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Found this company the other day on Facebook. According to their site, each Rose Bear is made by hand and takes almost an entire day to complete. There’s no denying that if someone got me this for Valentine’s Day, I’d love them forever! ❤️❤️
Check them out HERE
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Receiving the affection of someone else’s cat is the most validating thing in existence…
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Vietnam, Various Photographers (Barbey, Chesley, Griffiths, Harvey, Hilterman)
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“If you love a person, you accept the total person. With all the defects. Because those defects are a part of the person. Never try to change a person you love, because the very effort to change says that you love half, and the other half of the person is not accepted. When you love, you simply love.” — Osho
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By: thejennire
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Just look at the elevation and control on this Uchi-mata… insane!
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Addition for y’all Harujin shipper:
Quick Question: How does Oozora Yuujin view Shinkai Haru?
A. As a real protagonist
B. As an important friend to be protected
C. As an important friend who would do anything to rescue him
D. All are true
You can save your answer for later. First, let us analyze the choices.
Yuujin says “Haru is the real protagonist” at least four times throughout the series. Twice, when Haru and Offmon respectively regard him as the ideal protagonist, and then twice more after Haru saves him, from a runaway train and Sateramon.
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Yuujin isn’t stupid enough not to realize that stopping a run away train is a dangerous task. Yet, after knowing exactly that it’s Haru (and friends) who solves all the ruckus in town lately, he never asks “his precious Haru” to stop being an Appli Driver, even once.
Sure, Yuujin never wants Haru to get into danger, that’s why he wants to protect him. But at what cost? His own safety, or worse, life. It would be too shallow to think that Yuujin decides to take a deal involving his own life just because of Haru being nice to him. It must be more than that.
Minerva, too, should understand this. That’s why, even though she gives Yuujin such harsh question about risking his own life for a friend, she also asks Haru: are you a protagonist? Which Haru has already answered: YES. Minerva expects Haru would save Yuujin and vice versa.
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Haru finally realizes this when Yuujin ends up being captured. He’s the one who must save Yuujin, for his choice to be a protagonist.
Haru’s grandfather suggests that Minerva trusting Yuujin with an Appli Drive, hints that Yuujin has grown his own heart by interacting with Haru. Heart, is what differs human from machine, which Yuujin used to be. Heart is where emotions are born. And what emotion has Yuujin grown for Haru because of the latter’s kindness?
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It could be “love”, and it doesn’t always mean to be romantic. Still, if you love someone, platonically or romantically, do you also hope that someone you love, will love you back? If Yuujin does have “heart”, he will answer YES.
If Yuujin only views Haru as a protagonist and someone to be protected with his life, even though it’s because he cares for him, he can still be regarded as “no more than a machine” which only obeys the orders given to it, without having its own wish. For to be noticed, gaining Haru’s trust is what Leviathan has ordered Yuujin. And that is what Yuujin has done all along: caring for Haru.
So, what should Yuujin gain to prove he has surpassed his identity as a machine created by Leviathan? Simple. By having his own dream. His own wish. His own greed. And that is: craving to be saved by the real protagonist, Haru, which Leviathan never orders him to. Being repeatedly saved, might someday endanger his rescuer, in this case, Haru, whose trust he has been ordered to gain entirely. Endangering Haru is of course out of the question from the order’s perspective. However, if that is what Yuujin wants, it means that Yuujin has successfully resisted his original program, such that Minerva finally gives him a chance to be an Appli Driver.
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Despite of his will to “let Haru dive into danger if it is to save him”, Yuujin does care a lot about Haru. That’s why he never says outright that he wants to be saved. He only says that Haru is his protagonist, for always saving him. Thus, he protects Haru without saying anything about wanting to be saved, as he already has strong faith that, if something happens to him, his protagonist, Haru will rescue him, before he really loses his life.
In the last episode, before pushing Leviathan’s YES button, Yuujin only says, “See you, Haru.” Not “I’ll be waiting for you, Haru.” Because Yuujin knows, if he said the latter, Haru would be burdened by his promise to save him. Even so, it doesn’t alter his deepest desire that he wants to be saved by Haru, again.
So, have you decided your answer?
  Bonus question:
How does Shinkai Haru views Oozora Yuujin?
A. As an ideal protagonist
B. As a friend who will protect him
C. As an important friend he has to rescue, no matter what
D. All are false
For this, I will just leave my answer right below, but you can also have your own answer later.
Before Haru gets the Appli Driver and decides to become a protagonist, my answer is A. Clearly proven at the start of episode 1.
After he gets the Appli Driver and decides to become a protagonist, my answer is C. Clearly proven in Resshamon episode .
After Yuujin just becomes an Appli Driver who saves him and his friends from Sateramon, my answer is B. Proven at the beginning of Ultimate 4 arc, when Eri is captured by Knight, Haru desperately sends Yuujin an SOS message.
After Yuujin gets kidnapped and his life was put into danger, my answer is C. Proven by the whole Ultimate 4 arc itself.
After it is revealed that Yuujin is just a tool for Leviathan successfully executing  his “evil” plan, my answer drops to D. Haru falls into despair, such that he claims he never really has “his beloved friend, Yuujin” to begin with.
After Yuujin’s lone call of Haru’s name, manages to convince Haru that “the Yuujin that Haru knows” is real and still there, waiting to be saved, my answer goes back to C.
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After Yuujin sacrifices himself to let Haru defeat Leviathan without tainting his hands, my answer still stands on C.
My final answer:
E. Haru arguably has the most significant character development, compared to the other casts. So, his view of Yuujin also changes, along with his growth.
On the other hand, Yuujin does not have that significant development. His view of Haru doesn’t change a lot. Proven by how he still insists that Haru is his protagonist, in the Appmon Data Lab segment with Offmon.
Even though he himself has become Haru’s big damn hero twice, he never refers himself as a protagonist. Not just because he sees Haru as a better one, but also because he realizes that someone who’s longing to be saved, even if it must endanger his rescuer, is never worth to be a protagonist.
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Oozora Yuujin is such a complex character that I never expected I would write three long posts just about him.
[First Post]    [Second Post]
Writing the third one, actually makes me think again about Sora. What if the reason she is so much chickified in 02 is because she wants to be saved by Yamato, whom she clearly has crush on at that time? (Just like Yuujin wants to be saved by his protagonist, Haru).
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Well…who knows?
Anyhow, “be careful of what you wish for” is exactly what happens to these boys. Haru wishes to be a hero who can protect people, and Yuujin wishes Haru to be a hero who can save him.
They both get their wishes, tragically.
Keep reading
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AHAHAH dear god Yamato looks like a character from another anime.
source: Animedia
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Quick Question: How does Oozora Yuujin view Shinkai Haru?
A. As a real protagonist
B. As an important friend to be protected
C. As an important friend who would do anything to rescue him
D. All are true
You can save your answer for later. First, let us analyze the choices.
Yuujin says "Haru is the real protagonist" at least four times throughout the series. Twice, when Haru and Offmon respectively regard him as the ideal protagonist, and then twice more after Haru saves him, from a runaway train and Sateramon.
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Yuujin isn't stupid enough not to realize that stopping a run away train is a dangerous task. Yet, after knowing exactly that it's Haru (and friends) who solves all the ruckus in town lately, he never asks "his precious Haru" to stop being an Appli Driver, even once.
Sure, Yuujin never wants Haru to get into danger, that's why he wants to protect him. But at what cost? His own safety, or worse, life. It would be too shallow to think that Yuujin decides to take a deal involving his own life just because of Haru being nice to him. It must be more than that.
Minerva, too, should understand this. That's why, even though she gives Yuujin such harsh question about risking his own life for a friend, she also asks Haru: are you a protagonist? Which Haru has already answered: YES. Minerva expects Haru would save Yuujin and vice versa.
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Haru finally realizes this when Yuujin ends up being captured. He’s the one who must save Yuujin, for his choice to be a protagonist.
Haru's grandfather suggests that Minerva trusting Yuujin with an Appli Drive, hints that Yuujin has grown his own heart by interacting with Haru. Heart, is what differs human from machine, which Yuujin used to be. Heart is where emotions are born. And what emotion has Yuujin grown for Haru because of the latter's kindness?
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It could be "love", and it doesn't always mean to be romantic. Still, if you love someone, platonically or romantically, do you also hope that someone you love, will love you back? If Yuujin does have "heart", he will answer YES.
If Yuujin only views Haru as a protagonist and someone to be protected with his life, even though it's because he cares for him, he can still be regarded as "no more than a machine" which only obeys the orders given to it, without having its own wish. For to be noticed, gaining Haru's trust is what Leviathan has ordered Yuujin. And that is what Yuujin has done all along: caring for Haru.
So, what should Yuujin gain to prove he has surpassed his identity as a machine created by Leviathan? Simple. By having his own dream. His own wish. His own greed. And that is: craving to be saved by the real protagonist, Haru, which Leviathan never orders him to. Being repeatedly saved, might someday endanger his rescuer, in this case, Haru, whose trust he has been ordered to gain entirely. Endangering Haru is of course out of the question from the order’s perspective. However, if that is what Yuujin wants, it means that Yuujin has successfully resisted his original program, such that Minerva finally gives him a chance to be an Appli Driver.
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Despite of his will to “let Haru dive into danger if it is to save him”, Yuujin does care a lot about Haru. That's why he never says outright that he wants to be saved. He only says that Haru is his protagonist, for always saving him. Thus, he protects Haru without saying anything about wanting to be saved, as he already has strong faith that, if something happens to him, his protagonist, Haru will rescue him, before he really loses his life.
In the last episode, before pushing Leviathan's YES button, Yuujin only says, "See you, Haru." Not "I'll be waiting for you, Haru." Because Yuujin knows, if he said the latter, Haru would be burdened by his promise to save him. Even so, it doesn't alter his deepest desire that he wants to be saved by Haru, again.
So, have you decided your answer?
  Bonus question:
How does Shinkai Haru views Oozora Yuujin?
A. As an ideal protagonist
B. As a friend who will protect him
C. As an important friend he has to rescue, no matter what
D. All are false
For this, I will just leave my answer right below, but you can also have your own answer later.
Before Haru gets the Appli Driver and decides to become a protagonist, my answer is A. Clearly proven at the start of episode 1.
After he gets the Appli Driver and decides to become a protagonist, my answer is C. Clearly proven in Resshamon episode .
After Yuujin just becomes an Appli Driver who saves him and his friends from Sateramon, my answer is B. Proven at the beginning of Ultimate 4 arc, when Eri is captured by Knight, Haru desperately sends Yuujin an SOS message.
After Yuujin gets kidnapped and his life was put into danger, my answer is C. Proven by the whole Ultimate 4 arc itself.
After it is revealed that Yuujin is just a tool for Leviathan successfully executing  his "evil" plan, my answer drops to D. Haru falls into despair, such that he claims he never really has "his beloved friend, Yuujin" to begin with.
After Yuujin's lone call of Haru's name, manages to convince Haru that "the Yuujin that Haru knows" is real and still there, waiting to be saved, my answer goes back to C.
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After Yuujin sacrifices himself to let Haru defeat Leviathan without tainting his hands, my answer still stands on C.
My final answer:
E. Haru arguably has the most significant character development, compared to the other casts. So, his view of Yuujin also changes, along with his growth.
On the other hand, Yuujin does not have that significant development. His view of Haru doesn't change a lot. Proven by how he still insists that Haru is his protagonist, in the Appmon Data Lab segment with Offmon.
Even though he himself has become Haru’s big damn hero twice, he never refers himself as a protagonist. Not just because he sees Haru as a better one, but also because he realizes that someone who’s longing to be saved, even if it must endanger his rescuer, is never worth to be a protagonist.
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Oozora Yuujin is such a complex character that I never expected I would write three long posts just about him.
[First Post]    [Second Post]
Writing the third one, actually makes me think again about Sora. What if the reason she is so much chickified in 02 is because she wants to be saved by Yamato, whom she clearly has crush on at that time? (Just like Yuujin wants to be saved by his protagonist, Haru).
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Well...who knows?
Anyhow, "be careful of what you wish for" is exactly what happens to these boys. Haru wishes to be a hero who can protect people, and Yuujin wishes Haru to be a hero who can save him.
They both get their wishes, tragically.
@firstagent @shetriestolive @mormon-nerd @newworldchild @theanalyzersfanfics @jackpo21 @eternal-angel15 @shadowrocket13 @longroadstonowhere @zzeno @digimumblr @birdboy2000 @adventurechronicles @djinntotonic @boku-no-yuujin @tokyodirectdiary @kiya-minamura @noirharu @navirule @bubunet @metalempire @nightglimmer @seregkat @razorsaw @herosubs @robertozampari @transkoushirou @sph-works @hielorei @tutomon @m1kem0n @allebooklover @kyanitedragon @ihateeverything1236 @brawltogethernow @soliloquyer @aiko-isari @rodrig321forever @pkmntrainer-ashe @bikutini-chan @that-one-straight-friend @bananas-on-motorcycles @islamophobias @ssoraey @extorchic @lichtfluegel @yamikisara @googuruboi @thejokerofcreativity
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Jussie and Gabby’s shenanigans: 1 || 2 || 3
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