violetcthulhu · 3 months
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Happy 10 years in the ball pit
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violetcthulhu · 7 months
Please reblog if you think that “they/them/theirs” is a valid set of pronouns.
this post must be reblogged by everyone
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violetcthulhu · 9 months
Reblog if you're LGBT and are against MAPS/Child Groomers
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violetcthulhu · 9 months
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Hell yeah!
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violetcthulhu · 9 months
Aroaces need this
Reblog if you believe Tumblr should add the aroace colors to the aroace hastag. Make this a trend to get their attention
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violetcthulhu · 10 months
today is not my birthday
Reblog this if today isn't your birthday
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violetcthulhu · 10 months
reblog to give a mutual one of these yummy raspberry cookies my mom got me
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violetcthulhu · 10 months
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violetcthulhu · 10 months
reblog to pick up a Tumblr mutual like a cat and give them a hug
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violetcthulhu · 11 months
What a year this week has been.
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violetcthulhu · 1 year
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The caption omfg
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violetcthulhu · 2 years
I miss the KakaSaku community 🥹
I hope you’re all doing well
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violetcthulhu · 2 years
Tfw the slow burn fic you've been following finally has the characters say I love you to each other after 630+k works
Thanks @arcticmatter-77 for really stringing us along there
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violetcthulhu · 3 years
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Goggled Captain Rex
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violetcthulhu · 3 years
People who attack KakaSaku shippers that pair them as both being consenting adults are just showing that they are extremely immature and naive to the world.
In real life, people having 9, 13, 15, or more years between ages is so unbelievably common in all cultures. As long as both parties are ADULTS and it is a healthy and consensual relationship, there is nothing wrong or abnormal there.
On a very real note, Kakashi half-ass taught her when she was 12 for what? Like a year? Maybe 2? Then they were separated for 3 years, and then worked together sometimes. They were not particularly close, nor did he ever mentor her closely at any point in time. They were just kinda on teams together sometimes.
If they grew closer when she was an adult, that's not weird. Like at all. Like???
I don't get where all the hostility comes from in that ship.
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violetcthulhu · 3 years
Okay, okay, bear with me but… I think Kishimoto might’ve actually shipped Kakashi/Sakura. *hides*
Sounds crazy, right? I mean it’s definitely not something that could ever get published without editors all over the world having aneurisms but… Kakashi literally has more lovey dovey moments with Sakura – KAKASHI! (you know emotionally-stunted, used to be her teacher? That guy?) – than Sasuke ever did. What the hell, Kishi? And if you don’t believe me… well. The evidence is just–
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I think these pictures are kind of self explanatory. However, someone COULD say that it’s just in the anime right? Wrong.
There’s plenty of examples of this in the manga, you know the actual source material, as well. Like…
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that pose with her hand on his chest… ummm hello? i dont think thats routine behaviour between students/teachers ? Especially someone as non-physically affectionate as Kakashi? or am i the only one here who thinks this is… something?
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them just kinda ALWAYS somehow finding themselves standing next to each other. all the time. Every second panel. (I could add more pictures but tumblr only lets me up to 10 per post)
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again there’s the exact same pose but in a different panel. kishi drew it TWICE! he mustve really liked it huh
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him holding onto her despite her added weight whilst literally dangling off a piece of paper over a volcano
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ummm... in the actual anime he was literally stroking her face with his thumb. i mean if that aint a love soap opera move i dont know what is
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More lovey dovey manga scenes. Seriously, am I the only one noticing how relaxed – dare I say, almost at home – they seem with each other? Like they draw energy just out of being next to each other, like they share in their exhaustion, taking comfort in the other, etc? Given, it could just be a very close friendship but it feels like more after seeing those other panels, y’know?
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Kakashi literally standing straight to attention at the sight of sakura having a moment w Naruto. Or am I just imagining how tense he seems in this one? I mean normally he’s drawn slouching? And that bead of sweat running down his cheek? That downturn to his brow? Why add it, kishi?
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Finally I present to you: Sasuke being a cold ass– er, cool avenger… and (surprise!) rejecting Sakura to… wander aimlessly around – surely this must be the pinnacle of unconditional love – but who’s the one standing next to her like: “yo? Still here? As in, actually here”?? Literally what did you mean by this kishi??? Was it a sign??? A message??
I’m beginning to think he made the lack of love between Sasuke and Sakura obvious on purpose. I mean nobody can be this oblivious, right? It’s almost like Kishi didn’t want Sakura to end up with Sasuke but someone was forcing his hand so he went with it, but kicking and screaming…
Seriously. You could even say that Sakura had moments with Sai. Sai. Like literally her helping him get over his Root conditioning (which is a big deal) and putting up with his attitude to see what lay beneath. Sai literally quit Root because of her and Naruto (though Naruto was a lot more antagonistic, if I’m remembering right, so sakura definitely played a big role there) and clearly cares a lot about Sakura (and there’s a panel where he asks Naruto whether he’s in love with her, so he obviously cares about that too). Their bond could be seen as sister-brother I suppose, I think kishi settled on that as sai faded into the background after being introduced, but still. Initially, sai calling her “ugly” is I think canon for him meaning the opposite. So yeah. Kishi definitely at least considered having sai be a love rival to Sasuke of some sort. I feel like kishi’s the type who likes to keep a lot of possibilities open to him (ie. for example flirting with Itachi being good or evil since the very beginning, probably unsure of which one he was going to pick, etc) but anyway. I’m getting sidetracked!
The point is sakura was supposed to end up with Naruto initially, I think. They had so many moments together and honestly, from a literary standpoint it’s what makes sense. The hero winning the affections of the princess who initially didn’t spare him a second glance, the heroine moving on from the toxic love she was embroiled in, etc. Like literally kishi based Sakura off on his wife and naruto on himself. But alright. The fans wanted Hinata to be with Naruto, so Kishi might’ve caved under the pressure… but he definitely couldn’t have wanted sakura to end up with Sasuke. I mean just look at what he did to them:
Every Sasuke/Sakura moment basically boil down to:
*tries to kill her*
*tries to kill her again*
*abandons her with a baby*
Ummm… HELLO?! I’m seriously starting to believe Kishimoto (or at the very least a lot of someones at the animation studio) would rather ahip Sakura with Kakashi than Sasuke. And Kishimoto too, damn it! And then his evil editor decided that Sasusaku had to be the final pairing because popularity polls made Hinata into the better candidate for Naruto and because “otherwise she’d seem disloyal if she changed her mind after so long”. It’s called character development, doofus!
Seriously, to anyone who has watched Bakuman (meta manga by the creators of death note about writing manga), you know what the mangaka industry is like. I’m 100% certain that Naruto’s crappy ending had a lot more to do with shitty editors and popularity polls with a demographic of 14 yr. old teenage boys as the only participants rather than Kishimoto actually deciding a damn thing. In fact, it’s known that he wanted to end the manga at the pain arc and yet he was forced to continue it, so that proves that he wasn’t given a lot of choices in regard to what to do with his work.
And that’s why, as he drowned in his feelings of powerlessness, he pulled one last act of rebellion against his editors and snuck Kakashi/Sakura Easter eggs into the manga and conspired with the animators to help him. Maybe he even secretly writes fanfics and nobody knows. (I watch too many dramas I know)
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violetcthulhu · 3 years
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