violinn · 1 month
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violinn · 1 month
disheveled hair and messy eyeliner, not in a white trash way, but in a natasha lyonne, klaus hargreeeves kinda way
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violinn · 2 months
just saying because the new season is out 🤷‍♀️
the need for a tua klave rp is actually driving me insane rn. i do not have a single rp and it’s actually sending me into insanity. i need my angsty little getaway. the things i would do for a klave rp rn are insane.
all of my info is on my pinned!!
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violinn · 2 months
being a pilates princess is hard work (i’ve done one 30 minute video for three days in a row and my abs hurt) 😞
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violinn · 3 months
the need for a tua klave rp is actually driving me insane rn. i do not have a single rp and it’s actually sending me into insanity. i need my angsty little getaway. the things i would do for a klave rp rn are insane.
all of my info is on my pinned!!
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violinn · 3 months
hey! looking for a klave rp!
plots and character preference are negotiable
pref if you have discord! all other info is on my pinned! thanks & reach out if interested!
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violinn · 3 months
hey! looking for a klave rp!
plots and character preference are negotiable
pref if you have discord! all other info is on my pinned! thanks & reach out if interested!
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violinn · 3 months
hey! looking for a klave rp!
plots and character preference are negotiable
pref if you have discord! all other info is on my pinned! thanks & reach out if interested!
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violinn · 4 months
guys i really have been longing for the good old days of amino’s rp community and literally the app is decaying, so that is not an option.
but anyways;
tua - klave (either)
tlou - abby x ellie (ellie), ellie x dina (ellie)
general rules:
• try to write the same length as me. i can write anywhere from two paragraphs to two messages, so try to be able to match that. i will also try to match yours, but i also understand if you can’t
• if you ever can’t get a response out of what i have written, please tell me! i don’t want you to ignore me for days just because you don’t know how to go off of what i wrote! i will do my best to rewrite my response to add more to go off of if you just tell me what’s wrong with it. i seriously don’t mind.
• currently, i’d like to stay away from rps involving ocs. they don’t really interest me.
• don’t make everything about your character. i would think i wouldn’t have to say this, but if your character is always overshadowing my character’s bad moments, then i will get pissed and not want to respond.
• i would think i would have to say this, but don’t just ask me personal info
• in all of my long term long response rps, it usually takes both of us a few days to respond. and i am fine with that! i would rather have a good response that takes long to put out than a shitty response that was sent in fifteen minutes (not saying that fifteen minute responses are shitty)
other info:
• i mostly just do more angsty rps. they are what i am most experienced and comfortable with. i find too much fluff to get boring after a while. and i also don’t really ever do platonic rps. [i solely do romance.]!!!!
• i mainly (solely atm) rp over discord, so if you have it, it would be awesome!
• i don’t really have any triggers. i tend to prefer more heavy subjects, although i don’t do like sa or anything like that
i don’t really know how things work on this app, so just message me or comment and we will figure things out!
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violinn · 7 months
Damnnn that mean girls rant was really something. Since when can a lesbian have this much power over women in an heteronormative setting? She'd be getting eaten alive. Or are you treating the movie like a personal self insert lol
tf are you yapping about? i don’t even understand what you’re trying to say? like you aren’t coherent. maybe do something called rereading what you wrote. it might help you actually get a point across 😁
but if you’re trying to imply that lesbians are trying to take over straight girl friendships, than you can kindly fuck off because you just don’t get it.
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violinn · 7 months
bones & all is ethel cain if she wasn’t sold into the strip club and had a happy ending
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violinn · 8 months
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this was ethel cain in the strip club
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violinn · 8 months
and i find women 3x my age hot, but that’s neither here nor there
i don’t have “mommy issues”, i just don’t like her as a person. i think she’s unarguably a bad person.
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violinn · 8 months
i don’t have “mommy issues”, i just don’t like her as a person. i think she’s unarguably a bad person.
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violinn · 8 months
goodreads should add the “estimated read time” like wattpad has, and i would use it so much more
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violinn · 9 months
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i’m a coquette queen (inside my house)
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violinn · 9 months
i’m so fucking tired of all this complaining about the mean girls movie musical.
1) it’s the musical, not the original movie, so if you havent seen the musical before, things are going to be fucking different because ITS NOT THE MOVIE !!!!!! they dress different, they act diff, they talk diff, even the dynamics are a little diff.
2) people need to stop acting like the decision to make regina gay is the most angering, out-of-pocket thing in the world, because it fucking isn’t. people are acting like it’s the most absurd decision ever, and it isn’t. if you’re really that fucking upset over it, then the movie was obviously not fucking made FOR YOU. nobody is forcing you to watch it. (and i’m sure renee rapp would not want the $0.001 she makes off of your view)
istg, all i see everyday is all of these identical looking twinks complaining about how out of pocket it is, and how it doesn’t make any sense. if it was the opposite, nobody would be complaining. if aaron was gay, everyone would think it’s so cool. if there was a remake of like any other movie and they made a man gay, tik tok and everyone else would be so excited, praising it for its ingenious and its creativeness. but as soon as it’s a lesbian, people flip out. gay men have no issue iconizing all these women, until they’re lesbian.
so, here is me directly addressing some of these points that these people are making:
“it came out of nowhere” - did it really? literally the main conflict between the two sides in the movie is because regina told everyone that janis was a lesbian, and janis was like extremely hurt about it, even how many years later. it would make sense that the falling out had something to do with regina having feelings for her, or something along those lines
“regina was into aaron” - did you even watch the movie? like honestly, seriously, did you? she isn’t even into him. even if she dated him, it’s like one of the most common things for lgbtq people to have dated the opposite sex, even if they aren’t attracted to them, either for appearance, or simply not yet knowing, and this is like the most prevalent in teenagers. regina, in all honesty, did not seem all too into aaron when you look back on it. she used him quite literally as a pawn in front of cady’s face. she sat there in the one scene and purposefully used the fact that they were dating to aggravate cady. also, why are we acting like it isn’t a thing to be bisexual? she could literally just be bisexual. (just saying, y’all never seem to deny comphet when it’s a man 🙄)
“there’s no way an entire school was bullied by a lesbian” - WHAT? i’m sorry but what. i don’t even know what point this person was trying to make, but even so, they completely missed. aside from all of the things i could pick apart about this statement, i thought it was like a running joke that usually the popular bully in high school, usually turns out to be closeted (male or female). like not even saying that this is true, but this is like a popular generalization and joke, so this point doesn’t even make sense.
finally, reneé literally said she isn’t explicitly gay. she said it was just her vibes. people are getting this mad over a character who is just the slightest bit hinted about being a lesbian.
just leave it the fuck alone. let gay girls be happy over the slightest chance at representation, because we all know that gay men get almost all of it.
thank you
- a girl who likes girls and reneé rapp, who just wants a little bit of representation in something popular.
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