vonholten · 3 years
*writing in my diary using a glitter gel pen* I'm losing my sense of humanity
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vonholten · 3 years
STARTER FOR: anyone // @seasstarts​​​​ LOCATION: student lounge
Eden let out a frustrated sigh as she closes the book she was reading, shaking her head. “Nothing is as awful as a terrible end for a book. It kinda makes you feel like you wasted so much time reading it. Have you ever felt like that?”
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vonholten · 3 years
​“You looked bored.” It was bluntly spoken, though a smirk toyed at Celeste’s lips. She was feeling generous at the moment and decided to share the wealth. “Wanna play with my Switch?” she asked, fishing the Nintendo portable system from her bag and offering it to them. “Unless there’s something else you’d rather do? I’m all ears.”
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“Oh, thanks, I guess? I have my own Switch, so no, thanks. I’m just thinking of other stuff maybe that’s why I look bored,” she said with a weak smile and a shrug. “But if you are bored then we can do something.” 
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vonholten · 3 years
“Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being back on the ship, but I kind of miss the hotel. I think I grew attached to the ghost kids in a way. Hearing their sweet, sweet ghost songs. Am I the only one? Am I weird?” @seasstarts​
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“It’s not weird. I didn’t get to hear the ghost kids but my floor had musical ghosts and they were not that bad, so I kinda miss them,” she said with a smile.
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vonholten · 3 years
“i liked to keep him company,”  river nodded. “he was like the older brother i never had,”  they smiled fondly. they’d really never thought about it much until this moment, but now it made sense. “good. we support friendly ghosts here,”  they teased and then sighed. “now i feel bad. what if the ghost in my room at the hotel here is actually friendly and just wanted to hang out ? ”
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“DID YOU GET TO TALK TO HIM?” eden wasn’t entirely sure how interactions between humans and ghosts worked. “yeah!! we don’t want angry ghosts. why be angry when you’re already on the other side?” she shrugged. “you know what, maybe that’s what is happening. you should try to befriend the ghost.”
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vonholten · 3 years
“some people love it and some don’t. i mean sometimes you don’t want to know what’s out there,” he shrugged with a small smile. “whatever they have on netflix honestly. now that they took the office off i have to watch something.”
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“HMMM... I S’POSSE THAT MAKES SENSE.” her tone is not entirely convinced but it was a good reason. “i only watch trash tv on netflix. i’m not proud of it but it’s soooo addictive.” 
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vonholten · 3 years
“you may have a point,” duckie conceded, making a face that ended in a grin. “here’s to no school and becoming ghosthunters instead!” she toasted, pulling a little blue flask out of her backpack. “fair warning, this is bourbon that my dad was saving for my brother before they got into a fight and i got it instead,” she explained, taking a sip before passing it over. she winced at the burn that accompanied it, but it was an adventure in and of itself.
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THE SMILE ON HER FACE ONLY GREW WIDER at the sight of the flask. “what else could we want in life?” she said as she took the flask and had a sip. bourbon wouldn’t be her first choice but it was better than nothing. “well, lucky us, i guess.” the burn still lingered in her throat but didn’t stop her from taking another sip before giving it back. “so... ghosthunting. where shall we start?”
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vonholten · 3 years
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“Right, that makes sense.” They nodded at her explanation about why she felt more trapped here than she did on the ship, and they had to agree; there was something amazing about being able to go up on the deck and see the open ocean around them. “I mean, I’m sure they hear us talking about all of it, but I don’t think that they… actively care, you know? Like - I don’t think that they think about it when it comes to room assignments,” they said. But maybe she was right - what did Carter know? “It is good drama, I’ll give you that.”
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“WHATEVER THEIR REASONING IS, I’M SURE YOU CAN STILL FIND A WAY TO SWITCH ROOMS.” it’s not as if the teachers were truly making sure everyone was in their assigned bedroom, or at least she hadn’t seen them making rounds. “the drama is good. i’m usually not in the gossip, ya know, i don’t really care what people do with their lives but when we are all living on one ship, well... i get a bit more interested,” she admitted with a laugh. “you, however, don’t strike me as someone who is into gossip.” 
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vonholten · 3 years
“i’ll consider it. i just don’t know if i want bruises on my knuckles. a slap may have to do,” she joked back, helping the blonde putting the pieces back in order so they could start a game. “i guess there’s not many other things to do here, right?” briar sighed, looking up at her new friend, even if it was just for the moment. “well, i’m kind of disappointed i didn’t see anything last night, but kind of hype, you know? i love ghost stuff.”
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“THEN A SLAP IT IS,” she said as she turns to show her her cheek before laughing. “there’s nothing to do here. i really wanted to go to the beach but i guess chess it is instead.” her smile grows wider as she mentions she loves ghost stuff. she hadn’t meet a lot of people who shared her interest for the topic. “it seems like the more you want something to happen the least it happens. because i’d also would die to have a supernatural experience but nothing. it’s as if i repealed ghosts.”
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vonholten · 3 years
“Clean your lungs? Does that mean I would actually be helping people with, um, impure lungs?” she says, a thoughtful look crossing her face. “Wouldn’t you be scared, too, of a… thing that could possibly take over your entire body?”
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“I THINK SO,” she says with a chuckle. “like i said, that’s something my mom used to say whenever we were out in the countryside, maybe she just wanted me to befriend the skunks.” she considers her question for a few seconds before shaking her head. “i don’t think they are planning to take over my body but even if they did, there’s no much i can do about it.”
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vonholten · 3 years
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“Y-yeah you are r-right on that note. Sh-sharks crashing through our n-new home at the moment, w-worst situation.” He replied nodding along to her. “If they d-do manage to get it on th-they can leave a little c-courage with it, I could use s-some.” He spoke as he gauged her reaction and linked arms with her. “L-looks like we got a m-mission to fulfil. Shall we g-go befriend a ghost?” He asked with a small smile. 
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“NOTHING AGAINST SHARKS BUT I’D RATHER THEY STAYED IN THE OCEAN,” she replied with a smile. “are ghosts courageous?” she hadn’t meet one, so she could know but she liked to imagine they had their own fears like humans did. “that’s the best idea, we shall! also, i think it’s pretty courageous of you wanting to befriend a ghost. most people seem to want them away.”
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vonholten · 3 years
‘is it weird i am digging this whole haunted vibe stuff? i also like watching people talk about haunted experiences on tik tok. weird i know, but that’s how i pass the time when the gym is closed,” he smiled. “anyways i am mason and i am always down to watch a scary movie.”
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“YOU KNOW WHAT? I’M SURPRISED MORE PEOPLE DON’T FEEL IN THE MOOD FOR GHOST HUNTING,” eden replied with a smile. “sometimes i also watch those stories. i’m eden,” she said, stretching out her hand for him to shake it, something she always did even if her friends told her it was old fashioned. “what movie do you have in mind?”
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vonholten · 3 years
 ♡´・ 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯  𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 :  @seasstarts​
“ the  people  who  are  just  sitting  around  during  this  and  playing  board  games  and  shit  are  just  miserable . “  admitted  cara ,  as  she  rolled  her  eyes  and  tossed  her  phone  to  the  side . “  like  ..  at  least  take  this  opportunity  to  chug  an  expensive  bottle  of  wine  or  something . “  the  brunette  scoffed ,  turning  to  the  person  beside  her .
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“CHUGGING AN EXPENSIVE BOTTLE OF WINE SOUNDS ABSOLUTELY DEPRESSING UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES,” eden said to her roommate. she couldn’t think of anything sadder right now than getting drunk in a haunted hotel on your own. “board games are good way to pass the time and you can still chug a bottle of wine while playing them.”
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vonholten · 3 years
“the ghost back home was nice,”  river explained, trying to recall their memories from a long time ago. “i think he was like, maybe a late teen ?  i always got the feeling that he had wandered away from home.”  they’d almost forgotten about him, their old ghost friend. “was your ghost scary ?  or good.”
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“AW, THAT’S KIND OF SAD,” she said. there was something about someone dying young that just sent a pang right to her chest. “at least i guess you made him company while you were there, so that’s nice.” she thinks about their question before shrugging. “i’m not sure but i don’t think so. my dad didn’t seem afraid of it when he talked about it and we never had anything horror story like happening, so i guess it was a friendly one.”
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vonholten · 3 years
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“i haven’t either, but i know i’d be petrified if i even heard one. what do you mean unfortunately? so you want to see one?”
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“YEAH, OF COURSE I WOULD,” she said with a firm nod. “it’s a one time in a lifetime opportunity. plus, i don’t believe in ghosts, so yeah seeing one would be a huge deal. also, i don’t think they have ill intentions.”
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vonholten · 3 years
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“I mean, this is pretty much like the ship - except it’s not moving. Like, sure, we can’t go outside right now, but that’s because of the storm; there’s still pretty much every place that you could see on the ship in this hotel,” they pointed out. The pool, the library - the billiards room was as close as a hotel of this age would get to an arcade, the tea room was like the café… maybe if they kept thinking about things like that, they wouldn’t worry so much about the spirits roaming around. “I’d hope that your intuition is right,” they replied, a little smile on their face. “Thank you.” Then, he nodded a little bit at her consideration. “The mingling with other people part makes more sense, unless the administration is, like… keeping tabs on who sleeps with who. Which I’d doubt. But yeah - the mingling part - that’s probably right.”
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“I THINK IT’S MOSTLY THE IDEA OF NOT BEING ABLE TO GET OUT,” she starts, shifting in her seat, “like at least on the ship we can still the ocean, here we are just trapped and sure, there are many stuff to do but i don’t know, i guess this is not how i picture my staying in costa rica.” a beaming smile begins to grace her features. “i hope it is. don’t let me down, carter,” she said with a chuckle. “you’d be surprised but i’m a firm believer that teacher do keep tabs. i mean it’s gossip and when you live on a ship, any gossip is good. but yeah, sure, it’s just for the mingling,” she said with a wink. 
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vonholten · 3 years
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“It’s p-possible, but I-I doubt this situation could g-get any worse.” He responded with a small smile. “I had my l-lucky leather jacket m-moved, but other th-than that I haven’t encountered o-one.” He spoke softly. “I wish. I w-would like to get close to one.” He said. 
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“I’M PRETTY SURE SHARKS THAT FALL FROM THE SKY WOULD BE A LOT WORSE,” she said with a smile. “maybe one of the ghosts wanted to see how lucky your jacket was.” her expression changed to one of surprise but it wasn’t long before a smile appeared back on her lips. “i’d love to get close to one as well.”
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