"Somewhat. Demons, spirits, ghosts... All sorts of supernatural things. Things you would only see in fantasy or horror novels." She sat on the windowsill now, curled up gently in a tiny ball. The girl was small for only seventeen, frail and yet strong.
"Though people who do believe me think I am not scared. I am frightened by the prospect of malevolent spirits and of demons, but I hide that fear. For if it shows, then one can easily be overpowered." A small lark flew through the open window, and landed right on Kano's hood. A chirping laugh came from Laticia, and she gently removed the lark.
"Now now, go home to your mother, dear thing." She whispered to the bird, who flew off through the window, chirping happily.
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“Lonely…?” Kano blinked a bit at the girl, before slowly walking closer, deciding to stay after all.. He knew a good bit about being lonely. Before he met Seto, and Kido, that was.. He placed his hands in his pockets, and carefully sat in a chair directly in front of her. “So… You see ghosts, and things?” Kano’s mind swam with curiosity at the thought.. It would be pretty cool to talk to the dead, or so he thought. 
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"No, no, it is quite alright. Why don't you stay a little? I could use some company." A soft smile rested on the girl's lips. "It can get awful lonely when all you see and hear are spirits... I rarely see or hear a living, breathing person, excluding servants, doctors, and my parents. It is... Awful lonely."
A soft sigh came from her and she shook her blonde hair, the wavy curls bouncing slightly. "But never you mind. If you would like to leave, I cannot stop you." She smiled at him again, and picked up her needlework.
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“……… Wrong door—-” Kano mumbled to himself, looking around quickly, wondering where Kido was.. He had most likely wandered into the wrong house from their mission, again. Slowly backing up, he waved his hands a bit. “Eheheheh~ Sorry about that!”
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Kano continued to back up, hoping she wouldn’t call security, or anything.
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What’s this? A lone soul, fighting against the shackles of life?
The blonde blinked at the sound. She had some sort of visitor- be it human or spirit. Though, she was used to such frivolous visits that she needn’t bother turning in her chair, brushing her hair while looking out the window.
Laticia had a ribbon waiting in her lap, her soft, creme white nightgown awaiting a change into the emerald dress with sapphire petticoat that lay on her crimson bedspread. Tying her hair with the ribbon, she spoke in a soft, lilting voice.
“How do you do, my visitor? Though, might I suggest not barging into a young lady’s room? It is not very becoming.”
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"I did not accuse you of intruding nor did I assume this, Mister Kuroha." Her mind was preoccupied by their conversation, her fingers daintily putting a thimble on her thumb in order to continue her needlework. Stitching quietly, one leg over the other, she spoke once more.
"A spirit of the flame is what you are searching for, I believe. Kagerou... He sounds quite familiar. The last spirit of the flame I had spoke of him quite often. She was rather fond of him, despite her hot headed and rash nature." Looking up with her blue eyes.
"She called herself ShiroKagerou. White Heat Haze." A little laugh came from her, and it was reminiscent of chirping larks. "Do you know of her?"
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“You may call me Kuroha.” he said, giving a small bow in curiosity, watching the woman with his yellow eyes.. He was almost like a small child, filled with complete curiosity.
“And I’m… An android, if it’s actually that hard to tell..” the blunt male stated, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t exactly mean to intrude.. I’m.. Looking for someone..” he said, nodding slightly. “A boy about this high, with odd gradient clothes and hair. Goes by the name Kagerou…” he said, placing his hand horizontally to Kagerou’s height, compared to him, and even motioned as he talked.
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"You might have went by a different name in your past." Setting down her needlework, she resolved to work on it another day. Placing down the thimble, she went over and gently patted his cheek, looking him over.
"Sometimes they do. They believe my having the sense of sight causes me to be able to contact the dead and otherwordly spirits. It is not the case, however." Blinking at how he reacted and how he called it "so cruel", she leaned up and kissed his cheek.
A soft smile rested on those lips of hers, pretty blue eyes going from ice cold to gentle and motherly. "They are not cruel, however. My parents are quite loving. I am their only heir, so they cannot cast me out, lest they be in trouble."
Her room was filled with various needlework she had done, as well as paintings signed "Laticia". The girl was multi-talented, it seemed, but didn't even mind this. "However, my dear, you seem to have a heart of gold."
“Mmm.. I think so..” Allen frowned, closing his eyes. “When I think of my name, I get two responses.. I can’t recall why..”
“Your.. parent’s wish you were blind..?” Allen opened his eyes, tilting his blonde head slowly. “How could they wish something like that upon their daughter?”
“How could they be so cruel?” 
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"Kingdom? It is quite a lovely kingdom, ma'am." The polite girl curtsied, dressed in fine clothing for one of her young age and stature. Her dress was creme yellow with pale orange petticoats. Horse riding boots were laced up over her feet and legs. Her long blonde hair was tied back with a small black ribbon, a little locket as her only accessory.
"Do tell me... Have you seen odd things around here, miss?"
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videammortuipopulummammam has entered the throne room.
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“Good evening. Welcome to my Kingdom.”
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"Hm? What was that, Mister Allen? It seemed you were going to say something along the lines of Alexiel." Alexiel was a total guess for Laticia. Picking up her needlework, she smiled softly, very motherly.
She could possibly, if Allen permitted it, remind him of his mother, Queen Anne. Her long blonde hair was of the same color, her blue eyes just as kind and as worldly as her's. Yet she was so tiny for one of only seventeen; if it were not for her chest and her words, she would be assumed fourteen.
The tiny teenaged girl put a petite thimble on her thumb, and began to stitch carefully, not looking up.The needlework was a pretty one, of many dolls laying on flower petals. She spoke again, only quieter.
"If a servant were to come up and hear me speaking with you, mum and dad would be upset. They do not believe things like you exist... They even wish I was blind." A smile crossed her lips. "But that does not matter. I believe, and I see and hear you. You are my friend, Mister Allen."
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“It is.. nice to meet you, Miss.Laticia..” Allen stared confusedly, processing the information and giving a bow back to the woman.
“My name..?” He frowned, trying to think. His mind told him two names, Alexiel and Allen.. which one was his name again..?
“My.. name is.. Alexi-Allen. Allen Avadonia..”
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Reblog if You're an RP Blog
I need more lovely blogs to follow no matter what fandom.
Sorry to bother people with this.
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"It is always nice to do rather well, is it not? Better to do well than to do poorly, correct?" That soft smirking smile didn't waver, her legs crossed in a gentle, womanly fashion, her blue eyes looking into those yellow ones.
"So, might I ask, what are you? Forgive me, sir, if I am brutish in my manners. You are not like visitors I have had in the past." The little smirking smile faded, and she rested her hands onto some needlework, picking it up and holding it in her lap.
The image of her needlework seemed to be a lovely garden, and was nearly complete. It was missing something, but Laticia couldn't but her finger on it.
"Oh, do forgive me. I have failed to introduce myself, sir." Standing and curtsying perfectly, she spoke. "My name is Laticia Bloomcrown, daughter of Arthur Bloomcrown, owner of many international hotels and Lilia Bloomcrown, nee Hearthwood, owner of many international restaurants."
"Now, may I have your name? It is only common courtesy, sir."
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Turning back around, the male nodded a bit to her. “Rather well.” he said, completely confused. He wasn’t programmed with many manners, but he was curious about her. Tilting his head, he placed his hands in his pockets, after adjusting his neck piece awkwardly.
For once, he wasn’t inclined to be a little bitch, which would be surprising to many, but like he’d ever admit that he was gentlemanly.
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Her blue eyes were soft, and yet ice cold. "I already have assumed that, sir. Now, if you please, turn around so that I may dress? It is not becoming of young gentlemen to peek at a young lady while in the nude."
Her face was blank of emotion, and yet filled with just one- motherly kindness. The second he turned, she slipped out of the nightgown and began to dress, lacing up her boots before slipping on the emerald dress. Tying the small ribbon on her dress collar, she spoke. "You may turn, good sir. You really are the proper young gentleman today."
A soft, almost smirking smile rested on peach cream lips. Curtsying gently, she spoke. "How do you do?"
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Oh great.. He was chasing leads of the Heat Haze, and found his way into some girl’s room…. Well, then… Kuroha leaned calmly on the doorframe. “Well, at least I’m not here to attack you, right?” he said bluntly, narrowing his currently golden eyes, watching the girl carefully.
Looking her over, he had no idea what to think. Her thin features made him curious,  yet he had no interest in what was underneath the layer of cloth. Looking around, he finally realized he was in an upper-class house, nothing Kagerou would stay in for too long.. Knowing him, the Heat Haze would have stuffed himself in the oven or fireplace, to get warm and away from the madness…
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What’s this? A lone soul, fighting against the shackles of life?
The blonde blinked at the sound. She had some sort of visitor- be it human or spirit. Though, she was used to such frivolous visits that she needn’t bother turning in her chair, brushing her hair while looking out the window.
Laticia had a ribbon waiting in her lap, her soft, creme white nightgown awaiting a change into the emerald dress with sapphire petticoat that lay on her crimson bedspread. Tying her hair with the ribbon, she spoke in a soft, lilting voice.
“How do you do, my visitor? Though, might I suggest not barging into a young lady’s room? It is not very becoming.”
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"Thank you for not peeking, like a proper gentleman." A soft hint of a smile appeared on her light peach lips, as she curtsied perfectly and bowed her head. "My name is Laticia Bloomcrown, daughter of Arthur Bloomcrown, owner of many international hotels and Lilia Bloomcrown, nee Hearthwood, owner of many international restaurants."
Curtsying again, she spoke once more. "I assume, if my knowledge of proper gentlemen is correct, you will be giving me your name, sir? It is only common courtesy."
She seemed like a little doll, easily broken and yet strong beyond belief.
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“Oh..? Ah..! Yes, I… will turn.” Allen turned around and put his hands over his eyes, to other people it would see useless. But for him it still blocked his view as if he was human again.
He quietly continued to ponder the thought of how the girl could see him, was she a witch like Elluka? Did she practice magic or witch craft? Upon hearing her instruction he removed his hands and turned to face her, feeling a bit awkward.
“…Hello..?I think..?”
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Laticia said nothing of the scars once she turned, but frowned in an almost motherly way. "I assume you are asking that because you are a ghost of sorts. So, yes, I can see you, sir. Now, please turn so that I may dress. A proper gentleman never watches a lady remove her clothing or dress herself."
Once the spirit had turned away, the girl removed her frock and folded it on her windowsill. The soft rustling of silk and cotton could be heard as she tugged on the dress, lacing the back up carefully and zipping the small inside pocket.
Her room was relatively big for such a tiny teen girl, with a beautiful black and crimson red canopy bed. Her walls were a mixture of soft, creme yellows and plant patterns. A small crystal chandelier rested as her main light fixture, with three bookshelves worth of reading material- all of it on the Other Realms.
"You may turn, sir. Thank you for being a proper gentleman." Having pulled on and laced her boots, the girl sat on her bed, looking prim, proper, and yet... Fragile.
Everything appeared to be.. fuzzy. Not in a sense of appearance, No no. The boys vision was fine, if not increased. What was fuzzy appeared to be his sense of direction. How had he gotten to.. this place from the Eldoh forest? Ahh.. so many things were different now, weren’t they?
Upon hearing to girl speak, he glanced around. There appeared to be no one else here.. was she speaking to him? Perhaps the girl was like Miss.Clockworker and was able to see spirits. “A..Ah..?” Allen’s voice sounded dull, and tired. As if the servant was half asleep. Though he hadn’t had to use his physical voice for quite a while, since most spirits could communicate with each other differently in the Eldoh forest. The ponytailed boy wore the clothes of chamberlain servant, specifically the ones he had worn shortly before he died. Though it wasn’t hard to view the bloodied scars on his neck and wrists.
“Hello.. Miss..? Can… you see me?” His voice seemed to regain a bit more life the more he used it, it would probably sound normal in about a minute or so.
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What's this? A lone soul, fighting against the shackles of life?
The blonde blinked at the sound. She had some sort of visitor- be it human or spirit. Though, she was used to such frivolous visits that she needn't bother turning in her chair, brushing her hair while looking out the window.
Laticia had a ribbon waiting in her lap, her soft, creme white nightgown awaiting a change into the emerald dress with sapphire petticoat that lay on her crimson bedspread. Tying her hair with the ribbon, she spoke in a soft, lilting voice.
"How do you do, my visitor? Though, might I suggest not barging into a young lady's room? It is not very becoming."
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