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Rodrick Wilson
If you are interested in taking this role please contact: Carter Huston LINE ID: rei_merda
Name: Rodrick Wilson - The name is negotiable.
Playby: Widmarck Emile Jr.
Age x Birthday: 29 - The exact birthday is up to the taker.
[+] Traits: Sly - The last two traits are up to the taker.
[-] Traits: Greedy - The last two traits are up to the taker.
Secrets: He is a dirty cop and will do anything for a quick buck, on or off the police force. -The second secret is up to the taker.
Vices: The three vices are up to the taker.
Virtues: The three virtues are up to the taker.
Fact One: Rodrick has affiliations to Young Lords, a local gang.
Fact Two: He grew up with his father, a former Navy Seal that was dishonorably discharged.
Fact Three: He is not afraid to resort to violence 
Connection to the Colyer Family: Rodrick is the right hand to Mayor Colyer on the Colyerville Police Department. Whenever Mayor Colyer needs something covered up, stolen from evidence, planted, etc. Rodrick is there to pull through for him.
Current Connections
Stormi Matthews - Rodrick is currently the lead in pushing the investigation against Stormi for the murder of Bethany Colyer. There are more details that will be revealed to those interested privately. Angsty connection. 
Carter Huston - Rodrick and Carter were childhood best friends. They always had a dream of ripping people off because they were constantly fucked over. Carter was the one to convince Rodrick to become a police officer in order to assist with the ongoings of Young Lords as well as earn some extra money.
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Rachel Scanlan
If you are interested in taking this role please contact: Stormi Matthews LINE ID: hautemess
Name: Rachel Scanlan - The name is negotiable.
Age x Birthday: 24 - The exact birthday is up to the taker.
[+] Traits: Optimistic - The last two traits are up to the taker.
[-] Traits: Paranoid - The last two traits are up to the taker.
Secrets: Four years prior Rachel had her boyfriend kill her mother. Her mother had spent years abusing Rachel. The abuse was mental as well as physical. In addition to the usual abuse you may hear about, Rachel suffered from her mother controlling her medical wellbeing from the age of five. She had falsified documents leading doctors to believe and falsely diagnose Rachel over the years furthering the control her mother had over her. Once her boyfriend had murdered her mother, Rachel fled to Colyerville where she has lived ever since. -The second secret is up to the taker.
Vices: The three vices are up to the taker.
Virtues: The three virtues are up to the taker.
Fact One: Grew up moving all over the United States.
Fact Two: Her mother took her away from her father at the start of the abuse at age 5.
Fact Three: She is now living her life making up for missing out on all the simplicities, as well as the fun aspects, of life that she had missed out on due to her mother. This leads to some reckless decisions.  
Connection to the Colyer Family: Up to taker
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Trevor Danes
If you are interested in taking this role please contact: Stormi Matthews LINE ID: hautemess
Name: Trevor Danes - The name is negotiable.
Playby: Sonny Henty
Age x Birthday: 25 - The exact birthday is up to the taker.
[+] Traits: Easy Going - The last two traits are up to the taker.
[-] Traits: Lazy - The last two traits are up to the taker.
Secrets: Both secrets are up to the taker.
Vices: The three vices are up to the taker.
Virtues: The three virtues are up to the taker.
Fact One: Grew up in South Side, however with the finances from his rather successful business in the slums he has been able to move to ANY NEIGHBORHOOD AVAILABLE OTHER THAN SOUTH SIDE.
Fact Two: Trevor does his best to put on a front that he is calm, cool, and collected for the rest of Colyerville. But, behind closed doors he lives a completely different life -- this can be anything you would like.
Fact Three: He inherited Munchies from his father after his untimely death. Trevor’s father was one of the bodies that turned up unexplained in Colyerville. Trevor is now the owner of the establishment. *Please keep in mind the plan is to burn down Munchies and rebuild it -- however this isn’t happening right away, but down the road.
Connection to the Colyer Family: Trevor’s father and Mayor Colyer were in the same graduating class. The men can be described as rivals. The object of Trevor’s father’s desire being Charles Colyer’s high school sweetheart, and now wife. The only thing Trevor really knows about the Colyer family is what his father and others in town had told him, and that has been nothing good.
Current Connections
Stormi: Fresh out of high school Stormi had taken on the job as the cashier for Munchies, then own and run by Trevor’s father. During this time Trevor had also worked at the establishment. This is how Stormi and Trevor had met. Overtime the two became good friends, but the bond naever left the workplace. When Stormi returned back to Colyerville after her year away, Trevor had been given Munchies. She had shown up willing to beg on her hands and knees for her job and explain why she had up and moved without a trace for the last year. However, Trevor had none of it, he simply gave her the job - with a pay raise and a promotion to help her get back on her feet. Now she works as the manager of Munchies (as well as a second job) running the day to day operations of the sandwich shop. Trevor hands over more work then he probably should to the girl out of his laziness, but her loyalty to Munchies and Trevor’s family keeps her around.
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Jonathan Beaumont
If you are interested in taking this role please contact: Stormi Matthews LINE ID: hautemess
Name: Jonathan Beaumont - The name is negotiable.
Playby: Patrick Stevens
Age x Birthday: 27 - The exact birthday is up to the taker.
[+] Traits: Extremely Intelligent - The last two traits are up to the taker.
[-] Traits: Reckless - The last two traits are up to the taker.
Secrets: Both secrets are up to the taker.
Vices: The three vices are up to the taker.
Virtues: The three virtues are up to the taker.
Fact One: Jonathan grew up in Colyerville with his single mother and brother in Old Town.
Fact Two: Was the definition of a problem child.
Fact Three: One of the co-owners of Blood Brothers Ink
Connection to the Colyer Family: Bethany was nothing more than the hot girl he jacked off to when there wasn’t one of his many “options” taking up space in his bed.
Current Connections
Stormi: Jonathan and Stormi’s former, now deceased boyfriend, Jeremy were in the same grade throughout their years of schooling in Colyerville. The male’s hated each other, so naturally things were tense between Stormi and Jonathan. After Jeremy’s death, Jonathan took out his residual hatred for the male on the grieving girlfriend. This only lasted about a year or two before Stormi had moved on to Damian, broken up with him, and fled Colyerville with no explanation. Once she had come back things between Jonathan and Stormi had been neutral. Mainly for the sanity of Jonathan’s brother, Jason.
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Fabio Monte
If you are interested in taking this role please contact: Stormi Matthews LINE ID: hautemess
Name: Fabio Monte - The name is negotiable.
Playby: Yanis Serbout - The face is negotiable.
Age x Birthday: 25-28 - The exact age and birthday is up to the taker.
[+] Traits: Charismatic - The last two traits are up to the taker.
[-] Traits: Obessive - The last two traits are up to the taker.
Secrets: Both secrets are up to the taker.
Vices: The three vices are up to the taker.
Virtues: The three virtues are up to the taker.
Fact One: Moved to Colyerville in 2019
Fact Two: Got expelled from high school after being arrested for stalking a classmate.
Fact Three: He is on anti psychotics. .
Current Connections
Stormi Matthews: First off, this is not a LI role or even an ex LI role nor will it turn into such. Stormi moved away from Colyerville, Colorado to a small town called Steamboat Springs in 2015. During this time she will meet, Fabio. The two quickly become friends during that year and get lunch at least once a week since she had moved back to Colyerville in 2016 as Stormi would still visit the small town until recently. Now that Stormi has no reason to visit, Fabio has grown obsessive over the female even though there had never been any romantic or sexual relationship or desires even expressed by the female. Fabio moved to Colyerville in 2019 taking Stormi off guard. He begins to stalk her.
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