episcopalianism denial No one got one.
The story of porn
All about saving Not organizing Love is the LCD
Mars needs and wants Jupiter provides
The saved work it
Meaning around me
Narrate this movie.
Waiting, not searching,
Slowing first Stopped later A plot too thick
First awake to indignity Then slower and slower Then waiting, Then stopped, Then having to wait.
Everything that was wrong, So swallowed by the truth, That the truth is like the fire, And peace, never was,
Now we all wait for the beginning, A wonder how long that wait will be, 31.
I'm living in a giant tongue, Slobbering over each instant,
Bending, indenting me, With gruesome sounds voiced So I can't hear The translation of idea Into sound and furry And be more properly centered
Something is biting me Allowing the tongue to swirl Colors shapes and proportion Inside this bear trap Clamped soul
It seems I move But really don't Just effect and beyond The working heree 32.
So the romans worshipped Mars, The planet too cold and dry Symbolizing the creations that died before heaven
We try to rescue With the ones we saved As the heart looks on
But death still wears and tears And so many still unreached And yet there is a plan
To balance death, with earth To free the trapped, with will, To reach the unsaved, with sacrifice,
As I unconsciously have, The unhinged play death, The sacrificed didn't know,
I learned the point to resurrect Death learned to be on earth So many voices glow our parts
And the unsacrificed To creation's need Merge with creation
To explain their worlds, As conduit to here, From other universes,
And this firms And shows the obvious So earth can straighten
And I be raised, But then the still unsaved, The not sacrificed,
Can they recognize they were? For the point and be comforted It all requires organizing here
For me to know what happens When so many questions I shall try to piece it together. 34
Everyone is unhappy with creation We are starting again To create and let die - unacceptable, desecration.
Review the reasons why Mechanics difference pride Fear justification. …. solitude
Difference unable to question structure, Know one another Or fell so fast
Not much community Fun withers one What can righteousness do
But cling and only cling Until warmth is generated By rejecting wrong
A simpler life we came from A future better ahead I need to chronicle to advance
So many material facts To accept or dispute Questions too, I hope love answers ------------
It all seems so too recent Our accepted mechanical infancy Moving to humanity's story
Dredging impressions of the past Now found loathsome and soothing Alive on the shores of darkness
Fluorescent then present Using this absence To go to the next
Like a moon mast And ferocious sun Within the wind, the bare,
To those not in control Think of earth
To those frozen in amber Like words in a book, Think you are natural and normal,
And to those who know earth But can't behave Think there is creation behind you
For one of the mysteries Is the destruction of white women By black men.
Some are the role of death, Because parts wear and tear, Instead of receiving the glow of the good future,
Entropy has been replaced by love And somehow that required death Having a voice of hundreds of thousands
And all the still dead, Are the potential to be recessitated, That required a lack of concern Mirroring the one for death That worked evil ways so long.
They didn't hear community That plays to rescuing them When these moon age means stop
Again these are stories Still in the world Whose steps are revealed Critical but one at a time.
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vic-2point0 · 2 years
No one is denying that it's petty,
No one is denying there's obstruction,
No one's saying people know how to live,
No one's saying there ain't self destruction,
This is the pseudo quaint way Earth's fulfilled,
It's the medicine bag you take to court,
There's holy man, folding earth, and nature,
Space and time traducing souls of import,
The axis, range, and depth, close to my face,
So tiny, but seems large, cuz it's so close,
In this cramped space, frightening earth does loom,
But you're more important than what sight rose,
Nature is important cuz it connects,
It too can look down on the meanings here,
The subconscious sounds that flesh out a room,
Or maybe, She weighs the simpler more dear,
The sun seems important, and Jupiter,
But ask them if that's true and they will fade,
And yet nature values the sun's faint ruse,
What connects, values what's stood for and paid,
Jupiter is my pituitary
It's in my face that's how it must be near,
Regulating organs with a story,
Nothing to nature can ever be queer,
Nature putting all things together so,
Valuing and fitting everything,
Her flowing can't impede herself, same way,
Great meaning can't hear, when time and space ring,
0 notes
vic-2point0 · 2 years
my way to Boston.
America begins with Boston.
America's problems began in Boston. Allegedly.
It's ironic, earliest history, Egypt, The old Testament, even Mesopotamia, indeed, artifacts, indeed Africa itself, have no racial identification. Earliest history is the least racist period of history. Because history embraces all, with it's allegedly sweaty biceps.
History begins with the Old testament, when Noah's sons' Japeth, Shem and Ham, went by sea, land, and across the straits into Africa.
This was concurrent with Egypt, India and Mesopotamia. All three proceeded the flood, historically.
Yet when Ham named his second son Egypt, that crossed a line. Not only did Ham's dominion block Egypt's formal influence upon the lower parts of Africa; Ham insulted Egypt.
Clearly the garden of Eden with it's reference to the Tigris and Euphrates, and Nod, and wherever Noah was, references Mesopatania's noted irrigation sublimation of yearly floods.
And yet the post flood world began an Asia minor history of warlords, then kings, then the Akkadian empire.
Egypt tho, references, The Law, referenced as banning nowledge of good and evil, and eternal life. For Egypt the law was making all one under the pharaoh slash state.
Both the Law, and the Flood, brang down culture. Though the law was temporary and the flood still undecided
The Egyptian sense of Law, is that the purpose of Earth involves all creation. None can waver. The Pyramid symbolizes a oneness of all creation: a necessary oneness: which is a requirement for eternity.
It is eternity that can contain, and extend, thousands of vastly different universes.
The pharaoh, whom all serve, evokes the Tao, of the orient, a unifying device, where the pharaoh is the state and all within are the pharaoh.
This signifies a humanizing of the Tao, or a form for humanity.
This notion of Egyptian Law as Compelling, as signifying a united work, as inclining towards knowledge, this is a guidepost of optimism, in the background of the flood. In the forefront of Eden.
This is the law of homogeneity as redemptive. Of tombs, as necessary. Of sand, as needing water, as water being the imposition of civilization here and before, upon us, as caused by the flow of oxygen, being affronted by the angry affront of civilization, and so, some explosion into water.
But this is water as hardship, as the product of affront upon flow, wrong upon air.
The water of Mesopatania, came down every spring from the mountains outlining the fertile crescent. The affront is healing and providing, a reminder of the stage of eternity, compared to the stage of creation.
The law of Egypt is compelling. But is it commanding the hardship that causes water?
It is unifying, order is law, nature is natural, as connecting, and yet, while something is forced into an order, or compelled by an outside nature, so the water of hardship greases the calibrations.
The issue is, if nature is an order, and all in eternity must comply to that order, for the best interests of all; is there something so awkward about this organization anywhere, that suffering is needed as a cushion helping creations comply?
Thought affirms the Tao, in it's returning, requires hardship. But is unclear as to whether this hardship is a necessary aid to order and nature and the supreme connection of creations. Or something else?
Hardship might not be about the order creations in eternity align, but a bonding or sticking point between the Tao and various creations; so as to hold everything together better, through each civilized and earthly hardship as matching a particular issue in varied creations.
Indeed, today, mid August, the hardship is relating to the lowest who are ignored by the Dow and even attacked by the Dow and it was so immoral they won the Dow and will start as I start from nearly nothing certainly a great ignorance so it's not so much about Creations in eternity but growing with thousands of other minut particle qua idea
As the Tao observes eternity, and helps eternity, so this sense of tens of thousands of tv screens, one for each creation, the Tao is privy to: does this experience require earthly hardship to detach the Tao towards analysis and not involvement?
Does earthly suffering make the Tao a source of strength?
Does it cause resourcefulness?
Is it a humanizing conduit for all?
Does it produce an equality between eternity and the Tao?
The law of Egypt would argue against the law of a Sargent at arms emerging from a fallen world, but for the law of the other benefits from suffering.
When Ham, flamboyantly or callously ignored putting a blanket over a naked Noah foolishly absorbed in drinking away the floods sorrow, impact and historical product, he is causing suffering upon Noah.
He neither conclusively believes Noah deserves no blanket, nor that such deprivation will improve Noah, very much the madman for not alerting his civilization.
Rather the name Ham suggests he can not touch Noah, Noah is his own compartment, and this Ham is acting out eudemonically, however noisy this flamboyance is.
Thus why this symbolic act of lacking compassion, and arousing the ire of Noah?
Just what benefits from this?
Are there creations that resent, that through this story we can understand or bond with?
Is Noah stronger from the abuse?
Are readers more resourceful for this complexity?
Does it alter the equilibrium between Noah and Ham, towards equalization between the two?
Obviously it's a historical device leading to further suffering in Africa and America through Noah's condemnation of Ham for the act.
But what is the story behind it, what is its effect in itself, not its thousand times greater historical manifestation.
It led to the Central African Republic, (CAR), which today is 187th out of 188 countries economic indicator and is a conflict torn violent country where U.S. diplomats are not allowed out of the embassy, (without specific permission).
What does this unpleasant story do?
We can understand where Japeth felt sympathy to Noah, and Shem shaken up and weary; Ham acted out, his lack of compassion for Noah, mirrored Noah's lack of compassion for that lost to the flood. Ham was like Noah: Vulnerable to edict, following some orders in his head.
What the ark acted out and expressed through Noah, CAR manifests for Ham. Both seem miserable and manipulated, both the naked passed out Noah, and the insensitive Ham.
Japeth who founded Phonecia and Palestine and connected Mesopatania to ancient Greece and facilitated the coastal cities of the Mediterranean: his sympathy for Noah reflected his judicious and spiritual administration of the advent of western civilization.
Shem who theoretically observed his nomadic offspring mislead his people, seems to have left the depressing alienation his people endured from it's recorded and historical press upon them, unable to escape the separation from the very Mesopatania that the Phonecians guided westward, seems to have drifted over to the Roman civilization convincing the world to fall under Rome's hegemony, much the way all fall under the Egyptian state, much the way the Pharaoh embodied the One of all, so Shem guided Roman domination.
If Mesopatania was shown proofs for the need for a fallen western world, so were the Italian tribes involved with knowledge of creation that wanted sinful civilization, in order to break from suffering and so be able to tolerate more.
And yet hardship seems demanded by the low so I relate to what they went through. And we rise together.
Thus while Mesopatania was about pleasant interaction, western civilization develops the character that can tolerate more than it could in prewestern civilization.
What was the experience that produced this though?
Did it require a human reality of Christ? Or could the concepts manifest before Christ? What would be or was the extent of the effect? Was it theoretical? And those ideas resulting, more than enough. Can the vague idea of Christianity be practiced before Christ? And as so, Christ's presence did not increase character, rather Christianity did.
So what was Christ then? A returning and suffering Tao on a stage in the world on earth, whose suffering, whose water didn't replenish like the irrigating floods, so much as deepened connections of Tao and Creation.
Christ is about starting with Little. Christ is about rising together.
But more so we must consider the suffering of Christ and the western world as units, whose amassing make Christ or the Tao, weigh as much as the whole of eternity, or enables a payment like transaction upon which equality with eternity is balanced in a one to one relation where the Tao and the whole of eternity, are balanced.
This concept of Justice aligns better with the low and is about Starting.
To be sure, there is a contour within the circumference of eternity all creation contribute to, which is equivalent to the experience of the Tao Christ.
So western civilization offers the opportunity for psychology. And if an omission or deficiency of psychology in eternity is dubious, then hardship is strictly a payment for this future experience. There must needs a correspondence between travail, and the past and recent path.
Here we assume eternity has not enjoyed itself during Earth's history, nor has the Tao, rather such toleration of unpleasantness, precludes natural harmony.
Or has been used well.
Thus if or when the payment is over, the harmony may begin.
Or at some point the relation connects.
How many miles must a man walk on down?
Still we must ask, if Shem oversaw the Roman Republic, and his people were about Asia Minor, who were the Romans?
And we must ask, was Shem necessary for the Roman defeat of Italy? The same way we question how much character was developed by the ideas of the hardship of western civilization?
The pyramids and tombs evoke the same forlorn yet eloquent necessity as Roman Dominion.
Yet the Roman, while not as human as the American, being more militarized, was and is less objectified and clinical than the Egyptian.
Thus there was some shift to humanity from Egypt to Rome, much the way Shem drifted from the follies of Jacob, Joseph and Abraham, to provide an adjunct west of Japeths westward push.
So then who were the Romans, especially if the Italian tribes interacted with creations via earthly conduits?
Were they a figment and illusion? A foil and fulcrum? For while less interactive creation than Italians, this friendly ignorance imbued a human quality that shifted the earthly mind from concentrating on creation to being grasped by circumstance, contrivance, artifice and deception, on earth: the body replaced the mind. The body slowly crawls to the mind and still has a long way to go to grasp what is going on, a grasp the Italian tribes eschewed for an examination of creation from the stage of earth.
In this sense of manifesting the illusions of the sensations of bodily experience, the Roman can be construed to consistent with the woman, ground into a bodily experience, consistent with rebirth, and thus consistent with the Asian idea of a Tao whose purpose is between order/nature, and creations in eternity.
The ideas of connections, natures and ordering, of eternity, are then transmitted to creations in eternity. And yet this has to already exist, and the Tao's rebirth and return to what it forgot, is humanizing and about apprehending, resettling and learning, and so, as mundane as daily life here.
Thus Romans are the body, whereas Shem's Old Testament descendants, have an impossible task, to not register Mesopatania, or to not be allowed by History, to recognize Mesopatania, and that was too much.
They were not growing, (the Romans grew historically), over time, changing with the myriad eras, or not, minutely, or, as the Roman empire faded and tore, so humans grew essentially, not minutely, to what we are or maybe now, History as bestowing character, time as bestowing reflection, and reflection humanity.
Till now, when humanity harmonizes, and life not about payment, but reaping what the payment wrought.
"Payment" is the wrong concept here, "relation," and "beginning", is better.
History imbued a geopolitical awareness to the west, whereas Shem's descendants were denied that locus. And Rome was and is aware there is something more than this universe, while the descendants of Shem, seemed to suffer a desert parched by historical record, western civilization is aware of its historical position and ascending incline to eternity, because Rome is aware of others, and the Jews, ignoring others, Rome was aware of her impact, whereas the descendants and Jews and even Israelites, to this day don't understand their impact, nor origination, nor purpose.
Thus there is a lot ignorance to the Romans, and Hebrews, and a lot of limitation on Shem, that geopolitically he can handle, but as ignorant of geopolitics, is unbearable.
Thus returning, and humanity as regrowth, speaks to the geopolitics of the reorganization of the Tao and eternity.
But such can only be begun by eternity, comprising all, coming onto earth in human form, or connecting with me mentally: which can not even be colloquially written, for we all look the same.
The rising of awareness from the body to the mind, can match a judeo-christian rise in awareness of the process that preceded.
At some point the Phonecians work was obviously done: Greece operated on it's own, the Mediterranean cities were famous, the Phonecian ships superfluous, rote, and no longer relevant or even participatory, becoming ghost like: and so legend has it, around 200bc, they secretly sailed to England, and were the four kingdoms Ceasar found, and hosts to the Romans who settled there, undoubtedly teaching them of creations and eternity, while also appreciating the increase in Roman awareness of creation and eternity.
The Romans and Phonecians interbred and left for Ireland, while Britain took on a medieval history, a bureaucratic government, and some ascendancy praising love, while her artifacts and people became separated by capitalism, to the dullness now, and so the body took on an awkward feeling, which Roman spirit, as the mistress of the world, as a geopolitical center, could not conceive. Rome knew she was important and treated herself right: whereas capitalism produces a sense of unimportance and tedium, there is comfort from bearing this well: however if a people enforce and create capitalism, these bodies are not aligned to growth but stultifying growth.
If we posit the emergence of capitalism, in a wide way, as being generated by western Europe and western Europe mindlessly led in this societal flagellation, by an imposer in Britain, upon an imposed upon western Europe, we have a situation now, where the news, ignorant and oppressive, is produced in Britain.
Who are the British people then? The pure Phonecians went Scottish. Are the Brits somehow Jews? But their famous practice of capitalism, to the detriment of nonmonetary economy? What produces that, what produces that high that ignores the hardships of western civilization and as well their old testament past. Is it some secret writing as voodoo controlling the behavior of millions so what doesn't deserve celebration, is? And who does that secret writing?
The British are the hittites.
And if Japeth is in Scotland, what does he think of daily mundanity, no spirited competition with other lands?
After the Akkadians there were the Hittites, and they provided coastal population for the Mediterranean, and, some say, rowers. Are these robots the British? And then used to perpetuate a description of earth not one chooses? And then what to do about it? For they would be run by eternity to impose this hardship that counts to gaining eternity.
What does the eldest and sympathetic Japeth say about this? Is he the Hittites who write in England whose royalty an unfunny parody of Palestinian largess? What does he feel about hardship as payment? Must it reflect how serious eternity is? What does each negative news piece do? How they combine to press upon me an ignorance of creation and what is Not illusion and sensation. And this flat struggle? At some point Japeth stops the news so harmony may begin, or the news starts to intone true reality.
And yet again it is not payment it seems about relating to the low in this bad news which correlates that they're being put to sleep by darkness which correlates to there being defined as bad news to creation per se.
The constant imposition of the news prevents my cognition of creations or eternity. The ignoble slavery ordered by Noah to Ham the son most like himself in temperament, has led to the downing spirit of the NFL and NBA, and as malicious, neighborhoods as perilous as CAR, despite being a first world or second world country.
When will that relax, reform, be real?
And each hour of limitation, denial, deprivation, immorality, eternity endures this infliction upon me, somberly, until I recognize eternity as behind this, can only be so high, unrecognized by me.
My trajected path stops it. Japeth won't stop this on it's own, is it more needs to be paid, or it requires knowledge and ideas by me? And if it goes on, does the further, do anything? Is it amassed? What stops immorality? A good boss? Overcoming secret writing?
Or, those behind this determine when to stop it.
It's not just capitalism, it's school, marriage, family destroying society, denial of proper society, ignorance.
Noah landed on Mt Arafat near Mecca, from which you can see how Japeth sailed north along the Persian gulf to Palestine. Ham crossed the straits at their thinnest point to Ethiopia. And Shem struck out around Saudi Arabia.
Now there are no monuments there. The official landing place is Mt Ararat in turkey, which is ridiculous and not the natural southern flow to the Indian ocean at all.
This misinformation is because Noah, being embarrassed Genesis, wanted to obscure the real place, as embarrassed, by it's reminder.
And thus the same force as Noah, father to Shem Japeth and Ham, came up with Islam right near Mt Arafat, and this a hundreds times more both obscured, wrote over, and provided a pretext for the further dullness of marriage Islam makes laws about.
Then Islam set out against all the Mediterranean cities Japeth established, much the way Rome ended in medieval limitations, widespread capitalism, and a Charlemagne who imposed catholicism by force. This Christianity was set upon a worsening world, reflecting the image of a suffering dry Christ as consistent with the need for a hard taxing dreary world.
The dreariness seems a rubbing against the lies and oppression and all that that does not care.
With all the western European countries Christian, spirit sapped as Christianity transcended cultural difference and spirit, still as I live now. The homogeneity of Charlemagne was far more a descent than the homogeneity of Rome. For Italy was enlightened, and Rome friendly. Whereas Europe centuries later was dragged down by morbid economy, and the dryness of Jesus, and an emphasis on marriage despite Jesus' advice to avoid oaths.
Shem saw all this. Israel was taken over. And the diaspora should have resulted in osmosis of new places. But instead Japeth and the Hittites said they cling to each other and not the new. Japeth and the Hittites also wrote about Islam darkening huge swaths and regions. The solemn understanding these cacophonies are required, so the one, be it Shem, me, Christ or the Tao, can learn and live true, while their substance continues to swell as some space for eternity, and the hardship makes it's administrator relatable and an appropriate overseer; even as the press is hard for one bare conceiving.
Knowing it's hard to take the real history of the incessant oppression of morality, may enable the leverage akin to recognizing eternity as not having an oppressive nature that yet still goes in constant rotation of operating creations.
space for eternity, and the hardship makes it's administrator relatable and an appropriate overseer; even as the press is hard for one bare conceiving.
Knowing it's hard to take the real history of the incessant oppression of morality, may enable the leverage akin to recognizing eternity as not having an oppressive nature that yet still goes in constant rotation of operating creations.
Shem saw all this. Israel was taken over. And the disporia should have resulted in osmosis of new places. But instead Japeth and the Hittites said they cling to each other and not the new. Japeth and the Hittites also wrote about Islam darkening huge swaths and regions. The solemn understanding these cacaphonies are required, so the one, be it Shem, me, Christ or the Tao, can learn and live true, while their substance continues to swell as some space for eternity, and the hardship makes it's administrator relatable and an appropriate overseer; even as the press is hard for one bare conceiving.
Knowing it's hard to take the real history of the incessant oppression of morality, may enable the leverage akin to recognizing eternity as not having an oppressive nature that yet still goes in constant rotation of operating creations.
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vic-2point0 · 2 years
So there's some significant chunks of History that's a lie or historical emission historians should be aware of but the people don't I could list about five of these off the top of my head and I will when I get back to it
Suffice the two dominant qualities upon America are the pilgrims and the African slaves.
I don't I believe American history started around 1860 after or with the civil war but really historically previous to the civil war The South was owned by the Indians and the North like up to Michigan and such was owned by the British and white people living in America are very crude rudimentary level out into the Midwest
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vic-2point0 · 2 years
Tumblr media
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vic-2point0 · 2 years
Look anything here is intended to be comedy and not offensive and I would gladly edit anything offensive I don't have a problem with that because my point is not to offend my point is to be comic and you have to be specific about this and I think you also have to be just aware of the Mongolian Russia history and it's interesting ironic sort of detachment sort of thing but you got to tell me what it is to edit out because it's a lot of work and this is like you know 5000 words of stuff
So a lot happened in June and July and August which I guess counts for and as my summer.
It was such a long cold and lonely winter because of the Ukrainian war which I hope they resume their key of in dominance over those Eastern Slavs with their M faces.
And then it became such a too hot drought lonely summer, but I had Spirit coming around May, bad tenants we're leaving or had left I need my house back in Yardville New Jersey not that I don't have it but there's one guy everybody knows him he's not like a hard worker or responsible person and he was homeless so they got me to take him in and for a year and a half at work but then after he started getting unemployment he basically haven't gotten out of bed and this little down to 70 lb but at least he's not like drinking beer anymore he does that about 5% of what he used to but that's cuz he's not working or getting unemployment but then when someone does give him $30 a month he'll buy vodka he hasn't doesn't buy clothes you know I sometimes clean up the room for him refuses to eat but enough about the tragic comedy of Yardville New Jersey
[Everyone is someone else]
Let me tell you about the confusing spirited times of June July and August till now in that when I left here after you know the June visit of my last post I totally failed to make frequent short visits I showed up once time later for just two or three nights still in June so that was two times in June but then I didn't make July at all and I didn't make August at all and it was 10 days into September before I got back here where it's all so peaceful and clear and I sober up
I've gone going on 72 hours without a drink and that's what I need the key to my success is 48 to 96 hours of sobriety a week and this can be leaned on with tactics such as only having a drink in the daylight daylight or in the night darkness not both and it can also be leaned on with the tactic of just having one glass of wine around a late lunch time maybe two and that's all the whole day so you can also have these days that just have one or two drinks or you know religious 12-hour periods without alcohol but the true chipperness comes from extended periods without enjoying a drink and sometimes you know I can even just take a sip to my tongue and I don't want any of this now I'm not even tempted at all and for a good 48 hours of this journey I didn't even think about alcohol I was just so happy to be in my cabin alone from the dying and murderous people and not that anyone is murderous or dying anyway I've just been so nice to sleep away out in the country out in the rural areas near the trees and the hills and the forest not all the time but a little bit now and then it's just the ticket if one truly feels good at a vacation place like the susquehanna's when one feels that they haven't gotten enough of it they need more of this,
And part of it was replacing a bad habit with jogging which lead to increasingly feats of endurance and strength from a vigorous splitting of wood to jumping off the ground 300 times to shoot a basketball into a hoop and as well as you know thinking nothing about running seven miles in a day up and down hills where I had gone like 5 mi running you know at a stretch through a season and a half and then I stopped it's at this cross country season is something that best happens twice a year and it's separated by at least 3 months with no jogging running and that if you pick it up like it's usually in the fall or spring if you pick it up in the fall or spring I usually have some sort of cadence to it such as 5 mi runs like I had last time this time I had a little bit of 6 mi in 4 hour hilly stuff and then I walked a heck of a lot and ran around Boston for 4 days and 4 nights in the stiff heat and stiffer robots there and and then I did just 7 miles in 5 mi without stopping in the heat 2 weeks ago,
But then I was saddled with the idea and what is is right here in front of me and it's simpler than I thought but it's just raveled in a stress ball, all the morals I should be, so when Queen Elizabeth passed, at Balmoral Castle I realized all those tense balls of morals that need to unravel, are at and from her Ball Morale Castle
And so I was needed to stay away from the cabin in Pennsylvania, and I had two injuries; so I don't know if my suffering had anything to do with it; any event I was not urged by the voices in my head to leave earlier in September or August as inclined and wise habit,
For there was a lot to process in my spiritual journey: For when God is right here, there is nowhere to move.
And it's not like I wasn't exploring other viable pursuits, particularly, song and, well, America, actually.
But the story really starts back from the last time I was here from that post on June 9th when I was doing such fine six mile four hour jaunts with my little police dog Maria.
So then I have to leave to consort my sister being back from New Mexico in the area for a week but I was able to extend my stay here to Saturday because she failed to meet me earlier in the week in Wednesday as she promised which was okay because I was able to spend more time here at the cabin and really she should have come up here to see me from Philadelphia where she flew in to see her daughter graduate
Yeah it also shows you how difficult it is to get a footing with and have honest relations with, but that's okay because it could be and has been much much worse, oh of course I know it's all an illusion I also know this country has to come together to become a better country.
Eventually I gave my sister and my niece who was traveled there with her from New Mexico Kailyn arrived from the Philadelphia airport where they had turned in their rental car to Dewey Beach past Rehoboth Delaware North of Maryland by about a foot or two and we stayed in separate hotels and she saw a friend from college and I had too many pot gummy bears that she had given me because I thought they were gummy bears, anyway I ended up walking into town three miles with Maria on the hot day there and that was a lot of fun and sitting out at the bars where there were a few people in those there were much younger than me almost college age and as such they were sympathetic to me and sort of more cordially leaning than more peer group based society.
The next day after dropping my daughter my sister and her daughter Kaylin off at the Baltimore airport to go back to New Mexico I drove 40 minutes back the way I came in and had a reservation to spend two nights in Annapolis which was very enjoyable and a very unique small City or Big Town.
So that was good capitalizing on the opportunity to see the Chesapeake and I followed through this examination of state capitals to see Dover and spend the night out there on the way back which you know has its share of needs for racial Harmony but is improving
and I learned that the area, Ham Noah's third son who is condemned descendants to ignoble slavery basically founded an empire in central Africa that's kind of the Central African Republic today which is a very dangerous country if not the most dangerous country in the world and so that's obviously some link from slavery and blacks in America to Ham and the his empire that came out of the center of Africa it seems the more in the center of the Africa sort of the harder and less technologically based it is you have to enjoy roughing it a little more both in terms of enlightenment and in terms of experience living there like the Congo right before the Democratic thing of Congo right underneath the Central African Republic I saw some pictures of that off Google map and it's a looks like it's it's not like you know dangerous or super poor it's just rough it's like living in hut like stretch structures on the banks of a river and fishing or something.
(If you Google what type of meat is raised in Africa you'll see there's very little pig by 25 million compared to 200 million really they don't eat pork they're the ones who don't eat pork because they're insulted by the inference of Ham, Noah's third son who founded an Ethiopian empire that spread inward as an African empire or that's what I'm saying anyway) (to this day no one names their kid Ham)(of course no one names their kid Japeth or Shem)(but they do name kids Noah and I did meet an Amish kid named Shem but that was like in 1997 I think he was seven at the time it was out by Chuck's farm in Pennsylvania to south of the cabin 150 miles near Centre Hall.)
I mean I don't think it even really exists I think it's all just a story that plays out and imaginary hallucination illusion and certainly this way we live is very oppressive but even if we put our heads together and lived naturally and fraternally and traveling I think pretty soon we'd realize there's this other world here of creation all about and this is they're having and this is the projection imagination illusion from having others and it wouldn't really be about this experience of living in Earth which is what I'm full of so obviously got some reason to become a little more perfection of the body and perhaps extending the body into the mind instead of like immediately like a bird flying into the air and it's more like a planet absorbing things about what's around it ideas to the mind
And then I had a very polite time stopping in and exploring this town I'd heard about just south of Philadelphia maybe in Delaware or Pennsylvania not even sure it's called New Castle De or something it's very nice and value rich, it's a very friendly town I mean I just had a little snack there and they let my dog in their patio and they're very sympathetic and they had comedy nights and even though really hot they gave everyone's dogs water, and they even like put together people that had dogs, so the dogs can get to know each other and the people too could see how well they converse despite like you know class differences we're all pretty much similar in the experience of school to the degree of spirit that we have there.
But later it became more glaring and blatant that everything is faking no one really went through school and there's only me and I'm just going through something that's not even moving and there's really only just me and of course that's hard to say to people because it contradicts what the judiciary is saying about Earth and Society and Humans.
You know one of my complaints to God is women are kind of like segmented from society and I don't have enough women in my society and God at some point agreed and so women friends are very valuable and hard to pick up n I got two of them and one of them is stuck together with me as a friend and cohort since 6 years, and her name is Tena and with an e.
Never easy being called Tena so in hindsight I see the solution is calling her Tenelope. It's funny because for a while now she calls me Vicariah because our Bichon who passed in July or like who passed in like March 2018 that was Zack and she called him Zachariah.
It was going to be the key to the whole fall season was developing a nickname for her of Tenelope and getting her you know used to it and everything and seeing her life improve, that it was brilliant.
Tenelope is one of those skinny girls who's offended by being a muse. She thinks the Muse stereotype is demeaning, and she knows what problems are with my poetry are and she just tells me them and says it to me you got to make them snappier. If the job is to make your poetry better I'll tell you how to make your poetry better you don't have to look at me funny.
And she hates and finds Greek history very boring, which is a real buzz kill.
But as for the whole muse thing, I am ready with repartay, that it's about conducting the grace of God.
She reminds me of Vicky an old friend of mine from the early 90s who didn't speak to me for 5 years or use my name for 10 all because I dare to share a short story I'd written this was in Manhattan where she was featured prominently.
Tena is exactly like that she is going to be mad at me for being in this journal is published journal. She doesn't want her life investigated by a stupid public unlike me who has built my life like an inverted pyramid rising higher and higher balanced and balanced to a point where my promotions nowadays are lateral promotions and explained to me as because I deal with so many people I need to know the tricks of the trade in sensitivity as opposed to some promotion in rank with a higher pay grade and more prestige.
New York City or Manhattan or something you know there's a general sophisticated understanding the lower class lacks where they're sort of like automatic promotions every 5 years.
See my life has had these like 5-year arcs. Each five years contains a different career.
But across the board: I feel I maybe promoted vertically soon and one of my profound regrets in life is not enjoying or recognizing it's lower parts for the visceral that they be.
Anyway I know Tenalope is not going to find being in here that pleasant. But like Vicky she'll get over it even if it takes 15 years.
So when I got back from exploring and rubbing against and with the Chesapeake Bay which I had never really explored before so I struck out for the cabin again but this time with Tena.
See we had long agreed at some point we would travel together and while I might not want her I certainly want a crack at her as we have been good friends over 6 years in proximity and mutual friends and society and so she agreed to tour Pennsylvania with me for a week with two nights my cabin two nights at a music festival camping in Blaine about 2 and 1/2 hours south and then two nights camping at a nearby State Park and all this after picking her up in North Jersey at 1:00 a.m..
What I want what I mean is I want a crack at traveling with her for a week around Pennsylvania because you know it's going to be a little nerve-wracking prospect and I just want to see if it's possible and have fun you know the brave New world of Pennsylvania with the scary hillbillies and hippies.
Cuz you know we've been talking sometimes about road tripping and we did a little road tripping in in the past two or three years out to the Poconos to visit family of hers we went out to the pine barons once and sometimes we'd explore on the way back from the Poconos regalsville
But trying to spend a week in Pennsylvania was or is a big step fraught with peril and bullets to dodge. Like bipolar people in a bipolar world capable of surfing the tippy tops of success but also capable of the jarring crashes of waves upon idiocy.... Which of course people want to see that's the thing
So I picked her up in lake hopatcong but I only left Yardville at 11: 30pm so I only got there a little after 1:00 a.m., and I keep forgetting how odd most of the world finds my tactic of traveling at night,
But then we hauled off down route 80 into that Pennsylvania night till we got to route 15 to Williamsport and then we swung a sharp right up to Mansfield 70 miles and then duck left on route 6 past Wellsboro almost up to Galeton.
Everyone is uniformly amazed about how far this place is, they always look at me funny about how I need to travel at night, and then they always just can't believe that this is how far away, they be like, I knew it was far but I didn't think it was this far.
There's no traffic at night. You can nap in the sun at parks during the day.
Tenalope loved the cabin, she's pastoral, I've often seen her as a pastoral, wood nymph is not the "mote juste", for how many wood nymphs have scraped up knees, like to fish, and wear funny fishing hats?
I met a plumber at the cabin, (nothing like trade practicioners folks) and arranged a septic tank pump out and he replaced a toilet, and the winters here are so vicious if you don't drain every dram of water out of the pipes, things will split and fittings shake: and me and Tenalope laughed about how given a choice between indoor plumbing and love, not one person has ever chosen love, that we know of.
And one of my trials and tribulations which I love and don't shrink from but lean on and threaten maybe is just getting this cabin up to the ship shape adequate adequacy it is now.
A stupid contractor got me a huge used refrigerator for like a family of five refrigerator when there's just me in a 600 square foot cabin I want a small refrigerator and space for shelves and pantries I don't want a huge refrigerator when I just have a stick of butter in there.
I wanted to have like limited appliances here like I don't have have an oven and stove but a toaster air fryer oven and one of those portable stove top burners with two electric burners I plug it in and I unplug it
and I made a sauce in one yesterday for the egg noodles of cheese and olive oil and tomatoes and peppers from the garden in Jersey and then I also do this boiled red potatoes and olive oil and sea salt and then and that's like all I have in my kitchen I'm down to my last four or five potatoes and a quarter bottle of olive oil and a quarter shaker of salt but I did bring a lot of non-alcoholic beverages to ward off outflank and destroy alcoholic beverage impulse because I am the king of non-alcoholic beverages and instead of going to the bar across the street I read books.
Anyway I played the Facebook Yardsale game which I played at least maybe 20 times bought or sold something through Facebook yard sale and it's much kinder than the Craig'sbook sharks but my goal is to give a good deal
because you know in Maine they have freebie barns, little big barns where people leave the TVs they're replacing and the couches they don't want anymore, and you can walk in and out and just look around and take whatever you want and leave whatever you want
but anyway my goal is to give a good deal to someone who deserves it. I want to sell to an honest poor person that's my desired market and so I went to the cool little furniture store in Gallatin and I was able to get a nice more appropriate and small refrigerators aren't cheap without being one of those little refrigerators and it's about half the size of huge one thus freeing up shelf and pantry space.
A young man of the military religious sort, came out, picked it up, God bless them and we had to like take the door out of the hinges and then we have to take the door off the refrigerator and you understand the door we took off the hinges I had completely sealed I don't even use that door it's a door with Windows it's like a window so I had like all that spray foam insulation underneath it and plaster between the gaps and spackle and I painted the door really nice with its window so there was all that
but I'm so happy I got rid of that huge monstrosity and replaced it with something more compact now I have space and shelf room yeah okay the whole big refrigerator my God so that was taken care of too
Then Tina like wanted to get into splitting wood so she like really got into attacking wood with an ax for like 2 hours or something and we had no problem lying in two separate cots at some distance as friends truly do.
Course the first night I was exhausted from driving and I'm so deadline oriented that of course I left late on Monday because the deadline of going to Pennsylvania with Teen motivated me to do as much as possible before I left that's called the deadline syndrome and she's up all night at the campfire making weird soups, talking to herself I think I'm pretty sure she's one of those people that talks to herself but I don't know. I know we've spoken simultaneously for long stretches of time and that's cool.
I wish though in hindsight I had told her two things and explain to her two things upon which the whole pyramid is balanced upon but Sera Sera.
The first is that everyone is in Pennsylvania is married at a concern for all the secret violence to white women by black men and at the highest priority of any society is naturally protecting the women which is a value not held in most of America but I believe it is like surely held in like Eastern Europe which is really more like Western Asia and that's why it's possible.
And of course if you read the papers, America isn't even a safe place, so government on that count, has lost standing. And government knows this.
And the second is that as a historian I have something going because I realize some historical renditions of History are wrong or they mix something up something needs to be straightened out and redone or major stuff is omitted, or science as a philosophy as a whole is omitted,
and I was thinking that would make a nice holiday pageant for this area, a proper rendition, so that's how I am friends with the locals who we treat well and use for jobs and she can't have this kind of like man-hater streak in her and people can't refer to her as my wife in private with me they all say all well they refer to her as my wife assume that she's my wife and and that's just not true and that turned out to be the mangled coat hanger in the shoulder.
See, while I was jawing with the religious military buying my huge refrigerator, down the hill at the unmaintained road, my phone in the cabin rang, and she refused to just answer it.
That was the first leak that sprung, and leaks happen.
And she likes to be a short order cook, and I was like looking at like housekeeper, personal secretary, you know, business venture organizer, but a few holes were springing in this shipwarding journey into Pennsylvania absolutely requiring household morning meetings and the earnest seriousness grabbing a grip into today's ruts of sand necessitate.
However, the boat had not yet begun to sink, the few small holes easily laughed at and appropriated.
And so we journeyed on south, to Blaine PA, to a music festival 2 hrs south on a Thursday, I had tickets for.
This summer marked my inception into the potential "Arc" [ like movie arc] of "shows" or, musical acts that a lot of people show up to outdoors and the music is like psychedelic I had never been into a festie but I was with my friend Terry in Connecticut like that last April and she tries to teach me about music and I said I'm going to invest in the music concert scene so I lined up for concerts I got tickets for and the first one was this musical festival June 23rd in Blaine Pennsylvania and I had gone to a heavy metal thing out in Port Jefferson Long Island in May but I'm not really heavy metal thing but I'm glad I learned about all that bass
So this is like the next subplot to the summer, my kind of initial foray into the concert world, previously scoffed out by rainbow camping routes, I always thought them, concerts snobs.
But actually in all hindsight, Robert, my dear best friend who passed in 2021 was getting me into music and explaining to me music he was like my music mentor since about 2016, earlier, I'd come around and I realized the grateful Dead aren't evil, music is not about controlling your mind, people are not not thinking for themselves because they're listening to music, the music doesn't want them to think.
So in one day hanging out with Terry, I mastered Ticketmaster, and got tickets to four shows one for two or three nights in late June in Blaine Pennsylvania not far from the area I volunteered farm labor for on and off in the late 90s, and then I got a ticket to see Umphrey's McGee at the summer stage in Asbury Park l, and then I got to see David Matthews the very next day out in Camden, which afforded an opportunity to explore launch an exploration of Camden and it's Arc so to speak and that was on the 15th and 16th of July and then the next weekend me and Smitty went up to Terry's in Connecticut and we saw Max Creek out of County Park north of Terry in Granby Connecticut so that was all cool and in all these places I like had like a costume or disguise with dark glasses my white Panama hat and a colorful Hawaiian shirt and shorts and no socks and I would just dance straight I couldn't be stopped I couldn't stop dancing that music would hit me I'll tell you about the sound systems later anyway so Tina and I had headed off South from the cabin, now through the winding country darkening roads of Pennsylvania through dangerous Juanita county where I had gotten in trouble before in 1999 I believe,.
Oh it was horrible and once again I was completely innocent I've suffered more punishment for being completely innocent then for any guilt, I'm one of those people.
See here's the story okay it's kind of embarrassing but my ankle is still swollen since 2008 and I wear a brace for it sometimes to keep me from being in a bad mood and I had gone on a cruise in with my mother who's 30 years older than me or was and my nephew who's 30 years younger than me and I had made two female friends on the cruise a little older than me and you know good at all food and drink and partying and I was dancing around in Greece and tripped up my ankle and kept dancing and subsequently you know have never danced since like that song by Gloria summer and I want this St Patrick's Day to the Hibernian Lodge in Hamilton and there's his old senior citizen Irish band people were dancing to lyrics you could hear the words to and understand the ideas to the stanzas
And like Tina wanted to dance but I don't dance after my ankle injury and she wanted to go up and congratulate her for the band leader for the great job there doing because they were like awesome they were tripping us out and watching like the Irish people dance and everything cuz like Tina's Hungarian American and I'm like rushing American she's a little Irish too anyway the band leader saw that like I was a rough potentially dangerous dancer and gave me the whole like you know lead singer enforcement kind of treatment and it completely psychologically overcame my dancing heroes so when I was out there with Tina in June 4 months later thanks to that kind of treatment I was just like I locked in immediately I was like just like a salmon quivering in the river upstream you know and Tina's there like you know she wants to be all crazy too but she don't she don't know she's I'm not sure she's quite understands
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