victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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"That’s who I was talking about. You’re one of the victors, aren’t you?"
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"That I would be... Enobaria, District 2. Won my Games by ripping out the last tributes throat with my teeth."
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
   She pursed her lips when Enobaria smiled, still not used to the sight of the older victor’s teeth. “Of course, Enobaria. I guess you could stay.”
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                  “— Would you like some food?” She asked politely, motioning to the table, where a plate of biscuits lay. “I got them from town earlier today.”
"Thank you Violet, your hospitality is well appreciated." Giving a small nod she took a seat down at the table, her hands clasped together as her mind went on a race - as it always did. She must have seemed like she had been off in another planet. It happened to her in moments she was trying to 'cool down'. "Oh that would be great, thank you. Sorry, I just... I'm sure you can guess." 
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
"And Capitol men are just the worst. It’s like they assume they have a right to act like pigs."
"Exactly, right? It's like all men don't know when to just - back the hell off. Like, are you deaf or something? Open up your ears you pigs."
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
{She recognized Enobaria immediately, Enobaria was the victor of the games just after hers and well Anabatica knew of the gory details from her T.V. in the District 5 Victors’ Village}
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"Someone called you crazy today, dare I say they are the insane ones for calling you that?" 
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"I came so close to ripping out their necks today it wasn't even funny. They're absolute idiots. God, they frustrate me to no end."
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
"That’s rich, coming from their fluffy blue crowns. I bet all that hair is filled with secrets. They must be crazy, paying to look like that.”
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"They're all freaking nutcases if you ask me.."
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
"Who said that? They must’ve been out of their mind.”
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"Some people from the Capitol. They need to screw their heads on tighter... They think I'm crazy? They haven't seen crazy.."
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
"People aren’t receptive to such vicious language. You’d be surprised how much more you can get when you pretend to be nice."
"But men are just so damn disgusting. They have absolutely no regard for females, they think I'm like some hussy or something they must by the way they act. It just gets a tad bit frustrating, that's for sure."
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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Catching Fire Posters - Brutus.
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
my tag for brutus kinda breaks my heart awshsa  
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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The Careers.
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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"I caused her pain? Their forms of torture would be nothing compared to mine if I get my hands on them."
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"Piece of advice, you'd want to get your hands on the Capitol, more then anyone else. They're the ones doing all of this to her."
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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"So I got called crazy today.. Oh do they not know what crazy is.."
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
                          “— I see what you’re saying, Enobaria. Also, don’t start talking about killing people, please. Lavender could wake up any minute and hear you.”
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                               ”Anyways, what brings you here to my house? Is this person who keeps grabbing your ass staying in yours?”
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"Sorry, can't help myself. Sometimes my thoughts race ahead.. I'll try keep it on a down-low." Giving somewhat of a polite smile, she shrugged as she put her hands in her pockets. "More so to just have a little escape from everyone else... You don't mind, do you?"
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victorwiththeteeth · 11 years
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"A threat of such nature should do the trick, I’m sure. If not, they’re just thick." Settling her hands upon her hips, the blonde victor gave a delicate shrug before carrying on, "You’ve been in the Capitol for a while then? I didn’t think anyone else was here— but I suppose it’s nice to see a familiar face; fangs and all." Being in the Capitol came with the territory of being a "Capitol Darling’, and Cashmere was still undecided on if she was enjoying her life yet or not— the parties weren’t bad, with the excuse to blot out the world with drink.
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"All men are thick headed, if you ask me." Enobaria rarely bothered herself with men. She found them all the same. Romance was never her strong point. Running a hair through her darkened locks, a tired look was on the Victor's face, having men bother her always made her feel as such. "Eh, here and there.. Just trying to keep myself occupied. And what better place to be occupied then the Capitol? Even with the nutcases here... It's something, to say the least." The brunette never cared that much for the Capitol happenings, but it was a better life then hers. It took away a lot of the pain she hid. It was her facade she had so well.
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