vladipenoliad-blog · 4 years
Pj Vladimer O Penoliad
Humss 7
Activity 4
Title:Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
Understanding the purpose and relevance of Information literacy in this contemporary generation is very necessary.
In this social era, we are totally overwhelmed by technologies that it totally became part of lifestyle. One of those are what we called Internet, which serves as an invisible line that connect us from different people from different places. It's not just communication, but also the information that will be very necessary in our daily lives innovation. Having the ability to distinguish and judge those information is what we called Information Literacy.
Information Literacy is described as a collection of skills that someone understands when the data is needed, and someone can control, expand, and most importantly, quite efficiently use the information. Information Literacy helps people to find, judge, distinguish, and use, the information in a way which benefits ones self or for everyone. It is very relevant to understand or obtain this ability, since we're in a generation where information aren't scarce and is easy to find. Not having this ability, means you're no wiser. You might took fake informations and applied to your daily life. If this happened, it could not only affect you, but others too.
It is very important to have this ability, especially in the midst of Social era. Although, how do we obtain these significant skills? It's not that complicated, nor easy to attain. You just need to be a critical-thinker. Being a critical thinker gives lots of benefits, not just in Information Literacy, but also in every decisions in your life. Decisions asides, critical thinking is very important in understanding and learning Information Literacy. Information Literacy includes proper judgement of Information, so that we could actually determine whether the information we took is credible and legit. That itself, is done by critical thinking. It included proper decision making by sorting all the possibility and consequences of an action. On this situation, in order to find a credible information, we must take action. By looking for proofs, evidences and researches that supports the information. This way, you can confirm whether the information you took online is credible. You also need to be moralistic. Understanding Information Literacy, also includes proper ethics or morals. Taking information without crediting the original author is not plausible. You must not take the credit, nor take his/her work without credentials.
Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy is very important. Now we're in the generation where we rely most on technologies and Internet. We should actually be wary in the informations we'll take online. We don't know which one is the fallacy and which one is the truth. So by obtaining this ability, it'll be easy for you to determine which is which.
Activity 6
Title:Benifits of Understanding The Types Of Media
We should always value being a media and information literate person especially it is very crucial nowadays because we are living in the 21st century which changes us with the growth of technologies such as television, computers, cellphones, automatic radio and other mediums for information. Being literate about media and information will give us advantage in our modern world today in terms of giving and gathering information knowing best most of the false and accurate information in different kinds of medium especially in new media. Media and information literacy enables people to interpret, understand and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information. MIL considers all forms of media and other information providers such as libraries, archive, museums, Internet and other technology used. A country with citizens that is media and information literate will gain more advantage compared to other countries which stays in the traditional way of being literate such as referring to libraries, newspapers etc. MIL basically gives us freedom to express ourselves and information that is very important in our democratic government to give equal rights to the citizens and to create peace among all the cultures. As a student we need to be media and information literate because it can help us in our learning process to gain more information to be used in our future endeavors especially in our future jobs. We can gain inspiration to become future innovators to help our country to develop technologically and economically. Lastly we can promote our country and its rich in culture literature so that we gain more attention in the global community. To become a media literate is not to memorize facts or statistics about the media but rather to learn, to raise the right questions about what you are watching, reading, or listening to and to be Information Literate a person must be able to recognize when information is needed & have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information.
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