voidfought · 6 years
might come back here stay tuned @ those of ya’ll who have stuck around <3
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voidfought · 6 years
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voidfought · 6 years
I trust you without question. I love you without hesitation.
(via voidslept)
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voidfought · 6 years
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annika’s too far away to hear the compliments matt gives her, but they do make shiro smile.  it’s a brief second, but his fingers brush against matt’s just enough for him to confirm that it’s not the time they’ve been apart making him nostalgic, he’s never stopped loving matt.  the electricity running through his arm couldn’t be wrong, not as he catches matt’s attention &. jerks his head towards the kitchen, the girls’ laughter echoing from throughout the apartment.  matt’s right, in a way.  it is inviting, now that there’s life &. heart in it.
❝  c’mon.  think you can keep the fires to a minimum, mr. sweet talker ?? ❞
     it’s been so long since matt’s felt butterflies like this.   he almost feels like he’s a teenager again,   but really,   it’s just that high school was probably the last time he was really   &   truly this carefree   &   happy.   he can’t keep the smile off his face   --   not that he feels inclined to even try to. 
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     ❝   i’ll try to stay away from anything flammable   --   for you.   ❞   by that,   he means he’s wisely going to avoid the stove.   everyone will be much better off that way,   he thinks as he follows shiro into the kitchen.   ❝   tell me what you need me to do   &   i’ll make it happen.   ❞
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voidfought · 6 years
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I love this weeb
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voidfought · 6 years
                                           you’re allowed to scream                                               you’re allowed to cry                                        but you’re not allowed to give up
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voidfought · 6 years
people have always told me that poetry existed in places other than the space between pen and paper but i never truly believed them, until i met you. your eyes contained the most extraordinary constellations and lit up in the most beautiful way when talking of the things you’re passionate about, your mind so complex and more potent than any drug, and your laugh, oh god your laugh could replace my obsession with the stars. something as simple as your trailing your fingertips along my collarbones causes my skin to set fire and my world to blur. through these things i realized they were completely right, poetry does exist in places other than words, poetry exists within you.
roughlycapricious (via wnq-writers)
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voidfought · 6 years
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annika takes a hold of shiro’s hand &. drags ( as much as shiro will let her ) him towards their apartment, just a few blocks from the park.  he laughs quietly at how stubborn annika is, how similar she is to him in almost every way.  every once in a while, he spares a backwards glance to make sure matt is keeping up.  this feels natural, too natural for how long they’ve been apart, but it’s like they’re just picking up where they should’ve left off.
❝  ….it’ll be nice to have someone else in the kitchen that can actually hold a knife and help out.  not that annika over here isn’t help as well. ❞
shiro chuckles as he unlocks his apartment &. watches annika immediately run towards her favorite stuffed toy before running back to him &. matt, clearly wanting to play some more.  their third-floor apartment is enough room for the two of them &. it’s warm &. inviting, but still somehow……lacking a certain warmth that shiro hadn’t been able to pinpoint until now.
❝  i-it’s a little…..well, disorderly, but…..it’s home.  c’mon in. ❞
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      matt laughs slightly as he uses his free hand to brush some hair out of abby’s face.   ❝   i bet annika is loads of help.   i can tell she’s a clever girl.   ❞   alright,   so maybe he’s trying to win annika over with flattery.   he’s not saying anything he doesn’t mean though,   so there’s no harm in it. 
      as shiro leads them back to his apartment,   matt is thrown for a loop when he realizes:   ❝   we live in the same building;   we’re only a floor apart,  ❞   matt murmurs.   he wonders how they have managed to avoid running into each other until their daughters brought them back together.   ah,   well,   it’s a thought to save for another time,   he tells himself as he slips into the room   &   sets abby down.   abby immediately makes her way to annika’s side to look at the stuffed toy while matt looks around.   ❝   your apartment is really nice,   takashi.   it’s very inviting.   it suits you.   ❞
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voidfought · 6 years
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Matt’s crush on Allura is so sweet! I want to see more interactions between them. And honestly rebel-princess constellations make me weak. 
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voidfought · 6 years
… I’d like to take a moment to submit a formal apology to my soft parts because they kept me warm when I was trying to freeze to death, and I hated them for it.
Ashe Vernon, from “Snapshots” (via oofpoetry)
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voidfought · 6 years
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❝  matt, trust me.  i know you can protect yourself.  i’ve never felt like i have to protect you.  i want to.  i want to be there to protect you, because i can’t stand the thought of something hurting you, or….or the thought of losing you. ❞
his voice CRACKS just slightly, volume dropping to a WHISPER.  the thought of LOSING matt does more than just SCARE him, it makes him SICK.  he can never bring himself to ADMIT it but something WARM &. gentle blooms in his chest &. forms into a SOFT smile once more.  he reminds himself that matt is HERE, with him, that nothing WORSE can happen anymore.
matt is ALIVE &. suddenly months of REPRESSED mourning hit him.  he’d thought matt was DEAD after he’d escaped, but he had a JOB to do.  he didn’t have the LUXURY of grief that was now deemed UNNECESSARY.  he wants to cry &. to hold matt close &. shield him from the UNIVERSE.  but that’s SELFISH, the one thing shiro can NEVER be.
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      ❝   i want to protect you too.   ❞   his voice is little more than a whisper,   thick with grief,   as he’s struck with the sudden realization that there will be no happy ending for them.   he reaches up to cup shiro’s face tenderly,   almost as though he’s afraid that shiro will disappear with a single touch.    ❝   but one day this war will take you from me,   or take me from you.   there can’t be a fairy tale ending to our story.   i think we lost that the moment we signed up for the kerberos mission.   ❞
      matt wants to pretend that he’s lionhearted,   but the truth is that sometimes his hands shake too much   &   he crumbles under the pressure despite his best efforts.   the truth is,   matt is weak. 
      but   --   he’s trying his damnedest to hold his head high   &   fight for the universe,   because there is no room for him to fall apart,   because he doesn’t know how to back down   &   give in,   because he has to fight for the ones he loves.
      he feels selfish.
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voidfought · 6 years
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this ask meme is based on the blog gravesuggestion.  i’ve divided it up into two categories  ( light  &  dark )  based on the themes.  some of these can be somewhat triggering seeing that the darker ones deal with a lot of death mentions.  please be cautious before continuing on!!
‘  at night i dream of you.  ’ ‘  don’t give up yet.  you still have time to fix things.  ’ ‘  falling in love with someone else is not a personal attack.  ’ ‘  i am still so weak when it comes to you.  ’ ‘  i can’t believe i let myself let you down.  ’ ‘  i don’t care where we go when we die,  as long as i’m with you.  ’ ‘  i dream of saying to you all the words i held inside until it was too late.  ’ ‘  i feel so warm  &  safe when you talk to me.  maybe i could love you if you’d let me.  ’ ‘  i finally let the right people in  &  i have never felt so loved.  ’ ‘  i like the way your nails paint red stripes along my spine days after you’re gone.  ’ ‘  i lived in your permafrost for twenty years  &  then you looked at me  &  i felt the warmth of spring.  ’ ‘  i once wished you’d leave me alone,  but i take it back.  ’ ‘  i want to be able to love someone else,  but you stretch your arms  &  spread your legs inside my heart so that there is no room for anyone or anything else.  ’ ‘  i want to believe that we got it right this time.  ’ ‘  i wonder how much longer i can cling to your light before it expires completely.  ’ ‘  i would travel across the world to be by your side,  because as long as you are with me,  anywhere is a perfect place to me.  ’ ‘  it took me awhile to realize it myself,  but you are not what other people say you are.  ’ ‘  it’s not that i really need you,  but life would be pretty boring without you around.  there’s no one i would rather be with.  ’ ‘  i’d like to stay like this for awhile.  ’ ‘  life  &  death don’t have to be so boring,  let’s make both an adventure.  ’ ‘  life imitates art,  they say.  i didn’t believe it until i started to notice the way your eyelashes look so much like tiny ink stroke.  ’ ‘  live your life so that when you die,  souls will come for miles just to hear your historic tales.  ’ ‘  make your exes jealous  &  your past self proud.  ’ ‘  maybe you’re what i needed to find in order to move on.  ’ ‘  never get caught falling harder.  they’ll never let you back up.  ’ ‘  please don’t go.  ’ ‘  some days it’s easier to just stop fighting it  &  succumb.  ’ ‘  sometimes,  you’ll find it hard to keep going,  but you always will.  ’ ‘  the desire i feel for you is that same itching,  insidious hunger that an addict has for their addiction.  ’ ‘  the worst thing about you is that you weren’t all bad.  ’ ‘  there is absolutely nothing  &  no one who can stop me.  ’ ‘  there is no route of losing you that is without pain.  ’ ‘  there’s still room for adventure  &  there is no one i’d rather have by my side.  ’ ‘  things didn’t turn out the way i planned,  but i’m alright with that.  ’ ‘  we could be really incredible together,  you know?  ’ ‘  you are beautiful  &  vibrant  &  confident.  you are light  &  laughter incarnate  &  every fiber of your being screams freedom  &  joy.  when i am with you,  i am truly happy.  ’ ‘  you are starlight incarnate,  from the grand way you sway your hips to the wide mysterious way you think.  blessed are any to be loved by you.  ’ ‘  you are too afraid of the future to let go of a past that was never kind to you.  ’ ‘  you call me yours  &  i have no idea what that even means to you.  ’ ‘  you remind me of bubblegum  &  sweets;  soft  &  pink  &  warm.  you are strong in the gentlest way.  you are so stubbornly kind.  i wish i could be like that.  ’ ‘  you still visit me while i sleep sometimes.  your fingers trace my spine  &  i listen to you breathe.  please stop haunting me.  ’ ‘  ‘morbid curiosity’ is a wonderful way to describe how i feel about you.  ’
‘  a thousand empty bottles  &  fist fights will never return to us what we lost that day.  ’ ‘  everyone else has moved on,  but i am still here.  ’ ‘  everything about you screams danger.  ’ ‘  everything is worthless to you  &  you,  in turn,  became worthless.  ’ ‘  for once in my life i want to be surrounded by people that i don’t feel like i need to impress.  ’ ‘  freedom is really hard to get used to.  ’ ‘  how could you do this to me?  how fucking could you?  ’ ‘  i am becoming everything we always dreamed of  &  i am leaving you behind.  ’ ‘  i buried you so well that you might as well have died.  ’ ‘  i can rest easy knowing that the person i love is dead  &  not the monster you became.  ’ ‘  i can’t look at you.  not now,  not ever.  ’ ‘  i don’t ask how you’ve been.  what’s the point?  you’d lie anyways.  ’ ‘  i dream of hearing the words i so desperately needed to lay your memory to rest.  ’ ‘  i haunted this house first.  there is no room for you here.  ’ ‘  i have a right to be upset.  i loved them too, you know.  ’ ‘  i just want it to end.  i want it to all go away.  i want to go away.  ’ ‘  i may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing,  but a snake hiding in the skin of a mouse is far more dangerous.  ’ ‘  i saw your face today  &  didn’t feel anything.  i am free.  ’ ‘  i tried to save you,  but you didn’t want to be saved.  you just wanted someone to suffer with you.  ’ ‘  it’s almost as if you were never here.  ’ ‘  it’s unhealthy to do these things,  you tell me.  you say it’s time to stop smoking,  time to stop gambling,  &  dammit,  i f you don’t stop drinking it’ll kill you.  i sure hope you’re right,  darling.  ’ ‘  i’m always pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to kill you in my mind  ’ ‘  i’m not really scared to die.  i’m more afraid that no one will miss me when i’m gone.  ’ ‘  i’m not the person you left behind anymore.  there’s no one here to miss.  ’ ‘  i’ve been dead far longer than i’ve been alive.  ’ ‘  i’ve eaten nothing but flower petals  &  ivy for weeks because i want to be beautiful inside like you.  ’ ‘  i’ve never been completely satisfied.  i most likely will still be unsatisfied long after my death.  ’ ‘  no motive other than pleasure,  my dear.  ’ ‘  one day i’ll go or you will.  either way,  it will be as if i’m losing a piece of myself.  ’ ‘  our dreams  &  promises decay along with you.  ’ ‘  the leaves change,  but nothing else does.  ’ ‘  the only difference between avoiding  &  leaving is that now i’m not waiting up for you.  ’ ‘  there is no such thing as a person who is required to love you.  ’ ‘  there’s only so much that can be done to repair old damage.  ’ ‘  things aren’t going as i hoped.  maybe if i die,  i can start over again?  better luck next time.  ’ ‘  this is not something to be proud of.  this is a tragedy.  ’ ‘  trying to get rid of me?  oh honey,  you’ll have to try much harder than that.  ’ ‘  trying to get under my skin?  you’re nothing more than a pesky itch.  ’ ‘  unlike you,  i can’t hide my identity when it becomes an inconvenience or a danger.  ’ ‘  weeping is for gods  &  martyrs,  we cannot afford such luxuries.  ’ ‘  would you even miss me?  ’ ‘  you are not important enough to earn an eternal place in my heart.  ’ ‘  you complain nonstop about being unloved  &  alone,  i can’t imagine what you’d be like if that were actually true.  ’ ‘  you don’t know what it’s like.  ’ ‘  you made this so fucking easy for me.  ’ ‘  you should see me as a threat.  i will tear down everything you know until there is nothing left of you.  i am a walking threat.  ’ ‘  you think i’m already gone,  but i’m still fighting.  ’ ‘  you think i’m dead,  but i’m just dying.  ’ ‘  you were never an addiction,  you were a fucking disease.  ’ ‘  you wouldn’t dare cross me.  i am god  &  you are the soil beneath my feet.  ’ ‘  your existence takes up so much more space in mine that we might as well be one entity.  ’ ‘  your fingers are so cold  &  bruised,  but you’re still slamming your fists again the barricade as if it makes a difference.  ’ ‘  your hair is tied in a noose  &  your fingernails are razor blades,  your lips are poison  &  i will gratefully kiss them.  ’ ‘  your hatred has a body count  &  we will not forget.  ’ ‘  your loss,  not mine.  ’ ‘  you’re a sick fuck.  you know that?  ’ ‘  you’re not gentle with me  &  i would never ask you to be.  ’ ‘  you’ve trapped yourself so thoroughly in your own mind that it’s not even a rut anymore,  it’s a pit.   ’
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voidfought · 6 years
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hey guys whats up i love matt so so much.
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voidfought · 6 years
Follow You - Bring Me The Horizon
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voidfought · 6 years
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voidfought · 6 years
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voidfought · 6 years
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❝  oh believe me, i remember.  remember that time when we thought it’d be a good idea to cook for my parents and you almost set the house on fire ?? ❞
shiro’s laughter is bright at the all-too fond memory from they were younger.  at his side, annika tugs on his sleeve almost impatiently, which doesn’t surprise shiro in the least knowing her.  he knows the photo she was rambling about, it’s one of the few things from his past he doesn’t try desperately to forget, because he loves matt, plain &. simple.
❝  ….but…..i wouldn’t mind the help.  or the mess.  a-and i think annika’s getting a bit restless, so….we should probably get going. ❞
i wouldn’t mind the help, or the mess or whatever you set on fire in the kitchen.  i wouldn’t mind you.
      ❝   yeah,   that was not the smartest thing to do.   i could barely use a microwave back then;   i don’t know why i thought it would be a good idea to use a stove.   at least i learned something from it.   now i know you put water in the pot before you put pasta in.   ❞
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      he can’t contain his laughter,   especially when shiro’s laughing too.   something warm blooms in his chest.   he loves shiro.   he really does,   &   even the regrets of the past can’t taint that feeling. 
      ❝   i’m sorry,   annika;   i don’t mean to keep you waiting,   ❞   matt says as he adjusts his grip on abby.   there’s no need to carry her like this,   but he likes to be close to her,   so until she starts squirming,   in his arms she’ll stay.    ❝   well,   it might be best if i stay away from the stove,   but if there’s something that needs chopping,   i’m your man.   please,   lead the way.   ❞
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