vietcongrebel · 3 years
Võ Thi Thang smiling after being sentenced to 20 years hard labor in a prison camp by the US puppet government in Saigon. After being sentenced she reportedly smiled at the judge and said "20 years? Your government won't last that long." - 1968
She was released on 7 March 1974
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vietcongrebel · 3 years
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Võ Thị Thắng
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vietcongrebel · 3 years
“As the day gave way to night, the men on the berm strained to see into the opposite tree line. Did that tree move? Had that lump on the ground always been there? Should I fire? In one bunker, Clarence Shires thought that it was his ears that were being fooled. He could have sworn that he had just heard someone, very faintly, say “fuck you.” He strained to listen harder, and there it was again, more distinct this time. “Fuck you.” Shires turned to his bunker mates saying, “Listen, someone is hollering at us.” They listened but heard nothing. A few moments later, though, they all heard it: “fuck you.” The VC were out there! But where the hell were they? Were they going to attack? Drenched in sweat with eyes straining into the blackness the group listened all night as the VC taunted them. Only later did they discover that the sounds had emanated from a type of giant Tokay gecko, which GIs across Vietnam simply came to know as the “fuck you lizard.””
— The Boys of ‘67 by Andrew Weist. 
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vietcongrebel · 3 years
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A soldier during the Vietnam war looks at a wall monument built by the Việt Cộng that reads:
"U.S. Negro Armymen, you are committing the same ignominious crimes in South Vietnam that the KKK clique is perpetrating against your family at home."
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