viscontisms · 4 years
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marina visconti was — to put it gently — in a hurry, so when the voice sounded from behind her, for most of his words the heiress didn’t deign to glance over her shoulder. not until the situation seemed so ridiculous that she couldn’t help but pivot around on her heel, moving asidso she didn’t disrupt the flow of people as the other had done with his sudden stopping. the fact was, marina probably wouldn’t have noticed his running, were it not for the fact he just had to speak up ( and his mortified expression, for another ) so one could say that natsumi koki had well and truly put his foot in it.
“well, my sweet summer child,” she said, voice too level to be truly patient and her own expression doing all of the talking in regard to her utter disbelief, “it’s really cute that you think everyone here has time for your cat trouble, but that’s just not the real world. use google maps and don’t stop dead in the street.”
with that, a meeting ahead of her, she continued on her way.
Koki usually never got lost, but this modeling gig was in a part of the city he had never been to before. Modeling never crossed his mind until after he had started his youtube channel, when someone emailed him about it. He probably shouldn’t have answered that email, but he was doing so many things at once that night and didn’t particularly care. Luckily it was legit, though he much preferred ghost hunting with clay and talking about crime and conspiracies.
 On his walk him, he pulled out a second cell phone from his pocket and he heart raced. He needed to get home immediately to take care of some business. He sprinted, trying to find the correct street he had turned down but couldn’t remember the name. Despite knowing English since childhood, Koki still got words mixed up in his head. 
Once he turned down what he thought was the right corner, Koki immediately stopped at his feet as he noticed the person walking in front of him. He blushed intensely, immediately feeling embarrassed for running like a fool. 
“I…sorry…I got lost, there’s an emergency I need to attend to….for my cat.” Yes, his cat, that should be believable.
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viscontisms · 4 years
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even for someone like marina visconti, who was not so easily flattered, to be plucked from the hopeful sea of the big apple — where, in a perfect reflection of life on the opposing coast, everyone seemed to be writing a screenplay — as the muse of a passing artist ( particularly so emphatic ) was one of the greatest compliments one could receive.
to catch the attention of someone lured to the beautiful and intriguing, what else could it be? at least to marina, where rule #1 was: if she could read something as a compliment to stroke her ego, she would. “if you’d like,” she replied, nodding to the counter, “i can sit down once i’ve ordered my coffee.”
{ @spottedhqstarters​ }
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tilly was seated in the quiet corner of the cafe, knitting and watching the day go by in cups of hot chocolate as she drew strangers as they walked through the window. people watching made for excellent figure sketching. she was just starting to inlay a woman’s hat with pink watercolor. she looked up at another who was pushed closer towards her with the filling of the afternoon rush. “you have to let me draw you.” it was a statement in a question.
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viscontisms · 4 years
no one likes an heiress with a shaky throne. - SPOTTED.
cc @spottedmagazine !
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"i’ll pass your concerns on to allegra versace.”
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viscontisms · 4 years
marina alessia francesca visconti iv: a crash course by shannon!
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( adelaide kane, she/her, twenty-seven. ) is that MARINA VISCONTI on the cover of spotted? that’s the HEIRESS from PALERMO, ITALY. this story says you’re MOTIVATED, but you can totally tell that you’re VERSATILE. how in the world did they figure out that you STABBED YOUR BROTHER IN THE BACK TO TAKE HIS PLACE AS HEIR TO THE COMPANY? if it’s in here, it has to be true?
a note from your friendly neighbourhood shannon: this is gonna be a lot messier than briar’s but i promise i love marina just as much! 
she’s the heiress to her family’s fashion house: in terms of scale we’re thinking chanel but make it sicilian. big money. mr krabs with dollar eyes is the vibe. however, she was never meant to be the heiress: she stabbed her older brother in the back in a way that would turn the praetorian guard green with envy. and there’s a wikipedia category for ‘roman emperors murdered by the praetorian guard.’ 
no, she didn’t physically stab him. all she had to do was make sure he was dead in the eyes of their father, the current ceo: and he had long since had suspicions that his son was the product of an affair between his wife and their rival. her brother, knowing they had nothing to hide, agreed to go along with a test to solidify his claim. but it’s amazing what people will do when offered enough incentive: including falsifying dna results, apparently.
her parents divorced in the fallout, and her brother was disgraced, leaving marina the de facto heiress and the strongest influence on her father: a master move that got her everything she wanted and left her seemingly completely unrestrained. until spotted got a hold of her secret.
before she was ( recently ) given the task of inheriting the family company she had a music career. it’s roughly analagous to marina + the diamonds. yes, i named her this for this reason. you’re welcome to have your characters know her for this even though she’s trying very deliberately to leave it behind because she’s got what she wants, now.
technically the visconti are milanese nobles, but this branch for the most part are determinedly sicilian. yes, it’s odd that a fashion house would continue to distance itself from milan, but let them have their thing.
homewrecker, heartbreaker, ghoster. she’s done them all. you could definitely describe marina visconti as ruthless. one-minded. uncaring, because she is. if it suited her in the end she’d probably damn the whole world to hell. she’s the ‘i am just a bastard’ post and really she’s alright with that.
i would like her to have a couple of close friends that she’d at least think before she knifed in the back. that might not sound like a lot, but it’s a lot. her theme song is mother’s daughter by miley cyrus: why else do you think she wanted her mother out of the way, other than recognising an adversary?
the viscontis have got some intense mafia links, lad.
entj-a. slytherin. neutral evil.
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viscontisms · 4 years
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