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(( And now I make an active attempt to actually do something with this account.
I am terrible at talking over Tumblr omg hi guys. ))
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I think you'll be pleased to know that Sonic and Fleetway have gotten together
I'm more so pleased to know that an Anonymous thinks that they can put in their word on a situation that doesn't involve them at all.
Fuck off.
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Are there decisions that are being made for me?
I am not going to take that sitting down.
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Still, Shadow wasn't sure he wanted to share. He was, after all, a rather closed off individual.
If you're so closed off, then how did you fall in love with him?
He was taunted with a lot of horrid, hellish thoughts like that lately.
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"..." It was difficult to change those ways that were so ingrained into him. He wasn't used to sharing what was bothering him with anyone but Maria. "... I do not know if you would understand," he responded finally. It may've not looked like progress on the surface, but the point of it all was he was admitting to the fact that he actually had a problem, that yes, Sonic was right.
Sonic wasn’t buying it. “Shads, come ooon,” he said as he stepped closer, “You think I can’t tell when somethin’s up? You can tell me anythin’, ya know. Besides…you listen to my problems on a regular basis, and I wanna hear yours too…” It was obvious in Sonic’s expression that he wasn’t going to be easily deterred here. 
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It wasn't only Sonic who was stopping, though. Shadow had taken a respite in his walking that elongated to a complete halt as he turned around, already beginning to regret snapping at the blue hedgehog. He simply wasn't in a good mood... but that didn't mean Sonic had to take the brunt of it.
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He sighed. He wasn't used to discussing his own problems with his friend, mostly because he tended to be inaccessible when they caught up to him. This was a very rare moment and he wasn't sure he was comfortable with it. "... I'll be fine." He could promise at least that. He always was, after all.
Sonic stopped dead in his tracks, and his ears flipped back, almost in a flinch. They perked back up though and his expression was nothing but concerned. “I…heard ya yellin’, and…I just wanted to make sure you were okay…”
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sonicblur replied to your post: Like you’re one to talk as far as that is concerned.
Sonic had heard Shadow’s shouting and quickly followed him. “Shadow?” he called as he tried to catch up.
Shadow wanted time to himself. So, well, he couldn't help the fact that he just snapped when Sonic approached.
"What do you want."
He really wasn't in a good mood after that.
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(( Pfft it's fine! I've dealt with characters introducing themselves twice, too. ))
"The feeling is mutual."
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"I not only dislike you, I despise you. Glad to know we're on the same page."
visionarylifeform started following you
(( Holy shit I forgot, fuck I feel so stupid. ))
“Doesn’t matter to me either way really..
I’d sooner want you dead than chatting with me..so that’s probably what my thought process was..”
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"You followed me first, you buffoon."
Shadow paid little attention to anything else he said. It wasn't as if Fleetway was intelligent, anyway. Not to him.
visionarylifeform started following you
His uninterested look turned into a glare,
“Okay, listen the fuck to me for a second fuzzy. 
I don’t like you either, I don’t give a goddamn shit about anything you are or anything you do. And next time you want me out of your sight, why don’t you fuck off instead of following me first?”
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Like you're one to talk as far as that is concerned.
I didn't I was just I didn't I'm not involved in that I didn't I
I've always tried to protect I've always I no no no no no I didn't I
I'm not a monster like he is I'm not I'm the protector I've always been the protector I...
I nearly...
Destroyed the... the...
But that was a long time ago! And I'm over that and I'm better than that and you can just shut up, okay!? I'm not like that! I'm better than that! He's not, you can't compare me to him! I'm better BETTER BETTER I TRY TO PROTECT THIS WORLD I I'LL--
I'll be back.
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There's no hidden reason behind it?
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Why do you hate Fleetway so much?
It is impossible for me to have sympathy for someone who has murdered thousands of people.
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"Oh, ha ha.
"Listen, I don't like you. At all. And it doesn't matter what Zone you're from. I don't care if you're a fucking angelic version of Fleetway; I want you out of my sight. Is that perfectly clear, or should I reinforce my point with force?"
visionarylifeform started following you
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“Sheesh, your time of the month or somethin’?”
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"You're the very last face I want to see right now."
visionarylifeform started following you
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“Geez..another stripes?”
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-Mist Sonic having fun with the fan.
- Winged Shadow
- Rebecca trying to fly with her derpy wings, and failing.
- Mephi and Fleety doing silly pick up lines and Sonic being jealous
- RP FEELS (I drew when they passed out and ended up all snuggling heee )
- Slanic <3
- Made no request, but I felt like drawing Shadow anyway~
- Also made no request, drew Kris anyway~
- Again, no request, BUT SAFETY BUCKET
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