vldjasper · 4 years
What is your favorite article of clothing?
“Most would say it’s boring, but I find that a simple tee is the way to go. If it’s in good quality, fits you well, you can never go wrong with t-shirts.
I must add that shoes are also essential pieces to own. I’ve been told that the type of footwear you wear is very telling of a person. Although I don’t agree with criticizing others for what they wear, it’s something I get reminded of before I head out of the door.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
What is one thing you never leave the house without?
“If I were to choose only one, the answer would be my phone. I don’t like the idea of relying on it — since human interaction is something that I deal better with — but I can’t deny that it does help me keep in touch with my family, people from work, and fans wherever I go.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
ask meme: #4 !
If there was one clothing brand you could work with, who would it be and why?
“I’ve always been a fan of Burberry. They have their distinctive pattern that immediately draws your attention, and makes you aware exactly what brand one is wearing. I would say that I have the right class and edge capable enough to enhance their image.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
What’s the next step in your career, solo or otherwise?
“It would have to be acting. Although I enjoy being an idol, acting is a career path I intended to explore. I trained more in becoming an actor, so I trust that I would do well.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
What’s your favorite season?
“It would have to be Summer. I associate Summer with new experiences and happy memories, so it’s overall a season that brings me joy and excitement.
It’s also a season that almost all countries in the world experience. Not every country experience the four seasons, but summer is something that happens all year round; which is a little comforting, knowing that it’s a season that unites us.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
What’s your favorite seasonal activity?
“I’m not sure if this is counted as one, but I used to travel a lot during the summer with my family. It’s a shame that I don’t get to join them anymore due to my schedules.
If ever I’d get a break, I’d like to travel with again my family, and now with my nephews, since there are a lot of countries we haven’t visited yet.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
If you could spend an afternoon with your fandom/your artist’s fandom, would you want to? If so, what would you do together?
“Without a doubt, I would spend time with Im.Prints. Maybe rent out a BBQ restaurant, and treat them to meat cooked by me. I picture myself going table to table, having a chat and flipping the beef which could tire me but it feels like it would be worth it.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
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officiallynq:  [#잣벨] hope you enjoyed our stage! thank you, l.a. ♥
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vldjasper · 4 years
If you could splurge on one new piece of clothing, what would it be and why?
“An Im.Print shared this particular runway look on our fancafe stating that they wanted to see me in it. Other than me not wanting to deny a request from a fan, I have to admit it made me curious as well. 
The inner material of the jacket compliments the structured leather. The top matches the bottoms, which has a subtle pattern to it. The red sunglasses and shoes as well brings spunk to the overall wear. I'd also like to believe I'd be able to give the look justice. 
I'm aware it's difficult to purchase an outfit off of the runway, but if given the chance I would do so.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
How well do you deal with crowds and attention on you?
“Very well, actually. I hope I this doesn’t come off bragging, but I’ve dealt with attention and — to some extent — crowds even before I made my debut. I’m the only son in my family and I was well known throughout my school days. Being a foreigner might have added to it, but overall it never bothered me. If anything, becoming an idol just gave me the opportunity reach more people.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
When Jasper had texted him, asking if he wanted to go out for drinks, Joonbin had practically jumped at the opportunity. Nothing good seemed to be happening in the temporary living situation at Atlas - members were angry and sad and tired and stuck in quarters that felt much too small for all thirteen of them. He’d been walking on pins and needles, waiting for one of them to finally melt down. He hadn’t been entirely sure that he wasn’t going to be the one to snap first. 
So a night out was the break he needed. His mood had skyrocketed just by looking at his friend when he arrived. Once he was settled in his seat, a drink in hand, he clinked his glass against Jasper’s and downed the alcohol so it barely touched his tongue going down. The warm, slow burn was a welcome comfort and he shot Jasper a big, grateful smile afterwards. “I don’t think I’ve needed a drink this bad in a long time. And how long has it been since we’ve seen each other? It has to have been at least a few months. What’s been up with you?”
      “You sure downed that quick, huh?” If there was someone he knew that badly needed a night out for drinking, it was Joonbin. By only living a room away from the rest of the TwentyTwenty members, he couldn’t help but overhear the discourse that goes on within them through the thin walls. Jasper already had a hard time dealing with 5 boys, and he isn’t even the leader of LYNQ. He had to hand it to Joonbin, taking care of 12 boys was no easy task, so he was going to help him ease up as much as he can.
      The past months had been hectic ones for Jasper, considering it had been nearly over a year since they cameback, it didn't feel right to complain about the amount of work he got. Summit wasn’t good at hiding how they favored other groups, but still, things seemed to be looking up for LYNQ. "Nothing new really, we fly to L.A. in a few weeks for KCON, and then just meetings." Chugging down another round of beer, he adds, "Work, you know? The usual." Sinking into the leather skin of the seat, he asks "How about you? How have things been?"
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vldjasper · 4 years
Seungyong, despite having decent enough navigational skill and spatial awareness, has an awful tendency to get lost in foreign company buildings. Atlas Records’ headquarters are much more familiar to him than Summit at the very least, owed to more acquaintances his age, but that doesn’t mean the floors don’t look the same if you don’t move through them on a more regular basis. Today, though, he’s completed his mission, and he’s on the way back downstairs and through what he hopes will be the back rather than the front door.
It’s not without any surprise that he spots Jasper. He knows about the flooding – his cousin, after all, had cried to him about it pretty immediately – but it’s still odd to see people at places he doesn’t expect them to be. But he nods his head in greeting, gives the other a smile, and hooks his thumb into his belt loop as he slows to a stop beside his junior. “Hey, Jasper.” He sees LYNQ’s members around often enough, and while Summit’s boygroups don’t tend to do as good as their female counterparts, they’re still faces that are easily recognised. “I was dropping something off for a friend. I guess you’re staying here for the time being?”
      Back then, he was never one to willingly indulge in music — although his taste leaned more towards the R&B type, so the flashy clean performances of KPOP didn't attract him — but even then, he was able to distinguish Particle in particular; thanks to his university friends being fans themselves. Was it acceptable to say that Jasper still gets overawed every time he encounters Particle? At least even just one of their members for that matter? Being a KPOP idol wasn't an experience he imagined having, but it does bring unexpected thrill into his life. Such as being acquaintances with people he recognized trapped at the back of his friends' phones.
      Grinning a big smile in response to Seungyoung's greeting. "Yes, unfortunately." He chuckles as his eyes curve into a crescent shape. The flooding of the dorms was no secret. It was something that bothered him, but would rather not express since what happened had been far done. "I might have to leave soon though, since the security guard of the building has been eyeing me." He jokes. Jasper really had no business being in Atlas, so he was bound to leave soon. But a quick chat seemed harmless. "Are you heading out?" He asks, certain that a person like him had a busy schedule and always had to be on the go.
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vldjasper · 4 years
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officiallynq:  [#잣벨] boarding our filght to l.a. soon! can’t wait to see im.prints 🔗 
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vldjasper · 4 years
LYNQ Discography (2018 - 2020)
Updated until LIGHT US
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vldjasper · 4 years
If you donated to a charity, which would you choose and why?
“I would choose one that focuses on giving children scholarship programs. Most of the fans are already aware that I was quite a nerd when I was in school — and I still am, by the way — so it’s no question that I would want to help a charity relating to school.
I value my education, and enjoyed my time learning in school very well; which is something every human deserves to do. It’s unfortunate that there are children who are unable to go to school due to many factors, and I would like to stop that. Not just for children, but there are also elderly who were never able to finish school and I want them to know it’s never too late. I hope to help not just people in South Korea, but also those in other countries.  
I have to research on several charities that share my beliefs before making a donation. If I’m unable to find the right one, I might consider starting my own.”
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vldjasper · 4 years
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Please remember to send asks to others who reblog this post. This is important and encourages everyone to partake and also send asks. 
This is Part One of a multi-part series. Please carefully consider your muse’s answers as they will have an impact on your muse in the following posts in this series. The more specific your answers, the better.
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You may earn points on ask meme answers and ask meme solos up until August 31st @ 11:59 PM EST / 8:59 PM PST.
Keep reading
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vldjasper · 4 years
yejun’s sitting in one of the summit practice rooms. with so many idols coming and going, he sometimes forgets what everyone needs to work on. he has very detailed profiles in his head because he’s constantly monitoring them, and spends the most time with them each day. idols however, especially the ones that’ve been debuted for awhile, don’t really see as much detailed supervision. but he never says no to a one on one dance session; usually he can learn about dance just as much as the idols do.
he looks up from his phone, smiling at jasper. “um, i’m not sure,” he says putting his phone away and taking off his hoodie, so he’s left in a plain black t-shirt. “what do you need to work on? i can improvise to whatever you need.”
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      Often falling behind during practices back when he was a trainee; and even up to being a member of LYNQ. Part of him felt embarrassed with the fact that he was already a debuted idol, yet he still found himself requiring more dance lessons. He wasn’t as terrible as we was before, but he never matched the level of his group mates. Still, there was nothing wrong with wanting to improve oneself — but Jasper sure needed to improve a lot.  
      Clearing his throat, taking a moment before speaking, “…Everything.” Jasper forms a cheeky smile as he scratches the back of his head. He wouldn’t say that he mastered the basics, but practicing it again wouldn’t be time efficient considering that was already what he focused on when he was training. He just needed to improve, in general. “Maybe you could help me work on hip hop? I figured it could help me with footsteps, and details, and pacing.”
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