voltronbthb · 3 months
still accepting requests for my card !! i would love more ship requests , but you can request single characters if you want me to focus on them !!
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voltronbthb · 8 months
still accepting requests for my card !! i would love more ship requests , but you can request single characters if you want me to focus on them !!
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i may now post my fanfiction over on my ao3 as a collection ! requests are still open here , ofc . it's just that dumblr's ugly af new post format is really putting me off from posting here .
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i also do ship requests ! so if you wanna see someone get whumped and their s/o is a caretaker (or the whumper) in bthb , i can make it happen !
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i am really enjoying writing these prompts! i cant wait to finish up this card so i can get my next one! btw, if you request a slot and dont like the finished work, let me know so i can redo it! id hate to produce something for any of my requesters that they didnt enjoy reading from start to finish.
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i also do ship requests ! so if you wanna see someone get whumped and their s/o is a caretaker (or the whumper) in bthb , i can make it happen !
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i also do ship requests ! so if you wanna see someone get whumped and their s/o is a caretaker (or the whumper) in bthb , i can make it happen !
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i am really enjoying writing these prompts! i cant wait to finish up this card so i can get my next one! btw, if you request a slot and dont like the finished work, let me know so i can redo it! id hate to produce something for any of my requesters that they didnt enjoy reading from start to finish.
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i am really enjoying writing these prompts! i cant wait to finish up this card so i can get my next one! btw, if you request a slot and dont like the finished work, let me know so i can redo it! id hate to produce something for any of my requesters that they didnt enjoy reading from start to finish.
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voltronbthb · 1 year
looking death in the eyes.
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prompt; bleeding through the bandages. requested by; anonymous. fandom; voltron: legendary defender. focus character; keith. relationship(s); n/a. trigger(s); blood, attempted murder. written for @badthingshappenbingo​​!
“so,” the alien sneers, baring his teeth at the young human in front of him, “it seems we have a mutt amongst us.”
“just let him go! he’s the leader of voltron,” shiro growls out, “it shouldn’t matter whether he has galra blood in him!”
the alien - a large, fox-like species known as the tarulans - looks over at the atlas captain, teeth still bared. “and you. you were captured by the galra and tortured by them, yet there is one amongst you who shares their very blood and you have not killed him.”
“because he’s not like the majority of them,” hunk tries to reason calmly, “if it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t even be here. the black lion accepted him as her paladin, so therefore, he’s trustworthy.”
“the black lion had a galra paladin before, according to the tales, and we all know how that fared,” another tarulan sneers, glaring at keith with the same vitriol as the first. she brings out a dagger, sharp and glinting in the dim sunlight of the unusually chilly planet.
“we will be doing you a huge favor by killing this mutt,” the first tarulan says eerily calmly, his voice not matching the glare he gives the rest of the team, as he grabs keith by the back of his armor and roughly pulls him in front of him, holding him like you would hold a disobedient dog or cat by the scruff of the neck, “you have to understand that, at any moment, he could easily turn on you.”
keith looks at the team with tears in his eyes, silently begging for them to help him. he feels the dagger being placed against his throat, and it takes all of his strength not to cry out.
“do the honors, varina,” the male tarulan commands, and the female nods, hardness in her expression.
“no!” shiro shouts as he dashes forward, the others doing the same and readying their weapons. however, he is stopped by another tarulan who grabs his human arm and twists it behind his back painfully, with a knife to his own throat and a menacing look that screams ‘move and you’ll be next’. lance, allura, pidge, and hunk are dealt the same blow.
all they can do now is watch, mixtures of anger and helplessness in their eyes.
varina drags the blade ever so slowly across the black paladin’s neck, prolonging the torture. keith can feel the blade going deep as she puts pressure on it, and soon, his throat is dripping crimson liquid down his armor. hot tears streak down his face as he silently screams, begging in his mind for it to just stop.
a blast cuts the execution short, and the rest of the paladins and shiro look up to see the mfe team soaring through the sky.
“it looked like you needed some extra help,” james griffin informs. as they land the fighter jets behind the lions, he is the first to rush out and take aim at the female holding onto shiro who was caught off guard by the initial shot. the other mfes take aim as well, each one aiming at the other tarulans who immediately raise their arms in surrender.
“kill my people,” the tarulan still holding keith, who is now unnaturally paler than he normally is as the blood keeps pouring, roars, “and we will return the favor towards your pathetic kind!”
“then let our people go!” james retorts.
“not until this mutt dies! he is untrustworthy! are you willingly blind to the fact that he can turn on you in the blink of an eye?!”
james raises his rifle and aims it at the offender, his eye trained on him. he takes the shot, and the tarulan leader cries out in pain and lets go of keith, who drops to the dirt like a flimsy sack of potatoes. varina snarls and lunges quickly at the mfe leader, teeth bared and eyes blazing with rage.
allura acts quickly and retrieves her bayard, effectively lassoing the female tarulan around the waist and knocking her to the ground. james and shiro rush toward the fallen black paladin, james ordering ryan kinkade to get a medkit from his fighter jet.
keith is incredibly pale, the crimson a stark contrast against his now snowy white complexion. his eyelids are drooping, even as shiro urges him to stay awake, to stay with them, and his breathing is shallow.
shiro begins to wrap gauze around keith’s neck, being ever so gentle and delicate and apologizing profusely when he feels even the slightest movement that may indicate pain. however, he soon realizes that this may need more than some flimsy bandage...
...because even as he wraps many layers around his neck, the blood saturates it much too quickly. fuck, the dagger may have hit an artery or cut through to keith’s esophagus, and that can be way more dire than they imagined.
soon, he hears howls in the distance. fuck, they’ve called for backup, and from the looks of the growing figures, it’s a hell of a lot.
“griffin, fly keith back to the atlas and get him into a medbay stat,” shiro orders, “and keep wrapping gauze around his throat. the rest of you, get back to your lions and fighter jets.”
he looks back toward the mob of tarulans, with various weapons and armor. an entire army, he realizes.
“we’re in for a battle.”
keith awakens in the medbay, james and shiro at either side of his bed. he tries to speak, but is shushed by shiro.
“don’t,” the captain says gently, moving a strand of hair away from his face as james gets a piece of paper and a pen from the bedside table, placing it in the voltron leader’s lap, “you don’t want to pop your stitches this soon. otherwise they’ll have to put you under again and redo them.”
keith hastily grabs the paper and pen, scribbling down a message, though his hand movements are abnormally shaky.
‘what happened?’
shiro reads the message, and he looks toward james, then back to keith, who is waiting patiently. he hands the paper and pen back to the black paladin. “the tarulans... they tried to murder you. because...”
keith begins scribbling again. ‘because i’m galra?’
“well, they lost out on some pretty great allies. fuck ‘em. we don’t need them as allies if they’re going to be bigoted assholes, especially to you, keith,” james inputs, and keith chuckles raspily. shiro only smiles softly.
then, the door swishes open and the rest of the mfes and paladins are standing at the doorway, a distressed medic informing the captain that they would not stay still in the waiting area. shiro smiles and motions for them to come inside, and they all file into the room, expressing gratitude that keith is still alive and letting him know that they were able to defeat the tarulan army that came to attack.
keith gives them all a grin, knowing that if anything ever happened like that again, he’d have more than his own team to have his back. james griffin and the other mfes really proved that today, and as he looks over at the mfe leader and james looks back, his eyes say that he’ll do it again for any of the paladins, but especially for him.
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voltronbthb · 1 year
to-do list - updated !
completed w/ links;
hurts to breathe. -- shiro -- requested by @ardenrabbit (sorry it took almost four years to come back to!) attempted rape. -- shiro -- requested by anonymous. bleeding through the bandages. -- keith -- requested by anonymous.
open for requests;
hallucinations. eating disorder. coughing up blood. degloving. bloodstained clothes. drowning. childhood trauma. doesn’t realize they’ve been injured. appendicitis. grief/mourning. memory loss. domestic abuse. chronic pain. cry into chest. confined to bed rest. bleeding out. if i can’t have you. cradling someone in their arms. flashbacks. forgetting to eat. addiction/withdrawal. exclusion/rejection.
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voltronbthb · 1 year
tacking on the trauma.
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prompt; attempted rape. requested by; anonymous. fandom; voltron: legendary defender. focus character; shiro. relationship(s); n/a. trigger(s); sexual assault, attempted rape. written for @badthingshappenbingo​​!
shiro can’t believe he’s back on a galra ship... he swore to himself that he wouldn’t end up back here, not again...
as far as he knows, though, at least the rest of the paladins are safe on the castleship. he’s the only one captured, thank the ancients.
he tries to get up, but doesn’t get very far. chains are shackled on both his wrists and ankles, pulling him back down almost instantly. he’s been stripped of his paladin armor, leaving only the black undersuit and nothing else.
he feels so... exposed this way. like he’s already bare ass naked.
then, he hears the door open... and his eyes widen with terror at the sight in front of him.
it’s almost like a cruel prank, the way this... imposter looks exactly like him. same face, same undercut with the shock of white hair, same scar on his nose... even the same crude prosthetic arm that shiro despises...
but... the only difference between them are the sharp canines that outline his lookalike’s grin as well as the completely yellow eyes.
“welcome home, champion,” the clone purrs, and shiro feels the contents in his stomach come lurching up at the sound of his own voice emanating from someone other than himself. “or should i say, former champion.”
the laugh that escapes his dark lookalike as he starts to stalk slowly towards him, like a lion toying with its food, makes shiro visibly flinch. it sounds so... evil, so menacing, not like any laugh that should come from someone that’s meant to be him.
but he supposes that this clone isn’t meant to emulate him perfectly well... after all, this clone doesn’t radiate any type of purity or goodness.
he’s everything that shiro didn’t want to become when he was trapped here. everything that they wanted him, yearned for him to become before he escaped their clutches after a whole year...
the clone’s prosthetic hand glows purple, and he wraps it around shiro’s throat, causing it to burn like hell. shiro’s eyes fill with tears and he screams out in pain, and the clone smirks in satisfaction.
that’s when he takes the chance and leans forward, capturing his doppelganger’s lips against his own. shiro can taste blood, and it makes his stomach twist in disgust.
“mmm,” the clone hums in delight as he pulls away, licking his lips like a wolf after devouring a defenseless deer, “you taste so good... better than the others, that’s for damn sure.”
‘the others’? there... there are more of him?
“now,” the clone says, a hint of twisted playfulness in his voice, “let’s see if you can take it as well as the others can.”
‘take it’? what the fuck? what the fuck is he-?
his thought is interrupted as the clone brings a blade out and tears through his undersuit. now he’s actually exposed, and this clone makes clear his intentions as he forces shiro on his hands and knees and moves to stand behind him.
shiro has no choice but to comply, too. not just because he’s chained up, but because otherwise he could be killed. even as the clone is heard taking his bottoms off, he has to do this if he doesn’t want to die.
but perhaps... perhaps death would be a better choice than having to live with the lifelong trauma that will come with what he’s about to endure...
tears fill his eyes as the clone bends over to kiss the back of his exposed neck, biting at the nape every now and then with razorblade-like canines. it’s utterly repulsive the way he’s enjoying this...
shiro grits his teeth and just stares forward, trying to keep the tears from flowing as he lets it happen. however, just as he feels the clone’s tip press against his ass...
the ship rattles as he hears the roar of a lion outside, and he grunts as he and the clone almost lose their balance. the clone growls in annoyance that his fun is being ruined, and he covers his doppelganger’s mouth and presses the blade he’s holding to shiro’s neck as the door hisses open.
keith rushes inside and draws out his bayard, then abruptly halts in disbelief at the sight in front of him. the clone lets out a fierce snarl as he drags the blade across shiro’s neck, not deep enough to kill him, fortunately, but deep enough to leave it stinging and a trickle of blood to trail down his chest.
keith’s eyes widen, and he lets out a ferocious yell as he rushes the clone, but he disappears in a cloud of black smoke before the red paladin can strike him.
as keith looks around warily, not knowing when or if this clone will return, shiro lets out a painful, pitiful groan and collapses, eyes wide with horror at the mere thought of what he’d have had to go through if he hadn’t been rescued. when the red paladin hears his friend, he’s by his side in an instant, freeing him of the chains.
“hey, it’s okay, shiro,” he reassures, wrapping an arm carefully around shiro’s waist, “i’m here... the others are attacking the remaining fleets that came out when we were trying to get your location.”
“keith,” shiro hears hunk’s voice through his friend’s comms, “did you find him?”
“yeah,” keith updates, “we’re both on our way to red right now.”
“roger that. coran’s got a cryopod ready to go for him,” lance informs, “but is... is he okay?”
keith looks to shiro for affirmation, a gentle look compared to his clone’s evil sneer, and immediately holds him close as the black paladin just collapses against him, sobbing.
“...he probably just wants to forget this whole thing for a long while, lance, so i’m sorry, but you’re most likely not going to get an answer out of him.”
“...yeah, got it,” lance replies after a brief silence, “but i also meant physically. any wounds?”
keith decides to just mention the cut that shiro has on his neck as he very briefly looks his friend over, ignoring the prominent bite marks on the back of the voltron leader’s neck.
“got it,” the blue paladin responds.
they continue to walk hurriedly through the ship, and both keith and shiro grunt as the ship rattles. red has blasted through the outside of it near them, maw open and waiting patiently for her paladin to enter. keith carries his friend through red’s entrance and rushes to the control panel.
shiro sits behind the chair, curled in on himself the whole way back to the castle, and keith can’t help but to feel for his friend.
shiro spends the rest of the evening and most of the morning in the cryopod, and his injuries, including the bite mark, are healed. but the rest of the team know that the cryopod can heal only physical injuries.
unfortunately, it can’t erase the mental traumas...
the other paladins stay rooted to shiro’s side throughout the night and morning. finally, shiro is let out of the cryopod after a while longer, and keith is the first to embrace him, with the others following suit.
“thank you,” the black paladin says to everybody around him, though he’s mainly staring at keith. keith gives his best friend a smile, telling him with his eyes that he’s grateful shiro’s back with them.
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i have no idea if i should use orange for coran or matt if anyone requests either of them...
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voltronbthb · 1 year
i may need help with the ‘attempted r*pe’ prompt for shiro. i can’t think of a good scenario for it. can anyone give me a good scenario?
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voltronbthb · 1 year
im still accepting prompt requests for this card!! ill save the card i requested a couple days ago for when i complete this one. characters and ships i can write for can be found here!
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voltronbthb · 1 year
the pain of living (and wanting not to live in pain).
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prompt; hurts to breathe. requested by; @ardenrabbit. fandom; voltron: legendary defender. focus character; takashi shirogane. relationship(s); n/a. trigger(s); n/a (if there are any i didnt list, pls let me know!) written for @badthingshappenbingo​!
shiro had been having nightmares lately.
these nightmares always left him in a state of pure fright, with him bolting up in bed, eyes darting frantically around at his sleeping quarters on the atlas, body covered in a cold sweat, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
he didn’t tell anyone about these nightmares, for he knew that if he told, he would be coddled like he was when he was younger and had the muscle disease. adam, the doctors, iverson, his grade school teachers, his parents and older sister, they all treated him like he was some type of frail object. he hated being treated like he wasn’t capable of doing things, making decisions on his own.
he was able to prove them all wrong, though, by beating the odds. first it was that he wouldn’t make it past his first hour of life, then three years, then eight, then thirteen… now he’s twenty-six, and still proving everyone wrong with the shit that he’d been through in space.
but, maybe, this is catching up to him…
he’s stopped by keith in the hallways of the atlas one slow afternoon (or, what seemed like afternoon, they were in space and time doesn’t really matter when you’re in space). he had given the crew a day off and had gotten caught up on a much needed rest–not sleeping, of course, but resting nonetheless–in that time.
“hey, shiro,” keith chirps, a little peppier than usual, “i need to go over some upgrades to our lions that pidge requested.”
shiro smiles at his best friend and nods, successfully masking his lack of sleep. “yeah, sure, we can do that now.”
“great, uh, did you wanna go to the bridge?”
shiro suddenly feels as if his heart is about to burst out of his chest, but not in the good way. he breathes in slowly, then finds it difficult to push the breath back out of his lungs.
he looks up and sees keith’s concerned face, chest heaving.
“are you okay?” keith asks, putting a hand on his best friend’s shoulder to help comfort him.
shiro nods and steadies himself, breathing very slowly to help the pounding in his head. he makes a feeble attempt at a smile and leads keith to the bridge of the atlas to go over the plans.
it isn’t until the neighboring planet adjacent to the one they’re currently docked at attacks when the crew notices something’s wrong with their captain.
shiro’s kept his cool, he’s successfully masked his sudden symptoms; however, in this situation, the rest of the crew is focused not only on the attacking inhabitants, but also on the fact that their captain isn’t giving out the usual orders.
“captain, voltron and the mfes are having trouble with taking down the attacking ships,” veronica informs, “what are your orders?”
“um...” shiro starts, but it’s getting hard to concentrate on the panel in front of him when his vision is getting blurry around the edges.
“captain? are you alright?” curtis’ voice rips through the ringing in his ears, though it sounds muffled.
then, shiro collapses, breathing staggered and abnormally heavy. every attempt of breathing leaves his chest feeling like it’s fighting against something heavy. he hears coran and veronica next to him, veronica attempting to reassure him while coran tells iverson to call the medbay.
then, everything goes black...
shiro awakens a couple of hours later in the medbay, the bright lights almost blinding him as he slowly opens his eyes.
“look, he’s waking up!” someone says (the voice sounds like lance), and footsteps seem to come closer to his bed.
as he regains his vision, he sees team voltron, the mfes, and most of his bridge crew surrounding his bedside. keith and griffin are closest to him, with keith looking almost ready to cry.
“what...?” he starts, not registering until he speaks that there’s an oxygen mask on his face.
“you collapsed and were having trouble breathing,” keith explains, “but luckily, you had the bridge crew there to help you get to the medbay quickly. doctors said you wouldn’t have made it otherwise.”
“the inhabitants of the planet adjacent to us retreated once they realized they were outnumbered. luckily, we had pretty good allies on our side from the planet we’re currently docked at,” griffin reports.
“in fact,” allura speaks, “when they heard of your predicament, the empresses of vellion promised to join the coalition and help liberate planets alongside us. they’re starting with their sister planet next to them, but they say it’ll take some time.”
“that’s...” shiro takes a staggering breath, then continues. “that’s great...”
“now,” iverson comes up to his bedside next to keith, “rest up, captain. you definitely need it.”
“but who’s gonna-?”
“we’ll all do our part to make sure that the bridge is running smoothly in your absence,” veronica reassures, “but as iverson instructs, you need to rest.”
“...okay. thank you.”
as the others leave the room to go back to their respective duties, shiro smiles to himself and then gets some much needed sleep.
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voltronbthb · 1 year
to-do list.
requested in drafts;
hurts to breathe. -- shiro -- requested by @ardenrabbit (sorry it took almost four years to come back to!) attempted rape. -- shiro -- requested by anonymous. cry into chest. -- curtis -- requested by @macaronis-telegraph.
open for requests;
hallucinations. eating disorder. coughing up blood. degloving. bloodstained clothes. drowning. childhood trauma. doesn’t realize they’ve been injured. appendicitis. bleeding through the bandages. grief/mourning. memory loss. domestic abuse. chronic pain. confined to bed rest. bleeding out. if i can’t have you. cradling someone in their arms. flashbacks. forgetting to eat. addiction/withdrawal. exclusion/rejection.
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