violet43217 · 6 months
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Same energy.
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violet43217 · 9 months
my favs omg- literally crying rn 💗💞💞💕💗💞
Kate Winslet talking about Winona Ryder
“I was desperate to do it [The Crucible], phoning all the time, asking, ‘What’s going on? I was obsessively jealous that it was always going to be Winona [Ryder] as Abigail, but she did it wonderfully, even if that was my dream role. On Oscar night for Sense And Sensibility, this huge bouquet of roses arrived with a note saying, ‘Good luck tonight. I think you’re wonderful. Much love, Winona Ryder’.It was so sweet and lovely, I was like, “My God, Winona Ryder sent me flowers”
“"It was the first time I’d ever seen her, and she was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s you! I’m so glad to meet you!’ With left breast hanging out of dress. First time we’d ever met — tit sticking out! And she said, ‘Oh my God, I have to introduce Bruce Springsteen’. And I said, ‘Well, you’d better tuck it back in’"
Winona about Kate
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violet43217 · 1 year
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↳Get to know your favorite princess(senator and general), Leia Organa!
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violet43217 · 1 year
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some rose x trudy because i feel they are criminally underrated. some of the small moments they share (like this deleted scene above^^^) were some of the sweetest moments🫶
Summary- Rated T
On a quiet night, private moments and sweet words are shared between Rose and her maid.
Not intended as a ship fic but can be considered as such :)
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violet43217 · 1 year
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thinking abt rose with her daughters has me SOBBING all over again rn 😭😭
(creds to @ titncs on tiktok bc i have no memory of this in the film loll)
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violet43217 · 1 year
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violet43217 · 2 years
ok buffy stans, i finished s3 and i just wanted to know is there a place to stop? like is the rest of the show good or should I stop at a season that ruins the whole thing?? lmk but with no spoilers pls :)
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violet43217 · 2 years
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i hate so f*cking much how the scoobies treat jenny after they find out about her “secret agenda.” even though it was obviously for dramatic purposes and just horrible writing, it was still keeping me up at night. i broke down each character and created reasons why they acted the way they did towards her to help me with my sanity. soo why not post them here lol. NOTE: I haven’t watched s3 yet so pls no spoilers to answer some of my questions, ty:)
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violet43217 · 2 years
cordelia doing a jenny impression rights !!
Willow: Hey, Cordelia, have you seen Ms. Calendar today? I've been looking for her *everywhere* and-
Cordelia: It's okay. I got this. *clears throat*
Cordelia, loudly: Giles is, like, *so* boring and snobby-
Jenny, bursting through the wall: He is *not*! He cares *so* much, and-
Cordelia: Willow has something she wants to ask you.
Jenny, picking drywall out of her hair: You guys do *know* I have a pager, right?
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violet43217 · 2 years
as she should!!
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“Jenny is my hero in this moment. I was like, good for her! You notice how Buffy kind of looks disgusted by Xander’s comment and walks away. But Jenny steps in as the adult and as the person with authority, and puts Xander down. Not puts him down, but reigns it in. She’s kind, but also firm, as in, ‘That’s inappropriate, don’t say that.‘” - @becomingbuffypodcast
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violet43217 · 2 years
jenny boob fc :)
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violet43217 · 2 years
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