Vietnam Evisa Photo Requirements
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Vietnam is a popular tourist destination in Southeast Asia, known for its beautiful landscapes, rich culture and history, and delicious food. If you plan on visiting Vietnam, you will need a visa to enter the country. In recent years, Vietnam has introduced the eVisa system, which allows travelers to apply for their visas online. One of the key requirements for the Vietnam eVisa is a photo that meets specific criteria. In this article, we will explore the Vietnam eVisa photo requirements and how to ensure your photo is acceptable.
What are the Vietnam eVisa photo requirements?
The Vietnam eVisa photo requirements are as follows:
The photo must be a recent, color passport-style photograph.
The photo must be taken against a plain white or light-colored background.
The applicant's face must be in the center of the photo, looking directly at the camera.
The applicant's face must be visible from the forehead to the chin, with no hair or accessories covering the face.
The applicant's eyes must be open and visible, with no reflection or red-eye.
The applicant's expression must be neutral, with no smiling or frowning.
The photo must be in JPEG format and between 300KB and 2MB in size.
How to take a photo that meets the Vietnam eVisa requirements?
To ensure your photo meets the Vietnam eVisa requirements, follow these steps:
Find a plain white or light-colored background, such as a white wall.
Set up the camera or smartphone at eye level with the applicant and position the applicant directly in front of the camera.
Ensure there is enough lighting to illuminate the face without casting any shadows.
Remove any glasses, hats, or other accessories that may obstruct the face.
Ask the applicant to look directly at the camera with a neutral expression, with the mouth closed.
Take several photos until you have one that meets all the requirements.
Save the photo in JPEG format and ensure it is between 300KB and 2MB in size.
The Vietnam eVisa photo requirements are specific and must be met for the application to be successful. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your photo meets the requirements and avoid delays or rejections. It is important to note that the photo is just one of the requirements for the Vietnam eVisa, and applicants must also provide other information such as passport details and travel itinerary. By completing the application accurately and thoroughly, travelers can enjoy a smooth and hassle-free experience when visiting Vietnam.
Apply for eVisa Vietnam: CLICK HERE
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