vint-age · 2 years
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dragon age twitter au? dragon age twitter au. #ALLY EDITION
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vint-age · 2 years
daily reminder that dorian pavus is not only so skilled with magic that he helped create time travel with his mentor, but can also easily keep up with a literal elven god on the subject
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vint-age · 2 years
Finally...it is done...holy shit...
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vint-age · 2 years
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tfw you’ve been sucked into Dragon Age Inquisition but you still love Togruta. :)
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vint-age · 2 years
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Armor Detail + Dorian Pavus
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vint-age · 2 years
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Sever Strix just being a salty a/f Magister who’s biggest dislike is people asking what’s up with their ears.
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vint-age · 2 years
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vint-age · 2 years
30 day Dragon Age challenge.
This one.
Whether you’ve completed it or are in the middle of it, feel free to drop your tag or starting post in the comments of this one. I love reading that shit, go!
Reblog, spread the word, I’ll see this comment section brimming with 30daydachallenges.
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vint-age · 2 years
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WIP: painting of Ser Pounce-a-lot that I never finished since I’m back on my DA kick for the moment. Oil on canvas.
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vint-age · 2 years
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“I better get paid for this…” - Sever
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vint-age · 2 years
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Snakes and scorpions ( and Sever)
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vint-age · 2 years
30 Day DA challenge
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Day 2 : Physical Status
[ Briefly describe your characters physical appearance. Are they able-bodied or disabled? Are they comfortable with their looks / body, or did they wish their body was different? Do they have any significant scars? How fit are they?]
Creepy is a word Sever hears often. The dextrarius as a rule all shared the same basic traits - a greying gene that started turning hair white after 10 yrs old, violet eyes shifting from reddish to bluish with the light, and medium to dark skin on a muscled frame. Sever’s hair took a few years but the white is coming in relentlessly now.
Severs first scars are from the day the lyrium brand was set - the brand itself and the spear wound that came after her magic awoke as a result. The ‘incident’ left the marks of sharpened claws and wolffish teeth with the occasional appearance of too many eyes - the better to terrify peers with.
A crash course in magic under a heartless mentor added thin tracing lines up both arms that would have any Templar who saw them attacking on sight.
Perhaps the boldest scar is one that cuts viciously through her left side in a jagged swath that hints at the pain it caused. A Qunari blade made that one. Though the raised pale knobs from the manacles of Aeonar that once lie across those wrists hurt her pride far worse; a souvenir of Templar hospitality.
Sever wears these signposts on a moderately tall and well muscled frame that is to the dismay of some lacking in feminine curves. Dextrarius were bred to fight after all. And in this field Sever excels quite magnificently.
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vint-age · 2 years
Like wtf me tone it down how do you expect me to keep up with all this???
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vint-age · 2 years
30 day DA Challenge
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Day 3 : Race
[ Talk about your OC’s race. How do they define their race? What influence does it have on their identity? What is their experience of their history and community?
For the elves: if they are city elves, what do they think of the Dalish? Do they even believe they exist? If they’re Dalish what do they think of city elves? ]
When asked Sever can recite a family lineage stretching back ages - as any Dextrarius is legally obligated to do. And after finally being legitimized in the Judica as Atroxious Strixs heir Sever memorized that line as well.
Technically speaking Sever is not ‘elf-blooded’ but ‘half-elven’. And yes, the distinction is very important. An elf-blooded human doesn’t have pointed ears or night shine eyes. But Dextrarius ‘breed true’ as Severs grandfather is overly fond of boasting - and anything crossed with a Dextrarius yields only another Dextrarius.
( granted this hasn’t been tried with dwarves or Qunari but Sever isn’t looking to be disowned)
In Severs mind there are ‘Dextrarius’, and ‘others’. Be prepared for an open sneer if you use the term ‘elf’. Even ‘knife-ear’ is slightly preferable. Severs first words to a Keeper were “what in Andraste’s name is a Dalish?” That meeting went about as well as you’d expect.
To be compared to a rable of low-class elves with no history is insulting. To be compared to a sorry band of pretenders to a ruined throne? Hilarious.
Dextrarius history is not kind. Since the First Blight their strength and blood have been the Imperial Chantries greatest weapon against Maleficarum; doing battle where even hardened soldiers dare not tread. Because of this their history is known and still breathes through them with every Maker cursed mage they kill.
But that’s where Severs pride runs headlong into reality. Dextrarius in blood - Magister in rank. Declared the scion of two noble Altus families and schooled in arts arcane and even forbidden.
Sever will deny it in proper company, like every other damned blood mage her ancestors put to the sword. And though her kin say nothing Sever knows they feel the crawling itch through their lyrium brands as they turn away in disappointment.
Sever is proud of a lineage they have failed so completely.
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vint-age · 2 years
30 day DA Challenge
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Day 4 : Mind Matters
[ Briefly describe your OC’s mental state. Are they neurotypical or neuroatypical? Do they have any mental illnesses or a history with mental illness? How do they handle stress? ]
Two words: hot mess. Train wreck would also work.
Sever spent her childhood as a slave who’s only mission in life was to hunt down Maleficarum for the Chantry until retirement or ( more likely) an early grave. But the lyrium brand that was meant to mark her as a ‘mature’ Dextrarius awoke her latent magic potential.
She got her soul kicked into the Fade, a pride demon possessed her body and a few members of her family were killed before everything was brought back under control.
It wasn’t Severs fault - but knowing that and feeling it are two different things.
Flash forward to the legal battles of gaining recognition as an Altus, cramming for her Enchanting exams with the knowledge that failure means going back to being a slave, adjusting to a new family while learning the life and death rules of Minrathous’ political circles, and being shunned by those who raised her.
Life has made Sever cold. Humor hides it. It wouldn’t be surprising if her last words were pure sass. But beneath is a seething maelstrom of bitterness, relentless determination, and boundless pride.
The pride demon doesn’t whisper, but speaks with Severs own voice. Sever walks the Fade with eyes wide open, and in dreams meditates in a sacred grove of the Fade - standing vigil over her resting body until morning.
Death scares her. She’s a walking time-bomb; one well aimed blade from becoming an Arcane Horror. It will happen regardless of how peaceful Sever passes unless she can tame that demon and remind it of the Wisdom it once was.
Knowledge is Severs purpose and only hope. There is a deep peace when learning. And sharing these lessons gives her something close to happiness.
Sever prefers to unwind with a good bottle of wine and a lot of research material. Barring that just the wine will suffice. It’s been suggested that a good lay might do the trick. Usually by those who then hastily decline to assist Sever in proving this very important theory. Pity.
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vint-age · 2 years
30 Day Dragon Age Challenge : Sever Strix
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Day 5 : Sexuality
[ Describe how you think about your characters sexuality. How would they talk about their sexuality/ sexual inclination or lack thereof? ]
Sever isn’t the least bit concerned with anyone’s ‘equipment’ whether male or female. Mage or not, Qunari, Dwarf, Elf, Human, Spirit - Sever doesn’t care. All she needs to know is if they’re interested ( and to some extent interesting.)
Sever is convinced that no one of sound mind would take her to bed. Usually anyone brave enough to respond positively to her incessant flirting is just stringing her along. She hides the hurt behind a toothy grin and risqué banter and is notorious for propositioning enemies mid-battle.
Inevitably; however, it’s another night spent alone in a cold bed. Or training through her frustration. Or visiting the nearest brothel where folks aren’t so picky.
Once Sever had a tryst with a demon of Lust. It took a remarkable amount of patience and a good sense of self but proved an exceptionally good time. What could go wrong - possession by two demons? She’ll take that chance.
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vint-age · 2 years
This is my first playthrough of Inquisition on the One instead of the 360 and Sever just woke up in that cabin in Haven.
So I walk out expecting like 10 people but there were 50 and I literally went “oh shit!!” and ran back into the cabin like the asocial turd I am why am I like this?
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