vinny-v-vicci · 3 months
I think "no child labor laws for the chosen one"/"forced to grow up too fast" readings of Captain Marvel/Shazam come from retconning Captain Marvel to be 100% Billy. Older readings have him as a separate but overlapping consciousness, almost like an imaginary friend.
OG Billy Batson, street kid, was for kids growing up through the Great Depression and WWII. At that point you've already grown up too fast. The power fantasy feels more about having an adult who could never leave you, never hurt you, never restrict your freedom or tell you what to do, but would always come when you called to protect you. Maybe I'm rambling but I feel like it's not really "what if a kid had to fix the world's problems" it's more "what if a kid had access to a Magic Word that meant adults and Gods HAD to help them fix the world when they asked. and also the kid got to go to space and meet aliens and wizards and cool things like that"
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vinny-v-vicci · 3 months
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a Plastic Man fancomic about the FBI in the 1950s; a love letter to hyperkinetic layouts and shiftless sidekicks; a hate letter to J. Edgar Hoover.
(Also on ao3 and neocities.)
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vinny-v-vicci · 5 months
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Mousetrapped #22: Don't You You Anything
If this feels truncated... it is. I'd written a four page comic and realized I didn't like where the rest of it went and lopped it off.
Apologies for the quiet. Dealing with a lot.
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vinny-v-vicci · 5 months
If you didnt believe Laios was autistic before todays episode i hope it clears that up for you
we were first shown his special interest, a very autistic trait to have. We get to see him indulge in his interest, we get to see him happy.
but this episode contains the scene that makes it clear Laios cannot understand social cues, tone of voice, sarcasm, or subtlety. He actively suffers socially with other humans.
Shuro is pissed Laios didnt pick up on the fact that he hated Laios, because he was being passive aggressive (at best, Shuro bottled up a lot of feelings), and said verbally he was Laios' friend. Laios takes things at face value, if someone says "im your friend" that's what he believes is true.
He hates that Laios "gets to be genuine". I hate the way he says that "gets" as if its a privilege for Laios. It's a privilege for Shuro who is nobility and has his behavior and emotions stifled. Laios doesnt understand that others are NOT genuine. he's not from that world.
that's why Laios asks "why didnt you TELL me?" and Shuro says it should have been obvious.
it was NOT obvious to Laios, not at all.
And also, that was who Laios thought was his FIRST friend on the island. he thought he made a friend, something actively difficult for him to do.
it devastated him to learn that he was wrong the entire time.
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vinny-v-vicci · 7 months
Brennan is the exact opposite of those creators nowadays who will purposefully change their entire plots around (to the point that it doesn't make sense anymore) if people start to guess which direction the story is moving or create correct theories. Happiness and pride r a d i a t e s off that man when his players make connections between story beats and start figuring out the mystery.
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vinny-v-vicci · 7 months
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vinny-v-vicci · 8 months
Sonic fandom with shadow backstory is like that one comic about the geologists talking about how everyone knows the something sequence for quartz. Does this make sense. I dunno.
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vinny-v-vicci · 9 months
What was up with Chris Thorndyke, anyway?
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I think it’s safe to say that Chris Thorndyke is one of the most hated characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, which is… a bit odd, when you think about it. In a world of Ken Penders’s Daddy Issues Personified and Octopus Who Kills Children For Fun (the latter of which basically being a fandom sexyman), why is a twelve-year-old boy so polarizing?
It would be easy to chalk this up to the bad 4kidz dub, but I don’t quite think that’s it. A lot of the complaints I’ve heard can go to “he got the main character slot in Sonic’s show” or “I just don’t like the human characters,” which are valid, but pale in comparison to basically all I’ve seen being: “He’s just annoying,” “I can’t fucking stand him,” etc. That’s basically all I hear, and when asking why, it usually boils down to two things: 1) his extreme attachment to Sonic and 2) his status as a rich white american only child basically puts any and all of his problems at “first world problems” at best. Those also seem like valid reasons, right?
Thing is, while on the surface it seems like this kid has no issues, as a kid with a, how you say, rough childhood, something stuck with me when I watched the show for the first time. I remember sitting through episode after episode, wondering, When does Chris stop being sympathetic and start being annoying? Since, you know, that’s his reputation.
It didn’t happen.
And it slowly became apparent to me that a lot of the things that made Chris “annoying” and “obsessive”… were just obvious symptoms of a traumatized kid.
Join me for my thesis presentation: Chris’s “annoying” traits are not a writing flaw, but an intentional character flaw brought about by severe neglect, which is resolved through his character arc, and why the fandom reaction to him is so furious.
Note: Throughout this meta, we will only be looking over the Japanese version of Sonic X, as it’s the original script and 4kidz did not translate it accurately. So if you see some lines you don’t remember being said, those are from the English subtitles/direct translation.
Once again, it is possible (also likely, we’ll discuss that a bit) that the kidification and cuts to Sonic X did a number on Chris’s likability, but for most of the meta we’ll be discussing his Japanese characterization with only a few references to cut scenes or lines in the dub.
Keep reading
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vinny-v-vicci · 9 months
Emily Axford acts with unyielding wonder and empathy for everything she touches and Brennan knows it. When he confronts Emily with a power larger than her, or a power stranger than her, he does not bother trying to intimidate her. He knows she will look his gods in the eyes and speak to them with understanding. He knows that she will not shy away from touching what shouldn’t be touched if it means she learn from it. He may not know what she will do exactly (she is a bit of wild card) but you can always tell that he’s prepared for her to seek a connection and I love to watch it every time it happens. She is radical hope and understanding and pure unadulterated joy for what any world has to offer. Emily Axford and her role playing is fucking amazing.
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vinny-v-vicci · 9 months
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neurodivergent and queer people how are we feeling?
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vinny-v-vicci · 9 months
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you guys wanna go to basrar’s?
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vinny-v-vicci · 11 months
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Velura Dark
A black velvet cake Candy Cutie! Velura here loves all things macabre. She's a big fan of cheesy movies. Vel is flirty, sarcastic, and fun.
Day 31 of #Cutietober
Available on RB and Teepubl!c.
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vinny-v-vicci · 11 months
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Victoria Spünge
A Victorian sponge Candy Cutie! Victoria is a lovely if not extremely old fashioned ghost. She's lived in the same house her whole afterlife. Victoria looks forward to her friend Busta visiting.
Day 30 of #Cutietober
Available on RB and Teepubl!c.
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vinny-v-vicci · 11 months
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Busta Ghast
A sour ghost slime Candy Cutie! Busta is a ghost hunter. She helps them move on or move into a new house just for them. Busta is friends with some of the ghosts she's met, like Victoria.
Day 29 of #Cutietober
Available on RB and Teepubl!c.
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vinny-v-vicci · 11 months
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Ulna Tarsus
A build a skeleton Candy Cutie! Ulna loves color! She loves crafting and puzzles too. Ulna is one of Lilith's best friends.
Day 28 of #Cutietober
#candycuties #sweet #pinup #art #freelance #commissionsopen
Available on RB and Teepubl!c.
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vinny-v-vicci · 11 months
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Felicia Pepe
A cat marshmallow Candy Cutie! Felicia is the youngest sister. She loves naps. Felicia always makes sure to have beautiful nails.
Day 27 of #Cutietober
Available on RB and Teepubl!c.
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vinny-v-vicci · 11 months
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Tibia Pepe
A skull marshmallow Candy Cutie! Tibia is the oldest sister of Jacqueline and Felicia. She's studying art in college. Tibia's art can be slightly scary...
Day 26 of #Cutietober
Available on RB and Teepubl!c.
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