virtuoso12 · 1 year
Speed up your page loding perfomance with service Workers | Virtuoso
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Solved! How you can prevent the "Cannot connect to the internet ”message using service worker.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
How Air-gapping can boost your Data Protection | Virtuoso Infotech
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Read more about how air-gapping provides a very strong data protection and recovery mechanism for your Enterprise.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
How SignalR Can Simplify Your Messaging Needs? | Virtuoso Infotech
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Do you know SignalR can help you establish real-time communication for your business and push content updates to your clients? click here how to use
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Read more about how you can optimize your website's performance | Virtuoso
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Know how can you measure and improve the page speed of your websites, in this article.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
How does Robust Tables helps in Enterprise Apps | Virtuoso
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We all have used tables and grids for ages to display tabular data on our web pages. But in Enterprise Applications the complexities increase. Read how robust table can help
Click Here...
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Know more about the Tech Debt, BEFORE you invest | Virtuoso
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How you can identify the Technology Risks and Debts before investing into start-ups, to know more to avoid future risks click here..
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
How you can Secure the PII data| Virtuoso Infotech
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How you can prevent your PII Data and avoid Technology Risks, security loopholes before investing into a startup read more...
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Read about what to look for in BCP/DR while doing the due diligence | Virtuoso
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Are you prepared ? 
As an investment fund, how do you ensure that the entity you are investing is prepared to face the unexpected and unannounced calamities - from covid to a war?In this article, we explain you what to look for in BCP/DR while doing the due diligences.BCP / DR policies and procedures is One of the critical control category we cover during our Tech DD cycles for investment funds. For those who are unaware, BCP / DR stands for “Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery”.BCP and DR are somewhat 2 different aspects but they are essentially 2 sides of same coin !Let’s first understand what it means and why is it so important.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
How you can secure your investment decisions using 3rd party plug-in solutions | Virtuoso
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3rd party integration risks funds should check
Often 3rd party plug-in solutions seem a great choice for rapid development, but it comes with a catch.
Due to the increase in customer demands and ever-changing user behavior, all tech platforms these days, have to support the plethora of features on their platform; as simple as enabling live chat or chatbot features.
In most of our tech DD cases, our common finding has been less protected data sharing mechanisms; between the platform and 3rd party plugins/integrations. Tech teams tend to integrate with 3rd parties in the rush to take the feature life or in rush to respond to business needs, but areas like secure data sharing and data handling with 3rd party solutions/plug-ins get ignored.
Why is it important to check how data is shared with 3rd Parties?
First and foremost, to protect my own interest. Yes, tech owners need to protect and secure their Intellectual Property Rights.
Second, to protect user’s data privacy and data protection rights.
To save the brand from misuse of data by 3rd parties.
To ensure customer trust.
To save the brand reputation.
How do I ensure secure 3rd party integrations?
Identify features that would really need 3rd party integration vs being built from scratch.
Identify what all vendors are available for providing this integration and incorporate the vendor evaluation process.
Sign Non-disclosure and IP security agreements with such shortlisted vendors. Identify what all data points are required to be shared as part of this integration.
Implement a secured handshake mechanism for data-in-transit workflows as part of this integration.
Ask vendors to share details on how they are storing the data received from your platform.
Get the security audit or VAPT cycles done by experts periodically so they can certify these integrations from an information security perspective.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Is Tech DD is only for Large Investment Funds? | Virtuoso Infotech
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Tech DD is only for Large Investment Funds who participate in Series A/B/C or onwards?
Often when I talk to investment fund partners about their processes of Technology Due Diligence for an entity, they ask "But isn't it something for the big funds at a later stage?"
I get it. Given the significant coverage and efforts required in Tech DD, funds may think that it's only for large investments. But the reality is exactly otherwise. When you are investing in early stage startups, the risks pertaining to the platform they are using or the tech-stack they have still remain high.
If the startup is a technology startup it is very critical to ensure that the base technology or platform they are using is actually scalable at a later stage - user wise as well as commercially. Startups often tend to use ready-to-consume APIs as a service in the early stage to save costs. Sometimes these can become a huge cost burden as the usage grows, and requires to be identified early.
Licensing costs of the development platform, databases and infrastructure may seem insignificant, but when your development teams grow to tens of hundreds, it can have a big impact on the business costs.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Does start up funding not requireTech DD? | Virtuoso Infotech
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I am funding a start-up, so I might not require a Tech Due Diligence.
Wait, what?
Often when we discuss with investors, especially individual investors / angels or small funds, they ask if they can skip a Tech DD - as they invest only in start-ups.
The underlying assumption that Tech DD is best only for complex systems with a lot of existing technology is unfortunately very wrong, and harmful for your investment thesis while funding a start-up.
Often when we conduct Tech DD for start-ups, we are caught with unexpected surprises, that may help your investment position a lot in the long term.
Tech DD findings will not only help robust the tech platform being planned, but it will also help you negotiate a better valuation with the founders. It can help you assure that the platform is built for scale and support in growth stage, while identifying the loopholes that can change the valuation of the startup - helping you negotiate more RoI for the same amount of investment.
If you are putting your money, your reputation, your brand-value and your network on a tech platform which is still being built; or is yet to come to life; the risk is doubled naturally.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Is Tech DD a One-Time activity?
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Tech DD is a One-Time activity that is to be done only while investing in or acquiring another company.
More often than not, in my calls with investors, I get this question, "Ok Preeti, so we need to budget this one-time activity of Tech DD to identify the technology risks, right?"
Technology Due Diligence is often seen as an activity that is to be done only when there is a major event - related to valuation - like fund raising or acquisitions.
Technology due diligence is similar to your financial audits. You do not do it once in a decade while making big moves, but need to audit frequently to ensure that everything is under check and going in the right direction. It is very important to know where we are now, and where we are going.
Tech DD is not a one time activity. It is a continuous process of evaluation and improvements . There are multiple reasons as to why I say this, Read More....
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Is Tech DD a highly Time Consuming activity?
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Tech DD is a highly Time Consuming activity that may eat up all top resources of the entity in a few weeks.
The last thing an investor wants to do in a company they have invested in; is to waste their time on activities that might not bring high ROI.
“How long will it take, and how many of my top team members do you need to get involved?” This is an often asked question in my conversations with the investment fund managers/partners. The short answer is -
a few of the team members need to spend
few hours of the day (not full time) for
around a week or so.
I understand that you do not want your top team to spend time on activities that may not have immediate and direct impact on the projects at hand. As a Tech service company CEO, I go through that dilemma everyday.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Read more about Innovation in Reinventing the Search | Virtuoso Infotech
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What if we could challenge the traditional "textbox" when using Search in any application?
At Virtuoso, we were determined to experiment and find out a solution, as part of our UX challenge.
Now, you may wonder, why one needs to reinvent the wheel, as search is one of the age-old function people used - by typing into it?
But that's where the challenge is. With most people using mobile devices, typing and auto-correct often can lead to wrong inputs and results. Also its critical to have the right spellings, and managing typos while serving the right results can increase load on the system itself.
Rethinking the basics, we came up with a modern solution - a two layered bubble wheel using d3.js It makes it simple and easy for users to select their options without typing them, and makes search more fun.
Our client had used it earlier in their application but were struggling to get desired output. We customized and optimized it.
Why rely on Reusable Components?
Efficiency : they are clean, simple UI components that just need some input data to render.
Easier testing : if you discover problems, you have fewer places to search for the cause because, chances are, the issue is in the newer part you created.
Configurability : we can modify the appearance and behavior
Core design priciples addressed in this component
Encouraging code reusability
Rich for creating visualizations with rich interactions
Supports all morern browsers
Supports pagination and carousel
Dynamic Tooltips and Ellipsis
Renders dynamic data from JSON
At Virtuso, we believe in challenging the existing norms and push hard to innovate new ways to solve problems to help our clients stay ahead of the curve. What was your latest innovation in your project?
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Does Tech DD only brings the Bad News? | Virtuoso Infotech
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Tech DD only brings the Bad News.
The biggest surprise I have found investor partners/managers get during our initial call for Tech DD is the possibility of positive outcomes post DD. Often investor partners/managers agree to me in a low voice, “You know what Preeti, No one really likes to know the Bad News much!”.
I get it.
With 6 out of 10 investments doing mediocre or completely failing to match the ROI expectations, the investment world is set to Bad News by default. And when it comes to topics like Audits - may it be security audit, financial audit or technical audit, we often assume it to bring some bad news about non-compliance, deficit and falling short on something, which may result in a big blow.
But Tech DD is not only about identifying Risks about platform, technology or security. It goes much beyond that; towards the positive notes as well.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
Is Tech DD only useful for IT Platform Companies? | Virtuoso Infotechc world? Find out
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