volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
馃煝 You are still a writer even when you haven't written in a while.
馃煝 You are still a writer even when you feel like you aren't writing enough.
馃煝 You are still a writer when you feel like your work isn't good.
馃煝 You are still a writer when other people don't like your work.
馃煝 You are still a writer when you aren't published.
馃煝 You are still a writer when you only have works in progress.
馃煝 You are still a writer if all you write is fanfiction.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
You know what? I believe that you can finish your writing project. I believe you can update your fic. I believe you can work on your WIP. I don't care if you think it's cringy or bad. I don't care if we've never met or interacted in our whole lives. I believe in you. Keep going - you've got this.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
current fan creation landscape is kinda like if you went to a party with a homemade cake and everyone takes a slice and silently thumbs up at you with no attempt to start a conversation except for occasionally some guy sits in the corner with a tape recorder critiquing the cake as though he was a restaurant critic and another guy is handing the cake to an uber driver like "yeah i need you to find a restaurant that makes cake like this so i can have more of it" and the only person that's talked to you in 30 minutes is a very sweet little guy who was like "hey i liked your cake" and then ran away apologizing for bothering you the moment you said thank you.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
I'm starting to see AI art in fanart tags and even when they are tagged as AI art, people in the reblogs tagged it as fanart.
Let me just say this once. I don't believe AI art is fanart. The way things are, it's theft. It doesn't count. The effort that fan artists put into their works cannot be equated in value with whatever an AI generates. The works with hours of applied skill and originality and love put into them are the works I want to praise on this blog.
So that being said, if I ever reblog "fanart" that is ai generated, please send me a message or an ask and let me know so I can delete it off my blog.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
why do people write smut of asexual characters?
"isn't the whole point of being ace that they don't want to fuck?"
They're fictional characters
It's not and never will be canon
Some people are actually shitty and don't believe in asexuality, which is fucked up of them and they should be told off for it
They're fictional characters
Not every ace is sex-repulsed/averse and some are in fact sex-favorable, please don't erase those of us that do have sex
Still others have high libidos despite a lack of sexual attraction
Some aces do experience sexual attraction and feel comfortable acting on it
They are, and I cannot stress this enough, fictional characters, and besides, no fanfiction will ever influence the future of the work's canon because there are literal laws and regulations in place to stop that from happening
say it with me: attraction =/= action. attraction does not equal action.
it's 100% okay to feel frustrated when you see people drawing lewd art and writing smutty fanfiction about your favorite asexual characters. a lot of the people doing that aren't even ace themselves, and plenty of them deserve a side eye. I'm right there with you on that. but PLEASE stop perpetuating the myth that the only reason someone would ever write/draw smut of ace characters is because they're allosexual and acephobic.
I'm not trying to hurt those of you who are sex repulsed by writing about sex between two fictional characters (which I'm told I do so in the most asexual way possible, I might add).
the ace corners of fandoms have always been hostile towards aces who experience sexual attraction and/or are interested in having sex. this is unfair.
fandom at large has always been guilty of erasing ace representation (see the jughead debacle), ESPECIALLY sex repulsed aces who never feel any sexual attraction whatsoever. often times fans will hide behind sex favorable aces and grey asexuals' existence to justify their erasure of canon sex repulsed ace characters. this is also unfair.
both of these things can be true and equally important. stop with the infighting so we can start setting a better example for how to treat both canon and fanon aspec rep in the future.
this has been a PSA.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
Reblog and put in the tags how many pieces of jewelry you wear on a daily basis (like rings, piercings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.)
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
this season got me thinking ab Eli saying he was probably on the spectrum back in s1 like...can we circle back to that? we all remember that and still factor that into his character, right??
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
tory nichols they could never make me hate you
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
I think the thing that's been bothering me about the "is it okay to use ChatGPT to plot/make characters/etc" is that at the end of the day, these are not tools that are helping your writing, they are shortcuts that are undercutting it.
These things are supposed to be hard, because you need to learn how to do them.
And listen, I know this sucks. I've got to knock off 4k of words from my current novel to make it more sellable, which seems like a completely arbitrary thing to do, but things like printing costs absolutely do factor into traditional publishing. It took me five drafts to figure out a completely obvious in hindsight plot point that explains why a character does what he does. It takes a few tries to pull together a detailed outline into a workable story, and it always will.
I would have loved to figure this all out way earlier, but I had to learn how to spot the gaps in my writing before I could fix them. Generative AI isn't ever going to bridge the gap between sitting down and learning how to work things out, because if you don't do that, you never will become a more competent writer. If that wasn't part of the point, none of us would be doing this in the first place.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
This isn鈥檛 relevant to just the new season but I鈥檝e been thinking about one difference between Daniel and Mr. Miyagi when it comes to teaching about anger. Daniel wants to teach the students to let go of their anger. Mr. Miyagi wants to teach them to conquer it. A big difference. I personally think Mr. Miyagi was right.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
The thing that gets me is that. There is no happy ending for Tory Nichols. She鈥檚 17 and her mom is dead. She鈥檒l win the Sekai Taikai or she鈥檒l lose, she鈥檒l make a life for herself or she won鈥檛, she鈥檒l spend the next decade of her life taking care of her little brother or he鈥檒l get shunted into the foster care system. And even if the Sugar Family Larussos somehow swoop in to save the day and everything works out happily ever after. She鈥檒l still be 17 and her mother will still be dead.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
No, but I really do want Demetri to win the Sekai Taikai. What's more true to the legacy of The Karate Kid than the underdog winning. And he's also the most purely Miyagi-do trained student (he wanted to join Cobra Kai first like Daniel but found a *cough*hostile environment) and ended up finding a sensei that thought him to defend himself like Daniel did with Miyagi.
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
Thomas Ian Griffith as Terry Silver for the love of god
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Reblog for a bigger sample!
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
Someone just left a comment that says "it's not that deep" on one of my media analysis posts. Not responding directly because I don't feel like it becoming a whole thing, but I am irritated enough to make a separate post to say this:
If YOU don't think something is deep, that's your prerogative, but I can and will make any piece of media as deep as I want. Literally ANYTHING can be "that deep" if someone's willing to sift through the dirt and examine it.
Everything has meaning. Everything has influences. Everything is infused with its creators' worldviews and biases. Everything has cultural and historical context in some way. Everything can be analyzed and mused upon. It's boring and limiting to pretend "it's not that deep," no matter what "it" is.
Get a little more curious, and get a little more willing to play in this space with me. If you won't do that, you can see yourself out instead of telling me "it's not that deep."
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volumesofforgottenlore 2 months
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Do you hold the light, or is darkness underneath?
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