viennacrime · 10 years
A citizen was in her vehicle when a runaway shopping cart, traveling at a high rate of speed, made contact with her driver’s side mirror, causing it to fold in, then struck her door. She stated the cart continued to bounce between her vehicle and the shopping cart return barrier as it fled through the parking lot.
Viennoa Police Highlights, Oct. 24, 2014.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A citizen reported that she and an employee were involved in an argument concerning the purchase of lottery tickets. PFC Vazquez responded and informed both the employee and the citizen that this was a civil matter and not a matter for the police.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 5, 2014. Civil Dispute 14-10038.
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viennacrime · 10 years
PFC Lyons responded to the area for the report of a Hispanic male passed out in the grass. Upon his arrival and after awaking the individual from his slumber PFC Lyons determined the man was intoxicated and arrested him.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 5, 2014. Arrest – Drunk in Public 14-10002.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident responded to the Vienna Police Station to report that his daughter had received a text message, he believed was meant for him, from the boyfriend of his estranged wife. He stated he felt the message was threatening in nature.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 5, 2014. Suspicious Event 14-09998.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported that a neighbor’s dog had broken free from its restraint and was acting aggressive towards her dog. She also stated the dog had attacked another neighborhood dog earlier in the day. Officer Herrera responded and with the assistance of the resident the dog was again secured in its backyard. After securing the dog it became jumpy and lunged at the resident biting her on the elbow. The resident declined medical treatment as there was no break in the skin. Officer Herrera located the resident whose dog had been bitten earlier in the day and was informed the dog did not suffer any injuries from the attack.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 5, 2014. Animal Case 14-09803.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A citizen reported that someone had taken the air conditioner from the rear of a residence that was due to be razed. This case is under investigation.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 5, 2014. Grand Larceny 14-10033.
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viennacrime · 10 years
MPO Sheeran responded for the report of an injured deer. Upon his arrival he determined the deer could not be saved.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Animal Case 14-10321.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported that while pulling weeds in her back yard she felt something fall on her back. As the resident stood up she stated a raccoon fell off her back and bit her on the ankle, as the resident was attempting to get the raccoon away from her it bit her on the hand and refused to release. The resident was able to free herself from the raccoon by hitting it with her cell phone. The raccoon fled the area prior to the arrival of ACO Barker.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Animal Case – Quarantine 14-10241.
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viennacrime · 10 years
An employee reported that a female student had walked off school property without permission. MPO Hall responded and along with the employee located the student. The student agreed to return to the school with the employee. The Cedar Lane School will determine what repercussions, if any, the student will face.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Juvenile Case 14-10238.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported that she, her son and two daughters had been involved in a heated argument that stemmed from the daughters leaving the residence without permission. MPO Sheeran responded and after speaking with all the individuals involved he determined that one of the daughters had sustained a small welt to her lip. All the individuals involved had conflicting recollections of what had happened. MPO Sheeran informed everyone of the warrant process should they wish to pursue charges.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Domestic Assault 14-10228.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported that her dog had been involved in an altercation with a fox. Officer Kiley responded but was unable to locate the fox.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Animal Case - Quarantine 14-10178.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported that she and her son had been involved in a heated argument. Officer Slebonick responded and after speaking with both the mother and her son he determined that no physical altercation had occurred. The son agreed to go to his room and not interact with his mother for the remainder of the evening.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Domestic Dispute 14-10093.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported that several bushes in her yard had been damaged.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Destruction of Property 14-10242.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported he had been approached by an individual in the Giant Shopping Center parking lot. The individual offered to make repairs to the resident’s vehicle. The resident agreed to the repairs and both went back to the resident’s home where the work was completed. The resident stated that after starting the work the individual informed him that more work needed to be done and increased the cost. The resident agreed to the price however after the work was completed he took the car to a dealership where he was informed the work was of poor quality. The resident stopped payment on the check and was informed that he had been the victim of a scam.
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Suspicious Event 14-10128.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported that there had been incidents occurring at her ex-husband's home while her son was present that she felt were inappropriate. The resident had also reported the incidents to the Fairfax County Police. This case is being investigated
Vienna Police Highlights, Sept. 12, 2014. Suspicious Event 14-10364.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A citizen reported his wallet had been taken from his unlocked vehicle.
Vienna Police Highlights, Aug. 15, 2014. Grand Larceny 14-09206.
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viennacrime · 10 years
A resident reported that someone had damaged her mailbox.
Vienna Police Highlights, Aug. 15, 2014. Destruction of Property 14-09110
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