“Well, you could always try getting high off that nail polish.” Declan smirked, but then he realized who he was talking to, and his face turned red. “That was a joke. I’m not, um, advocating drugs or anything.”
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She laughed as the boy became more and more flustered, “I know, don’t worry. It was funny.”
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“But that doesn’t mean I’m advocating drugs either” she smirked.
“I’ve never been so bored.”
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“Well who knows the truth…?” Rose popped open two more beers.
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“Well, Odette Belcourt knows, obviously Owen knows, you know, Scorpius thinks he knows. That’s it.”
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Meetings with a hint of mystery// Victoire & Rose
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“I have to agree. There’s only so much to do in this castle.”
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“This is the third time I’ve painted my nails today” she groaned. “I’m just so bored.”
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“Merlin, I sound like a moody teenager.”
“I’ve never been so bored.”
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“I’ve never been so bored.”
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“Quarantine will be the death of me.”
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“But you said you hadn’t slept with a student so why do you care what he’s saying? Scorp can be a pain when he gets something in his brain about one thing or the other. And I’m sorry he does but I don’t think he can really help it.” Al sighed softly. “That’s his best friend Vic. I know you and Teddy had your thing he’s just being protective. I’ll talk to him about it, alright?”
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Victoire shifted as he spoke. She was getting very confused about who knew the truth and who didn’t. “I know Teddy is his best friend but there’s nothing between us. Teddy has made that very clear, Albus. Scorp just doesn’t understand.”
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“Wait a second.” Al said, holding his hands up and took in a deep breath. “What even brought this up? Why are you two squabbling over Teddy?”
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“He seen the gossip rag and he’s accusing me of sleeping with students for fun.” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “I am not ‘squabbling’, Albus. He brought him up by asking what Teddy would think of the whole ordeal.”
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“Scorpius?” He asked, giving her a rather curious look. “What are you talking about?”
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“Yes, he think that I’m some kind of sick predator that sleeps with underage students. Which I’m not.”
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“Then he brought Teddy into it, which was not okay.”
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“Well, after my brother, he is the only male Belcourt you haven’t slept with. But don’t worry. I won’t tell him you slept with my brother.”
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“Well, I won’t be making a habit of it.” 
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“Well, I appreciate it.”
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“Well, good luck being the lap dog of the Ministry somewhere else! I really hope you don’t work in Father’s department. You’re not his type. He prefers brunettes.”
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“Well, I’m sure we won’t cross paths.” Vic said, trying to be as civil as possible. “You do know I don’t sleep with anyone who happens to cross my path, Odette?”
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“What do I ever want? And how is that any way to speak to your favorite cousin?”
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“Am I still your favorite cousin?” she said with a bitter smile. “Because I’m pretty sure your fiance has some sort of grudge against me.”
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“Whatever floats your boat, Vic. But we all have a choice and you chose to sleep with a student. I wonder what your family would say…what would Teddy say?”
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“My family would probably appreciate the fact that I chose to sleep with a student rather than let them be poisoned, Scorpius.” she snapped.
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Victoire’s jaw clenched as he mentioned Teddy’s name, “Don’t bring him into this! He wouldn’t care, he doesn’t love me, I don’t love him. End of fucking story.”
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“Why, did someone on the staff actually read the gossip rag? Pity.”
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“Quite a few as it turns out” she nodded. “Yeah, pretty shit, but look on the bright side, you won’t have to see me anymore.”
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“Except you because this isn’t exactly a Headmaster sponsored event. Besides, there’s better alcohol in the kitchens. You just have to know which house elf to bribe.”
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“Pretty sure I’m already in trouble. A little more wouldn’t hurt.”
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“Well in that case I’ll be heading to the kitchens very soon, because this wine is disgusting.”
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“Why would I do that? Then my brother would lecture me again.” She took the bottle and took a sip. “What are you doing at a student party anyway?”
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“Overseeing that everyone is behaving, I guess.” she shrugged. 
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“Plus, if it’s supervised by an adult, then no one can get in trouble.”
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“A drink, please. Even though I’m not supposed to talk to you, on orders from my brother.”
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“As long as you promise not to bite my head off this time” Vic said with a small smile, passing her the bottle of wine she had been drinking.
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“And just what do you want?”
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“Tears don’t work on me, Weasley.”
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“It wasn’t my fucking fault, okay?” she hissed. “They blackmailed me.”
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