violetgalaxia Ā· 11 months
How I got a lucid dream AND got into the void state literally without even trying.
SO. First things first background information bc you knowā€¦I have to give background information.
I had been feeling a little down with my manifestation ability for a little bit, I was doubting myself, not really feeling capable and able and was reacting too much to my 3D. I wanted to change it desperately because I didnā€™t want to live like this, bound to a reality and not being in control of my life. So I started to do some deep thinking about manifestation and shifting and well reality in itself, 3D, 4D and I realised thatā€¦I was so powerful. And that I was the most powerful person in my reality, I could change reality with a simple thought. I thought to myselfā€¦why canā€™t I have my desires now? I mean whatā€™s stopping me? So what if the 3D shows differently to what I want? If I know that I have or am something than my reality will have no choice but to conform. So I started being like I had everything I wanted, I was so happy with this realisation because this was what I needed to feel better about my life, this is what I needed. I even cried of happiness because I felt I knew the key, I could feel my mindset changing my life.
I continued to affirm that evening that ā€˜I was in control of my realityā€™ any time it felt natural for me to affirm, for me to persist. And then I decided I would get back into meditation because when I did meditate frequently my life was so much more better and my manifestation was stronger but sometimes I have issues of being lazy and skipping a day which turns into more days but I was determined just to meditate, to take my mind off things, to just be in a state of control and peace. So I brushed my teeth and gave myself a pep talk, persisting in my power and I went to bed. I was tired as hell but I pushed through it and tried to stay aware enough to just meditate and get myself in a peaceful state of mind and I think I achieved it because I went to sleep pretty quickly. I had an alarm on for a few hours later because I wanted to shift and my method includes waking up from sleep.
So after waking up I was pretty tired but still held the intention to shift and usually Iā€™d just go to bed but this time I fought my sleepiness and began meditating that even if I fall asleep, I was going to shift.
Now. Hereā€™s where it starts
I basically ended up in a dream and I stood up from my bed to go to the bathroom but I just paused and looked back to my bed feeling that something was wrong and I just said ā€œyep, this is a dreamā€.
Mind you, I had no intention of lucid dreaming that night and I hadnā€™t lucid dreamed in maybe almost a year?? And the first thing I did when I realised I was dreaming was close my eyes and affirm for the void state. I honestly donā€™t know why I did this because I also wasnā€™t intending on getting into the void but nonetheless I closed my eyes and affirmed. After a few affirmations I only noticed the black of my eyelids in my eyes, I felt weird as in I couldnā€™t tell where I was or what I was doing. All I could see was the black in my eyes and I honestly couldnā€™t feel anything. My thoughts where so loud too and I just stared (up?) at the black in my eyelids.
After waking up and going over it, I realised I had indeed gotten into the void state, but I was too ā€˜confusedā€™ to realise it. Iā€™m so glad that I was able to recognise how powerful I was because out of many failed attempts of getting into the void I was able to do it
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violetgalaxia Ā· 1 year
How I manifested getting into my desired schoolšŸ’ž
So this was ages ago that I got accepted but Iā€™m just posting as much success stories as I can just cuz Iā€™m bored so. And the story is quite long so you can just skip down to the actual manifestation I donā€™t mind
Background information/ key:
So this is a little explanation for people who arenā€™t from the UK/England and might get confused with the education system
Secondary school: Age 11-16
Six form/ college: Age 16-18
Year 11: last year of secondary Age 15-16
Year 7: first year of secondary Age 11-12
GCSEā€™s: a set of on average 20 exams that year 11ā€™s do for a month which basically determine their future opportunities
A-Levels: 3 or 4 Advance level of subjects that you do to help you get into your desired university course
So basically in year 11 you have to start looking for six forms which help do the A-levels you want. You could chose to stay in your secondary school but personally I didnā€™t want to stay (because my school was šŸ’©)
So I kind of had my eye on this six form because it was just perfect for me. It was a REALLY good school like one of the top on my city, it was within walking distance from my house and I overall just felt like it was the school for me. So I went to the opening evening and I just felt such a connection and immediately in my head I decided that it was the school I was going to no matter what.
So I actually applied there for year 7, and I didnā€™t get inšŸ’”but thatā€™s because I was wishing on a star (no fr I would stand outside my window, look at the night sky and wish and pray on a fucking star) but you know what Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t get in because the school is an all girls school and kind of sheltered and my secondary school was a mixed public school so in other words: going to a shitty school gave me experiences that shaped my character and better prepared me for the world and quite frankly made 11 year old me realise that boys arenā€™t shit and thereā€™s no need to be excited about them because they are all more or less the same. Now if I went to that all girls school I would be sweating and stuttering around boys but i donā€™t anymore because they arenā€™t that specialšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø
One thing that I have realised is that the overall secondary school experience literally shapes the type of person you will grow up to be. Sure your parents raised how you are but secondary school is what truly makes you into the person you are because thatā€™s the first time you actually exposed to the ā€œoutside worldā€ and are free from things being censored or sheltered by your parents.
So basically, how you turn out at the end of secondary school is more or less how youā€™ll be for life.
So the manifestation (literally effortless)
Basically I ended up going to an interview for the school and I basically just talked as if I had already been accepted and that it was 100% confirmed I would be starting next year. And thatā€™s how I manifested, living in the end and acting as if I was already going to that school. I appeared confident in my interview and inserted myself multiple times into different school events to further emphasise that not only would I be perfect for the school, but that I was actively manifesting during the entire interview.
So when I left the building I was proud and happy, I took a walk around the school and told myself ā€œthis is my schoolā€ you know just really living in the moment (or end) I was even given a name sticker and when I got home I stuck it on my wardrobe for the ā€œmemoriesā€ of my steps towards being accepted. Itā€™s still on my wardrobe and I wrote a little ā€œgot accepted XDā€ on the bottom.
So about a month later I get a letter from the school which kind of surprised me because I thought we would get the acceptance letters once we got our GCSE results but nonetheless I opened the letter and while opening I told myself ā€œoh they are just congratulating me on getting inā€.
Guess fucking what?
I got in
And the best thing about it was, I didnā€™t even have much of a reaction because I was telling myself for MONTHS that I was already accepted into the school so this letter was just telling me what I already knew. So I was a bit happy (I already knew I was getting in so honestly my reaction wasnā€™t really big) and I went to confirm my place.
I donā€™t think that it had fully hit me in that moment though, because I went to a meeting there last week and they said that they had over 200 external applicants (those who didnā€™t go to their secondary) it had fully hit me that I got into one of the best schools in my city.
It had fully hit me and I felt so happy and proud of myself.
So yeah, If you want to get your manifestation just act as if. Donā€™t stress over it because Iā€™m telling you right now I barely ever thought about my six form, and if I did I just told myself I got in and moved on. It was literally effortless just took my mindset and belief and now Iā€™m going to a school that it perfect for mešŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š manifestation doesnā€™t have to be hard so you donā€™t have to make it
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violetgalaxia Ā· 1 year
LONG manifestation story about finding my lost earringsšŸ˜Š
Background information:
So Iā€™ve had my ears pierced literally all my life due to it being cultural, and Iā€™ve only owned 4 permanent earrings (earrings that you just keep in your ears to keep your piercings open) because each of the earrings are from my country and are made of a lot of gold so they literally donā€™t wear out or blacken. Because of my culture and the quality of my earrings they are quite important
Background story:
So I went to a party and I was supposed to go to my friends house to get ready but I was late so when I got there I quickly changed my earrings to hoops (because hoops look better than studs sorry) and I went to the party. So when I came back I was kind of high so all I thought about was taking my hoops out (bc I have a small fear of them ripping through my piercings) and went to bed.
So I woke up the next day and I was still high so I was not thinking straight at all (I even left my charger) and I went home right. Then a few days later I realised there was nothing in my ears and realised my earrings where gone, so I called my friend and asked her to look around for them but she said she couldnā€™t see them. So then she said she would clean her whole room and sheā€™d let me know if she seen them but she called me and said she hadnā€™t seen them at all.
So this naturally makes me sad and panic slightly because those earrings where expensive and the last time I lost my earrings my mum wasnā€™t happy like at all because it cost a lot to buy a new pair especially since they are from a different country. And I was sad because my earrings where also medical earrings and made of proper gold/metal so like wearing cheap earrings made my ears itchy and hurt so I couldnā€™t wear them.
The manifestation
So, when she told me this I was a bit sad but then I was like ā€œno, you know what? They are in my ears right nowā€ and I just went about with my life as if I had my earrings in my ears and as if they where never lost in the first place. I didnā€™t even think about them much or worry about them because I knew my manifestation wouldnā€™t fail me. So a couple of days later she randomly snaps me which is weird because we donā€™t really talk through texts and usually talk in person and the moment I got the snap k was like ā€œoh she found my earringsā€ and there was no doubt in my mind as I opened the message. THEN I open the snap and see a photo of my earrings and her asking if they where mine.
Which I said yes
And went to pick them up and now they are in me ears rn, where they belong.
So overall I just lived in the end and believed I had my earrings no matter what the 3D circumference where
And thatā€™s the story :)), I know it was long, Iā€™m a long story teller but me personally I eat up long manifestation stories
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