vkasverma · 3 years
Why do companies want to hire a Java developer?
Freelancers who want to become remote Java developers can choose platforms like Eiliana to boost their careers. We help bridge the gap between freelancers and businesses and provides opportunities on both sides. We let the freelancers remain anonymous!
A Java developer is one of the most in-demand professionals in the IT world. Companies tend to hire Java developers from time to time whenever they are in need to complete a particular application or feature within a given deadline. Obviously, they might not have enough employees to get the job done in time. That is where Java developer jobs come in handy. 
The main Java developer job description is to understand the progress of any programming language and implement them for the company’s benefit. That is why the companies prefer them for important projects. 
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vkasverma · 3 years
What are the payment platforms and solutions provided to PayPal developers?
PayPal has built up platforms for commerce enterprises so they can engage in transactions on the web without any issue and are secure at the same time. 
Braintree is a payment service provided by PayPal which can be
integrated directly with their API. It allows for accepting payments by cards,
wallets, and Local Payment in a single, modern integration, also having the
feature of storing customer and payment information to reduce friction at checkout. As a freelancer, you should be well versed in Braintree as an additional skill.
Hyperwallet is also a payment solution provided by PayPal and
functions like Braintree are provided in it as well at times it includes models
of payout in the form of Virtual account payout model and Straight Through Payout Model. freelance PayPal developers can work to improve their Hyperwallet skills for more efficient work.
Simility is a software by PayPal to detect spam, frauds, and member abuse helping in safer transactions.
Freelancer developers can use this facility and be better at providing for the same eCommerce projects as PayPal developers. You can also have your own PayPal developer account to make the process more efficient. 
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vkasverma · 3 years
How can a freelancer upgrade the PHP version of WordPress?
To use the enhanced and modified PHP 8 version, you can upgrade your WordPress by hosting it on XAMPP, your local server, or use the clone feature for hosting. Just remember to keep a backup of your WordPress.
The various modes of upgrading PHP in WordPress are:
Using Hosting Platforms
You can use a simple platform. First, clone your website in use.
Navigate to their server options to upgrade the PHP version.
Save, and thePHP 8 will be in use.
Using SSH
For this, you can install PuTTY to access your SSH.
Through your server, update the PHP version.
These two methods are simple and are commonly used for updating WordPress with the latest version of PHP. The steps of updating the PHP version via hosting platforms will also depend on the hosting platform that you will use, but the approach is the same. Also, in the case of SSH, you need to connect to your SSH server to set the IP address and password for accessing it.
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vkasverma · 3 years
How to scale up freelance Python language developer services?
An essential part of being a market leader is to scale up continuously. Below are a few ways by which you can scale up your services and increase your revenue-
Diversify your skillset: The versatility of a freelancer is directly proportional to his attractiveness as a freelance developer. Every business wishes to have developers that can perform multiple tasks. Thus, you should try to improve your knowledge of front-end technologies.
Provide high-quality deliverables: The better quality is your work, the more likely the companies will hire you. You should look to integrate various frameworks and utilize Python libraries to develop efficient Python language web applications.
Eiliana serves as the perfect platform for Python language freelancers to work on development projects. All you need to do is register on our platform and update your skills. You will see the available freelancing projects for your skillset.
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vkasverma · 3 years
Tips to improve your Java Programming skills for better freelancing project
Learn multi-threading – Multi-threading is the process of dividing the workload between two or more processors or cores that are available in a system.
Java is one of the most popular programming languages, used by companies (and individual developers) across the world. As a freelance Java programmer, you can look forward to working with big companies or small startups that rely their process on Java programming.
Learn GUI programming – You should learn GUI programming with Swing. It is highly recommended that you make use of swing components like JButton, JLabel, JTextArea in your programs for better user experience.
Learn GUI layout manager – You should learn how to use layout managers in your programs for better user experience.
Learn database connectivity – JDBC is the interface through which we can connect our java program with database servers like MySQL, Oracle etc.
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vkasverma · 3 years
How can online compilers help you scale your freelancing services?
Online C++ compilers can help you scale up your freelancing services considerably. Below are a few ways how you can use online compilers to scale up your freelancing services.
You can use online sources to upskill your team across multiple programming languages without the freelancers installing numerous applications on their system. Thus, you will be able to build a team with a diverse skill set and provide more services to your clients.
There might be several freelancers that work in the same programming language. Hence, if one of them faces an error that he cannot solve, he can try it out on an online compiler. Additionally, other freelancers can help him correct the code. Thus, you will be able to deliver a high-quality product with minimum bugs. 
A consequence of the same would be an increase in the brand value of your organization. Thus, you will get more project requests.
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vkasverma · 3 years
How can I scale up my PHP development services?
For being a market leader, it is essential to keep scaling up your PHP programming services consistently. You can scale up your services in the following ways:
You should focus on improving the quality of your deliverables and services. By developing high-quality and efficient applications, you can improve your brand visibility and get more offers from clients looking to hire freelance PHP services. 
Register on Eiliana so that you can get access to more clients who are looking for PHP freelance developers.
Providing high-quality services and registering on the correct platforms can help you scale up your services. However, uniting freelancers across the globe is not an easy task. Platforms like Eiliana come to the forefront in such situations. We help you get access to several organizations looking to hire freelance PHP developers and PHP testers for their projects. 
Thus, we follow our vision to create innovative and scalable platforms for both freelance developers and businesses. At the same time, we ensure there is no compromise in the quality of the projects being delivered.
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