violetintheantivoid · 5 years
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I don’t really know how to describe this feeling other than stressful, so I decided to draw it
Please let me draw and “sketchnote”
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violetintheantivoid · 6 years
For everyone’s information:
The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.
To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.
On the 17th, dead silence.
People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.
But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.
What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’
A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.
If you want to join in, here’s what to do:
Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th
Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad
Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion
Come back on the 18th and check in
Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)
Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.
Open the app or website (including specific blogs)
Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)
Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.
Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.
Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.
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violetintheantivoid · 6 years
Alternatives to Tumblr if Yahoo goes any further
Soup.io - well-known alternative to Tumblr. Reblogging, post types, themes, collab blogs, dashboard, artsy, great community already there. Soup can auto-import everything you’ve posted on Tumblr.
TypePad - Includes reblogging. Dashboard and post types similar to Tumblr.
Jux - Artful posts, beautiful blogging experience
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violetintheantivoid · 6 years
“Thank you, I guess…”
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violetintheantivoid · 6 years
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Out of the Void Luminous Backpack
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violetintheantivoid · 6 years
the idea of consuming two conflicting things that promise to do the opposite of each other has always been hilarious to me. there’s a liquid shot-based sleep aid called 6 hour sleep and as soon as I saw it i immediately imagined mixing it and a 5 hour energy together for a 1 hour nap
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
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I found this on facebook so I just open my Marini4 Askbox so feel free to ask?… Im mean replying the bbtim blog is a lot of fun but this is just for fun. :) ask away.
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
♂: I am a boy who has a crush on you
♀: I am a girl who has a crush on you
⭐: I am a nonbinary person who has a crush on you
✂: Just delete your tumblr already
✌: You’re awesome
♡: I love your blog
❁: You’re beautiful
🌸: You're attractive
✓: I hate you
☹: You’re ugly
☀: I want to fuck you
♬: I wish we were close
♧: I wish we were friends in real life
☆: I relate to a lot of the same things you go through
☮: You inspire me
☾: We should kiss maybe if you wanna that'd be great
✖: I would give you the greatest hug
★: I'm scared to talk to you but I think you're great
∇: You've changed urls/icons so much that I don't remember who you are
○: I don't remember why I follow you
☄: I wish I could help you but I'm not sure how
✨: You've taught me things
⚓️: I wish you'd take better care of yourself
©: You're a bit problematic
™: You're a cinnamon roll
❄️: I cherish you
🌙: Please post more
💫: We don't talk much but I wouldn't mind being your friend
♪: You're very talented
∀: I don't understand you
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
someday i hope my ocs can be someones fave character. that’d b cool
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
Love, marriage, and butt... I am concerned and confused
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
Buckle Up I Made My Own Drawing Meme
Send me an emoji + a character of mine!
… 👔 in formal attire! … 📌 in their work clothes! … 💍 in a wedding dress! … 💋 in sexy attire! … ⛄ in winter clothes! … ☀ in summer clothes! … 😴 in their pajamas! … 👗 dressed for the club! … 👤 in goth attire! … 😎 in punk attire! … 🥇 dressed for their favorite sport! … 🐶 in a kigurumi! … 🎤 as a pop star! … 📝 as a student! … 💪 as a Greaser/Soc! … 🐴 in a horse mask! … 🕍 in Victorian attire! … 🛀 in nothing but a towel! … ✌ as a 1960s hippie! … ☝ in 1990s grunge attire! … 😬 in something they would never wear!
… 🐟 as a mermaid! … 🦇 as a vampire! … 🐺 as a werewolf! … 🐲 as a dragon! … 😇 as an angel! … 😈 as a demon! … 🌼 as a fairy! … 🖤 as a witch! … 🦉 with their familiar! … ⚔ with their weapon of choice! … 👻 as a ghost! … 🌠 as a cosmic being!
… 🍥 in a cosplay! … 👑 as royalty! … 🏹 as a JRPG class! … 🎲 as a D&D class! … 👓 as a superhero/supervillain! … 😺 as an animal! … 👽 as a species from another show/movie/etc! … 🤖 as a robot! … 🐯 as a furry!
… 👶 as a child! … 👪 with their family! … 👯 with their best friend! … 👎 with their enemy! … 🐹 with their pet(s)! … 🗺 in an outfit of their cultural heritage! … 💐 surrounded by their favorite flowers! … 👴 as an elderly person! … 🎶 to a song that I associate with them!
… 🙃 with the mun! … ✍ in the style of another artist! … 🖍 in the drawing style of my muse! … 🌀 as a fusion with another OC! … ☢ as a different fandom interpretation! … 💩 as a meme! … 🕐 as an old interpretation of the mun’s!
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
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When the new fresh drama[tm] hits the fandom of the thing you enjoy and now the thing itself is proclaimed irredeemably bad, but you dont care because your enjoyment of the thing is in no way connected to what other people in-fandom do.
☆Patreon ☆ Commission info ☆ Buy me coffee ☆ Twitter ☆ Instagram☆
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
Writer Ask Meme
1. Tell us about your WIP!
2. Where is your favorite place to write?
3. What is your favorite/least favorite part about writing?
4. Do you have any writing habits/rituals?
5. Top five formative books?
6. Favorite character you’ve written?
7. Favorite/most inspirational book?
8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?
9. Favorite/least favorite tropes?
10. Pick an author (or writing friend) to co-write a book with
11. What are you planning to work on next?
12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?
13. Describe your writing process
14. What does it take for you to be ready to write a book? (i.e. do you research? outline? make a playlist or pinterest board? wing it?)
15. How do you deal with self-doubt when writing?
16. Cover love/dream covers?
17. What things (scenes/topics/character types) are you most comfortable writing?
18. Tell us about that one book you’ll never let anyone read
19. How do you cope with writer’s block?
20. Any advice for young writers/advice you wish someone would have given you early on?
21. What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?
22. Tell us about the books on your “to write” list
23. Most anticipated upcoming books?
24. Do you remember the moment you decided to become a writer/author?
25. What’s your worldbuilding process like?
26. What’s the most research you’ve ever put into a book?
27. Every writer's least favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you do certain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come up with story ideas?
28. How do you stay focused on your own work and how do you deal with comparison?
29. Is writing more of a hobby or do you write with the intention of getting published?
30. Do you like to read books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick to non-fiction/un-similar works?
31. Top five favorite books in your genre?
32. On average how much do you write in a day? do you have trouble staying focused/getting the word count in?
33. What’s your revision/rewriting process like?
34. Unpopular writing thoughts/opinions?
35. Post the last sentence you wrote
36. Post a snippet
37. Do you ever write long handed or do you prefer to type everything?
38. How do you nail voice in your books?
39. Do you spend a lot of time analyzing and studying the work of authors you admire?
40. Do you look up to any of your writer buddies?
41. Are there any books you feel have shaped you as a writer?
42. How many drafts do you usually write before you feel satisfied?
43. How do you deal with rejection?
44. Why (and when) did you decide to become a writer?
45. First or third person?
46. Past or present tense?
47. Single or dual/multi POV?
48. Do you prefer to write skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut it back?
49. Favorite fictional world?
50. Do you share your rough drafts or do you wait until everything is all polished?
51. Are you a secretive writer or do you talk with your friends about your books?
52. Who do you write for?
53. What is the first line of your WIP?
54. Favorite first line/opening you’ve written?
55. How do you manage your time/make time for writing? (do you set aside time to write every day or do you only write when you have a lot of free time?)
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
today is Nov. 15. the FCC, under chairman Ajit Pai, will not listen to the public despite millions of comments in support of net neutrality. They are going to try their hardest to kill net neutrality, which in turn will kill the internet, which in turn will help eradicate democracy. it won’t just affect Americans, it has the potential to affect the entire internet, something we ALL use daily. you can bet your ass other countries will see america doing this, and use it as an excuse to do it in their own countries.
this is what buying a plan without net neutrality looks like there:
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you have to pay MORE for features you’re already guaranteed to have under net neutrality. and in america, you already know how expensive everything is.
democrats AND republicans both want net neutrality. advocacy groups in touch with congress have said that if your members of congress receive calls from you, they are more encouraged and more likely to take action to stop Pai’s plan to gut net neutrality. after Nov. 22, it will be MUCH HARDER to convince your member of congress.
please, call them. call them daily.
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
these are actually nice you fucking nerd
1. selfie
2. what would you name your future kids?
3. do you miss anyone?
4. what are you looking forward to?
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
7. what was your life like last year?
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
9. who did you last see in person?
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
11. are you listening to music right now?
12. what is something you want right now?
13. how do you feel right now?
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
15. personality description
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't?
17. opinion on insecurities.
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago?
19. have you ever been to New York?
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
21. age and birthday?
22. description of crush.
23. fear(s)
24. height
25. role model
26. idol(s)
27. things i hate
28. i'll love you if...
29. favourite film(s)
30. favourite tv show(s)
31. 3 random facts
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
33. something you want to learn
34. most embarrassing moment
35. favourite subject
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
37. favourite actor/actress
38. favourite comedian(s)
39. favourite sport(s)
40. favourite memory
41. relationship status
42. favourite book(s)
43. favourite song ever
44. age you get mistaken for
45. how you found out about your idol
46. what my last text message says
47. turn ons
48. turn offs
49. where i want to be right now
50. favourite picture of your idol
51. starsign
52. something i'm talented at
53. 5 things that make me happy
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
55. tumblr friends
56. favourite food(s)
57. favourite animal(s)
58. description of my best friend
59. why i joined tumblr
60. ask me anything you want
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
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do you ever just
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violetintheantivoid · 7 years
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