vishnyacheez · 1 day
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vishnyacheez · 5 days
Some gift art for @shadowpon-3 They made a super cute fic that this drawing is from.
Also ghost does shading and lighting again? Ik it’s a rare sight.
The fic - https://www.tumblr.com/shadowpon-3/751636751283535872/title-tickled-blue
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vishnyacheez · 6 days
I made a little comic with my ninjago oc because I recently got into the idea that she, after learning that Lloyd actually grew up too early, ends up treating him like the little brother she never had
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So yeah, I drew it xD
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vishnyacheez · 20 days
DokiDoki Spice Warning 🧁🔥👇
"Jeez... you made fun of me an entire afternoon for buying these. And now you're crying in just a minute? 😅😎😈"
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Long time no MatchaBlossom 🍵🌸 Randomly decided to come back to these two 🙃💖 For even more spice look below🤭😈👇🔥 💕💕 are needed for Tumblr... 🙈 😅 The full version can be found on Deviantart ✨ (Link in pinned post)
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vishnyacheez · 27 days
Therapy Session
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Welp, with that huge amount of love for them it was destined to happen sooner or later-
I LOVE these dorks, so don't mind me to self-indulge on them as well~
I think Aven deserves it (he needs a lot of therapy + he is a cutie <3) and we all know, Dr. Ratio would be happy help him.
Also don't worry, Doctor made sure to give him breaks throughout :3
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>>PART 2<<
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vishnyacheez · 27 days
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vishnyacheez · 27 days
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vishnyacheez · 29 days
Stormy Nights... Now and Then
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A/N: A story I wrote in late December as part of a gift exchange event among friends. I haven't uploaded the story yet out in public so here it is. The story ft. the brother-duo Clive and Joshua from the game Final Fantasy XVI.
Words: 2,250 words udner the cut
Clive opened his eyes as a deafening clap of thunder woke him up from his sleep, a glowing white light illuminating his room, casting long shadows. Rain cracked indispensable against his window, a symphonic melody in contrast to the cacophonous thunderstorm out there.
He turned to the side, letting out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes again, trying to find sleep again. Though another sound joined the nature orchestra, and he opened his eyes once again, listening up. A silent knocking could be heard at his door, followed by an almost inaudible whimper. "B-Brother... are you awake?"
"Joshua, is that you… doors open?" the ravenhead mumbled, as he sat up, wondering what was going on. The door opened with a creak and revealed his younger brother, holding a moogle plush he had gotten him on his ninth birthday in his arms, tightly pressed to his chest. He gave him a smile as he noticed his apprehensive expression.
"What's wrong, buddy?" "C-Can I sleep with you tonight? Moogy had a nightmare and- mhmm..." he interrupted himself, flinching as another sound of thunder filled the room "…the thunder…" Joshua mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. Clive's smile grew more gentle as he pated the bed beside him. "Come here you two, you're safe with me."
The boy's face light up and he walked over to him, his bare feet made padded noises as they walked over the cold stone. The older Rosenfield lifted his blanket and Joshua immediately crawled into the big bed, the comfort of his brother's presence already easing his fears a bit. Clive wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close, the younger boy nestling against him.
"You're all comfy there? Don't worry nothing can happen you here," he told him and arranging his loyal plush friend, pressing it softly against his cheek. Joshua nodded, visibly more at ease then a few seconds ago... though when another bang filled the cloudy sky, he trembled once again and Clive sighed, not in annoyance but in worriedness.
To lighten the mood, he began to tell Joshua a story about a brave blonde knight, leaving his home to go on a journey, his words weaving a tapestry of adventures, slowing beginning to calm the other down. As the stories unfolded, Clive's fingers playfully began to dance along Joshua's sides, eliciting a series of giggles from the younger boy.
"StoHoHop iHit, Clive! That tiHIhickles!" Joshua laughed, trying to squirm away, but Clive was gentle and relentless. "It's part of the story Joshua, don't tell me you want me to stop at the best part of it?" he teased, and the little boy gasped. "NoOHohot fair, pleaseeee, continue~" he begged, and Clive chuckled as his gullibility.
"That's what I thought, so... The young knight had finally reached the cave of the big dragon, facing the beast that beaten countless of others before him, known for his inhuman powers. Full of courage he stepped in his path, ready to fight for his honor and..." Joshua listened to his story with big eyes, looking at him when Clive stopped.
"...and then what, brother, what happened next?" Clive made a dramatic pause, before he growled playfully and made a claw-like hand. "...and then the big dragon used his secret skill, attacking the blonde knight, just... like this~" he quickly added and brought his hands down Joshua's flanks, wiggling gently over his sides and stomach, emitting the most adorable sounds he had ever heard.
"WaHahahAit~ HaHAHAhaHAhah...b-big brOHohther~" Joshua whined in-between his bubbly laughter, completely caught off guard by Clive's sudden approach, his little hands clinging onto his brother's shirt as his fingers continued to press gently into his sides.
The dark-haired didn't let himself be impressed by it and continued his "mission" to take away his little brother's fear and turning it into something more delightful - thus he continued his acting for a bit longer, not able to hide a smile and a giggle as he tried to stay a serious storyteller. Their laughter mingling, drowning out the sounds of the raging storm.
"'I've found the mighty knight's weakness!' the dragon laughed, his big claw covering the poor knights' entire body, wiggling and squiggling over it in delight~" Clive teased, his fingers gently probing up to his armpits, causing Joshua to burst into more laughter.
"HahHAHAhhaha, h-hEhEhhe diHIHidn't do thAhaht!" Joshua laughed, giving up on fighting off the well-aimed scribbles of the big drag- ahem brother's hands. The blonde didn't mind which way the story had turned to and yet he wished for a happy ending at least… and he wasn't disappointed.
"Ohh he did Josh, he did... and thus the knight was pulled further into the cave, his fears soon turning into curiosity and enjoyment as he began to befriend the lonely dragon who wasn't as bad as he had thought and it is told that after he had been allowed to leave, he still chose to visit his cave till this day, his laughter still ringing as an echo against the stone walls~" he finished, his tickling slowing down and turning into soothing strokes on his back.
Clive continued this for a few moments, before speaking up again. "Feeling better now, sorry I hope I didn't go overboard?" he asked softly. Joshua smiled at him, his eyes heavy with sleep. "...Y-You didn't... thank you, Clive *yawn* You always know how to make me feel better," he mumbled softly. "I'm glad Mr. Knight and the dragon ma…de…up…"
The older smiled, watching as Joshua's breathing deepened, the fears of the night forgotten in the safety of his arms. "Sleep well Joshua," he whispered, kissing his forehead before he followed his brother into dreamland short after.
Years had passed since the brothers had seen each other, let alone sleeping under the same roof, being separated by the threads of fate. The world had changed, and so had they. Josuha had now become a handsome young man, who still remained the big heart he always had, and Clive had gotten more wiser and stronger, still retaining his brotherly complex love.
After a long and arduous journey, they had finally found themselves together again, under the same roof of their ancestral home, now weathered by time and memory. The night was stormy, with lightning tearing through the sky, reminiscent one of the many nights they had shared years ago.
Clive sat in his bed, lost in thoughts as he read through and old book he had found in the library. Torgal, usually not leaving his side, was staying the night with Jill for the night, being ordered to "protect" her, even though she was the last one who was in need of protection. His reverie was interrupted by a soft knock on the door, and he looked up.
"Clive, are you awake?" Joshua's voice, now deeper, yet still familiar, echoed through the room. "Yes, come in," the dark-haired responded, putting the book to the side as Joshua entered, a hesitant yet determined look on his face. He paused at the foot of Clive's bed, his blue eyes betraying a hint of the child he once was.
"Can I... Can we share the bed tonight? I don't want you to feel lonely after everything that's happened," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head with one hand. Clive raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on his lips. "Are you sure it's not because you're still scared of thunder?" he teased, recalling his fond memories of their childhood.
Like on command, a loud thunder could be heard, though Jousha seemed visibly unimpressed by it. The blonde rolled his eyes but climbed into bed beside Clive, not even waiting for an answer. "Shut it, I've grown up, Clive. I'm not that little boy anymore," he said, a slight blush on his ears being visible in the dim candlelight.
"Oh, is that so?" Clive challenged, his fingers finding their way to Joshua's side, pressing softly into it. The blonde's body flinched, and he was already starting to giggle as he tried to push the hand away. "NoHOhoho~" he laughed, leaning his head back in delight. Clive felt confident in his victory but the reaction he received was not what he had expected.
"Haha, seems to me like you are still the- woAH!" With a swift move, Joshua managed to overpower him, quickly reversing their positions and before Clive knew what was happening, he felt himself been pressed into the soft cushion with Joshua straddling him, grinning down into his surprised face.
"Maybe it's you who should be careful now," he said playfully, his hands darting towards his brother's sides. Clive immediately burst into laughter, unprepared for the ticklish counterattack. "AhHhaHAHAHah~ WahAhahAt? W-W-WahaHahit!" he gasped between laughs, trying to fend off Joshua's relentless fingers.
Joshua however just giggled, playing deaf. "What was that, Clive? I'm stronger now and you want me to continue, hehe suit yourself~" he teased and managed to catch both of his hands, pressing them over his head while worming the fingers of his free hand into his left ribcage, poking the sensitive spots in-between his ribs.
Clive was losing it and his laughter high-pitched when his brother hit an especially sensitive spot at his highest pair of ribs. "CoOHohmoe oHohon, J-JohoHoshua, I'm- ahAhahah I'm soHOorry~" Clive whined, tears of mirth running down his face as he took the blonde's revenge, his hands curling into fists as he shook them in vain.
"Oh, is this the spot brother?~ Hahaha, I didn't think you would be that sensitive~" he continued to tease him, enjoying this close and light-hearted moment, this brotherly warmth that he had missed - that he had yearned for - for so long. "NoHoHohoHo!" Clive laughed, his laughter getting louder with each passing second.
His feet were kicking behind him, his heels pressing into the soft mattress, and he was glad that they were not staying at an inn, otherwise it must sound like someone was currently murdered. The younger continued to launch his attack, listening to his brother's laughter.
He also noticed that Clive didn't seem to put that much effort into stopping him. Joshua knew how strong his brother was and right now he was not even acting half as strong as he really was, and he smiled warmly, thankful that Clive was playing along, enjoying this moment just as much as he did.
"Maybe this will make you confess~" he teased and sneaked his fingers under his light shirt, his fingertips sliding over his bare stomach, feeling muscles and warm skin under them, leaving goosebumps. He could sense them vibrating and chortles of laughter broke out of Clive as his bucking got stronger, yet somehow, he managed to hold them under control.
"HahaAHAhHAHAHA!" "Not yet, hng? You're tougher than I thought... well it would be boring otherwise~" Joshua chuckled, thinking for a moment before an idea crossed his mind and his smile turned into a sly one. Wait cold it be… it's worth a try.
"Ohh you're in big trouble now, I know where your weak spot is. Hehe... time to bring the big guns in~" he chuckled as he wiggled his free hand midair in front of Clive's face and when the ravenhead noticed where he was aiming next, the expression on his face was telling Joshua that he had hit the jackpot. "DoHohon't yoOHuh da-"
"...Dare to stop? Oh, I wouldn't dare to~" he interrupted him and before Clive could've replied, Joshua's hand found its way into his unprotected armpit and hell broke loose. "AHAHAHAHHHHAHAh!! D-DAHAHAHAHHAMN YOHOHOU! HAHAHAHAHHAHHAA!" Clive broke as the laughter bubbled out of him like a waterfall, the dam finally broken for real.
Joshua snicked and gave up holding down his arms, attacking both his armpits despite him immediately bringing down his arms to trap his hands in said spots. Not knowing what to do anymore, Clive decided for another attempt to tickle him back, his arms shooting up and squeezing the blonde's hips, trying to push him off of him.
"Okay, okay! TruHUhuce!" he laughed and actually managed to make the other loose his hold, falling to the side, next to him. "You cheHEheheater~" "You had your fuHUhun~" The room filled with the sound of their laughter and little bantering, as both of them calmed down, the storm outside inconsequential and long forgotten.
As both their laughter finally subsided, Joshua settled beside Clive, grinning at him with a big smile. "See? I told you I've grown up," Joshua said, a hint of pride in his voice. Clive smiled at him, pulling his brother into a hug, ruffling through his blonde locks.
"Haha and yet you still are my ticklish little brother~ Some things never change," he joked, and earned another poke into his side as Joshua puffed out his cheeks. "That's rich, coming from you," he teased, and both fell into another laughing fit, before lying next to each other. "I really missed you Clive..." the blonde mumbled, nuzzling a bit more against him.
The ravenhead smiled as he lied and arm around him, pulling Joshua even closer. "I missed you too Joshua but we're finally together again and that's what counts the most," he told him, and his hand was gently stroking his head, making him sleepy.
They lay there, listening to the rain against the windows that worked as a soothing lullaby and before they knew it, the two brothers had fallen asleep, embraced in their presence and their love on this rainy night.
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vishnyacheez · 29 days
always make your ticklee suffer :D
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vishnyacheez · 29 days
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Wait! Waihihit! That wasn't part of the plahahahan!!! 💢😆 . . Can't convince me that drunk Hanako wouldn't be a little shit 🤭😈
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vishnyacheez · 1 month
Ollo! Dunno if your requests are open, but if they are might I humbly request lee chuuya with any ler of your choice? I shall pay with virtual cereal and orange juice. <3 If not disregard this rq, and make sure to take care of yourself :D
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Hihiii Anon~) Thank you very much for the request and yummies! I appreciate it a lot💕ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ゙
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vishnyacheez · 1 month
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tickle tickle tickle~
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vishnyacheez · 1 month
19 Days Ch.441
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vishnyacheez · 1 month
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i was about to scream when i discovered ticklish-Jean is a thing in this perfect fic but i could only smile because it was 2 am
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vishnyacheez · 1 month
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This is a commission, do not trace
THANK YOU @lovelynim
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vishnyacheez · 1 month
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"you're in trouble, chef!"
finally feel like drawing again! to the like 4 other tkl community/the bear fans... enjoy
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vishnyacheez · 1 month
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commission i recently finished for @beautifulpocketbean of their super cute oc riza-kun and the most adorable I-kyun, who i definitely do not draw enough σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡ i love drawing these self-indulgent types like this as well, so it was extra delightful (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) please enjoy !!!
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