vistfull · 28 days
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(via FlimsyFlamingo on Twitter)
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vistfull · 28 days
HII ME AGAIN!! Can i request leafy graphics plea.se... .., Thenk you..... 😗😗
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right when i was 'bout t open my requests!!!🔥🔥li out extralove irnto it. maybe
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Leafy Graphics!
All art is official/from the show
F2U, but likes n reblogs are appreciated!
Req’d by happyushanka(??)
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vistfull · 28 days
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Got to design the orchestra friends from the latest bfdia episode!
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vistfull · 1 month
*grabbing mlm shippers by the shoulders* guys nobody needs to be the twink. nobody needs to be the sub. nobody needs to be the femboy. they can both be big fat hairy men who bask in each others masculinity or they can both be unspeakable monstrous creatures with inhuman genitalia it’s okay I’m holding your hand. Let me show you the way
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vistfull · 1 month
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I worked very hard on this
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vistfull · 1 month
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vistfull · 1 month
On Discomfort and Morality
My father finds gay men uncomfortable.
He's told me before that it's like a knee-jerk for him. Something he doesn't consciously control. He sees two men behaving romantically, and his body reacts with mild discomfort.
In the 1960s, when he was in high school, most of the boys in his form thought he was gay on the simple fact that he wasn't homophobic. He wouldn't participate in insulting queer people, he didn't care if someone was gay, he wouldn't have a problem hanging out with gay people. So people thought he was gay. That's how prevalent homophobia was in his formative years.
When I was 10, my dad told me very seriously that Holmes and Watson were gay. That it was obvious from the literature and the time period that they were meant to be a gay couple. When I was 14 and I came out to my parents as bi, when my mum was upset my dad ripped into her for it. Told her that she was being stupid, that it was my life to live how I wanted to and that she needed to get over herself.
My dad formed my views on censorship: that being that it was completely ridiculous and thoroughly evil. He didn't believe in censorship of any kind. If I asked him a question about sex, he answered it honestly. When I was 12 and I asked him about homosexuality, still young and uncertain, he told me that there was nothing wrong with it. That it was just how some people were. That there was likely an evolutionary reason for it. And that for some people it was uncomfortable on an instinctual level.
He taught me that just because you're uncomfortable with something, doesn't make it wrong. He also taught me that most people don't understand this.
I see a lot of this on the internet as of the last few years. The anti shipping movement, the terf movement, the anti ace movement. It all stems from discomfort that people have crossed wires into believing means wrong. Really every -ism and -phobia out there stems from this same fundamental aspect of humanity.
The next time you see something and you automatically think it's disgusting, or wrong, or immoral, I invite you to ask yourself: is this actually wrong or does this just make me uncomfortable?
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vistfull · 1 month
no he cant
// bfdia 12 spoilers
can he stop being gay for 5 seconds
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vistfull · 1 month
School domino effect with cereal's boxes
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vistfull · 1 month
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vistfull · 1 month
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vistfull · 1 month
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Random Shit (Lacking a bit of motivation right now)
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vistfull · 1 month
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cake, winner and price tag improvised designs (did these without sketch)
they're a polycule or a couple of best friends idrc as long as loser explodes
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vistfull · 1 month
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*grabs both your hands in gesture of sincerity*
Don't let this die. Taylor Swift is the Pollution Queen now. We need meme edits with her photoshopped onto backgrounds of wildfire-ravaged landscapes and oil refineries chugging out black smoke.
Photo of smudgy black eye shadow? That's THE Taylor Swift-inspired look now, it represents fossil fuels.
We need parodies of Taylor Swift songs about pollution and killing polar bears.
Give her representatives a full-time job for the rest of their lives defending her from the phrase "Pollution Queen." Make this meme a the figurehead of an entire fleet of other celebrity-terrorizing memes.
"But this doesn't dismantle the system that—" Shut. Don't care. Isn't it great that such a huge portion of environmental damage is being done by human individuals with egos, whose feelings can be hurt when people are mean?
Money can save you from physical harm, but can it save you from looking ridiculous?
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vistfull · 1 month
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vistfull · 1 month
please read this if you don’t support the fucking genocide
there are palestinian kids who should be in school, getting ready for a new semester. they should be procrastinating their homework, texting their friends. they should get to go home when they feel unsafe or upset.
instead, the school year was suspended on november 6th. over 200 schools have been bombed. more than 7,870 children have been killed. kids do not have a safe place. anywhere. their homes are being destroyed and their schools are being destroyed and the places they used to hang out at and eat at and shop at and pray at and mourn at and live at are actively being destroyed
people of palestine, of all ages, should be living their lives. they should be having normal experiences. they should be going to the movies or redecorating their rooms or celebrating birthdays or scrolling their phones for no reason. but they’re not. they’re not allowed to have the comfort of mindless human joy without constant threat and fear and bloodshed, and it is the fault of israel, the united states, and other fucked corrupt governments.
there have been close to 20,000 palestinian deaths, almost 2.2 million people displaced, and an estimated half of those people face starvation.
we need to fucking do something. the fact that the US still refuses to support a ceasefire is disgusting and evil. the claim that all anti-israeli statements are based in antisemitism is hurting both the people of palestine and jewish people worldwide.
here’s some things you can do:
-donate if you can or ask someone you know to donate
-sign a petition to demand a ceasefire
-fill out a form to email your representative. then do it again. then do it again. then do it again.
-boycott and avoid all companies on this list that you can (especially now that the holidays are rolling around: buy from independent stores, non-big name brands)
-spam text your friends and family with this post and these links
-reblog to spread awareness, interact with other posts that give instructions for direct action, follow palestinian voices
-instead of feeling guilt or denying yourself personal happiness, do all you can to make a difference. it doesn’t matter if you don’t have money to donate or if you’re a minor. you can always contact representatives or sign petitions
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vistfull · 1 month
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