volugthehusky · 9 years
Break the ice; have our muses interact!
This includes not only if our characters haven’t met yet, but even if they already have.
“Are you lost?“  ‘And you are?” “Who are you?” “I don’t think we’ve met.” “How old are you?” “How long have you been there?” “Can I trust you?” “Who do you think you are?” “Are you wearing my clothes…?” “You’re cute.“  “Would you like to go on a date with me?” “People are watching.” “Be Careful!” “Help me!” “I’ve got bad news.“  “Hate to  break it to you.. but ___ is dead.“  "I will never forgive you.” “I’m sorry…” “Why are you so angry?"  "Just kill me!” “This is where it ends.” “Victory!"  "Stay close!” “Watch it!” “Why don’t you hate me?!"  "You can’t just give up… not now!”
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volugthehusky · 9 years
(noun) A German untranslatable word, vorfreude is defined as the intense euphoric sensation you experience from thinking about future plans and daydreams. This beautiful feeling is a natural reaction the human mind manifests from expectations of future pleasures and joyful anticipations, such as planning a trip, going on a date, and many other fulfilling, life-changing events.  (via fy-perspectives)
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volugthehusky · 9 years
the reasons the signs are fails (yay!)
aries: butterfingers
taurus: mumbles
gemini: inappropriate winking
cancer: psycho thoughts
leo: hates letting others use their laptop
virgo: dislikes human interaction
libra: spiral of lies
scorpio: procrastination
sagittarius: can’t sleep
capricorn: has near-death experiences
aquarius: room’s a mess (especially the sock drawer)
pisces: people can’t touch your neck. ever.
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volugthehusky · 9 years
Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need to do—now.
Epictetus, The Art of Living (via fyp-philosophy)
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volugthehusky · 9 years
Care, because it is what you do. Care, and be vibrantly alive.
Ralph Marston  (via wordsnquotes)
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volugthehusky · 9 years
Send (ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ for a starter where both of our muses are children.
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volugthehusky · 9 years
Reblog if you are willing to roleplay with an ESL student
For those of you who don’t know, ESL stands for English as a Second Language.
 It has happened to me more than one time to be discriminated because my sentence structure is a bit different and since people care so much for being literate, I would like to know those who don’t really discriminate, as long as it is understandable and it doesn’t show horrible mistakes that makes it hard to read.
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volugthehusky · 9 years
The brightest flame casts the darkest shadows.
George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings
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volugthehusky · 9 years
Send me a sentence from this mixed up list!
"Wow, you're amazing!"
"Quite the mouth you've got there."
"I haven't seen you around here before."
"Come on, help me out! Please?"
"Oh my God, are you alright?!"
"Kiss me, quick! It's for science!"
"How did you do that?"
"How dare you!"
"Get off of me!"
"If you were a tropical fruit, you'd be a Fine-apple!"
"Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material."
"Are you an orphanage? Cause I wanna give you kids."
"Are you a banana? Because I find you a-peeling."
"You're a dork."
"Gosh you're so adorable!"
"You're an idiot."
"I like you."
"I hate you."
"Please don't hate me!"
"I have something I need to tell you..."
"Could I stay the night...?"
"I'm sorry I'm so dumb."
"I like you the way you are."
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volugthehusky · 9 years
I’ve always been at war with myself, for right or wrong.
Brad Pitt 
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volugthehusky · 9 years
Send me a ֆ if you'd like to add me on Skype.
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volugthehusky · 9 years
Send me a misconception you think people have about my character & I'll explain if it's true or not.
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volugthehusky · 9 years
A shadow, as seen in Persona 4, often calls itself the “True Self”. Many things the shadow says reflect or are based upon the character’s true feelings, but can also be exaggerations or metaphors masking the character’s true feelings.
In the end, however, the shadow will eventually show its true colors— and the character’s. The shadow is often a representation of personal facets that a character has rejected, and brings a character further away from their “Persona”, or their “Ideal self”.
Send asks pretending to be my character's Shadow!
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volugthehusky · 9 years
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Instagram: xloveex67
HuskiesofInstagram | Instagram
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volugthehusky · 9 years
Husky dropped the ball he was carrying in favor of turning toward who ever had barreled into him. The attempt to move him was a little pointless, but to oblige the small creature, Husky flopped over to his side gracefully. 
Husky wagged his tail as he brought a ball to play with. It had been ages since his last game of fetch.
An orange fur ball intercepted the husky, her paws rose up to meet his face. She was protecting his beloved owner from this attacker. She pushed him away, at least tried to. She was smaller than the dog friend before her.
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volugthehusky · 9 years
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Instagram: huskyranch
HuskiesofInstagram | Instagram
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volugthehusky · 9 years
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Apparently Natsu is a camera hog #cute #kawaii #huskies #huskyPuppies #puppies
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