visualsubscapes · 5 years
Nanobespheres of Microverse
Floating through a vast space of darkness up to a swirling vortex of microscopic, turquoise-colored, neon orbs ~- all flowing in sync -~ soaring ~- mathematically spiraling with each other. I, as one of the orbs am broken free from this circuit in order to simply observe...
My orb-like self follows the flow to what appears to be a biomechanical space station in the midst of this micro-universe, where my fellow beings are all filtering through a series of ethereal conveyer belts, as if they're being inspected by the Source.
Not all beings remain with the flow however, as some are launched into the infinite tunnels of the multiverse presented before us...while all the rest file one by one into a vacuum leading to the Source -~ allowing them to gently fall and absorb into a BEHEMOTH, reddish-pinkish, warm and glowing, BREATHING tree-being embodied entirely by nanobes ((hypothesized as the smallest known life form)).
It appears to be a place where material essence both “begins” and “ends”, and all becomes One.
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visualsubscapes · 5 years
laying in bed in darkness
meditation state
have a vision with my eyes closed
in a red dome with cutout in center up top revealing black night sky
black hands praying together appeared in the center of my vision
lifting upward and outward then back in to center
pulled my bottom lip down and upper lip up towards my nose
opening my nasal passages
arms relaxed at 90 degrees
fall back onto my pillow
hands are relaxed yet locked resting by my ears like creating a tunnel so they could hear
two reddish orange glowing eyes appear along with the face of a reddish orange Anubis-like dog creature with pointy ears
it looked up towards the sky up towards my right in front of me and i was called to a certain star
I looked it up on my phone’s sky map and it was “Cebalrai”
an orange class “K star”, the dog of the “serpent bearer (shepard) Ophiucus
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visualsubscapes · 9 years
storefront.  puppies in cages
then went inside, played with the puppies and then in the next room was a bunch of chickens and snakes an turtles. like hanging out on poles. one of the bulldogs escaped into that room and was frolicking with the chickens
then i moved along to the next room where this meeting seemed to be going down. people all dressed in neon, neon shirts and windbreaker pants sitting in a circle discussing their next move for the animals. i snuck into their kitchen area and found a box of neon clothes so i put them on and sat in on the meeting of the neon alliance where they inducted me into their crew. then meeting was adjourned. told em see them next wednesday. then continued to explore this dreamscape of a building
found a museum/gallery area. where there were a bunch of fossilized animal teeth and bones on dispaly. this tiny lady with a badge was up at a podium talking to this obnoxious guy wearing camouflage and orange hunting gear...she informed him that all of the fossilized animals there were hunted using sharp carrots. and he kept asking where he can find these carrots but she would never give him a straight answer
so dude was getting all pissed and rowdy, therefore i just left to the next room, where i found a zen like cafe, bunch of people sitting at mosaic tables and chairs studying and eating pastries and sipping tasty drinks. waterfalls on all the walls. crazy curved architecture like the room was about to fall inside itself. also an outdoor ish area with a bunch of bamboo plants covering the ceiling and sun shining through everywhere. that was my favorite room i think
then i realized i still didn't know where my car was... so i walked back out the museum and past the neon meeting room and pet store and around the block where i found my whip .started driving to chicago, then realized i forgot my bose speaker because my stereo doesnt work. then i woke up
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visualsubscapes · 9 years
Tumblr media
001: a face in the waters
~ scene: black and white. waters: stagnant, ocean-like. a somber, glacier-sized face emerges from the murky depths. overwhelming feelings of tragedy and powerlessness against this vast, depressing thing...and then, the sensation of hope, followed by a light breeze and gentle rain. the face smiles, evolving into the hands of many, reaching to the skies until sunlight appears *
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