voltagedoubler · 2 months
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"Hey, it's okay. Grief takes a very long time and that's okay."
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"I have a past with him. I..miss him. I need to pull myself together I guess. That was years ago."
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voltagedoubler · 2 months
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Clemont's eyes beamed with genuine enthusiasm when Saguaro mentioned that the building where his classroom is, is also where Mr. Jacq's classroom is at. "Oh wow! I didn't know that you guys focus on different topics when it comes to Pokemon in general, cooking does make sense since you have to make sure you give your Pokemon food and care! It all depends on the type of food they like too as well."
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"Wait, you mean Jacq is the one who created the Pokedex here for the Paldea region? That's awesome!" Clemont exclaims brightly, then mentioning an interesting fact. "I created the Pokedex for the Alola region, I call it the Rotom Pokedex! It's not as...knowledgeable for others but within the Alola region, the people there are very aware I was the one who created the Rotom Pokedex."
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“Ah, well home economics should be easy enough, since that’s the class that I teach,” Saguaro lilted with an air of pride. “The classroom I share the building with is general studies, run by Mr. Jacq. He might be worth your time to have a conversation with at some point. While I focus on pokemon care and cooking, Mr. Jacq is particularly knowledgeable in pokemon biology and breeding. He’s also the one who established the pokedex for our region. Even though he runs a class which covers generalized topics, there’s always a fascinating conversation to be had with him, especially regarding the care and maintenance of pokemon.”
It would also likely be the most logical way to go about this tour anyway, with Saguaro and Jacq’s building being directly behind the one they were currently in, and wedged comfortably between that and the building which contained the art room. And since Raifort’s class was in yet another building, it would all lead in a very nice little line.
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voltagedoubler · 2 months
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Bonnie beams brightly, an overjoyed expression flickering across her eyes. "It really has and I've been doing super-duper great!" She exclaims rather optimistically, holding onto her satchel. "I sure am, whenever I get bored! Other times, I've been helping my big brother out with small tasks for the Gym but that's nothing to be worried about!"
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"Are you still doing those contests?" Bonnie questioned with genuine curiosity, tilting her head. "I know Serena's somewhere in...I believe, last we spoke, she was still in the Hoenn region." She added.
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   Tilting her head from one side, then to another, before she snaps her fingers in a ' aha! ' moment.
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" That's right I remember you now! Gosh it's really been a suuuper long time, hasn't it? " It hasn't. " How've you been though? Still making those super cute videos? "
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voltagedoubler · 2 months
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Clemont waits patiently for the other to get the right screwdriver for him, seeming sheepish at Nimue's question. "Actually, no. I'm the Gym Leader of the Lumiose City Gym and an inventor. My father's a mechanic." He explained, answering truthfully. It wasn't the first time when somebody had asked him what his career was but nothing comes close to a city maintenance worker.
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"You're the first one to ask whether I was a city maintenace worker or not, many others assumed I was just a inventor, mechanic, or just an intern-in-training but I told them the same response I told you."
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   A really strange encounter the moment she's entered Kalos, that's for sure. That's fine though, she got separated from her group a while ago so it's more killing time until one of them calls her on the Rotom phone. Leaning over to look at the nail in question, she eventually kneels down by the toolbox to pull out the right screwdriver and hand it over.
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" Are you like, the city maintenance worker or something? You seem pretty young to be out here doing all of this on your own. "
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voltagedoubler · 2 months
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"Of course, I'll keep that in mind!" Clemont puts on a soft gentle smile. "I'd have to see if one of our friends already has a Ralts or Kirlia and I'll have to let Bonnie know to be gentle since I do remind her every now and then but she knows how to be gentle with Pokemon in general." He seems quite understanding.
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"Just the one. They're quite young, and very sweet. They're a rescue, so I expect the poor thing is a little wary of humans. I do ask that you introduce her to someone who already has a Ralts or Kirlia, as they're very different to electric types, and require a certain..."
Diantha waves her hands in a roundabout way
"...I don't know what. A patient soul and quiet head."
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voltagedoubler · 2 months
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Mini promo time. Hey everyone, it's 𝐑𝐄𝐗 with a headcanon-based roleplay blog for 𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐎 from Pokémon Legends Arceus. ♡ or ⟲ if you're interested, and I'll come check you out.
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voltagedoubler · 2 months
Send my muse anons about their family.
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voltagedoubler · 2 months
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❝Listen close to everybody's heart / and I believe there's good in everybody's heart And hear that breaking sound / keep it safe and sound. Hopes and dreams are shattering apart / with hope, you can do your part... And crashing to the ground / and turn a life around.❞
This is an independent and mutuals only Pokémon original character(s) multimuse, consisting of Gym Leaders, trainers, etc., roleplay blog. Heavily headcanon-based characters. Mun’s Ollie (they/them pronouns). If you’d like to interact and/or spread the word around, feel free to like/reblog this promo if interested and I’ll come check ya out!
// Guidelines // Muses // Credits //
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
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“I believe he should be in the garage or in the kitchen.” Clemont answered Kabu’s question, his eyes showing genuine gratitude. “Thank you, that means a lot to me. I really missed making and inventing things.”
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"I really appreciate you being there for me and Bonnie, we always appreciate you helping out whenever you can."
“Yeah,” Kabu replied. He didn’t want to talk about the incident that Clemont went through since he assumed that Clemont was still haunted by it and didn’t want to bring any negative emotions to him.
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“That’s great, where do you think Clembot is? Maybe he could help me with cooking and/or baking. That would be good, and also very convenient! Another thing, I think I told you this before but it's great to see you making and inventing things again.”
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
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Clemont nodded at Diantha's warning. "Of course, thank you for letting me know." His eyes widened a bit in surprise as he tilts his head. "You have a Ralts in need of a trainer?" He asked with genuine curiosity, taking his glasses off to clean the lenses then putting his glasses back on.
"Knowing Bonnie, she would most definitely say yes to taking care of a Ralts."
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"I would advise against that. She dislikes children under fourteen for some reason. Supervised? Of course, but not otherwise. Perhaps someone could see if she is a good fit for a Ralts. I have one in need of a trainer."
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
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@nebula-drcams sent: “Strange to see a fresh face around here.” { Arven @ Clemont }
a few starters - icebreakers (always accepting)
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"I'm guessing you guys rarely get visitors from out of Paldea," Clemont took Arven's words into consideration, then holding a hand out for a handshake. "I'm Clemont and I came this way from the Kalos region, it's really nice to meet you."
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
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@nebula-drcams sent: “You look hungry.” { Ash @ Bonnie, let them get some food }
random dialogue sentence starters (always accepting)
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Bonnie's eyes beamed with genuine enthusiasm and excitement as she then got up from her seat, "I'm actually hungry, can we go get something to eat? Pretty please?" She jumps up and down, clearly ready to go.
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
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@nebula-drcams sent: “What made you think this was a good idea?” { Jessie @ Clemont }
random dialogue sentence starters (always accepting)
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"Wait, what?!" Clemont huffed out in exasperation, pushing up his glasses in shock. "I mean I calculated all the possibilities of whether this idea was going to go wrong or not but I didn't think it was going to go wrong that quick." He's still wary of Jessie but Jessie does make a great point.
"Do you have any ideas as to how to get out of this situation?"
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
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@nebula-drcams sent: “You look vaguely familiar…” { Shauna @ Bonnie }
a few starters - icebreakers (always accepting)
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"It's me, Bonnie!" Bonnie exclaims excitedly, Dedenne then poking its head out of Bonnie's yellow pouch bag to greet Shauna. "Of course I remember you, there was camp and we had lots of fun at camp!"
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
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@nebula-drcams sent: “Do you need help with that?” { Nimue @ Clemont }
a few starters - icebreakers (always accepting)
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"Hm?" Clemont tore his attention away from one of his inventions that's currently a work-in-progress. "Yes, of course! Er, in that box, there should be a small screwdriver. I need something that fits this particular nail." He gestures to the size of the nail, "I definitely appreciate your offer, after I get this finished then we can talk."
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
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@routeone sent: “Are these guys bothering you?” (To Bonnie, from @sillystrats!)
a few icebreaker starters (always accepting)
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“Uhm…yes, they are.” Bonnie admitted anxiously, seeming somewhat nervous. She takes a step back, Dedenne resting in her pouch bag.
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voltagedoubler · 3 months
Once I get home, I will start answering asks and reply to threads. :D
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