violentstories · 2 months
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violentstories · 2 months
Blood eyes stared into the darkened sky covered in multiple stars. The woman always loved looking at stars when she could. It was the only thing that would make the voices in her head silent. The only time she could experience peace. How long had she been there? She had no idea, but she doesn't want to leave. Eventually, she would, but she wanted to enjoy this peaceful time longer. The only time when the voices in her head would willingly leave her alone and not dare to disturb her only moment of peace. It was like they knew better than to bother the woman at this particular moment.
If anything, the woman loved watching the stars. That was the only reason she continued to live.
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violentstories · 2 months
It has only been a week since that monster has found the princess. All concepts about strength were all thrown when she took one punch from that creature. Her lungs, her liver, her ribs, her spine. Every single bone and organ were destroyed on the spot, but that creature that had destroyed her also healed her body back like it was nothing. The strength of that creature could only be described with one word, unmatchable.
The princess made sure to convince the creature to train her so she can get at least 5% of its strength. While it laughed in the beginning, it seemed to have grown interested in the princess. Though, it was under the condition that she would try to hit her again after one week and if she managed to endure—the creature would be happy to teach her true strength.
Accepting the condition, the princess trained immensely to build up her body resistance. Counting on the power boost and the strengthening of her body, she stood before the creature. Confident that she would be able to take one of its punch without suffering as much before. However, she soon discovered that she was fundamentally wrong.
From the creature surges something she cannot even describe or understand. A level of power that is too high for her ability to sense energy to pick. Her legs begin to shake immensely, while that confidence in her eyes crumbles in the matter of a second. There is a step backward made, then another before her legs gives out. All the princess do now is tremble and stare at the creature.
Though, a memory of a similar event travel her mind. Her first battle against her master, who has enough battle power to get her to tremble in fear just like this. She stands her ground and even if she lost, her master is proud. That memory seems to make the princess calm down as she gets back up and get herself in a fighting stance.
There is a grin of satisfaction on the creature's face before it explode toward the princess with a fist ready to kill her.
The princess grits her teeth and turn the hand she is going to use into a fist.
The creature reaches the princess in no time and launch her fist right toward her face.
The princess brings up her fist to answer the fist coming straight at her face.
What follows is a blinding light from the collision of each fist. The ground under them disintegrate under the destructive power. What seems to be where the creature lives tremble immensely similar to the princess earlier. It seems like it can feel fear as well. The second that follows the impact, the power of each attack expand incredibly into the area. The mass of energy, more than enough to wipe four universes off the map.
All of it burst into a cataclysmic explosion that leaves nothing of the realm the creature has been living in. A good ten seconds goes by before the mass of energy finally disappear and reveal the creature standing stall with a satisfied while the princess is on a knee holding what seems to be half of her arm.
The creature lift a hand that is covered by a white glove and heal the princess in the matter of a mere second. [— Stand proud, You've earned the right to be trained by me. I suppose I have to present myself like mortals do. I am Rillia, the embodiment that allows anything to live.]
Shock covers the princess's face for a few seconds as her arm is back, and the pain is gone. She can even feel that her energy is back to full. She stands up as the creature says, and bow to show her gratitude. [— My name is Ashiria, and I am honored that you are willing to train me. I'll be sure not to disappoint you, master.]
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violentstories · 2 months
Anger is a strong and pure emotion. Emotion intense enough to make people not think of the consequences of their action. Rare it is to find someone that can control such, but such people are to be avoided. There is a gruesome sound as steel fills the air. A disgusting scent that forces me to cover my nose. My legs don't stop moving forward until I reach the source.
My eyelids widen when they register the scene; an unmoving body with a creature on top. The legs start to shake when I realize that the creature is consuming the brain of its victim. I hate to see people eating with their mouth open and to see such a gruesome event makes me puke all of my breakfast.
The awful taste in the mouth is something to ignore for now. I look up and witness something that I start to think I am in a nightmare. The creature looks toward me with eyes that shine in the darkness. It stares at me so intensely that I cannot move an inch. Yet, it just looks away and return to what is the left of the brain of the victim.
Not even wondering why, I run far away from the creature. I don't know what it is, but I never ever want to see it again. A shame, I can't even share my experience unless I want to finish in a hospital for crazy people. I am alive and that's what matters.
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violentstories · 2 months
The meal is spicy, properly spicy. It does reveal the flavor of the meal when it is not exaggerated. This restaurant has never let the man down, and such is why the people who work here are familiar with him. They know what he will always ask, so he definitely feels like they value him. Perhaps, when he does get a lover, he will bring them here so they can experience this restaurant. Hopefully, they will like it as well.
Thoughts put aside, he takes hold of the burger and the first bite turn this awful day into heaven on earth. He really loves this restaurant, and he hopes it never closes. Well, with how many customers it has when he comes inside, he does believe they are lacking money. It is a popular restaurant that even see wealthy customers every so often. Rarely, but it still happens.
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violentstories · 2 months
The scent of smoke is always a part of the clothes he wears. Smoking, something he does not care to stop. People who cares about him try to make him stop, but he sees no reason to listen. They do not realize that something considered slow poison has no effect on his body. Though, they do not know that his body has adapted to different type of poison known to kill in seconds. A mere cigarette is never going to do anything to him, but he cannot tell them the reason. He can already imagine how they will react, and he does not look forward to such.
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violentstories · 2 months
There is blood that rushes out of his nose. A broken nose, a forgotten feeling. Smiling, the warrior flatten one side of his nose with a thumb and expels all the blood toward the ground. Intense stare when he release the tension in his neck with a right then left movement as bones cracks. Fists tightens, then are moved up, one leg put forward and the other behind. Then, the frail ground faces destruction, powerful legs catapults the warrior to his opponent. Right fist collide with face. So much might that the neck almost make a hundred eighty turn on itself. Though, the opponent is robust, and the warrior knows such. Such is not enough.
Still, the warrior smiles immensely at the damage he has done.
The warrior lower himself, muscle bulges up and veins draws themselves. Fist violently penetrate the unprotected stomach of the opponent, though they can be considered a victim — now. A thunderous sound fills the stadium during the impact, bones shatters under the power. All organs split and blood fills the body. Internal bleeding from all over and multiple broken bones. The opponent falls to the ground, unmoving.
The referee comes in and pushes the other back, then start to examine the other. Seeing no response, the referee walks up to the warrior and lift his arm up while he declares that the battle is over. The crowd shows a deep love for the warrior with loud roars of joy. A smile stretches his face, but he is uncaring of the public, he is happy to have won.
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violentstories · 2 months
A gun is merely a tool—it cannot do anything on its own. A murder is never the fault of the weapon, but the fault of the owner. Plenty has received a full mentality check to be certain that they can own one without being a danger to other people. Crimson is inlaid into the dark metal. It spells the smith's name: showing the creator's pride and confidence. The owner and the creator are one and the same.
A gun is merely a tool—it cannot hurt anything on its own. The strength it takes to pull the trigger, not everyone has it. Insanity, a must when owning a gun. For self-defense or to attack, pulling the trigger means possibly killing the target. Murder, a sign of psychopathy; not always the truth. A life being taken by the most sane individual—rare, but not impossible.
Does an individual deserve to spend years in jail for firing a gun to save themselves? What about killing someone to save a member of your family—but, in turn, they grow afraid of you? A gun does not care about anything, and the owner must share the same mindset. To fire the bullet with an empty mind. No feelings, no hesitation, no distraction. Only the weight of the gun, the target in front, and the sound of the heart beating in the owner's ears. Then an explosion as the bullet flies out and penetrates the skull of the target.
A great, unforgettable first kill. That feeling, never to be forgotten.
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violentstories · 2 months
For years, Sadala has been a planet many wanted to have. For its resources, wealth and so much more. A planet that received plenty of aid from the gods. Not that they would be aware of such. They tried to steal what was not theirs more than once, but were always pushed back, thanks to the saiyan and tsufruian working together to push away the unwanted.
Tsufruian were not as strong as saiyan, but their lack in the physical area was compensated by their intellect. Sadala was a unique planet and the only with two races living on it. Races that shared plenty of similarities, but had even more differences. The saiyan focused solely on strength, while the tsufruian focused on building tools that would help with their already immense strength.
In the end, both races worked together to bring out the best in each others. The planet was in good hands since the beginning, and it was likely to continue receiving the protection it deserved.
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violentstories · 3 months
He is not much of a talker, or rather, he is no longer someone who talks a lot. More interested in keeping to himself more than anything. Not unable to be social, but not looking out to interact with anyone. He has lost that fiery personality when he lost his dear brother. This allowed him to change into someone else. Before, he was a merciless man, killing, stealing, selling, kidnapping. Now he is someone who protects people without a second thought. His brother has spent years fighting and helping, and it is his time to do the same. He hopes his brother is proud of him. Sure, this lifestyle is painfully lacking thrill, but it is something to expect as a soldier. He can no longer do anything he wants. This freedom is the reason he has lot his brother.
He exits his head and focus on the mountain of documents in front of his eyes. But he definitely would love this lifestyle if he did not have to spend hours reading and signing documents. He sighs and begins to work. The faster he is done, the faster he can do something more entertaining.
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violentstories · 3 months
Some people were fated to encounter, and some people were the opposite. A woman who represented light and possessed incredible power, meeting another woman who was the reason of all living things who had unseen strength as well. With strong personalities and quick to punch anything else that slightly bothered them.
The two large suns never failed to make Sadala one of the hottest planets in its universe. Many could not survive such a heat, and if they could withstand the heat, they could withstand the gravity. Saiyan were powerful and feared, and the heavy gravity played a part in it.
It was for something insignificant like a shoulder bump that the exchange of words became heated between the two women.
[— Perhaps, I should teach you some manners, mortal.] Said the woman with emerald hair, while she removed the white glove that covered her right hand and let it fall to the ground. A great tightening of the hand into a fist and such was enough for her arms to bulge up.
[— Go ahead and try me.] Replied the goddess with golden hair that displayed her control over light. Her yellow eyes became a closer near white as she also tightened her right hand into a fist.
Luckily for the universe, a woman with white hair and strangely pink skin happened to be around when the two powerful women were about to attempt to strike one another. Licking away a strawberry flavored ice-cream until she felt the incredible strength coming out of the two. The ice-cream was dropped as she ran toward the duo.
Their fists collided with one another, and what could be considered hell started to unleash. The whole planet began to shake as several lighting strikes surrounded the two women. The power the collision released into the universe began to erase anything around. The other woman reacted quickly by moving the people who thought wise to stop to watch further away. Once the people were taken to safety, the woman transported the duo and herself far away from the planet.
One second after, the woman was sent flying backward by the unbelievable energy the two were making. Such only made her react quicker to the imminent release of all that energy as she created a strong barrier around them, but such became harsh on her as the energy rapidly grew in intensity. More than she expected, but not more than she could handle, and such was shown as the barrier continued to exist and contained the energy.
However, only for five more seconds did the barrier hold as the energy suddenly tripled in size. Bursting free from the barrier, which left no choice but the woman to redirect all the energy to a point it would not be hurting anything. Aware of the strength of the women, she would increase her power and fly toward the energy and redirect all the universe ending blast into one single gigantic beam.
The woman found herself catapulted toward the planet and being smashed into the ground. Thanks to her durable body, it was without a struggle that she stood up and removed the dust from her body. The universe was still standing, so she had done her job.
The embodiment of light and life flew in the opposite direction from the power of their strike. Crashing into completely opposite planets. As the embodiment of life stood up like nothing had happened, the embodiment of light had lost the arm she used to answer the attack. There was a massive difference in power.
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violentstories · 4 months
There is one thing Cassidy hates, and it is someone who thinks they can touch her because of her lewd personality. She turned her crimson eyes toward the person, then displayed a friendly smile toward them before taking them to a separate dimension. The friendly smile become maniacal as a magical circle appeared below the majin. From such emerged ten grotesque looking creatures who had not had a proper meal in years. The first one have two horns coming out of its head and one single red sclera in the middle. Arms bigger than that of a gorilla and fur the same color as darkness. Claws, longer and sharper than a blade. The nail of a snake moving around as it intensely looked at the man.
The second had the appearance of a lioness but far bulkier and bigger. Four long teeth standing in the front of a row of teeth similar to that of a shark. Two eyes staring intensely at the person as its fur the color of snow would become blue and electric alike a thunder. Unlike the first creature, it seemed impatient to get a hold of the person to tear them asunder. A gentle caress from its owner would get it to calm down and purr as it appreciated the touch. The fur returning to its previous appearance and color.
The next creature at the side of the second had two tails moving around wildly. Four eyes presenting golden irises and a head alike the head of an adult male wolf. Fur being the opposite of its four golden irises as it was brown. It had little interest in the person and even took a position where it could sleep. It seemed lazy, but the appearance it had was similar to the previous creatures. Its sharp row of teeth was nothing one should ignore.
The fourth happened to have no eyes, but it seemed to know where the person was by taking out its long tongue several times. It could detect vibration, but it also had four ears and clearly a better ability to hear than anything of the surrounding creatures. It had no teeth but could certainly swallow this person whole if the situation came to such. There was putrid smell from its mouth as well, a mouth full of ten thousand bacteria that would put aids to shame. Just a lick would give the unlucky victim two minutes of incredible pain until they died. A scaled emerald colored body and actual steel as claws. A dragon like, heavy looking tail capable of shattering a person's body with a single strike.
The creature at its side sported two giant wings, with each feather being blades ready to pierce anything that stood in its way. One single unicorn shaped horn in the middle of its head. A horn which allowed the creature to generate bladed feathers infinitely. The color of a cloud full of rain and sharp claws at the end of its giant wings easily capable of tearing the body of anyone in half. Two rather frail-looking legs, but one should not believe them to be weak, as the creature was capable of reaching the speed of life in two seconds thanks to them. Escaping it was not possible.
A sixth creature having no legs and arms yet capable of moving quickly and evading most attacks. It was not as dangerous as the others, but still had access to acidic spit capable of dissolving someone in three seconds. They would not be suffering for long, and this slimy creature only specifically eat bones. Perhaps it was why its ability to dissolve someone was so strong. Blue like the sky, and two antennas that were able to sense the smallest of movements made by anything.
There was a creature at its side with a rather large body and thick brown fur. Claws having a strange purple color and teeth happening to be the color of the sun. Its mouth salivating, displaying just how hungry it was for flesh. The flesh of the person possibly being the only that could satiate its never-ending hunger. An ability owned by a dragon normally, creating fire that turns to dust anything its in path.
The eighth creature is particular as it has no hunger, but an incredible need to kill. A thousand of closed eyelids covered in fragile looking body, but they hold the special ability of making one literally kill themselves. The creature dislike when someone stares at them, but if they do, it is already too late as it will force them to end their lives. It is the favorite pet of Cassidy thanks to its interesting power.
The one before the last has a rather attractive figure for a man or a woman attracted to her gender. Though, its ability is quite scary as its singing will put someone to sleep and make them experience infinite nightmares while putting them in a never-ending coma until they body dies. It is the only way they will escape this hell. It has long green hair but only a mouth. Purple nails with black stars in the middle. Though its nature as a creature is shown by the pale color of her body as if it's dead.
The last creature does not have a real form, it takes shape after the fear of its target. Only Cassidy get to give it a form, being the one who made it from scratch. The creature does not attack nor does it kill, it drives the person mad little by little to the point that they start to believe that everyone around them is their enemies. This creature has made fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, lovers kill people who meant the world to them. It is actually one Cassidy love to utilize to torment someone.
There were so many choices, but Cassidy hated having to chose anything. So, she would just have to make the person go through them all until they were completely broken and begging to be killed.
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violentstories · 4 months
Garlik was not always this ruthless and cruel that she could kidnap someone and torture just to get money. Her life changed the moment she sneaked up on her mother and nearly cracked her head open with a sledgehammer. She knew of the consequences of her actions and with her mother being someone essential. There was no way she would not end up being sent to jail for the rest of her life. She packed up some food and drink and walked outside the house she had been afraid to get back to after school. She felt bad to be leaving her one and only friend alone, but she was not having any other choice.
She walked and avoided any public street to avoid being stopped and asked questions by anyone. There was a chance someone had already found the body of her mother at this point. Getting down to a rather malodorous alley, she pinched her nose, disgusted by the scent. As she continued down the narrow street. Shock forced her eyes open wide from what she witnessed. There was a mean looking Namekian dragging a bag, and the trail of blood from said bag made Garlik understand that this man was trouble. Unfortunately, too late, as he moved his cold eyes to the girl who had seen too much.
Throwing the bag containing the corpse at the door where he just came out of before starting to walk toward the girl. Garlik would be quick to turn herself and start to run away from the much larger Namekian. There was a reason her mother looked at her with such disappointment and indifference. Unlike the other students, she had no talent in using ki. It was why the Namekian had no trouble catching up to the girl and grabbing her by the bag around her shoulders. Being taken away by him meant certain death, and she knew it better than anyone. She removed the bag from her shoulders and as soon as her shoes touched the ground, she ran as fast as she could, then turned to the right. The footsteps of the larger man were heavy but already close. Nevertheless, she did not stop and continued and took a turn to the left into an alley different from the others.
There was a scent in the air that she did not recognize, and she was not hearing any steps behind her anymore. Slowing down as she looked behind herself to see the Namekian looking at her but not following her. Once he noticed such, his lips spread into a malicious grin until he turned and walked away. Garlik had no idea that she had just walked into the territory of the most dangerous gang on Sadala and more particularly in Zatrion. She sighed as she stopped herself and began to look around herself. Slightly bothered that she lost her bag of food and drinks, she began to move forward. There was something her nose was picking since the start, and she was curious to find out what it was.
She had lost her source of food, and finding more was essential to continue living. Stealing had crossed her mind now that she already had blood on her hands. The noise of people talking caught her attention and she rapidly searched for a place to hide and herself lucky when one of the houses in ruin door happened to open. Quick to enter and close the door behind as she heard the steps of two, no five people walking by. Once they were far enough, she slowly opened the door and looked around before fully walking out and following the scent. A few more minutes after, she came across a large door in steel. The scent came from behind the door, but she was not seeing anything to open it.
The little girl sighed and turned to start leaving until a rat passed right in front of her. Letting out a scream as she walked backward toward the door, only for her to literally fall through the door like it never existed. She groaned in pain for a second, then opened her eyes to witness something she would consider fantastic. Plenty of people in a white blouses, seemingly doing something. The scent was the strongest there. Rapid to hide behind a wall, she took her time to breathe in and out before crawling along the wall to avoid being spotted by any of the of person. She had seen stairs before, hiding behind the wall, and while she could have just walked outside. The concept of finding food sounded more attractive than walking outside empty-handed.
There was a room with no light in it, but it was there that the interesting scent was the strongest. Thankfully, it was open, and she got herself inside before closing it behind. Making two steps forward before freezing in, fair when the door opened for a person wearing a white blouse to walk inside and turn on the light. The little girl and the person stared at one another until the person walked in and closed the door behind themselves.
— What is a child like you even doing here? No matter, you're as good as dead. The person says as she walks toward the young girl, perhaps too curious for her good.
Garlik takes a step backward the closer the person gets to her until a large fridge stops her back. She moves her eyes around and notices a bottle with a see through liquid in it. The person tries to take a hold of her, but she ducks and slip pass them to the bottle. A bottle that she throws at the person and breaks upon contact. The liquid inside starts to eat away at the person's clothes, but as pained shrieks escapes them. Perhaps, the liquid is eating far more than just their clothes. She does not stay to find out and head to the door and runs to the opposite of the stairs before anyone can come see what is happening.
As more people similar to that person come to see why the person is screaming in pain. The area from where she came from had no-one around, and she took on this opportunity to jump down and run out. Little did she knew that it was just the first encounter she would have with the gang she would eventually become the leader of in a far away future.
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