victoriagraceless · 11 years
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I can't even begin to describe it. I had to leave.. I ripped out my own Grace and Fell, human.
I'm not talking to you right now.
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Sounds about as bad as it always is down here. Brother killed brother, no peace, even in Paradise.
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
Considering I was one of the girls, I think I can decide.
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
Heaven was in.. Chaos. Michael and Lucifer had both been sealed in Hell, the angels were feuding and choosing sides, trying to decide who would rule Heaven since our Father left..
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It was civil war. My brothers and sisters were slaughtering each other.
I'm not talking to you right now.
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Why would you leave Heaven for here?
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
Like you can comment on someone else's innocence.
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
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I was one of the Heavenly Host until the Apocalypse was cut short. Then.. I left Heaven.
I'm not talking to you right now.
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You’re an angel? Like, God and the Bible and swords and smiting? 
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
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Where there are demons, there are angels. And I was one of them before I fell.
I'm not talking to you right now.
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
I'm not a hunter, no.
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You heard the demon call me Feathers, right?
I'm not talking to you right now.
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So you’re a hunter. Like Timothy?
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
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Anyone want to explain why two innocent girls were attacked in a dump?
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
Speaking of. We... Should talk about that.
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I'm not talking to you right now.
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I thought you were someone else… I’m sorry. No, the dump was.. intense. But okay. 
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
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Something happen?
New day...
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
Is what happened in the dump that scary?
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I'm not talking to you right now.
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
Victoria couldn't help but giggle when Daphne snorted. She knew that people would find all of this amusing and, really, she did as well. It was just strange to talk about a phone this way.  She wouldn't stop though. She really did love that little piece of technology.
"I'm sure Fabio will forgive you," Victoria teased as Daphne looped their arms together. The angel couldn't help but smile at that. It felt nice to have such basic human contact, even if it was just to keep the cold from hitting her too bad. That was when she felt it. Not now.
But Daphne pointed them out. Even from here, Victoria could see their putrid, slimy faces behind the skin masks. Demons. They must have seen her entering or come to find her or maybe followed her from that coffee shop where she had killed another. Any of those things could be why they were here.
"Evening, Feathers," The one in the middle, possessing a large man in his late thirties said, holding his arms open to her. "Look at you, finding a place you belong. Never thought one of you would willingly fling themselves into a trash heap." He smirked, the two others walking around to flank the girls.. And with that, their eyes shifted into that coal black tone she had learned to fear.
"Daphne, run, please," Victoria whispered, reaching into her boot to pull out the bright silver blade that she had used so often against their kind. It would be three on one, if Daphne decided to run. If not, she would have to watch the girl's back.
Death at a Funeral \\ Victoria and Daphne
Daphne tried really hard not to laugh during the service Victoria was putting on for her broken phone. Really hard. But toward the end, her face was red from trying to contain her laughter, and she let out a snort when the wind blew Victoria’s hair into her mouth. 
Slapping her hands over her mouth, Daphne stared wide-eyed at Victoria. “I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed, flushing red in embarrassment. Victoria was doing something that Daphne didn’t understand, sure, but that gave her no right to laugh. She felt like such a pill. 
Grimacing, Daphne looked down at the phone and, with her foot, pushed the trash over the grave, burying the phone. “I’m sorry I laughed, Fabio,” she said. “You were a noble little piece of technology and will be missed.”
Looking up and smiling ruefully at Victoria, Daphne looped her arm with the other girl’s, fighting off the biting cold. Her vampire side kept her from feeling most of the cold, but she was still fighting off a bit of a cold from the other day, and felt the cold more fiercely than she would have otherwise. 
Looking up, she saw three figures walking toward them. Frowning slightly, Daphne felt the hair on her neck stand up. “Victoria,” she whispered. “I don’t think those are nice people.”
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
Heaven was in shambles after you helped the Winchesters stop the Apocalypse. Sides were being taken and I didn't want to be a part of that war so.. I fell.
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I understand that. But if Azazel is back... I need my Grace.
Please, hear me Castiel..
You were an angel? Why were you cast down?
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I may be able to help you recover your Grace, but it’s not going to be an easy task.
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
I need help finding my Grace. You're the only angel I can trust.
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I fell, Castiel. Ripped my own Grace out. Now.. I have no idea where it is.
Please, hear me Castiel..
What have you called me for?
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
iPhone. His name was Fabio.
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He kind of got ran over..
Well damn.
Yes it would, what phone do you have?
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
"Huh. Well, good a reason as any," Victoria said, shrugging and running a hand through her mass of brown hair. The wind was biting at her ears and flinging her scarf all over the place. "Ugh, almost winter time is such a pain," She complained, forcing the zipper of her jacket further up even though it really wasn't possible. She was defying physics just to keep herself nice and toasty.
She blinked and stopped at a small mound of trash, pointing over at it. "There, that one'll do it," She said, pulling the incredibly destroyed iPhone out of her pocket. "Say hello to Fabio." She smiled and walked over to the little trash heap, pushing some of it away with her boot clad foot. She didn't realize exactly how strange she was being, not really. She new that people didn't come to the dump by choice often, but she thought that this was where they dropped off things they didn't want.
"Here will lie Fabio," Victoria began, peering at the little hole she had made. "Fabio was a good phone. He was fast and loud. He held all of my songs, even if my collection did get a little strange at times. And he was always by my side as long as I remembered to put him in my pocket. Such a shame he was run over. He will forever be remembered as a friend and an ally." She then dropped thhe phone into the little whole, spitting out some hair that had made its way into her mouth. "May he rest in peace."
Death at a Funeral \\ Victoria and Daphne
To say that Daphne wasn’t more than a little skeptical when Victoria led them to the dump would have been a lie. The smell accosted her heightened sense of smell, but she kept a smile on her face. Victoria was nice, if not a little quirky, and Daphne thought that she seemed kind, good. So, if she wanted to bury Fabio the phone with dignity in the middle of a dump, well, Daphne wasn’t going to stop her. 
"I was called here," she answered, still trying to figure out a non-supernatural way of explaining her presence in Mystic. "A friend of mine asked me to come, so I did. Now, though, I have people keeping me here." Smiling slightly at the thought of the unlikely friends she had made since her time in the town, Daphne looked around, trying to figure out what kind of place Victoria was looking for for the burial of the phone. 
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victoriagraceless · 11 years
-she looks around before sighing- No luck.. -she turns around, yelping- Oh!
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Couldn't have said something?
Please, hear me Castiel..
[A few seconds passed before he appeared behind the girl.] 
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