vivianemaghela · 3 years
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
@douala Art Fair
We don't look for perfect moments
We create, nuture and share them
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
⬇⬇⬇Musique créative!!!
"La musique créative est celle qui vient de l'intérieur, qui n'obeit pas à d'autres règles que celles de son désir et des ses sentiments les plus intimes. Être créatif c'est ne pas jouer quelque chose parceque c'est à la mode, parcequ'on te dit que c'est comme ça qu'il faut faire pour avoir du succès et gagner de l'argent, mais se faire confiance et aller jusqu'au bout de sa propre expression.
Être créatif c'est ne pas s'enfermer dans un style que l'on ferait sien une fois pour toutes. C'est au contraire être sans cesse à l'écoute de ses évolutions intimes, de ses métamorphoses et essayer d'en rendre compte dans sa musique.
Être créatif c'est simplement se donner les moyens d'exprimer ce qu'on a au fond de soi..."
Single by @mh_oko
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
⬇⬇⬇The power of narratives
Contemporary life is challenging us every moment and forcing us to move towards a collective resilience to reinvent work, and ultimately, our lives. Building resilience becomes of our most urgent social and economic issues because we live in a world that is defined by disruption. Not a month goes by that we don’t see some kind of disturbance to the normal flow of life somewhere: a cyber-attack, a new strain of virus, a structural failure, a violent storm, a civil disturbance, an economic blow, a natural system threatened.
Resilience is the ability to survive without loss of diversity and complexity despite shocks Resilience assumes that things go wrong. But we have agency; we have opportunity; we have abilities; and we have each other.
The ability to imagine a world that is different than the present is the beginning of any movement for change: to be able to communicate the world one imagines to that of others and have it feel possible is the power of narrative.
Narratives are powerful and they have a subtle yet tremendous influence on how we perceive the world, structure our society, and make choices in our daily lives. By examining our social narratives we can begin to see the silent forces at play and understand the power of creating “new narratives” towards a world that’s more equitable, sustainable, and fulfilling for all
The importance of finding a common narrative of our origins is to discover what we have in common as human beings and to give us reasons to consider our common life together on this planet
At the end of the day we’re all humans in this world. Most of us want the same things as everybody else: love, security, meaning, fellowship… We want a primary aspect of everything we do to not only celebrate our shared humanity but also address what it means to be human and the struggles and challenges that come with it all.
Canvas Joel Mpah Dooh
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
⬇⬇⬇The power of narratives
Contemporary life is challenging us every moment and forcing us to move towards a collective resilience to reinvent work, and ultimately, our lives. Building resilience becomes of our most urgent social and economic issues because we live in a world that is defined by disruption. Not a month goes by that we don’t see some kind of disturbance to the normal flow of life somewhere: a cyber-attack, a new strain of virus, a structural failure, a violent storm, a civil disturbance, an economic blow, a natural system threatened.
Resilience is the ability to survive without loss of diversity and complexity despite shocks Resilience assumes that things go wrong. But we have agency; we have opportunity; we have abilities; and we have each other.
The ability to imagine a world that is different than the present is the beginning of any movement for change: to be able to communicate the world one imagines to that of others and have it feel possible is the power of narrative.
Narratives are powerful and they have a subtle yet tremendous influence on how we perceive the world, structure our society, and make choices in our daily lives. By examining our social narratives we can begin to see the silent forces at play and understand the power of creating “new narratives” towards a world that’s more equitable, sustainable, and fulfilling for all
The importance of finding a common narrative of our origins is to discover what we have in common as human beings and to give us reasons to consider our common life together on this planet
At the end of the day we’re all humans in this world. Most of us want the same things as everybody else: love, security, meaning, fellowship… We want a primary aspect of everything we do to not only celebrate our shared humanity but also address what it means to be human and the struggles and challenges that come with it all.
Canvas Joel Mpah Dooh
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
⬇⬇⬇Un avenir commun
La complexité extrême de nos sociétés et l’enchevêtrement de nos destins nous obligent, plus que jamais, à nous réunir et à coopérer pour résoudre les crises que nous traversons. Aucun être humain, aucune classe sociale, aucune culture, aucun peuple ne peut prétendre connaître, seul, les solutions, ni se désolidariser de ces enjeux planétaires.
À l'endroit de la coopération, l'exemplarité de la nature est déjà source d'inspiration. L’intelligence collective, mêlée d’altruisme, d’humilité, de générosité, pourrait faire de nos diversités et de nos différences une formidable force créative et transformatrice.
Nous avons besoin les uns des autres pour changer. La capacité d'agir des êtres humains se situe dans des territoires de vie que sont les villes, les villages, les quartiers, les hameaux... C'est parce que les effets de la transition citoyenne y sont directement visibles, que ce sont les lieux privilégiés d’une véritable transformation sociétale, fondée sur l’initiative, l'autonomie et la coopération.
Nous sommes toutes et tous liés par un destin commun. Pour autant, chaque personne, chaque culture, chaque territoire doit pouvoir s’exprimer et s’épanouir dans sa diversité. L’autonomie qui en découle est l’une des conditions essentielles permettant à tout être humain, collectif ou territoire de faire ses choix par et pour lui-même. Ainsi chacun préserve sa souveraineté, son intégrité et sa liberté
Canvas @aureliedjiena
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
Where are you from?
The answer can be a street, a village, a town, a city, a region, or a country. It can be specific or general .
I am from
Are you black, white, brown ...? You might say it plainly, or proudly, or apologetically. It might need adjusting after a hasty estimation of the asker’s origin and knowledge of geography
I am
Pufff! !! Life time craziness! !
I am a human being
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Only the soul matters
Ciné-poème Vitiligo
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
Sexuality holds both positive empowering possibilities but it also represents powerful constraints for women in Africa. In many African contexts the relationship of women to their own bodies is often different from the disembodied, negative relations rooted in the legacy of colonialism. Contemporary constructions of African sexuality have become so deeply etched in our individual and collective consciousness that most of us simply take them for granted.
Traditional African cultures were full of rich sexual expression, especially by women through dance, dress,
song, folklore, poetry, art and other aesthetics. Far from being prudish and coy, African sexuality was
relatively liberal and was generally celebrated. Moreover expressions of sexuality were not necessarily
confined to the ‘private’ realm because of the fluidity between the ‘public' and ‘private' contexts typical of
pre-colonial African societies. Men and women enjoyed greater body freedom and body dignity. Female
nudity was not necessarily always associated with sexuality. In fact female nakedness was used in many
African communities as a form of protest Women were generally in control of their sexuality and possessed an elaborate system of management of their sexual and reproductive healtth.
Sexual expression and eroticism was exhibited overtly and subtly through metaphors idioms, signifiers and
Performing art @gabriellabadjeck
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
Things in motion illuminates human minds. Arts works have life, they are things in motion. And this in motion illuminates human minds.
Art work @babajideolatunji
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
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L'attention que l'on prête aujourd'hui à l'expression de l'individu demande de s'offrir d'avantage de moments consacrés au soin de l'esprit. Il faut s'entourer de beauté. Remplir nos maison de peintures, dessin, pgotographies, sculptures. ....
Les arts renouvellent les peuples
📷 @yannisdavy
#the darkesscolor
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
The art to understand, the art to bring closer, the art to confront, the art to transmit, the art to experiment.
Angel ETOUNDI ESSAMBAhttps://www.diptykmag.com/books-days-renaissance-un-manifeste-reussi-sur-leternel-feminin/
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vivianemaghela · 4 years
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The essence of art is peace. There is no peace if there is not in each of us a true will for our identity, a great love for our life and a strong will for to live with the other ... Canvas @sojisday #thisisus #thisisafrica #thisisthefuture #udumbara #rootliaka https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NKJRvBDn6/?igshid=yifey1vt1ibr
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vivianemaghela · 5 years
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Les villes sont là pour les gens, les villes sont les gens, les villes sont une concentration de personnes qui on des rapport entre elles. Quelles innovations proposer aux centaines de milliers de personnes qui viendrons peuplées les cités de demain!? https://www.instagram.com/p/B8umPSSB5an/?igshid=14q7ht1kovz4r
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vivianemaghela · 5 years
That's it !!! 
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vivianemaghela · 5 years
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Let's continue with Pop Art!!! Things come im and go out in a certain way... The world wouldn't be the same if Africa didn't exist.... Art bears witness to the remarkable energy of the peoples of Africa and conveys their unfailing hope.... https://www.instagram.com/p/B7mt8ADhf4-/?igshid=doic652d4mqs
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vivianemaghela · 5 years
The Metche falls. West Region. Cameroun
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