Running List of Villainfucking Nominations
Jacques/Eva (Frankenstein)
Victor × Monster​ (Frankenstein)
Rem/Misa (Death Note)
Duke/Satine (Moulin Rouge)
Glebya (Anastasia)
Lestat/Armand (Lestat)
Frollo/Esmerelda (Notre Dame de Paris)
Dracula/Mina (Dracula) 
Guenièvre/Maléagant (La Légende du Roi Arthur)
Der Tod/Elisabeth (Elisabeth)
Der Tod/Rudolf (Elisabeth)
Edward Hyde/Lucy Harris (Jekyll and Hyde)
Judas/Jesus (JCS) 
Sweeney Todd/Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd)
Ronan Mazurier/Lazare de Peyrol (1789)
Veronica/Heather Chandler (Heathers) 
Pippin × Leading Player (Pippin)
Dorian Gray × Lord Henry Wotton × Basil Hallward (Dorian Gray)
Krolock/Sarah (Tanz Der Vampire) 
Bonnie/Clyde (...guess)
Audrey/Seymour (Little Shop of Horrors)
Margrid/Orléans (Marie Antoinette)
Marguerite/Chauvelin (Scarlet Pimpernel)
Gaston/LeFou (Beauty and the Beast)
Valvert (Les Miserables) 
Herbert/Alfred (Tanz der Vampire)
Hans/Anna (Frozen)
X-Black/John Faust (The Devil)
Louisa × Ramon (Zorro)
Dracula/Professor V (Mama Don’t Cry)
Light Yagami/L (Lawlight) (Death Note)
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Are you a villainfucker (theatre kid edition)? 
Were you always suspiciously into “Be Prepared” or “Poor Unfortunate Souls” as a child? 
Did you spend too long as a teenager performing “Dangerous Game” from Jekyll and Hyde as a solo? (...perhaps slightly hyper-specific)
Have your reviews of multiple musicals involved a sentence along the lines of “It was great, up until the point where *insert heroine name here* went off with *insert hero here* instead of *villain name*?” 
Then this is the tournament for you! 
Running list of nominations kept here
Rules for nominations: 
Nothing from Phantom of the Opera (this is not out of any sense of morality -- it’s to give all the other villainfucking ships a fighting chance -- POTO is Villainfucking: The Musical as it is. We know it, we love it, we appreciate it, now let’s see what would win when you take it out of the equation.)
Multiple ships from the same musical allowed.
Musicals can come from Broadway, the West End, China, Japan, Korea, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Hungary, etc. If it is a musical and it has a villain in it, it is allowed. 
Ship can involve two villains OR a villain and a hero. (Or any configuration for a poly situation.)
What qualifies as a “villain” can vary -- I’m leaving it to a matter of taste as far as what qualifies but I’d ask that they have done at least one morally questionable thing throughout the course of the musical. 
Nomination form will close a week from now -- May 4 7, 2023. 
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