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“no.” again, the being repeated the single word; not out of hatred, but out of annoyance. there was no need to say anything else. not now - maybe down the line. for now, however, he was going to affirm his original comment on the matter by this time rephrasing his words. “we are not.”
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“So are you one of the smarter of those critters that pop out of some poor sorry sap’s thorax?” he asked as he gesticulated a chestbuster with his dominant hand. “Cause the movies never said that you all could talk. Wait, you aren’t hiding one of those sticky eggs around here are ya? Cause if ya do...well, you ain’t propagating with my vessel bro.”
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At least he was enjoying himself. He’d later regret this party he was having with himself, given he was in for a murder headache once the alcohol wore off and he’d be back to his usual self, just a lot grumpier. He’d seen it plenty of times if he stayed at the bars too late. And heard of it too when humans spoke about the hangover after a good night. He personally couldn’t relate, he’d never been drunk and never would be, but he had been shot up with wolfsbane and dealt with the aftereffects of it, so he thought he at least had an idea of the world of pain this mysterious stranger was in for. 
“I’m not with the government…?” His eyes followed the other’s pointing anyway, curious to find …an empty table. Well, worth a shot. “Your secrets are safe with me.” He shot the other a light smile, leaning one arm on the counter as he looked at him, his neck craned a little. The guys was taller. 
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“Oh goods!” he grinned into his mug as he took another swig. He didn’t have a care in the world and it had been a couple centuries since he had managed to get a hangover. It was just enough time for him to forget how bad those things could be. Whatever concern Alfazon held for the future was somewhere buried beneath the layers of liquor that he was consuming. Then again, it might have already expired by drowning in the fluids already. “Just dun tell the presses...press...” He fumbled with the word and licked the drink off of his lips as he tried to figure out how mouths worked again. Life was simpler outside of a body but you couldn't very well drink without one.  “You know who I mean, don’t ya?” He looked down at his glass and finally set it down once it was empty. For once the fellow looked displeased and his cheery demeanor faded slightly until the next drink arrived. Fairly instantaneously he was all smiles again. “Course ya do, you’re a smart.”
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@vitapurgatorium // popsicle.
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“ if you’re here for more almonds, i don’t have any. i’m still in the process of looking for a snack i like that i don’t have to share. speaking of, what’s your opinion on soups?”
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He did not understand why food was such a high priority for Deo. Perhaps it was because he was more connected to those of the Earth. He waved a hand as he dismissed the notion of contemplating the complexities of soups. A low breath seeped past his lips as his vessel’s ribs bore down upon the spongy tissue that permitted air’s passage.  “I am not here for snack time,” he murmured low as he stepped forward. “We have much to discuss.”
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“Look at us both. Covered in other people’s blood and talking about morality.”
— Mitchell (Being Human S2 E8)
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“Really? Are… are you sure you just haven’t gone out far enough?” If the archives in Torchwood were anything to go off of, it certainly seemed the opposite to what Hayyel was saying. “I’ve heard things about space… but I suppose parts of it are exactly that, dark and lifeless… makes a vacation not sound that appealing at all.” She laughed softly, glancing down at the table, “Yea, you said cup of soda, I always heard it said as cup of tea. But it’s not that important, both work. Oh, yea that does seem a bit odd if you gave us gills, though maybe some people wouldn’t mind it.” Her gaze went up to meet his and she smiled at him admiringly, “A charity? That’s a nice thought. Have you ever thought what kind of charity you’d do? Bake sale, dog wash service, or something bigger than that, like part of a cooperation type of thing? Ah… wait, what? French people hunting beavers?”
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“Possibly, but I don’t think going further would be really fun either. I kind of like our little home base. There’s plenty of interesting things here already and it’s constantly changing. I mean i could hang out with the robots on Mars...They’re pretty neat.” Then again, he wasn’t sure how the technology worked. So he wasn’t certain how to perfectly shield himself from how they operated. The last thing he wanted was to break one of them, or get caught. Both options would end poorly for everybody involved.  “I can’t bake to save a life,” he laughed and shook his head softly. “Dogs?!” he grinned and sat up a bit straighter. “Where are they? I would like to say hello to them. They are one of my favorites.” He scratched his head and thought back to that era. “People had muskets back then...like your guns, but...slower. They wanted the pelts for...whatever reason. I had to scare some of them off...”
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she leaned up to kiss his cheek, before lowering herself back onto the soles of her feet, easing away so as not to crowd his personal space. ‘ shiny sheep with wings. i’d always preferred rats with wings, but the shepard analogy is a nice touch. ‘
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“Have you ever met a rat? They’re smart and they take care of one another. Rats show kindness. A sheep on the other hand. Well, they won’t even walk to the shade that might save their life. Dumber than a box of rocks, but they taste mighty fine. Haven’t tried rat though, seems kind of mean to eat one.”
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                ❝I know a lot of vampires who would like to disagree with you.❞  Sookie said with a simple little laugh. She had personally silvered some vampires, though whether they were willing or not was a different story. She had seen the way it burned their skin and how gruesome it appeared when the silver was ripped away, taking blood and skin with it. But hey - if you needed to immobilize a vampire that was the best way to do it.
               The blonde continued to walk down the road, not too far from her own house now, though she couldn’t make out the porch lights just yet. Was it dangerous to bring a strange vampire back with her? Absolutely, though he had no way of getting inside of her house, not unless his breed of vampire could just waltz through the door when he pleased. That might be another story. Sookie tried to keep positive about this, telling herself that at least he was being a gentleman, one enough to walk her home ( though he might want to eat her afterwards ). Hey, she had been there plenty of times when vampires were all nice and kind one minute and the next they were chewing into her body like she was live buffet.
                ❝How old are you?❞  Sookie asked him, his statement begging the question really. One that was old enough not to lose control over his issues and make her his dinner.  ❝You’re not gonna try to eat me, are you?❞  She asked, addressing the elephant in the room, or at least the elephant that was bugging her.
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“A lot of people have a habit of disagreeing with me,” he offered with a sly grin. “That’s okay though, different strokes for different folks.” Ronan held himself back as he asked about her age. He wagged a finger, playfully pretending to be offended by the question. He wasn’t sure when age became such a big thing to the vampire community. Perhaps it was a token of an individual’s ability to adapt and survive, but he’d seen too many others get chips on their shoulders for being older than dirt.  “Tsk, now wouldn’t it be rude of me to ask that question of you?” he said, still smiling all the while as he slowly slid back into his original stride. He walked closer to Sookie and grinned down at her, lowering his voice a few notches just in case somebody else was hanging around the joint. You never knew who could be listening in the trees, or, maybe she was bugged. “Roughly three hundred, give or take a few months.” “Remember that scout’s honor we talked about? I’m not peckish. So don’t worry, you’re not dinner. Hell, you’re not even on the snack menu.”
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‘ well, i thought all my kin had forgotten that i existed. ‘
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“Forgotten?” That was a horrible thought to have. He shook his head. How could family forget one another as such? He wasn’t sure how it was possible without Hell’s assistance in the matter. He took a cleansing breath.  “No, some of us have just been far from home is all.”
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A long sigh slips from the goddess’ lips. “I should have guessed it would be you I sensed, lurking about and causing trouble.” Her jaw tightens at the ‘little goddess’ comment, but Makaria holds her tongue…for now. “What are you doing here, Alastair?”
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He continued his long stride as he shifted his form about the crowd. The demon spread his fingers, palm facing the concrete beheath him as he sent a ripple of magic through the crowd. He didn’t need the mortals bumping into him or listening into their conversation. He utterly loathed eavesdroppers.  “Tsk, I thought you might have been happy to see me,” he murmured as he straightened his suit. He avoided the question she poised entirely. Instead the demon simply grinned back at her.
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{ Counting b̔̋̀͜ ̨̉̑ȍ͊ͫͧ̔̚ ̢͊ͤ̾̆dͨ́ͣ̅̓̔ͤ͡͡ ͛̓ͨ̐͛ͩ̀͡ï̚ ̈ͣ̒̏̉̅͠͏̨e̡ͯ͒ ̶̢̒̑̆͟s̸̶͛̉̀͢ ̧̽ͦ̍̕                                           like ̨̑ͯ̉̑͊͐̐ͬ ́͟͡ś̡̢͝ ̢̛͠h̡̧́͜ ̵̸̛è̵ ̷̵̴̛e̷͜ ͏̶̵͢҉p͜͟͜͞                   To the rhythm of the w̨̹̜̼͠ a̟̘̫̣͔͉ r̫͓̣̞̦̜ ̧҉̥͖̥̳̖̟ͅ d̩̜̞͢͟ r͔͍̭ ù̳͙͚ m̺̝̮̺̼͘͞͞ s̶̯̯ }
{ Alastair / @vivisxctor / A Perfect Circle - Bodies Like Sheep }
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Demons weren’t particularly Gabriel’s favorite, especially after what she went through with Asmodeus.  Not even bothering to try to help the human Alastair had in his mitts - the guy was a fucking dirtbag and whatever he was getting he had coming - she just crossed her arms and waited.
“Wrap it up, Alastair.  I ain’t got all day.”
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The demon was mainly known for two things, his efficiency, and his enjoyment of his work. He liked taking his time and this tufted titmouse was spoiling his fun. He made no movement to speed up the process the man would succumb to his injuries soon enough. Alastair glanced back at  Mr. Reinhart’s face and smiled. Gauging by how his pulse fluttered beneath his fingers, he only had a few more seconds left before the body systems utterly failed. Blood washed over his hand as the form sputtered in his grip. He turned his attention back to Gabriel and quirked a brow. He soaked up the energy of the Archangel with a grin. It reminded him so much of his favorite of the celestials. “You know, I thought your vessel would have been taller.”
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He didn’t know how he felt about actually bringing the figure from grinning to - reality.  He wasn’t sure if that was the right term, but it was the closest word he could come to it.  You did not approach Michael, God’s right hand angel- well when dad was around- for joking around.  Well, most didn’t.  Gabriel tried.  Others tried.  Michael had a real suspicion that Gabriel had a bet going around to see who could actually get him to stop working, back then.
Things weren’t like that anymore.  It might be a good thing, he supposed.  It was unfortunate, especially now that he could feel a little more.  There were angels sent down to watch who helped humanity- who were burning in a pit, and probably too far gone to relieve of their punishments, even if he wished he could.  Father had drowned the earth, due to the nephilim, though the good majority of them had been bloodthirsty and killing the others.  But why not just send Michael’s army to dispel of those, not locking up those you sent to guide and destroying all but one family of humanity?  (who admittedly, though MIchael hadn’t been aware at the time, Michael had never actually liked Noah much, his poor family had to deal with the man who followed father’s word a little too closely and might have been a little too close to an unquestioning angel than ever made Michael comfortable.  Then again, he could deal with that obedience and Noah much better than he could Metatron, and that was before he attempted to take everything over.  Insufferable little cretin.)
But that was the past.
“Decades count as fleeting, brother.” Michael replied, feeling a little more- comfortable as his mind went over familiar feelings, familiar mindsets, rather than the side that had grayed a tinge.  “We have been around a long time.  Though-” He tilted his head a little, thinking it over.  “Hell was named after that pit just outside of that village originally, so I suppose it has always been so.  Humanity has just- turned it into a hobby.  I will never fully understand them as you seem to do.  They’re so-” His eyes narrowed a little as he watched a few pass across the street, searching for the words.  “- free.” 
Then again, since father left, they were in their own ways, he supposed, free to do what they wished, however the angels didn’t have that free will given to them in the first place.  Most struggled with it, especially the higher up you went on the chain.  “I have not looked in on the seraphim since my return.” He stated out loud, mostly to himself, hands in his pockets, looking, for once, defeated on some level.  “I fear no one has tended to them.  They need help in their madness.” 
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He huffed and ran his fingers through his vessel’s hair as he listened to Michael; more patient with his elder than with any of his other siblings. He choked it up to the memory of his brother. Though it was clouded in the past, some roots still ran deep. It didn’t matter that Alfazon has personally tried to cut those ties and burned most of that tree down; his world had been forever shaped by his life in Heaven.  “For us perhaps, but if you take the time to try and live as one of them...The day to day business. It’s helpful to understanding,” he said gently in return.  Personally he could never see Michael doing such a thing, though the idea was good for a laugh. He held onto that image tight as he might have to use that on one of his gray days. Mike getting the paper, reading the funnies and making quips about the political cartoons...Yeah, that was definitely something to hold onto, fictitious as it was.  “Freedom,” he chuckled finally.  It was a strange concept and it was one that he worked to understand as he walked the path. No longer tied to Heaven. No longer strengthened through Satan. Now he was here. It was either that or hang around Purgatory, which was nice if you needed to blow off some steam, but it wasn’t like home.  The sky was the closest thing he had to home anymore and...it wasn’t all bad. “If only they knew what they had.”
“They’re probably just doing cartwheels,” he offered partly in jest. “It’s probably fine.” 
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