virgosjukebox 1 year
Hey you guys.
I know I'm not as active as I used to be. I'm still around. I'm also on Twitter and on Threads. But I'm currently working on my first book of my first series(this one I'm actually finishing and not stopping bc I got sidtracked or the dopeamine for the project runs out). I have like 3 chapters left and I'm at over 16.6k total words and 33 pages(single spaced). This has been worked on over the past like month or so. I'm publishing it on wattpad and going to try to find some place to self-publish it as well.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
"As do you Christian. You deserve the best for you. Whether she be another queen, a baker, a composer, dancer, poet, or painter. You deserve someone who loves you for you, and not your title." She said softly, moving to grab the kettle once it started to whistle, pouring it into a cup along with a scoop full of tea and stirred it. "I don't even remember how or if I ever explained it to her. Or if my father tried to find some sort of way to do so." She ran her fingers through her hair before handing him the cup of tea.
"You should be able to feel, not keeping it all bottled up. It can't be healthy, especially as king." She moved to grab another seat and sat down. "There would be subtle reminders here and there. Then as if on cue and the universe conspiring against me, the wind blows a certain way and the tears fall in public. Though, I try to keep it together then. I don't want her to worry too much. Most felt it odd when I allowed her to wear color while I wore black for the first few years. I didn't want her youth to be bleak."
AU starter for @comewhat---may
Louise held a small girl in her arms as she locked up the family bakery and turned the sign from open to closed. Her uncle and cousin remained in the patisserie to clean up, always letting her leave early to start getting Maria ready for bed. She fiddled with the small rings she now wore around her neck as she made her way back to the small house that they had. Biting her bottom lip, she kissed the top of her daughter's head. Her father still remained in contact with her. Her mother however, did not. She not only had Maria out of wedlock, her husband died merely a few years later. The doctor said it was an allergy but couldn't figure out what. That frightened her. She watched whatever Maria ate, if it was cooked at her uncle's manor, she watches it be made. She can't help it, she needed to make sure that Maria didn't meet the same fate her father did.
The young girl sqiurmed out of her arms, strawberry blonde curls flowing with the slight breeze as she ran down the sidewalk. She'd spotted home before Louise could. "Maria, I can't go that fast. Slow down." Lou said as she picked up her pace, scooping her up and grabbed the key from her coat, unlocking their door. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she noticed a carriage pass by going up the street.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
"you only deserve food and shelter if you contribute to society" says people living in countries where nobody's labor actually feeds or benefits their neighbors anymore but exclusively benefits the companies keeping the food and shelter behind the artificial paywalls
You're not nomads relying on each other to hunt and gather anymore, you're talking about stocking shelves for fucking wal marts
And even the oldest societies on earth all took care of the elderly or sick anyway
51K notes View notes
virgosjukebox 1 year
I owe replies but I want to write my Fear Street OC Miss Tiffany Slater again but idek if the verse is active here.
0 notes
virgosjukebox 1 year
Louise let out a sniffle as she nodded in understanding. Moving over to place a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You never had the proper time. You or your mother. Something the country got that you should've too. But, I know he's proud of you. The man that you've become, and will become." She rubbed his back. "I woke up to find Maria had crawled into our bed the morning he'd passed. Crying and asking why papa wouldn't get up. Why he was so cold." She used the sleeve of her dress to dab at the corner of her eyes.
"He was whisked away for examination by a doctor. Then we buried him. My papa says I fainted not once but twice during the whole ceremony. Once at the wake when Maria wanted him to hug her back, the other time when they lowered the casket. For two years I kept mirrors covered and windows closed. No matter how much I wanted to keep the windows open in case he wanted to visit. It was the only way I'd become stable enough to take care of Maria. Now that it's been four years, they deem it more than enough time for us to be on our own. I don't want to marry for the sake of wearing a ring, or a title. I want what's best for her first and foremost."
AU starter for @comewhat---may
Louise held a small girl in her arms as she locked up the family bakery and turned the sign from open to closed. Her uncle and cousin remained in the patisserie to clean up, always letting her leave early to start getting Maria ready for bed. She fiddled with the small rings she now wore around her neck as she made her way back to the small house that they had. Biting her bottom lip, she kissed the top of her daughter's head. Her father still remained in contact with her. Her mother however, did not. She not only had Maria out of wedlock, her husband died merely a few years later. The doctor said it was an allergy but couldn't figure out what. That frightened her. She watched whatever Maria ate, if it was cooked at her uncle's manor, she watches it be made. She can't help it, she needed to make sure that Maria didn't meet the same fate her father did.
The young girl sqiurmed out of her arms, strawberry blonde curls flowing with the slight breeze as she ran down the sidewalk. She'd spotted home before Louise could. "Maria, I can't go that fast. Slow down." Lou said as she picked up her pace, scooping her up and grabbed the key from her coat, unlocking their door. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she noticed a carriage pass by going up the street.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
I'll be getting to some replies later today. I'm working on at least getting a chapter and a half done a day of my writing project. Sometimes I'll be writing more, others I might just get a chapter in. Currently I've just started it's 4th chapter and am at over 7.1k words. If I do any replies it will probably be in the afternoon. I'll be busy this weekend since it's my dad's birthday weekend and we have a couple things planned out.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
Sorry I've not been so active around here. I've been bouncing back and forth. I've also been on a writing kick with my writing project. I might put the google doc down in my pinned. I'm actually pretty proud about how much work I've put into it, even if this version is for the Wattpad girlies. I will however expand on a different copy once this is finished and I'm thinking of self-publishing or finding some way to publish it for free(bc I'm broke af). It's the most I've ever written total and per chapter in a very long time.
0 notes
virgosjukebox 1 year
"Perhaps I'll put a word in to my parents to have you come and play a few times a week how about that?" Kaylin tilted her head to the side before looking up front to see that the professor had walked in and immediately picked her Apple pencil up. Just in case she had to write notes.
"After class give me your number that way I can text you dates."
Modern AU starter for @comewhat---may
Kaylin made sure that she had left with enough time to get breakfast for her first class as she blew hair out of her face and opened the door with one hand, her purse slung over her shoulder and her drink and croissant in the other balancing one on top of the other. She found a seat in the back and sat down, careful not to disrupt anyone's conversations as she set up her pink iPad and pulled out her Apple pencil. She began doodling on a notepage and took a sip of her coffee. This was one of the last gen eds she'd had for her degree, then it was the classes required for business and management.
But every semester she got dean's list she just simply got a 'great job'. But she felt it was bitter because she always thought he wanted an heir not an heiress to the family fortune and business. Which was why she felt there was always something more that she was meant to do. There was more to her life between serving drinks and prepping the card tables. But if she went with business she felt she could at least get her father's appreciation in some way. She tore off a piece of her croissant and ate it, holding her other hand beneath it to not get crumbs on the table.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
"It was nice when I was younger. However I wish to experience things on my own. Love, beauty. Beauty in all shapes and colors. There's a whole world out there I know I haven't discovered because I've been so scared of ruining my family's reputation and therefore tarnishing the fortune as well." She said softly, looking down at her hands.
"I've been there quite a few times myself."
Starter for @comewhat---may
Kaylin tilted her head, the few brown curls that haf fallen loose and were framing her face fell to the side as she watched for tells at her table, and noticed two familiar faces bringing in a new one. She was always house. Her father made sure of it, even when male patrons felt she would be better suited on their laps or getting them their drinks. She couldn't help but inwardly roll her eyes at the thought of entertaining someone her father's age. Especially with how they looked at her. She collected the cards, shuffling them again for another round.
Black Jack, is what she was best at. Not to mention, according to her father, the least complicated. Sometimes she got mixed feelings when it came to his praise around her talents. He trusted her enough to run the table at one of his parlors that he frequents the most. Yet he gave her one of the simpler games. Was she considered daft by him or was it because she was a female.
129 notes View notes
virgosjukebox 1 year
"My name's Maria!" The four year old said before running off, grinning. "Finding that someone happens once in a blue moon. Once you have them, you'll do anything you can to keep them happy." Louise said, placing his coat on the rack before walking into the kitchen, grabbing a tea kettle. "Cherish it once you find it. I'd only known Jean and been with him for a year when he proposed. Little did we know the universe had another gift in store for us. That gift was Maria."
She filled the kettle with water, setting it on the stove and lit it with a match. "My mother wasn't pleased with Jean. I think because he wasn't royalty. He was a good man. Never played a con or associated him with bad people in his life. Maria looks more and more like him everyday. It's bitter sweet. They forget it should be more about what we truly want. If our heart isn't in it there's no point really. That's my opinion."
AU starter for @comewhat---may
Louise held a small girl in her arms as she locked up the family bakery and turned the sign from open to closed. Her uncle and cousin remained in the patisserie to clean up, always letting her leave early to start getting Maria ready for bed. She fiddled with the small rings she now wore around her neck as she made her way back to the small house that they had. Biting her bottom lip, she kissed the top of her daughter's head. Her father still remained in contact with her. Her mother however, did not. She not only had Maria out of wedlock, her husband died merely a few years later. The doctor said it was an allergy but couldn't figure out what. That frightened her. She watched whatever Maria ate, if it was cooked at her uncle's manor, she watches it be made. She can't help it, she needed to make sure that Maria didn't meet the same fate her father did.
The young girl sqiurmed out of her arms, strawberry blonde curls flowing with the slight breeze as she ran down the sidewalk. She'd spotted home before Louise could. "Maria, I can't go that fast. Slow down." Lou said as she picked up her pace, scooping her up and grabbed the key from her coat, unlocking their door. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she noticed a carriage pass by going up the street.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
Maria nodded as she squirmed out of Louise's arms once again, allowing her to open the door and step aside to let them both in. "Well Christian, my name is Louise. It's still an honor to meet you." She said, understanding what he'd been feeling. Least in terms of finding another husband. Her family saying that she meeded to put Maria first. That it'd been more than enough time for her to heal. "Why don't you come in? I can get a pot of tea started for you. I do hope you don't mind the small mess though. It's been rather busy at the bakery and I haven't had enough time to actually do some tidying up." She watched Maria gently pull Christian inside and chuckled softly as she took her coat off and hung it up.
"Let me take your coat for you. Make yourself feel more at home." She smiled as she leaned against the back of the door. "I know what it's like to have family begging you to find a new spouse. By year two even my father started telling me to give a look over the eligible suitors."
AU starter for @comewhat---may
Louise held a small girl in her arms as she locked up the family bakery and turned the sign from open to closed. Her uncle and cousin remained in the patisserie to clean up, always letting her leave early to start getting Maria ready for bed. She fiddled with the small rings she now wore around her neck as she made her way back to the small house that they had. Biting her bottom lip, she kissed the top of her daughter's head. Her father still remained in contact with her. Her mother however, did not. She not only had Maria out of wedlock, her husband died merely a few years later. The doctor said it was an allergy but couldn't figure out what. That frightened her. She watched whatever Maria ate, if it was cooked at her uncle's manor, she watches it be made. She can't help it, she needed to make sure that Maria didn't meet the same fate her father did.
The young girl sqiurmed out of her arms, strawberry blonde curls flowing with the slight breeze as she ran down the sidewalk. She'd spotted home before Louise could. "Maria, I can't go that fast. Slow down." Lou said as she picked up her pace, scooping her up and grabbed the key from her coat, unlocking their door. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she noticed a carriage pass by going up the street.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
"You won a game of Black Jack. At my table." She grinned widely and nodded, pulling a string behind her, signaling to those in the kitchens that she wanted someone to come up and take their order. Just one last time. She thought to herself as she rested her chin in her hand. "You encouraged me to run from the family business while I could. Take more risks."
Starter for @comewhat---may
Kaylin tilted her head, the few brown curls that haf fallen loose and were framing her face fell to the side as she watched for tells at her table, and noticed two familiar faces bringing in a new one. She was always house. Her father made sure of it, even when male patrons felt she would be better suited on their laps or getting them their drinks. She couldn't help but inwardly roll her eyes at the thought of entertaining someone her father's age. Especially with how they looked at her. She collected the cards, shuffling them again for another round.
Black Jack, is what she was best at. Not to mention, according to her father, the least complicated. Sometimes she got mixed feelings when it came to his praise around her talents. He trusted her enough to run the table at one of his parlors that he frequents the most. Yet he gave her one of the simpler games. Was she considered daft by him or was it because she was a female.
129 notes View notes
virgosjukebox 1 year
She jumped slightly at the voice, turning around and immediately dropped into a curtsy. "Your highness. I hope we weren't interrupting you." It'd happened a few years ago, but sometimes she hoped by some grace that Jean would be there waiting whenever she got home. Arms open wide for the both of them. "I wish he were home. But he passed a few years ago from an allergy. The doctor couldn't quite pinpoint it." She looked down, running her fingers through Maria's hair.
"Help would be great though. So long as we're not keeping you from anything important." Of course she'd heard the news about the king searching for his queen. Her father would remind her about it every once in a while. But she felt he'd want someone pure. Someone not already a widdow, young one at that. With a child.
AU starter for @comewhat---may
Louise held a small girl in her arms as she locked up the family bakery and turned the sign from open to closed. Her uncle and cousin remained in the patisserie to clean up, always letting her leave early to start getting Maria ready for bed. She fiddled with the small rings she now wore around her neck as she made her way back to the small house that they had. Biting her bottom lip, she kissed the top of her daughter's head. Her father still remained in contact with her. Her mother however, did not. She not only had Maria out of wedlock, her husband died merely a few years later. The doctor said it was an allergy but couldn't figure out what. That frightened her. She watched whatever Maria ate, if it was cooked at her uncle's manor, she watches it be made. She can't help it, she needed to make sure that Maria didn't meet the same fate her father did.
The young girl sqiurmed out of her arms, strawberry blonde curls flowing with the slight breeze as she ran down the sidewalk. She'd spotted home before Louise could. "Maria, I can't go that fast. Slow down." Lou said as she picked up her pace, scooping her up and grabbed the key from her coat, unlocking their door. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she noticed a carriage pass by going up the street.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
AU starter for @comewhat---may
Louise held a small girl in her arms as she locked up the family bakery and turned the sign from open to closed. Her uncle and cousin remained in the patisserie to clean up, always letting her leave early to start getting Maria ready for bed. She fiddled with the small rings she now wore around her neck as she made her way back to the small house that they had. Biting her bottom lip, she kissed the top of her daughter's head. Her father still remained in contact with her. Her mother however, did not. She not only had Maria out of wedlock, her husband died merely a few years later. The doctor said it was an allergy but couldn't figure out what. That frightened her. She watched whatever Maria ate, if it was cooked at her uncle's manor, she watches it be made. She can't help it, she needed to make sure that Maria didn't meet the same fate her father did.
The young girl sqiurmed out of her arms, strawberry blonde curls flowing with the slight breeze as she ran down the sidewalk. She'd spotted home before Louise could. "Maria, I can't go that fast. Slow down." Lou said as she picked up her pace, scooping her up and grabbed the key from her coat, unlocking their door. She tilted her head to the side slightly as she noticed a carriage pass by going up the street.
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virgosjukebox 1 year
"You tripped over your own feet a couple times. But we still made it here safely. I did also say I'd be helping and joining you and the other two on your new play." Kaylin grinned as she sat up, running her fingers through her hair. "Is there anything else I can get you? I can see if one of the house staff will bring us breakfast before I leave." She'd have to sneak into her room later that evening anyway and grab what she could. "The green fairy is something we don't have at any of our clubs or parlors."
Starter for @comewhat---may
Kaylin tilted her head, the few brown curls that haf fallen loose and were framing her face fell to the side as she watched for tells at her table, and noticed two familiar faces bringing in a new one. She was always house. Her father made sure of it, even when male patrons felt she would be better suited on their laps or getting them their drinks. She couldn't help but inwardly roll her eyes at the thought of entertaining someone her father's age. Especially with how they looked at her. She collected the cards, shuffling them again for another round.
Black Jack, is what she was best at. Not to mention, according to her father, the least complicated. Sometimes she got mixed feelings when it came to his praise around her talents. He trusted her enough to run the table at one of his parlors that he frequents the most. Yet he gave her one of the simpler games. Was she considered daft by him or was it because she was a female.
129 notes View notes
virgosjukebox 1 year
"Not everyone likes getting blitzed and being out til who knows when. I get that. Sometimes I wish I could work half shifts so I got at least six hours of sleep. I'm lucky if I get four or five. Two coffees and an energy drink or two later and I'm ready to conquer the entire day. I cherish sleep when I can get it. But sometimes I wish I took a different path. But it's not so easy. Not when your family has a reputation and clientelle that come in and out that include names such as Beyonce and Jay-Z, Rihanna. You have to fake it until you make it." She said, finishing the last of her coffee and opened the notebook tab in her school planner.
Modern AU starter for @comewhat---may
Kaylin made sure that she had left with enough time to get breakfast for her first class as she blew hair out of her face and opened the door with one hand, her purse slung over her shoulder and her drink and croissant in the other balancing one on top of the other. She found a seat in the back and sat down, careful not to disrupt anyone's conversations as she set up her pink iPad and pulled out her Apple pencil. She began doodling on a notepage and took a sip of her coffee. This was one of the last gen eds she'd had for her degree, then it was the classes required for business and management.
But every semester she got dean's list she just simply got a 'great job'. But she felt it was bitter because she always thought he wanted an heir not an heiress to the family fortune and business. Which was why she felt there was always something more that she was meant to do. There was more to her life between serving drinks and prepping the card tables. But if she went with business she felt she could at least get her father's appreciation in some way. She tore off a piece of her croissant and ate it, holding her other hand beneath it to not get crumbs on the table.
12 notes View notes
virgosjukebox 1 year
i鈥檒l stop hating on marius when he stops being a booby
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