( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be archived. )
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( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. )
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( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. )
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( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. )
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( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. )
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( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. )
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( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. )
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( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. )
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( I’ll be getting rid of Harry, unfortunately, so follow me on svetoviid or castiisms ! This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. )
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                                     POWER & CONTROL.                            I’M GONNA MAKE YOU FALL.
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gif request meme: anonymous asked me ↳ kingsman + most attractive: Harry Hart 
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Roxy smiled. She knew the MO of ISIS. Their degradation of women; their crimes against humanity committed against those just for having the ability to bear life. 
“They underestimate women,” she agreed, “they will not be expecting a woman to take them down.”
She grinned at his remark about Eggsy. She’d seen her Eggsy in dress, but that was another matter all together.  “You’re probably right.”
Roxy caught the file, and perused its contents, but looked up sharply when Harry told she’d be his faux-mistress. A slight blush flushed her cheek.
“I suppose it would be a bit odd for my own father to be playing the part of the ‘lucky philanthropist’.” She chuckled nervously. She was beginning to sound like Harry. 
“So we go tonight?”
the elder gentleman glanced at his watch, thinking for a short moment before he nodded, clearing his throat.
              ❝ my thought’s EXACTLY.                  it would be a tad STRANGE                  for your father to play such                  a role, but I do hope this                  won’t feel as strange, either. ❞ 
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to be fairly honest, he hadn’t been on a mission since he he became Arthur. he had FAR too many messes to clean up, & that left him sitting down behind a desk for hours upon hours with hardly no end in the foreseeable future. for once, he was glad to be doing SOMETHING other than paperwork. 
              ❝ tonight, yes. everything                  you’ll need is at the                  shop. be sure to read                  that file THOROUGHLY,                  Lancelot - we only have                  one chance at this. ❞   
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[ eggxy-unwin ]
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                 ❝ i’m not entirely sure                         WHY you like to                       return to this pub,                            Eggsy.                        i hardly see the                    SENTIMENT in coming                                BACK. ❞
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[ ;; Since I’ll FINALLY be on here regularly, I decided to do this! ]
For MUTUALS liking this post, you receive:
-Random starters!! I’ll tag you in them. -Random memes!! I’ll send you them. -I can give you my Skype/KIK for fun times. -We can be cool dorks together. -I can make you stuff in Photoshop randomly.
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Let’s cut to the chase. I wanna RP. You wanna RP. Let’s do it. Don’t be shy. Send in one or more of the following symbols to my ask:
☮ - For me to post a starter.
☼ - If you’d like our characters to be friends.
✿ - If you want to try a romantic relationship with my character.
❅ - If you’d like our characters to be enemies or rivals.
♥ - If you just want to RP, and see where it goes.
The Starter/Connections Meme!
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I haven’t been here for even two months, and have already achieved 200+ a couple days ago.
I’d first like to give a shoutout (alphabetically) to assassinsx, eggxy-unwin, lcncelot​, kings-boy, kingsyunwin, punctualpercival , myfairlad, untangledwidow, vivimortuus, you know why<3.
THANK YOU ALL 200+ FOLLOWERS for being so amazing! Cannot wait to keep going with you!
I. (26 August)
– The Six-Issue “The Secret Service: Kingsman” comic
– The Kingsman necklace
– 1k drabble of our muses of your own choice
– a promo graphic
– 30 icons + 5 gifcons
II. (2 September)
– The Kingsman necklace
– 1k drabble of our muses of your own choice
– a promo graphic
– 30 icons + 5 gifcons
III. (9 September)
– 1k drabble of our muses of your own choice
– a promo graphic
– 30 icons + 5 gifcons
IV. (16 September)
– a promo graphic
– 30 icons + 5 gifcons
V. (23 September)
– 30 icons + 5 gifcons
Must be 18 or older (or have parental consent) to give me your address if you happen to win the items
Like/reblog as much as you want, but please don’t spam your followers ;)
Anyone can enter, but bear in mind that most of
these prizes work better for RPs
Must enter by 25 August
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   ❛ IF BY ‘SETTLED’  you mean ‘alive, but out of a job’… ❜
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         ❝ i could easily find you                a new one.                      however, you’re still too                         VULNERABLE. ❞  
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