vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
you asked for people to send stuff to your inbox and you seem like a very cool person so hi!!!
oh hi!
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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english alphabet:
ⓐⓑⓒⓓⓔⓕ ⓖⓗⓘⓙⓚⓛ ⓜⓝⓞⓟⓠⓡ ⓢⓣⓤⓥⓦⓧⓨⓩ
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
only reblog this if you
DOING ANOTHER FOLLOW SPREE: (likes DON’T COUNT) if you mainly only MAINLY reblog: •Dan Howell •Phil Lester •Phan •Panic! •FOB •YouTubers •phanfiction
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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“Some people say home is where you come from. But I think it’s a place you need to find, like it’s scattered and you pick pieces of it up along the way.“ —  Katie Kacvinsky.
1, 2, 3, 4
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
im so freaking emotional about anakin skywalker right now and i have a feeling watching clone wars will only make it worse. he  just needed proper guidance. obi wan was amazing but he was so young himself and wasnt equipped to deal with someone like anakin. he was told most of his life that everything he felt was wrong and never given real guidance as how to deal with his emotions he was just told to stop having them and then palpatine comes along and tells him that what he feels is valid and that he has worth and anakin feels understood. he was such a good kid who just wanted to help people and wanted so badly not to lose the people he loved and then especially after what happened to his mother. he didnt really stand a chance against somebody like palpatine. not to mention some of his critisisms of the jedi order were actually really legit and the constant denial and superiority on the part of people like yoda just made it that much easier for him to be convinced they were evil. they pushed him away right at the time they should have been showing him compassion and empathy. obi wan did his absolute best but again, anakin needed something more.
then he goes and destroys everything. he snaps completely and loses padme and thinks hes lost his child and at that point what motivation does he have to turn to the light. and then his son shows up. alive and brilliant. and he has a daughter too. and sudenly everything isnt lost anymore. these are his kids. padmes kids. and he gives up everything to save them and destroy the man who destroyed him.
if palpatine hadnt been around. if the jedi order had of done better. just think what could have been. just think. he was so brilliant and could have done so much good. and he really wanted to. he was just led so far astray. but luke really loved him in the end. saw a potential in him that nobody had seen in a long time. i wish he could just have a conversation with kylo ren and just tell his grandson what the dark side took from him, but the light side gave him back his son and his daughter and  brought love back into his life and he died for the sake of that love. im very emotional right now sorry for the rant
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
Mum : Who's this guy? *points at lockscreen*
Me : That's Adam Driver, the guy who played Kylo Ren
Mum : Someone's got a crush
Me : No you don't u n d e r s t a n d
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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Stupid Air Fresheners.
“This thing attacks you every time you walk past it.”
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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~Dan’s face looking at porn appreciation~
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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( ≧◡≦ ) *:・゚✧
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
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vloglester-blog1 · 9 years
ur either a space gay, a forest gay or an ocean gay
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