vladsmasher · 2 years
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vladsmasher · 2 years
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vladsmasher · 3 years
Yussa reaaaaly needs to learn the phrase, “Curiosity killed the cat”.
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Yussa and really just keeps sticking his little curious foot into things, huh XD
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vladsmasher · 4 years
So, hear me out- I respect and support everything happening with the protests in this country now; the police are a menace, Black people have suffered more than enough. But what if, for entirely unrelated reasons, I can’t stand Fiona Nova? She’s loud, she’s abrasive, she can’t be bothered to be a cohesive part of the group, she’s constantly intoxicated, and destroys the flow of every video. Consider, also- are there a lot of people who feel that way? Can she not be fired simply BECAUSE she’s blk
Here’s the thing anon: you are so full of shit.
You don’t like Fiona because she’s loud?  How is it that you like Michael Jones, who has made an entire career out of screaming in videos?  He literally yells at least once a video.  He is the king of Too Loud.  But I bet Michael Jones is the reason you discovered Achievement Hunter.  Rage Quit was absolutely what brought me in.
You don’t like Fiona because she is abrasive? But you like Ryan Haywood, who’s entire shtick is being a murderous bastard who is purposefully rude.  Did you watch the fucking Destiny Raid?  But that is funny and we love that about Ryan.
You don’t like Fiona because she can’t be bothered to be a cohesive part of the group?  But you like Jack, who is the Ultimate Troll, interrupting game play in co-op games at every turn.  But that is cheeky and playful and all in good fun.
You don’t like Fiona because she is….constantly intoxicated? Anon, I have no idea What The Fuck you are talking about with this one.  I have seen Fiona drunk in videos maybe a handful of times, and she is only ever drunk when everyone else is, too.  But I will indulge your delusions.  You like Jeremy, who is drunk as often as humanly possible.  You like Geoff, who, before getting sober, was Literally Drunk At All Times.
You don’t like Fiona for being Loud?  Then you don’t like Michael.
You don’t like Fiona for being Abrasive?  Then you don’t like Ryan.
You don’t like Fiona for Not Being Cohesive?  Then you don’t like Jack.
You don’t like Fiona for Being Drunk (which. What the Actual Fuck)? Then you don’t like Jeremy.  You don’t like Geoff.
It is fine for you to not like any member of Achievement Hunter. But don’t you Dare come here and say you not liking Fiona has nothing to do with her race or her gender.  Because you are a liar.  You are either racist or misogynistic or both.  Don’t tell me you don’t like Fiona for good reasons.  Fiona is just as Loud and Abrasive and Not Cohesive and Drunk as the rest of Achievement Hunter.  In fact, she is Less those things than any single member of the group. The only difference is that she is a woman and she is black.  THAT is why you don’t like Fiona Nova.
And I don’t have any time for your bullshit.
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vladsmasher · 4 years
why the fuck would i check my email, thats where the fucking emails are
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vladsmasher · 4 years
For everyone who wants an isolated clip of Wash screaming (followed by “I’m great!”), here you go for all your reaction needs!
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vladsmasher · 5 years
Does anyone else feel, like, a weird inhibition against starting new TV shows?  Like, there are shows I want to watch but when I think about sitting down to start it something in me goes “no you can’t just do that.”  What am i waiting for?  I feel like I need to prepare?  Brain:  You have to wait.  Me:  Wait for what???  Brain:  WAIT
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vladsmasher · 5 years
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i have poor audio processing please let me visualize the words coming out of your mouth
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vladsmasher · 5 years
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Matt gets his first HDYWTDT
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vladsmasher · 5 years
The crab is his magic, he will love it dearly.
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vladsmasher · 5 years
accounting 101 (lil taz animated, may do more)
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vladsmasher · 5 years
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Pull the lever, Cullen! XD
quote from “The Emperor’s New Groove”
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vladsmasher · 5 years
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vladsmasher · 5 years
I luved this movie but it needed MCR XDXDXDXD
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vladsmasher · 5 years
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Y'all have already seen my The Mighty Nein in Tetsuya Nomura style, now get ready for
I also add Caduceus in M9 post so go see here: [THE MIGHTY NEIN + CADUCEUS]
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vladsmasher · 5 years
So uhhhh....yeah be prepared everyone:
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vladsmasher · 5 years
Reani is a boring Mary-Sue according to certain factions of the CR fandom, which is entirely predictable but also confusing, because isn’t her apparent flawlessness… the entire point? 
Reani bursts into the Mighty Nein’s life with her bubbliness and joy, and the Nein fall in love because how could they not? She loves pastries and plants and cats! She’s an actual superhero! She thinks Jester’s mom is super cool! She literally glows with goodness!
…And then she declares she must kill all evil, no grey areas, nope, sorry! and this party, who are defined by shades of grey, freeze up as they realise that perhaps this angel isn’t their new best friend after all. 
Reani is vociferously, dogmatically lawful good to the point it’s a little alarming. She has no concept of nuance; the evils of stealing from a shop and the incursion of aberrations into the material plane register at the same level for her, and both must be met with death. The folks in the town love Reani but they don’t trust her, despite being an accomplished wanderer - Reani is 33 but they approach her like a child almost, indulging her secret identity but insisting she can’t wander into the wilderness alone. (Sidenote: Caleb is also ~33, and the contrast is incredible.) She follows her angel blindly, never questioning his intentions or his requests, and when the Mighty Nein raise potential moral dilemmas she becomes flustered and confused. And then, instead of figuring it out for herself, she decides she needs to sleep so Samliel can tell her the answer. 
Reani is perfect on the surface. She’s a literal angel filled with goodness, specifically designed to appeal to every member of the Mighty Nein. But that’s a thin veneer which hides a startling lack of self-reflection and absolutely no moral depth. Reani’s unbending ‘goodness’ is a fascinating flaw and I love it; her morality might teach the M9 a thing or two about goodness, but her approach to life is ultimately unsustainable and has only survived thus far because her fellow townsfolk seem to indulge her and don’t push back. Sticking her in the middle of a party like the Mighty Nein is sure to kick up the dust on both sides, as both parties are forced to interact with the inverse of their own approach to morality. It could well turn into a true clusterfuck of moral philosophy and I, for one, cannot wait.
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