vicvirtuallearning · 10 years
Koorie Team Sandpit time with MSLYNC
Casual experience is the best way to learn ... sandpit time with Koorie Education officers from SWVR - go guys
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vicvirtuallearning · 10 years
Brown Paper Lunch Training Sessions
This week I coordinated two sessions for SWVR staff on the use of Polycom and MSLYNC.  Thanks so much to Gary for helping with the first session and providing yet another live demonstration!  The feedback was really good from these sessions and there will be subsequent sessions for staff who were unable to attend. 
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Feed back
Thanks Jo.
I think there might be a need to run the basics again.
THEN get to blogs!
I think as word went around, people were disappointed that they missed yesterdays session.
I get some indication from each office about whether the need is there.
Thanks for the offer – much appreciated
  Chris Eddy
Manager, Professional Practice
DEECD, South-Western Victoria Region
Hi Jo
  Thank you so much for your one-on-one today. My mind is just reeling with the possibilities for using this. I am blown away and haven’t yet picked my jaw up off the ground. As you can probably tell I am very very excited.
  Thanks again
  Karen Ferguson
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Implementation
Early Childhood and School Education Group
Hi Jo and Gary,
Thanks so much for the session today.
Although we didn’t get all the offices on board today, those who did participate certainly got a lot out of it.
There were lots of positive comments around the Geelong office.
  Many thanks
  Chris Eddy
Manager, Professional Practice
DEECD, South-Western Victoria Region
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vicvirtuallearning · 10 years
Visit to Distance Education Centre of Victoria
Last week we had the pleasure of visiting DEC and the Principal Bronwyn made us feel very much at home.  We were privileged to meet a number of teachers who are passionately pursuing a range of exciting pilots in engaging, effective digital curriculum delivery.  Watch this space!
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vicvirtuallearning · 10 years
CEP Country Education Project AGM
Gary and I had the pleasure of attending this meeting recently.  One area we were interested to hear presented was the research into how work experience can be improved for students in rural and regional area.  
Having presented recently to the SWVR group of careers teachers on the use of virtual meeting tools we felt that there were some follow up suggestions to be made around providing access to a broader range of career role models using the VC network.  In the past for example I ran lunchtime sessions where kids could talk to an RAAF Pilot, Vet, and even Bill Gates about their career pathways.
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vicvirtuallearning · 10 years
ASG National Teaching Awards
I had the pleasure of attending the Awards Luncheon recently and hearing of the work of some very special teachers from around Australia.  The ASG are a wonderful organisation who give teachers the recognition they deserve for going above and beyond with their school communities. Consider nominating the 2015 Awards. First prize is a trip to the Space Camp in the USA.
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vicvirtuallearning · 10 years
Joining forces with the Fluker Post Project Vic University
Last week I had a very interesting meeting wtih Dr. Martin Fluker from the Fluker Post Project.  http://www.flukerpost.com/
This project is ideal for a curriculum focus in environmental science with field work and hands-on soon to be combined with specialist content delivered by video conferencing. There will be a special focus on getting schools with Koorie students involved through 'The Meeting Place' a new virtual delivery project for students. http://themeetingplace.global2.vic.edu.au/
More soon ...
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
The Centre for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) education consultants help develop support, and evaluate interactive video conferencing / distance learning programs and community projects (PBL) to maximize learning. CILC's website provides access to engaging content provider and professional development programs, collaboration opportunities, and directories.  FIND CURRENT EVENTS TO TO DIAL IN THE USA (Museums, Space Centres etc)
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
A great networking week for me!
I have met two wonderful people working in this space in the USA this week. Both have agreed to present at our Perfecting the Blend conference in December, 2014!  We are listening to your feedback and looking to provide more in the research space too this year.
Greg is from Alaska and Jan is from Kentucky.  Love their hands-on approach and knowledge of the use of video conferencing to support excellence in education!  So much to learn from each other and share with teachers.  
Below:  Jan Zanetis
CEO Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC)
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Below: Greg Zorbas World History Teacher,  Kenai Central High School, Alaska
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
Have you considered Korean as an Asian language?
I will shortly be working with a young, enthusiastic and talented Korean teacher (EJ see below) who is wanting to delivery virtually 1 -2 days a week.  She currently teaches Korean at two Ballarat Primary Schools.
 'The Government is committed to increasing Korean language studies in schools',........ "and has decided to include Korea as a national priority Asian language along with Mandarin, Indonesian, Hindi and Japanese."
Please note the website - http://www.dfat.gov.au/issues/asian-century/south-korea/   (Page 7 ) 
The Sth Korean government has a number of support programs in place that schools can apply for if they are interested in provision of this language.  For example some lucky schools have their Korean teacher located, and salary x 2 days a week paid for the first year and salary x 1 day a week for the second year.   In addition each Easter the government sponsors all land costs for a Principal's tour of Sth Korea for 10 days - principals nationally are selected on application merit. 
What I like about Korean is that is has an alphabet and it is phonetic so this makes it a much easier option than many Asian languages.  
Did I mention the new free trade agreement? 
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
Sandringham Primary School - Japanese teacher .2 available
Last week I had the pleasure of training another young teacher in virtual delivery of language.  Michelle Keane is a wonderful and innovative young teacher keen to start delivery in this mode to supplement the four days a week she delivers in person at Sandringham. 
Looking forward to working with the language coordinators to place her in the near future.
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
Merijig Principal Forum last week
Last week I did the long haul across to lovely Merijig where I presented a keynote for 55 Principals from the local network.  Thanks to Steve Pink for his hospitality and leadership in this. My presentation covered our Project in general, language delivery examples and the benefits of using MSLYNC in the classroom.
Looking forward to continuing working with some of the wonderful Principals I meet during my time there.
Below:  Early morning prior to the presentation - notice the lovely view!
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Great presentation today thanks heaps!
Steve (Principal Broadford Primary School)
Hi Jo,
No formal feedback but lots of Prins saying how informative your presentation was. They want you back soon……. Our meetings are usually at secondary schools with good wifi!
Meeting dates are 29th May, 2nd September & 19th November. When are you able to fit us in?
  13 March 2014.
Dear Jo,
On behalf of both the Southern Hume Principals and SSS Networks, we express our thanks for your presentation at our meeting at Merrijig last week.
Your presentation was an integral part of an effort to construct a valuable conference for our members.  We also acknowledge the effort required by our presenters to travel to the venue.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Pink                                                           Jim Alsop
Chair                                                                          Chair
Southern Hume Principals Network.                   Southern Hume SSS Network.
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
Working with the Digital Learning Team
Recently Gary and I attended a full day workshop at DEECD Central hosted by the digital learning team.  Some of the state-wide coaches were in attendance and Val Freda provided some useful insights into where things are heading in relation to an on-line booking system for VC units. Thanks to Wendy and Peter for organising the day.
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
2014 Perfecting the Blend Conference
Last week I had discussions with Christine at ACMI around planning for thsi years conference.  Dates announced soon but it should be around the week of December 11th again.  We have some great new ideas for this year so stay posted!!!
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
Korean sister school workshop last week
Thank-you to the International Division for your invitation to present a workshop with the ten visiting Korean teachers and their host school representatives.  We took some risks but got most pairs MSLYNC'ed into a meeting to demonstrate how this could support a sustainable partnership between the schools on return to Korea.  I provided all Korean teachers with a useful kit of resources to demonstrate back at their own schools.  Everyone was a pleasure to work with and I hope to support Marg and Clare again in the near future.
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
Another successful language cluster X Regional
Last week I had the pleasure of travelling with Peter to support the provision of a new cluster for Indonesian delivery from Winter's Flat PS through to Colac West and Beeac Primary Schools. Training was provided to relevant staff at each campus and Peter met the children and ran a face to face lesson in preparation for the ongoing virtual delivery.   Thanks for the support from Principal's Andrew and Peter and their wonderful staff for embracing the new technologies.
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Peter at Beeac
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Peter at Colac West
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Some uncovered resources that will be very useful at Colac West PS
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
VCE Drama ... Virtually - Deanne Joosten at Phoenix College in Sebastopol, Victoria, is providing VCE Drama to local students at her school, but also to students in three other schools. Mansfield, Goroke and Lake Bolac.  Video Conferencing using a mixture of Polycom and MS Lync. Online content and collaboration, along with periodic planned visitations support the model of provision.  Innovation driven by imagination.
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vicvirtuallearning · 11 years
Working with Korean delegation of teachers
Next week I will be assisting the International Division who are conducting a workshop day for a visiting delegation of Korean exchange teachers.  The day will be held at Bastow.  My focus will be equipping the teachers with the knowledge and skill to use MSLYNC Attendee for ongoing partnerships and curriculum collaboration with their host Victorian schools on their return to Korea. I will be using our recent case study of a school in China partnered with a school in Ballarat.  With the new free trade agreement happening and a wonderful culture and history, Korean is an obvious choice for languages!
I with two of the visiting teachers socially last weekend.
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