vivzyyukino · 2 years
Vivzy pokes her lip out at the deadbeat. “Alright stinky, thanks for helping worsen us being lost.” She says with flat voice. She glances around them, surveying the forest floor and the ‘horizon’. The best thing she could find was sunlight. Where did the shadows fall.
The silence was unnerving. The previous ambiance was a welcome noise. However, she couldn’t change the fact that there should be wind rustling in that wind, and now there wasnt any...
Sticking her finger in her mouth, she licks it thoroughly and then holds it up in the air.
“Look, give me a second.” She fights to remain standing, finger still in the air, “Im trying to see something.” Frenzy warned her about the dangers of this place. She didnt doubt that. But maybe she could hold up better fight than he thought.
Oh Vivzy had to check out the mountain nearby. She hasn’t heard rumors, but she has heard of something. And thus! She’s going to investigate!
Well, there was some talking about a bluehaired human-like being coming into town from the forest. How weird is it then that Vivzy finds a red skeleton ghost with flaming hair wearing a pink apron watering a rose thicket in front of a ruin of a mansion. Even more so that she has seen the ghost before in a very short and awkward encounter on a beach.
Frenzy squints at the newcomer. The only people who come up here… Well, they’re not normal. The blue makes Frenzy’s anchor in his pocket beat harder in unanswered longing and the feeling of forgotten betrayal. A Vivi. Fuckity.
“Hello,” Frenzy greets her. “This is no place for squishy mortals. Monster roam free and even the most docile mask hides inhuman hunger.” Better creep her off before Lament sees her and has a breakdown.
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
Starter for @mysteriouslyhopefulstranger
There’s a rumor that a house around this corner of the woods apparently home to a young spirit. One that likes to hide from everyone but is nasty in temper when seen. This was enough to get Vivzy’s attention, and spark her curiosity enough to hunt it down and head to its location. Of course that didn’t mean there wasn’t any truth to these rumors. That was something she had come to understand along time ago. But the curiosity got the best of her, as the woods they seem to exist in it is dark and windy. Aka the PERFECT place for a haunted house.
Vivzy parks her car and steps out. Grabbing her flashlight and shining a beam over the house. About two stories high, and unoccupied… At least that’s what it looked like by the worn planks and chipping white paint.
She did see someone in the woods, but who knows. Maybe that was just someone going out for a late night stroll. Or maybe they got lost. She’ll find them later if that’s the case. Or they’ll find her if they are the owner,
With only her flashlight in hand, Vivzy takes a step forward and knocks on the door. As a friendly precaution.
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
i cast concussion! [beats you over the head with my staff]
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
Vivzy stretches her arms behind her back, deeply inhaling while she sits outside of her car. It’s been a little too long since she decided to explore the multi-verse, but with work and arthur being out and the ghost’s anchor in her pocket, it seemed like a good idea to head to her own world for a bit.
Now that the spirit was safely contained with duet, and some of the tempo residence agreed to look after Arthur for a little bit, it was time for her to do a bit more exploring.
A few adventures wouldn’t hurt as she looked for a cure, right?
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
I killed the rat king of New York and inherited his throne by right of conquest or whatever, but I never took the rat oaths so I can speak to and command rats and they are compelled to obey, but they formally elected a rat president last year. I don't have any formal power in their social hierarchy but I have very real concrete magical power over them. I guess the title gets passed to my eldest son unless a rat kills me at some point.
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
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Paris Street Style
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
She fake gasps, “oh is this a kissing booth? Are you flirting with me? I’m honored!”
“Quiet down, Yukino. The adults are having a conversation.”
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
She takes a long obnoxious sip of her McDonald’s sprite.
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
“You underestimate how funny it is to witness you pick fights.” She sticks out her tongue smugly, flashing a toothy grin
“Quiet down, Yukino. The adults are having a conversation.”
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
“Yeah yeah, go ahead and flex however old you are. Go on! It’s entertaining.”
“Quiet down, Yukino. The adults are having a conversation.”
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
“Salena get his ass,” Vivzy munches on some popcorn
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
* nonverbal starters
feel free to combine prompts.
🍁 play with my muse’s hair
😋 tickle my muse
😴 place a blanket over my muse
💌 pillow my muse’s head in your lap
🐷 give my muse a piggy back ride
💪 pick up / carry my muse 
🚽 rub my muse’s back when they get sick
🥄 give my muse their medicine
🥫 make soup for my muse  
👀 hold hands with my muse
🍿 flick a piece of popcorn at my muse
🐔 wake my muse with a forehead kiss
 🍕 wake my muse with a shoulder shake
💛 hug my muse 
👅 make a silly face at my muse   
🌺 put a flower in my muse’s hair
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
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Literally everyone shit up and look at these sickasd sunglasses Pinterest keeps showing me these. Are the most impractical and unnecessary sunglasses and I love them.
Tag game what sunglasses are the blog before u or whatever
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
Vivzy chokes on a laugh, buckling over and slapping a hand over her mouth as she watches the display of… whatever this was. How did he do that? this has to be some kind of diversion! She squeezes her eyes shut as another wave of giggles threatens to spill out. The last thing she wanted to do was to make this guy angry, but it seemed almost impossible by what she was seeing.
"it.. it really isnt magic. It's run on electricity, you know that right?" Despite this morning she walks closer, loosening her grip on her bat as she tries to look as friendly as possible. She leans forward and tilts, trying to find where the abandoned cord must be, but it's a little hard to see with the light from the TV still buzzing and the man still staring. "how did you even get this in here??"
“Ohhh this place feels funky!” Vivzy creeps toward the cave, a sparkle glimmering in her eye, “wonder what’s in here…”
The cave is dark, but there’s sound coming from inside, further down where fog mists the tunnels. It bounces, reverberating from deeper within. The sound is too distorted by the echo overlaying itself to be discernible, but it sounds almost like yelps, with almost rhythmic other sounds. Something crunches and clicks in the depths.
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
"I have always been strong! You just haven't bore witness to all the bitches I bench press!" Vizzy points back, holding him higher in the air just to prove it.
Gasping dramatically, vivzy shoots him an incredulous look, "PIPSQUEAK?" she stage yells with a hoity-toity accent spilling out, "how dare you!! I'm not that short! You'll pay for your transgressions." she smirks, swaying her hips before she prances around, making him bounce and hopefully getting more of those cute laughs out of him. She shifts him to be dangling over her shoulder, "and as punishment- a dunk to end all dunks~ get ready you orange haired punk, you're about to meet your maker."
"Now where is a soft place to put you?"
Her grin widens intensely, sparks lighting up her eyes as she braces herself. “Oh that arms gonna hurt me I just know it.” Then in the last minute she skirts to the side, wrapping her arm around his midsection and swinging him up in a hug so his legs couldn’t touch the floor. “You’re lucky there’s not a bed near by because if there was ic would slam dunk your ass!!”
Arthur keeps going, too much momentum to stop even after she moves until— “Whoa-a!! Vivs!” The mechanic laughs as an arm wraps around him, dragging him up into the air as his legs kick hopelessly in a playful sort of manner. “No fair! When did you ever get so strong??” He’s smiling so brightly, he’s so happy, it’s clear in the way that he laughs like he doesn’t have a single care in the world. “I’d like to see you try to slam dunk me, pipsqueak!”
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