voroxpete · 14 hours
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voroxpete · 14 hours
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voroxpete · 1 day
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voroxpete · 1 day
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voroxpete · 2 days
See, the problem that Americans have is that they're obsessed with guns, but in an incredibly subby "Hwelp me mommy, I'm scarwed, pwease make all the bad men go awayyyyy," kind of way. Like, they don't actually know shit about using firearms properly, they're just deeply sexually aroused by the feeling they get from being around them.
A big part of my wife's job is handling guns. She doesn't own a gun. She doesn't really have any particular interest in owning a gun. She doesn't even have a gun license. She is, however, a disgustingly good shot (we're talking "hole through a small paper cup at 300 yards in a crosswind with a basic bitch rifle and cheap government issued ammo" kind of good shot), because guns are just a tool for her. They're about as interesting as a wrench. It's her job to learn how to use them well, so she's learned how to use them well. She finds shooting fun, but she doesn't need a gun in her purse to feel safe walking home at night.
You don't get good marksmen from a country that treats guns as the only thing that will help them sleep at night. That kind of fetishistic dependency leaves no room for actual competence.
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wow i wonder what piece of breaking news i missed
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voroxpete · 2 days
You say this, but I think the far sicker burn was Eric serving so much cunt that he managed to make a tinfoil hat look fucking badass.
It's undeniable that Charles Xavier delivered the sickest burn of his life by forcing his ex to wear a tinfoil hat forever
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voroxpete · 2 days
I'm sorry, but I'm just too fucking old to pretend that the presidential ticket of "Person who performed some of the first gay marriages in her state while it was still federally illegal" and "governor who created a trans refuge state while other states were making it illegal to transition" is somehow 'jUsT aS bAd foR QuEer pEopLe' as the ticket promising to reverse marriage equality and make trans healthcare next to impossible.
That is such a monumentally stupid opinion that I'm going to have a hard time believing that you're actually that stupid, and I'll probably just assume you're malicious.
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voroxpete · 5 days
two spirit is not a "native version" of anything
its not a "native version of nonbinary" or a "native version of bigender"
thats not what it means, that’s not what it’s ever meant
two spirit is an pan-tribal term coined by indigenous people in 1990, for indigenous people, to replace the term berdache, an offensive term that white settlers applied to indigenous people that fell outside of the western lens of gender and sexuality
two spirit isnt a "native version of nonbinary" because two spirit doesnt inherently mean someone is nonbinary. some of us are, but so many two spirited people arent. many people in our community also choose specifically not to label themselves with terms like nonbinary, gay, bisexual, etc, and solely use two spirit or another term from their tribe or language
we can be anything and everything and nothing you've ever imagined
to say its a "native version of nonbinary" is not just inaccurate, it's a complete erasure of a massive part of our community
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voroxpete · 5 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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voroxpete · 5 days
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voroxpete · 5 days
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alert alert a trans man expressed enjoyment in being a man for a moment and didn’t feel sorry about it y’all gotta do something about it how dare he say “men are cool” without stating he knows oppression and patriarchy exists and he’s sorry before that
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voroxpete · 5 days
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awesome story. black doctors and nurses are the best.
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voroxpete · 6 days
ppl talk about the difficulty of writing characters smarter than yourself, but the real challenge is writing a character who is funnier than you are
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voroxpete · 7 days
Disability benefits shouldn’t be tied to the income of a disabled person’s partner/spouse/parent.
Do you hear me?
This is the straight forward way to deprive a disabled person of their financial freedom and independence and trap them into possible abusive relationships.
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voroxpete · 7 days
Two job-hunting resources that changed my life:
This cover letter post on askamanger.com. A job interview guide written by Alison Green, who runs askamanager.
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voroxpete · 9 days
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voroxpete · 13 days
Why do we segregate sports by sex?
Disclaimer: this video was intended as a fun look at the inconsistent logic of gender segregation in sports, but as a short-form video, it naturally does not go into much nuance. One thing I want to make clear is that I do believe we should be making sports more inclusive to trans and intersex athletes, and it seems to me that a great starting point would be to stop gender segregating sports that really don’t need it. Like archery!
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