viola-shutter-bug · 20 days
Viola would see this and stand beside the trainer who was sketching.
"Bonjour,mind if I take a picture of these two? They look so adorable and fantastic!"
Muse: Virgie/Psycho Red
There's an odd sight that might greet most trainers: a Banette is playing chase with a Flareon in a secluded park in broad daylight. Both are having a great time, and their trainer watches from nearby, chuckling and sketching the scene.
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viola-shutter-bug · 25 days
Rules and Important Stuff...
🐞Mun- Penname: Fana
🪲Gender: Female (she/her)
📷Age: 30s
🐞Timezone:EST (Though I have a weird sleep pattern..so I'll be on at odd hours)
🐞Please don't control my character unless it's a planned thing.
🐞Character AND mun must be of age to do lewd. And yes..I will ask.
🐞Feel free to message me whenever! I love hearing from my followers! Even if it's to show me a silly pokemon pic.
📷Any flirting out of character is an automatic block. I'm happy taken in RL. Please respect that.
🦋Writer is NOT the character. If you can't separate the two, would be best not to follow.
📷Would prefer that minors didn't follow me. Mainly due to themes on here.
Google doc of Viola information: -> X
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viola-shutter-bug · 25 days
Tumblr media
🪲Bisexual (Male Lean,but ladies welcomed~)
🐞(N)SFW, any lewd rps must be in DM's,flirting and suggestive rps are okay on TL
📷OC Friendly
🪲Portrayal based off of mainly game and Masters EX
[Please read through pin before interacting]
🔄 & ❤️
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