villagegossip · 12 years
Drool. Oh no!
 Is it an age thing?  Daughter 2 and myself were visiting a friend to see her new kitten.  When we got there she had a newly acquired i phone.  My first question was "why? You are still trying to fathom how to use your ipad." The answer was that she needed an ipod for music and this would be the best and cheapest option, even with a tied in 2 year contract at twice the cost of her previous phone. Hmm.... Anyway, daughter 2 (very techy) was obviously invited to view said kitten as a guise to get her there so that she could perform the marriage ceremony between new iphone and the ipad.  After a considerable time, maybe an hour, with a variety of passwords being entered (all wrong) in to both machines and many hints from me about actually seeing the new kitten, she was brought to us wrapped in a blanket.  My friend leaned over to give me the small bundle to hold and horrors a large string of drool escaped from her mouth and landed on my arm leaving a wet patch which over the next ten minutes or so soaked through my top to make a cold damp patch yuk!  She was apologetic but I feel also found it amusing.  Is this what happens when you are over sixty?  Now, I wouldn't have even mentioned this had I not had another very similar experience yesterday In Church.  One of the newer members of the congregation, shall we say rather fervent,  was asking about a forthcoming speaker for our monthly ladies meeting and I was informing her that it would be nice as he was someone I'd met away from the local speaker circuit so she wouldn't have heard him before and I casually mentioned he was a Sikh.  She stated that Sikh's are very nice gentle folk but then proceeded to tell me that no other religion but Christianity was acceptable and that everything that was in the bible was fact.  Well........I held my ground and said that surely all religions had their merits and that we could all take something from each of them and that as long as we are kind to our neighbours and live harmoniously it does not matter what beliefs we hold.  She was so incensed by my liberal views and said that she had been strongly influenced in the past by radical Christians and then to my horror a string of drool fell from her mouth down her front and onto her hymn book such was the force of her affirmations.  Did she not see that the key word here was RADICAL!  She gave me a swift nod and left to take her place in the congregation, interestingly not acknowledging the drool in any way.  How bizzare! Twice in one week.
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villagegossip · 12 years
Well, what a morning!
As a first post, let me set the scene.  We are in a rural village in the UK.  It is much like many other villages across the country with its cricket green, three pubs, little parade of shops, library, village hall, junior school and pretty little church.  It is a desirable place to live and many residents have lived here for many years.  Everyone knows everyone and I will be giving you a flavour of village life, letting you into a few secrets, and more importantly some juicy village gossip. Over time you will get to know many of the characters living here and their complicated lives as well as I do.  Read on dear friends...
I have to tell you about one of the strangest mornings to date.  All was quiet at about 10am in our road (ours is not a through road) when suddenly two police cars scream to a halt outside the house six police officers jump out of the cars.  What is it? a drug raid? Burglary? emergency?  They are in OUR front garden and knocking on the door.  Have we a dog? yes.  Have we a lead? yes. Could they borrow it.  The plot thickens.  Do they need to tie up a criminal?  Then we spot it. Racing round the garden is a Rottweller puppy happily eluding six young police officers. It's a spectacle and then the phone rings.The elderly neighbour next door is concerned and wondering why are garden is being overrun with policemen.  Then the doorbell rings. What now?  It is my friendly Jehovas Witnesses bringing me a magazine (tip: always take them with good grace you only get one set of callers then) telling me that all my dreams and ambitions will come true if I follow Jesus.  Meanwhile Rottweiller puppy is finally under control and in custody and the owner notified and the police hand back our lead.  The six Police officers then take themselves off to the local shops for a well earned cake from the baker.  (I can't help thinking that the local dog catcher may have been a cheaper option than six officers and two police cars. Hey Ho).  But the morning's excitement was not yet over though as an elderly lady had had a fall and they had to tend to her and then call an ambulance so maybe they were in the right place when they were needed.  If I find out who she was I will let you know.  Who says that nothing happens in a rural village.
More goings on soon...
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