voidway-20 · 25 days
the 'what if you played it a little risky' post literally Changed my life but i cant fujkign find it in my blog because its. a tiktok screenshot
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voidway-20 · 26 days
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my idiot hatchling
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voidway-20 · 26 days
i think the craziest thing about the potc trilogy is that there are people out there that just casually liked it, the movies didnt rewrite them on a molecular level at all. they dont even cry hearing the soundtrack. stay safe out there
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voidway-20 · 26 days
Any time somebody argues that you should avoid the use of obvious pop culture references and current slang in prose fiction in order to avoid "dating" the text, I'm reminded that our primary evidence for when several of Shakespeare's plays were written is that their dialogue quotes specific pieces of contemporary popular media, and that there's strong evidence many of the words he's credited by modern authorities with inventing are literally just contemporary youth slang. Like, if it's good enough for Shakespeare it's good enough for me, buddy!
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voidway-20 · 26 days
black sails created an 18th century legendary pirate captain who is canonically queer, ginger, depressed, repressed, polyamorous, murderous, morally gray, downright insane, thoughtful, contradictive, manipulative, funny, strong, idealistic, proto-feminist, utopian, kind, proto-anarchist, anti-colonization, controlling, obsessive, stoic, strategic, intelligent, quiet, delusional, traumatized, filled with uncontrollable rage, consumed by grief and shame, a literary nerd obsessed with greek mythology and classics, a proto-romantic in the philosophical sense - whose whole story is the prequel story of a character from a classic novel who was dead from the very beginning of said novel - and they expected us to be normal about all this and to get over all this and move on from all this?????????
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voidway-20 · 26 days
It’s also an integral part of the plot. The reason that she falls off of the cliff is because she is having difficulty breathing. She says so outright when they first put it on her, and later on you see her struggling to breathe in the heat during the hanging scene. Even after she falls, she is only able to breathe again when Jack rips off the corset (which that moment itself is representive of how she’s only able to breathe without her father’s expectations)
Without an uncomfortable corset, she doesn’t fall, which doesn’t call the black pearl, which stops the movie from even happening
Sometimes, “mistakes” are actually completely intentional, and it takes a little bit of media analysis to understand why the decisions that were made were supposed to be there
One criticism for Pirates of the Caribbean that I don't get is Elizabeth's corset. Like yeah a proper corset would have been more comfortable and she could have breathed just fine, that's the entire point. As she's putting it on her father says "How's it going? I've heard it's the latest fashion in London." She's never worn a corset before and neither has her maid who is helping her put it on. Her father is no help either, because he obviously doesn't wear one. He bought it because he thought it was something her mother would do, not knowing that she would have brought Elizabeth with her to buy it (or at least getting all the information about fitting).
It wasn't just "haha women wearing bad underwear" (although part of it definitely was), it was a character-building moment. We see here that her father is trying his best (but not always succeeding) and she is willing to try new things (even if she isn't certain of them). It also shows us that her father respects her as an adult woman and wants to make sure she'll fit in with them and she is a daughter who loves her father and is willing to make the sacrifices a governor's daughter needs to. They had five minutes to tell us who these characters were to each other and how they felt about each other and they did it with intentionally bad corsetry.
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voidway-20 · 26 days
Hot take, but iroh is not a blorbo. He is too wise to be a blorbo
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voidway-20 · 1 month
I think that it’s really funny when you have a decision to make and you have dozens reasons for one side, but the few points you have on the other side vastly outweigh the other reasons
Like I could go on a month long tangent about how toxic a work environment is but then say “but the pay is too good to pass up” and just??? end the debate???
it’s the mental equivalent of a speeding semi-truck getting obliterated by a mailbox and it surprises me every time
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voidway-20 · 11 months
Hi bob
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voidway-20 · 1 year
Toxic sun coding is such an interesting take. Give me a moon codes character that is desperately dependent but is entirely alone, only admired from afar. Have them desperate for another person to have as their own, but they’re just out of reach and there’s nothing to be done about it.
character who is sun-coded but not in the traditional ray-of-sunshine way. character who is sun-coded in the sense that they burn hot and bright and powerful, that they're a raging fury of fire and passion, and that maybe, just maybe, they are destroying themselves as they do so.
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voidway-20 · 1 year
I'm genuinely so glad I got into the dsmp, I wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. Would still not recommend it to anyone tho
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voidway-20 · 1 year
People tell you to be silent in your loathing, so I will scream my love for the world from the top of my lungs
I love being cringe and autistic I love undertale and creepypasta and Pokémon and my little pony and fnaf and invader zim and shipping I love stimming in public I love infodumping about my special interests I love being fucking weird and cringey and unapologetic and noisy and taking up space
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voidway-20 · 1 year
that whole scene of grian breaking through the wall into the bathroom where scar was camped out in one of the stalls is my favorite thing i've seen from him all season. its just perfect. the fact that he barreled through two walls and used a piece of rock as scaffolding. the fact that the other door was Right There. the fact that scar LITERALLY OPENED A TRAPDOOR IN THE STALL to look at him all sad. the "wash your hands". hold on i need to make a clip of that
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voidway-20 · 1 year
There’s def a lot I wish to be in Tears of the Kingdom, especially things like regional/diverse enemies. But the thing I really wish to see is Link express negative emotions. And not just “he’s angry at fighting enemies” but rather he’s angry and tired and upset and confused at his situation. He has followed orders from the king the moment he touched the master sword as a CHILD. We don’t even know if he truly got to be a child because his whole life has been about duty. And I’m pretty sure in this timeline he was descended from the Hylian knights so who knows how long he’s been training to just be a standard knight before the master sword.
Link SHOULD be angry that he’s stuck in this cycle of rebirth. Even when he died, the fall of Hyrule was blamed on him and he didn’t even get to stay dead. He was woken up and had to finish his duties while also being constantly reminded that his death is what lead Hyrule to look like is does. He should be angry, angry at Ganon and Demise and at the Hylian Royalty for forcing him into this situation over and over and over.
And this is exactly why I hope TOTK is similar to Majora’s Mask. Not because Majora’s Mask was scary. But because it dealt with the grief and isolation and depression Link had to face after going through an incredible traumatic journey, and then losing all of his friends as a result. Most notably losing the ONE friend who was with him the entire time. Who completely understood everything Link went through because she experienced the same thing. And she was the entire reason Majora’s Mask even happened in the first place, because Link was desperately searching for Navi because he was scared to be alone. I want TOTK to explore these hard and brutal emotions for both Link and Zelda. I want them both to be scared, angry, and distraught. I want them to cry over themselves and be selfish. I want them to do something impactful that isn’t for the sake of Hyrule. I hope there’s conflict with the Goddess Hylia. I hope they reject her outstretched hand after she has burdened two children to sacrifice themselves for the good of Hyrule.
I want there to be a good resolution to TOTK. I want both Link and Zelda to choose their own path even if that means leaving Hyrule. But I want the path to resolution to be painful and really explore Link’s true emotions. He is stoic and mute because he is burdened with the weight of the world. What good is a knight who talks when he is judged based on his actions and ability to use a sword.
With Zelda’s warning that she thinks that even Link can’t succeed, I hope we do see helplessness in Link. Again to Majora’s Mask we did get to see Link helpless. He was transformed into a small Deku Scrub with no weapons, no horse, and was an outlier in a town filled with humans. But he learned to work through that helplessness. He embraced the spirit who had to give his life for Link to look the way he does and figure out new ways to fight and communicate. He later became grateful for the Zora and Goron who let him use their spirits to aide his journey. He was able to confront Majora’s because he was never truly alone. Everyone he’s ever met has given him strength even if they aren’t with him presently.
And that’s what I hope to see in Link in TOTK. A helplessness due to his isolated burden, faced against something he could never win against alone. And thankfully we did get that to an extent in BOTW with the champions and even Zelda. But even then, fighting the divine beasts was optional. Link in a sense could have faced Ganon alone. Hell people even fight Ganon with no clothes and only carrying sticks.
No, I want Link, even in the most powerful armor with the most powerful weapon, to be helpless. And I want him to be angry about it. And upset. And hurt. Because he has earned the right to express every painful emotion for his circumstance and he deserves to be able to express his frustration. It is okay if he isn’t the hero.
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voidway-20 · 1 year
Aaaaaa don’t think about the Triforce trio realizing they all actually want the same thing (to break the curse Demise set on them and end the cycle they’ve been trapped in for thousands of years now) and forming a very tentative, reluctant truce. They’re all uncertain about this alliance and keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Ganondorf to betray them, for Link and Zelda to decide it isn’t worth the risk of trusting him…they keep expecting this fragile thing between them to fall apart, and it keeps not happening.
But something else is happening. It starts with Ganondorf grabbing the back of Link’s shirt to drag him out of harms way during a fight. Then Link offers to share some of the food he cooked with him. Zelda stops Ganondorf just in time from wandering through a bush with poisonous thorns, and later she wakes up on a cold night to find a Gerudo cloak draped over her and Ganondorf shivering on the other side of the fire. Zelda and Link work together to gather ingredients to make a warming stew when Ganandorf comes down with a cold later.
Then one night Link and Zelda feel relaxed enough to chat about the old days, and reminisce about a funny thing that happened during Zelda’s research once. It’s a story that always makes the two of them laugh, but they’re surprised to hear a snort from across the campfire and look up to see Ganondorf pretending to cough to hide a chuckle. It’s not a mean, villainous laugh. It’s…ordinary. Like any of their friends laughing with them.
But it’s not until the day Ganondorf gets injured throwing himself in front of a blow that was meant for the kids that they realize oh, he cares about us, and we care about him too.
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voidway-20 · 1 year
above everything else my true biggest hope for totk is that link gets to stay true to his ‘hero of the wild’ title by being a rowdy, wild little guy who eats rocks
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voidway-20 · 1 year
Something about all of the high tech stuff in Zelda games being ancient. Something about all of the settlements in the midst of all the ruins. Something about how there's always life despite it all, in the sky, on the ground, in the water, volcanoes, forests, deserts, anywhere, everywhere. Something about how life always survives, even if it's not exactly like what it was like in the past. Something about how the end of the world was long ago and right now but no matter what, life is still there, was there, will always be there. Something about healing music. About standing together and about being alone but never truly alone, not really.
I don't know... I just think it's good
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