vleri-owo · 7 months
Despite what Apa Roier says, Pepito knows a great many things about the world.
The Ocean is big. It's where Pepito and Apa Roier and all the other Pepitos live, but there's still room for SO MANY other Pepitos!!
Pepito's gills don't work right all the time, so Apa Roier and Pepito's other dads all have to swim slowly so they don't lose him. This is called "asthma", and Pepito is probably gonna grow out of it soon!
Water Pepitos live in The Ocean. Sky Pepitos live outside of The Ocean. Pepito hasn't ever seen a Sky Pepito before, but Apa Roier has, and he says that Sky Pepitos are all ugly and they smell bad.
Apa Roier will return Pepito to the bottom of the ocean and get a new Pepito if Pepito isn't a good Pepito.
Pepito knows that last thing very well. He pretends that he doesn't because it makes Apa Roier said every time Pepito mentions being traded in for a new Pepito, but it's true. It has to be! Apa Roier and Apa Mariana both say it, and they're never wrong!
So, when Pepito does the Very Bad Thing, he doesn't wait for Apa Roier to find out. He swims himself to the bottom of the sea, and he curls into a ball, and he pulls his glasses off so he can cry without getting them all gross, and then he cries.
There's blood under Pepito's claws; he can't get it out no matter how hard he scrubs at them with the sand, it won't come out and that just shows how evil Pepito is, because Pepito is a bad Pepito and now Pepito may as well just die. Apa Roier will get a new Pepito, and they'll be much happier together because that Pepito won't be a monster like Pepito is.
The bottom of the ocean is silent, because the only people who live there are lost little mermaids (like how Pepito and Sunny and Empi all used to be) and bad people. Bad Pepitos, just like Pepito is now.
The worst of the bunch is the Sea Witch, known for his eight long scary tentacles and his glowing white eyes and his evil magic. Apa Roier says that the Sea Witch eats lost little Pepitos, and Pepito believes him, because Apa Roier is always right.
Pepito sniffles and rolls onto his back, staring blindly up at the sun rippling above. It's blurry, and its light barely reaches the bottom of the ocean, but it's pretty. It looks... warm. And Pepito is very, very cold.
Normally when the water is a bit too cold, one of Pepito's dads or Ama Rivers will take Pepito into their arms and hold him real tight until he's warmed up. He always treats it like a hug even if Apa Roier doesn't usually hug back, but that's fine because all the others hug back.
("He's a good boy," Apa Roier says. He glares over Pepito's shoulder at Luzu. "Not a killer. Can you get that through your skull, hmm?")
Pepito's lip wobbles and he covers his eyes with his hands before he gets any bright ideas. He doesn't deserve bright ideas, he's a villain. He doesn't deserve the sun, he doesn't deserve to be a son. He's no better than a... than a... than a pirate!!
Pirates are evil, Apa Roier says so. He met a pirate once when he visited the Sky, and he says that he never wants to see a pirate again. They stink and their teeth are rotten and their nails are blunt and they don't even have tails. All they do is kill and steal and fight and they're horrible- villains!
Maybe that's where Pepito belongs, with the pirates, not in The Ocean. He deserves to have stinky breath and bad teeth and whatever the heck "legs" are (Pepito doesn't know, but Apa Quackity always starts laughing when he describes them, so they have to be stupid.)
The Ocean is where all the Good Pepitos live. Pepito isn't a Good Pepito anymore, so he needs to leave.
There's only one person who can make Pepito into a Sky Pepito, and he lives at the bottom of the ocean.
Pepito whimpers at the thought, but he quickly wipes his eyes and sets his jaw into a firm, determined expression. He slips his glasses back on, and he pushes off of the ocean floor and goes in search of the Sea Witch.
It's what he deserves.
The Sea Witch isn't too happy to see Pepito, but he lets Pepito into his house and sits Pepito down with a plate of fish on his couch, and he listens.
With a frown on his scary face, the Sea Witch asks, "Okay, but what did you actually do?"
Pepito's eyes start watering at the thought, but he answers anyway, because he has to if he wants the Sea Witch to help him.
"I... I did a Very Bad Thing," he whispers, curling in on himself. He wipes at his eyes and looks away to the side. "If I don't become a pirate, then I'll have to go to jail down here, and I don't wanna go to jail, Mister The Sea Witch. Pepitos aren't meant for jail."
"Pepitos aren't meant to be pirates, either. You're a good kid! What happened?"
Pepito just shakes his head in response. He's crying again, but that's fine. Apa Roier always cries, and nobody ever notices, so the Sea Witch probably hasn't noticed Pepito's tears. Maybe he's blind? He doesn't have any eye holes in his eyes (what are they called, pupils?)
There's quiet, but eventually the Sea Witch lets out a long sigh and nods.
"Fine," he says. "But-" (He cuts Pepito off as Pepito snaps his head up and starts thanking him.) "-I get to pick the pirate crew you go with. I know a bunch of pirates, I'll find a super evil one for you to go with."
That sounds... scary. But Pepito has to be a Brave Pepito. If he says no, then the Sea Witch might eat him, and Pepito doesn't wanna die. Pepito just wants to live in misery agonizing over his mistake for the rest of his unholy, evil life. That's all.
So Pepito nods and reaches out to hug the Sea Witch (it's how Pepito thanks his parents at home, and they like it well enough.)
The Sea Witch hums and hugs Pepito back. "There, there. It'll all be fine, Pepito. This big, scary pirate is going to take good care of you, I promise."
And that sounds scary, but it's fine! Pepito is brave!!
A moment passes, and then the Sea Witch pulls out of the hug and leaves to go get his spell ingredients.
Pepito sits on the couch, and he closes his eyes, and he imagines feeling the sun for the first time in his life, and he pretends that he doesn't already have a big hole in his heart from leaving his parents.
(But, really, they were going to leave him if he didn't leave them. So it's fine.)
(Meanwhile, Roier gets home from visiting Bobby's grave to find an empty house. He, of course, panics. Mariana and Quackity are both on vacation, and Rivers is across the reef sparring with Fit, and gods only know where Carre is, and Pepito literally doesn't go anywhere without one of his parents so. So.
Roier's halfway through searching the house when the entire reef shakes. He dashes to a window and looks out just in time to watch a huge column of light erupt from the drop-off point to the bottom of the sea.
He swears and grabs his bag and rushes out the door, not bothering to close it behind him.
Fucking BadBoy...!)
The sun is warm. Pepito thinks he loves it, and he thinks it loves him back with how much sunlight is on him as he and the Sea Witch walk through the Sky Pepito town.
It's a shame he can't say as much. His throat hurts, but it isn't from asthma this time. It's from magic.
"Remember, Pepito, you can't talk when you're on land," the Sea Witch reminds him. "I got you legs and lungs, but you had to give me something in return."
A pause.
"If your dad asks, it was your idea. Not mine. I had nothing to do with this."
Pepito nods, duh.
The Sky Pepito Town is huge, though! So many Pepitos, all wearing different outfits and with legs.
Pepito looks down at his own legs thoughtfully. He doesn't know what to think of them quite yet. They look goofy, but he almost likes them better than he likes his tail.
...Liked his tail. Because he can never go in The Ocean again. If he does, then the magic will run out, and he'll have to go home and watch his parents all interact with the new Pepito they'll have gotten while he was away.
But the buildings in the Sky are so tall! They're taller than even Apa Mariana, and he's HUGE!! And all the Sky Pepitos are tall, too! Taller than Pepito, anyway...
Maybe Pepito would be taller if he got shoes. The Sea Witch had managed to magic up some clothes for him before they got into town, but apparently shoes are hard.
Pepito wiggles his toes as he walks. He smiles. Now these? Really silly.
Pepito walks obediently beside the Sea Witch as the Sea Witch leads him through the town's winding streets towards the docks, which is where the pirates live. Supposedly.
"Now, remember, this guy is super evil," the Sea Witch warns him. "So you need to watch out."
Pepito nods, though he only halfway listens as the Sea Witch continues talking about this super scary pirate captain they're going to. Because, really, how much worse can the pirate captain be than Pepito? It's not like he did the Very Bad Thing.
Pepito isn't paying attention, so he doesn't notice the enormous ship in front of him until he's being led up to a bridge leading up to its... roof?
(What are the parts of a boat, again?)
"Cellbit!" the Sea Witch calls, one hand cupped around his mouth. "I have a present for you!"
Pepito winces at the volume, but he doesn't cover his ears. That would be rude, and he needs to make a good first impression if he wants to show how evil he is to the captain.
Pepito watches the ship's roof until he sees a sign of movement. And then... there he is. The pirate captain, the evil one. Captain Celbi.
According to the Sea Witch, Captain Celbi is the most wanted pirate on the seven seas. The Sea Witch says that Captain Celbi eats people, but he didn't say that Captain Celbi murders them, so maybe he isn't that evil after all. Pepito's probably worse than he is.
Captain Celbi looks small when he's on the roof, but he gets bigger and bigger as he walks down the bridge, and then he's huge when he's standing in front of Pepito with his hands on his hips.
He has a sword, is the first thing that Pepito notices. Second is the scar stretching across his face from his left eyebrow down to the right side of his chin. His hair is long, tied back and hidden under a bit, three-pointed hat; but where are his ears? His eyes are so blue that they remind Pepito of The Ocean.
He looks down at Pepito with his mouth twisted into a worried line.
Pepito tries to look intimidating. He puffs his chest out and stands up tall and furrows his eyebrows the way Ama Rivers does before one of her fights.
Captain Celbi looks to the Sea Witch with a couple of rapid, confused blinks.
"Bad," he says, "what the fudge is this?"
Pepito can't introduce himself, so he just waves. Evilly.
The Sea Witch answers for him, how nice!
"This is Pepito," he says, putting a hand on the top of Pepito's head. "He said that he wants to become a pirate."
Pepito nods.
Captain Celbi blinks again before looking back down at Pepito.
Slowly, the captain crouches in front of him, hands on his knees to brace himself.
"You really want to be a pirate?" he asks.
Pepito nods again, firmly. Evilly. He's evil, just like Captain Celbi is.
"It's very dangerous," the captain continues. "Can you handle that?"
Pepito nods a third time. He squeezes his mouth into a determined line. He's got this.
The captain stares at him, and then he stands and grabs the Sea Witch by the arm and says, "Bad, can we talk?"
The Sea Witch doesn't get a chance to argue before getting dragged away and into the crowd.
Pepito watches them go. There's... a lot of people.
A lot of people.
Who knew there were so many Sky Pepitos!?
Pepito steps backwards until his back is against a tall barrel. He looks down at his hands and immediately tears his eyes away from them because there's still blood under his nails even now that his claws have been dulled into weird beige flat things.
Suddenly, and for whatever reason, Pepito misses Apa Roier. He's good with people. He'd be friends with the entire town by now, because he's a good person. Pepito isn't, though. His only friends are going to be the pirates on Captain Celbit's boat.
Eventually, Captain Celbi and the Sea Witch come back.
Captain Celbi looks... less confused, but he still looks a little puzzled. He looks at Pepito like he's the puzzle, which is silly. Pepito's Pepito! Nothing crazy about him.
The Sea Witch, though, looks pleased. He bends down and ruffles Pepito's hair briefly before standing and cracking his back with a wince.
"Welp, I'll be on my way. Pepito," he says, looking Pepito in the eye, "take care of Cellbit for me. He might be a super evil pirate, but he can be a bit silly sometimes."
"Hey!" Captain Celbi protests, lightly smacking the Sea Witch's arm. "Fuck you, man!"
"Language!" the Sea Witch snaps.
Pepito giggles, surprising both himself and the Sea Witch. Huh, guess the magic only took away his voice, not his noise.
Captain Celbi's mouth twitches. He blinks slowly, crouching again and extending a hand.
"Pepito, right?" he softly asks.
At Pepito's nod, Captain Celbi continues, louder, "After you shake my hand, you'll officially be part of my crew. There's no going back, okay?"
Briefly, Pepito considers going back home. He never said goodbye; his parents would've said goodbye before abandoning him for a new Pepito, at least.
But he bites his tongue and takes Captain Celbi's hand, anyway. His hand only manages to hold four of Captain Celbi's fingers, but that's fine. Pepito will be a big Pepito soon.
Captain Celbi nods, and he stands.
He looks at the Sea Witch and says, "Tell Foolish I say hi, okay?"
"Yeah, sure." The Sea Witch nods. He glances down at Pepito. "Be careful, okay?"
"Please," Captain Celbi scoffs. "I'm always careful."
The Sea Witch rolls his eyes, and then Pepito blinks his eyes, and then the Sea Witch is gone.
"What a creepy guy," Captain Celbi comments.
He looks down at Pepito and smiles- he has fangs, what!? So cool...
"Come on, Pepito, we should get on board before my crew leaves us behind."
Pepito's eyes widen in panic, and he runs off for the bridge up to the ship's roof, accidentally pulling Captain Celbi behind him because maybe Pepito forgot to let go of his hand. Maybe.
But Captain Celbi doesn't say a thing. He doesn't pull his hand away, either. (He has to be soooo scared of Pepito!)
Pepito gets to the ship's roof and gasps, eyes flicking from the ship's big stick to the big wheel to the group of people watching Pepito and Captain Celbi back to the big stick.
There's another kid in the group of people, Pepito notices. He's glaring, arms crossed.
Pepito shrinks back and steps behind Captain Celbi; he may be evil, but this other kid seems scary. Cool, but scary.
"Everyone, meet Pepito," the captain announces. He's still holding Pepito's hand despite the stares, wow, he's tough! "Bad brought him up from underwater so he can learn how to be a pirate."
A woman in the group raises a hand. "Are we pirates now?"
Captain Celbi shrugs. "I guess. Can't be that hard, can it?"
Pepito snaps his head up to stare at the captain in shock. What?
Oh! They're lying. Just like Apa Roier said pirates do, they're all scumbags and liars!
That makes much more sense.
Pepito pokes his head out from behind Captain Celbi and offers the most evil smile he can muster. He even waves, evilly; to his confusion, most of the other pirates smile back. Except the kid, who huffs and looks away moodily.
(Captain Celbi is the captain, but this kid must be the boss. Hmm...)
"Baghera, can you help Pepito find a bunk downstairs?" Captain Celbi orders. "I need to finish taking inventory with Pac before we can get going."
The woman who had spoken up earlier grins and salutes, stepping forward and taking Pepito by the hand.
"Come on, Pepito," she says. "You can sleep near me. Unlike some people, I don't snore."
The captain starts shouting in protest, but Baghera just giggles and skips away with Pepito by her side.
As they head down into the bowels of the ship, Pepito takes one last look up at the sun. He waves goodbye to it.
(He just wishes that he got to say goodbye to Apa Roier...)
(Meanwhile, Bad hums as he tends to his plants in his garden. He's just returned from dropping Pepito off with Cellbit, and he's exhausted.
He doesn't look up as a shadow falls over him.
"What the fudge did you do to my Pepito?" Roier demands.
He levels his sword at Bad's Adam's apple; its point digs in slightly, drawing sickly green blood.
Bad calmly pulls his neck backwards.
"Look up," is all Bad says in response.
And that's when the shadow of Cellbit's ship passes over them. They'll have been sailing for, what, an hour now? Just long enough for Pepito to have gotten settled in. (Hopefully, Richarlyson hasn't gotten jealous yet...)
"Fuck," Roier swears. He drops his sword into the sand and runs his fingers through his hair, pacing through the water in frustration.
In a flash, he turns back to Bad and demands, "Me, too. Take me up, too."
Bad hums. "I don't know, you'll have to give something up."
"Yes, yes, I know, just- take this."
Roier points to his bottom-most pair of eyes. (Honestly, Bad hasn't figured out what the heck kind of fish he is.) Without those, he'll be down to two eyes, and he'll basically be blind.
Eh, it'll work.
"Oh, fine," Bad sighs. He gives Roier a look. "But we'll have to wait until they make port again. I can't just stick you up there like this, it'll scare him."
Roier frowns. "What?"
That settles Bad's suspicions, then. Roier really doesn't know what Pepito did, huh.
Well. He's going to find out.
Bad just hopes Roier doesn't scare the poor kid when he gets to the surface and realizes that Pepito's new best friend is Cellbit of all people. All those feelings, ew.)
Hey guys!! PLEASE reblog this! And leave an ask or a comment or a tag or a whatever telling me your thoughts and questions! Let me know if you want more, because there is more!
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vleri-owo · 7 months
AU in which all Pepito wants is for Pepito’s dad to start smiling again. Pepito knows that Apa Roier is a HUGE fan of Spider-Man, aka Quesadilla City’s most popular superhero, but he’s been real sad since Spider-Man stopped hero-ing a couple months ago when his rival and WORST ENEMY Black Cat disappeared. And Pepito just wants Roier to be happy, so Pepito’s just gotta find Spider-Man and make him a hero again! (And maybe Pepito can get his autograph, because Spider-Man is Pepito’s favorite hero too!!!)
[An au in which Roier retires as a hero when the man he was working up the nerve to ask out vanished into thin air in a factory explosion after a fight gone wrong. He never even got to find out Black Cat’s name, and now he never will…]
[And, an au in which Cellbit has been stuck in the hospital for months in a coma, and all he’s been dreaming of is the masked hero he’s in love with.]
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vleri-owo · 8 months
i dont think tubbo and foolish even had to lie to luzu about foolish being sunny's other dad and not charlie. i think through their pure and collective ability to yap nonstop they would've been able to fry luzu's brain and make him forget everything about it
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vleri-owo · 8 months
this moment with luzu was too good not to share
I died because Pepito's hand slipped?... (harcore music starts) Pepito! PEPITOOO! (dramatic camera movements of himself) Pepito I'm going to burst you Pepito! Pepitooo!
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vleri-owo · 8 months
AU in which all Pepito wants is for Pepito’s dad to start smiling again. Pepito knows that Apa Roier is a HUGE fan of Spider-Man, aka Quesadilla City’s most popular superhero, but he’s been real sad since Spider-Man stopped hero-ing a couple months ago when his rival and WORST ENEMY Black Cat disappeared. And Pepito just wants Roier to be happy, so Pepito’s just gotta find Spider-Man and make him a hero again! (And maybe Pepito can get his autograph, because Spider-Man is Pepito’s favorite hero too!!!)
[An au in which Roier retires as a hero when the man he was working up the nerve to ask out vanished into thin air in a factory explosion after a fight gone wrong. He never even got to find out Black Cat’s name, and now he never will…]
[And, an au in which Cellbit has been stuck in the hospital for months in a coma, and all he’s been dreaming of is the masked hero he’s in love with.]
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vleri-owo · 9 months
ratackity is 100% an ipad kid
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vleri-owo · 9 months
Los quiero mucho Pepito y Quackity 💟
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vleri-owo · 10 months
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murder husbands
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vleri-owo · 11 months
Cellbo :3
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vleri-owo · 11 months
Tina has been having SUCH bad luck in Purgatory, but her perfectly cut-off scream when Cellbit kiIled her made me cry-laugh.
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vleri-owo · 11 months
Can you guys imagine if q!Cellbit hasn't been the killer at all and he wakes up today/whenever to:
His sister lowkey calling him crazy and saying he's lost it and that he needs help and that she's going to help him no matter what it is he feels like he needs to do no matter what just as long as he doesn't do it alone
His husband acting all emo and being chill all things considered but really driving it home that he's More Than Willing to help Cellbit murder the shit out of people and that he himself kinda wants to murder the entire Federation and he'd even eat the corpses, too, because they aren't human and so it isn't cannibalism, just sayinggg
His friends all assuring him that they won't rat him out over killing these guys, which he didn't do in this scenario, and being all "don't worry man, we got your back! please just go to therapy!"
Like that all alone would make him absolutely lose it because, hear me out guys, what if the Federation punishment isn't for everybody to lose their trust in him, but for him to lose his trust in himself.
He's been asleep for a week... hasn't he? He thinks he was asleep, but Bagi seems to have found books that he supposedly wrote tying him to the scenes of the crimes, and they sound like they were written by him...
He has his family, yeah, but does he have himself?
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vleri-owo · 1 year
Inspired by this idea from @comfymoth
Las Casualonas is where drunk men go to die. Its drinks are bad, its music is worse, and the cigarette smoke is thick enough to choke a man. The owner is shady, his family is shady, the security is shady, the customers are shady. The clients are shady.
Normally, Cellbit would stay away from a place like Casualonas. It really isn't his scene anymore, and he doesn't think the kinds of people he'd run into there would be very happy to see him, not after what he's done. But, well. A job's a job. He's gotta put food on the table somehow, and sometimes dinner comes at the risk of getting shot.
And so Cellbit has found himself nursing a lemon-spiked glass of lukewarm tap water at the bar, his head low and his back to the uninterested bartender.
Tonight's job is simple: reportedly, the club's owner- one "DJ Maxo"- slinked away from a business deal with a computer chip in his pocket that he really shouldn't have had. The client wants the chip back, Cellbit wants to be able to afford a birthday present for his son. It's a match made in heaven, really.
Casting his eyes about the club, Cellbit watches as the band set up on the club's center stage starts shuffling around. Making room, probably. The club's singer, probably. She's famous. Not really Cellbit's cup of tea (she's not exactly his type), but good at what she does.
On cue, Mister DJ Maxo himself steps on stage and speaks into the microphone.
"Alright, everybody," he says, "it's that time. Please put your hands together for... Melissa!"
The club bursts into eager applause as Maxo steps off the stage and as Ms. Melissa takes his place. Dressed in a thin, red cocktail dress that clings to her body like plastic wrap and looking all too much like a Jessica Rabbit cosplayer, it's easy to see why the club is so excited.
Not Cellbit, though. He keeps his eyes on Maxo, making note of the hidden door he sneaks through as soon as the crowd has stopped paying attention to him.
Melissa waves daintily and giggles. "Hola, hola! Cómo estás? Tonight I will sing for you, okay?"
She blows a kiss into the crowd, steps up to the microphone, and sings.
Cellbit sips at his water and tries not to choke on the smoke in it. (Fucking ew.) He turns to face the bar, and he thinks.
He's got a revolver in his coat and a garotte in his pocket, but there are at least ten security guards between him and what has to be Maxo's office, and he isn't as good as he used to be. So maybe he can try and sneak his way in, but something tells him that Maxo's got his office under some kind of extreme password protection considering how creepy his club is... and considering the goods he's been stealing- computer chips, computer parts, wires. Weird stuff for a club owner to steal, all things considered.
Maybe Cellbit should just come back in the day when the club is shut down. Pac and Mike are always down for some breaking and entering, they could make a day out of it and grab lunch with Forever. Maybe they can take Richarlyson out for ice cream when he's out of school. Maybe Felps will even show up.
...Maybe Felps will even show up.
Cellbit sighs into his glass. He'll leave when he's finished his water.
Melissa is singing some kind of love song, he thinks. Not one he knows (not that he knows any, let alone any in Spanish.) She sounds good. Of course she does. Her singing voice is a full octave lower than her speaking voice, and it's basically her trademark- a beautiful woman with a beautiful singing voice and a beautiful personality.
Or, well, that's what Bagi says, anyway. She's Melissa's biggest fan (gross), God knows she would've stolen this case from Cellbit if she found out he was going to be watching Melissa live.
A fresh round of applause explodes from the club as Melissa steps off the stage and starts strutting around the room with her microphone so close to her lips that they're painting it red.
"How are you doing, handsome?" she asks a wrinkly-looking old man in the corner.
He melts in his seat and smiles up at her. "Better now that you're here."
Melissa rolls her eyes with a laugh. "That line is almost as old as you are! Next!"
She pushes the man's hat down over his eyes and moves on to the next table, humming between conversations. And she keeps going, insulting every man and woman trying to flirt back with her and getting no lack of angry looks for it.
Uh-oh. Maybe Cellbit should just...
A satin-gloved hand settles on his shoulder and spins him around.
"You're new," Melissa purrs. She looks him over, painted smile melting into something that Cellbit thinks might actually be something genuine. "How are you doing?"
She hasn't removed her hand. Cellbit's pretty sure that every other man in the club would kill to have this opportunity. But, well. She really isn't his type.
So he shrugs and swishes his glass around. "Could be better. It's hot in here."
Melissa's eyes briefly widen in surprise before schooling themselves back to normal.
"Oh?" she asks. She steps forward, her other arm coming to sling itself over his other shoulder.
Basically sitting on Cellbit's lap at this point, she hums right into his ear, "Are you sure it isn't just you?"
(God, Bagi is going to kill him over this.)
Cellbit is about to respond with something like, "Please get off of me, this is not worth your time," when he sees one of the rejected men reaching into his jacket and pulling out a gun.
"Oh, shit!" someone shouts, and Cellbit has just enough time to tumble off of his stool and bring Melissa with him before the man fires.
Melissa yelps and immediately rolls off of Cellbit, pulling her dress up and this really isn't the time for that, but-
"Hands to yourself!" she snaps, raising her pistol and plugging a bullet right between the guy's eyes.
Oh shit.
The man falls dead to the ground. Security rushes to grab him and carry him out.
Maxo comes running out of his office and snatches the microphone from Melissa.
"What did I fucking say?" he demands. "No more guns at the club! That's it! Everybody go home!"
The crowd complains, but it starts emptying itself out. Maxo follows suit, storming back into his "hidden" office and slamming the door shut behind him.
Cellbit, still on the floor and soaked by his water, lets out a very tired breath. Fucking Casualonas.
Melissa 'hmph!'s and tucks her gun back into its hidden holster, standing and smoothing down her dress. She adjusts her gloves and her bangs, and then she looks down at Cellbit with a small smile.
"Thank you," she says.
He gives her a thumbs-up in response. "No problem. I do this kind of thing all the time."
"Really? That's interesting." A pause, and then she lightly kicks Cellbit in the ribs. "Get up, I want to go home."
Cellbit raises an eyebrow. "What does that have to do with me?"
"Do you really want to make a small, delicate girl walk all the way home by herself?"
He looks her over, much to her obvious appreciation. She even poses a little, sticks her chest out and puts her hands on her hips to accentuate her butt. But, honestly, he's looking more at her arms- biceps. She could choke a man with those. Small, delicate girl, his ass.
Pushing himself to his feet, Cellbit wrings the water out from his shirt as best he can, says, "I mean, I can take you home. But you won't be getting anything out of it."
She frowns. "Oh?"
And he gives her an apologetic look because, really, she seems nice.
"I'm gay," he says.
"Oh," Melissa gasps. She coughs into her fist something that sounds an awful lot like a laugh, and then she shrugs. "So am I. Hurry up."
She leaves, her heels click-clack-ing against the grimy tiled floor.
Cellbit rolls his eyes, sighs, and follows.
His car is a piece of shit. He hopes she won't mind.
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vleri-owo · 1 year
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actually bc i said that here's some of my favorite cellbit images these are literally only from the last like six months he's just a ridiculous human being
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vleri-owo · 1 year
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With help of @littleeggrock, @lovely-ollie, @themagpieprince, @anonymous-dentist, @glwilbur and @qmariana
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vleri-owo · 1 year
He already exploded Vegeta's bridge when Quackity gave him a tour of the island :D
Also earlier when Cellbit was introducing Richas to Willy and Willy was like “…how many eggs are there?” and Cellbit was like “oh idk like six or seven” and there was an audible silence and you could just hear the gears going in Willy’s silly little murderous head he was literally “🤔”
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vleri-owo · 1 year
You'll never guess what I spent MY evening doing.
(I really miss Karmaland and Luckity 😭)
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vleri-owo · 1 year
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