vowoffriendship · 8 years
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“Don’t worry about it -- I’ll just have to learn to predict your approaches!” Silas chuckled, seeing this as an opportunity to make keeping his guard up something easier to want to do. After all, if he was looking out for Midori, than it wasn’t a chore.
While he didn’t like to think that such a young girl would be in danger while with them, it was also a nice, lifting feeling to have her presence around.
“Oh, is it really? It’s amazing how time seems to fly here,” the knight commented, bringing a hand up to his mouth as he thought about his little niece’s request. “Of course I’ll help you come up with something, Midori -- we could take a trip into town, and see what there is to choose from to get an idea of what might work. Your mother is quite fond of trinkets, as I remember, but your father might be more difficult in that regard. So, it may take some real digging around to find what will be perfect for the both of them!”
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                                                ❝ Hehe! Sorry ‘bout that. ❞
   Guess she had more strength than she realized if it made poor Uncle Silas think he was beieng attacked. Ah, no matter. He’s just going to have to get used to being ‘attacked’ now that she was apart of their troop. It was still a little weird to be out of the deeprealms, but it was wonderful to be able to actually be with her family, and ‘family’. It wasn’t as lonely anymore..
                         ❝ I actually have a  request  of you! It regards my parents, though.                             You see… the fact is, their anniversary is coming up.                         However, I have no idea what would be a  good  gift to give them.                             Do you think you’d be able to help me pick something out for them? ❞
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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just try screaming insults
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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okay but like modern yakuza
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
It was unnerving, to say the least.
Faced with such a large creature -- armed with claws, teeth, and who knows what other abilities -- Silas was at a clear disadvantage if it decided to attack. But, as it lowered its head to break the silence once more, it seemed that the dragon was willing to house them for the night -- provided they didn’t steal anything from it.
“Really? You will?”
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“Of course, I’ll make sure that everyone knows exactly what is off-limits here in your home. We’ll try to take up as little space as possible, I promise,” Silas agreed, figuring that such a request would be easy enough to fulfill. He didn’t think there was anyone among them that would be foolish enough to steal from a dragon. “Thank you for your generosity...Er, do you have a name I should call you by?”
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           { ♫ };; ——                   For awhile, the beast stared at the stranger intently. Maka                   was thinking if she should let the stranger and his crew in her                  precious cave or not. Slowly, the great dragon lowered her head                  to contain eye contact with the stranger. Beautiful emerald irises                 stared at him, finally finishing her judgement.                                   […. You and your people can stay here in                                  my cave. No human has done me wrong yet.                                None has stolen my beautiful collection of books.                                However, if one human in your group takes my                               treasure, they will be in my stomach within ten                              seconds flat.                            Is that understood, human?]                  She asked, voice soft but held a chill to it. Finally, she lifts her                  big head, and turns her giant body around to head inside her cave.                  Legs slowly lowered her body to the cool surface the den provided,                  many books keeping her company from behind.
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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[Sorry for the delay in things here, I’ve been getting over a little illness. I’ll start getting back to replies today!]
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
Dragons were still a rare occurrence in these lands, and Silas had surely not expected to stumble upon one while on a simple recon mission. It hadn’t seemed like the sort of area he would potentially find one in, though he supposed exploring a cave wasn’t the brightest idea he’d ever had either...
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“Kill you? No I would never! If I...If I even could, I would only do such in self-defense,” the knight responded, trying to gauge if this beast was friendly or not. “I merely came upon your territory by accident. My group is looking for a safe place to rest for the night, and this cave seemed a good option for staying out of the weather.”
“...But I see now that it is occupied, and I wouldn’t impose upon you when I barged into your home so rudely!”
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           { ♫ };; —–                   The great beast stared down at the human whom                   stumbled upon the den. Maka does not fret, for she                   is taller than this human and could instantly kill him                  with one snap of her maw. However, she does not figure                him as a threat, so she sets herself on her hind legs, long                 tail resting upon her frontal claws. Slowly, she lowered her               great head and tilted in question.                                  [Are you here to kill me, human?]
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
Silas managed to keep the sour look from off his face, though he couldn’t stop the sigh that left his lips.
The knight didn’t know much about Niles, he was more than willing to admit that. Other than the fact that he was Prince Leo’s retainer, Silas couldn’t comment on much outside of Niles’ ability on the battlefield.
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“My apologies if you found me nosy, but I’m on watch tonight; it’s part of my job to ask when there’s movement in camp. If I didn’t, we’d be more prone to surprise attacks. After all, it’s not unheard of for there to be turncoats in an army’s ranks.”
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“Something bothering little ol’ Niles? Hmm, I suppose there is. You see, it started just a moment ago; my peaceful lounging was interrupted by the most peculiar phenomenon. It had two legs, two arms, messy silver hair, was quite inquisitive and couldn’t mind it’s own business,” he answered, mockingly pondering what it could be, in heaven’s name.
“Consider it my contribution to your night shift.”
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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“I do apologize if this seems...intrusive, but I’ve been looking for information and haven’t been able to find anything. I figured it would be best to come to the source for this, anyway,” Silas started off, “I know you -- as well as Selena and Odin, aren’t Nohrian; none of you have ever said as such, and I haven’t been able to find any records to the contrary.”
“So, if you’re not Nohrian, and you’re not Hoshidan...Where are you from?”
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
Are you open to new rp partners?
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[I sure am! I’m always open to trying out RP’s with new partners – don’t let that “semi-selective” label fool you, I’m still pretty open to accepting things. So, if you’re interested, we can IM & plot something out – or, just come off anon & wing it with Silas, if you prefer!]
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
“Wait, so you’re not...?”
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Actually, this may not be a point to argue on...
“My apologies, ma’am, for the mistake. But, you say that you are lost? I can tell you where you are, though; you’re in the kingdom of Nohr. Sorry if this seems prying, but...where are you coming from? Perhaps I can help you get back to somewhere you recognize.”
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               { ♫ };; —-                                  ❝…. I honestly have no idea what you’re                               talking about. And Death can’t take on anything                              he chooses! Erm.. But on important manners-                             could you tell me where I am? And no, I’m not here                            to reap your soul.. Nor Death is. I’m just.. Lost.❞
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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“Niles? What are you doing out here so late?” Silas questioned, having caught movement out of the corner of his eye, and discovering it to be one of Prince Leo’s retainers. The knight was one of the group assigned for the night watch that evening, and most of the others didn’t leave their places of rest once they had accomplished their duties for the day -- which made this an odd occurrence to Silas.
“Is there something troubling you?”
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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“...I didn’t know the Grim Reaper was a woman...Er, not that there’s anything wrong with that! I expect Death can be anything it chooses, but...I certainly thought I had longer to live...”
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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“Ah, Prince Forrest! It’s good to see you out and about after that ordeal the other day,” Silas greeted, inclining his head respectfully to the other. After all, this may be an army, but certain protocol could be maintained outside of the battlefield. 
“Is there anything I can help you with? I think I heard that you were looking for materials of some sort yesterday, am I correct?” the knight ventured, “I’m in between duties at the moment, so let me know if I can be of assistance in any way.”
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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[Anybody care for a starter?]
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
This man was confounding and irrational in the extreme -- at least, as far as Silas saw it in a martial sense of things. 
“If you somehow think you’re above everyone else, you’ll be in for a nasty surprise one of these days,” Silas grit out, attempting to regain some civility here. “I don’t know what you’re used to, Azama, but this is an army. In an army, you will always have a superior when you are not the one in command. Last I checked, that was certainly not you.” Taking a breath, the knight crossed his arms stiffly. “Corrin and I...have only recently been reunited. I did not have the honor of training under Prince Xander.”
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The insults were...something he was used to at this point. He did not expect a warm welcome from the Hoshidans, did not expect to be viewed as an equal or even as a trusted ally. But the words and thoughts of a few would not change his mind, nor effect his resolve in trying to help these two nations find peace together.
“...I know how many of you think of me, and many of you have every right not to want to fight side-by-side with a Nohrian. But I’m trying to help -- I abandoned my country to fight for peace on both sides. I want what you want here, an end to the violence and hate between us. I’m not asking for you to like me, or my people or country -- nor am I demanding you all to forget our transgressions -- but can you get along with me long enough to put a stop to all this?” 
>”And that’s your opinion.” He chuckled. Azama was quite strong and no where near as fragile as the other healers, but ew, effort.
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>The monk listened to Silas’s tangent and was doing his best to hold back a smirk. Well, that was easy. Azama was known well around the army and various towns for his sharp tongue and teasing attitude. The poor Nohrian obviously didn’t get the memo. Or he was just stupid. Maybe both.
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>”My superior?” He snorted at his words. “Listen,” Oh, this would be amusing. “No ones my superior, except maybe Lady Hinoka. But then again, I don’t really listen to her. Not many people trust you Nohrians, you know. Take Oboro for example, the poor girl is filled with anger every time she sees a filthy,” Azama put emphasis on filthy. “Nohrian like yourselves. Anyway, I only show respect to those I’ve deemed have earned my respect.”
>”You would think being friends with someone who trained under Lord Xander would give you some form of tactics, but I suppose not.”
>Azama was itching to see what he would say.
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
Being partnered with someone who was on foot, it was always difficult to keep track of where they were when he was on horseback. Not even counting the trouble of splitting his focus between fighting off enemies and trying to watch Kamui’s back, Silas’ armor wasn’t exactly built for good periphery vision; the neck guard came up high, and he couldn’t always see his flanks unless he turned his mount around. 
It was a close call, but Kamui was a competent fighter. Still, it put Silas on edge that it had even been that close in the first place.
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“...I’m glad you’re not injured, but, please -- don’t try to lie to me, and cover up what you’re feeling. You’re scared -- hell, I am, too; that was way too close,” Silas stated, managing to keep his voice even. “I know you want to do your part in this army, Kamui, and I’d never try to stop you from doing so, but...Allow me to be your shield in this fight! They’re after you, and with those blades, they’ll do me far less damage than you...”
【♚】 Truth be told, Kamui wasn’t good at hiding his fears, especially one in particular. It was an understandable fear – the fear of weapons made to slay dragons. It didn’t matter how much blood of a dragon he carried in his veins, any dragon-slaying weapons were dangerous, even deadly enough to kill him with one slash if he wasn’t careful enough.
This battle was a frightening experience, he felt as though he was doing his best at avoiding attacks rather than slashing at his opponents. There were quite a few enemies carrying those dragon weapons – he could always sense them. Of course, the people in his army were also aware of this fact. They had trained themselves to be on the look out for Kamui, and his servants were extra protective during these times of need.
Yet there was room for mistakes, even for the most careful units. The enemies weren’t weak – each battle proved to be more challenging when the opposing army grew smarter and stronger. Fellow comrades needed to accompany each other, pairing up being the most wise decision. In this battle it was Silas who Kamui was partnered up with. An old friend and trust-worthy knight, they fought alongside each other, but Silas couldn’t always see where his friend was standing. A slip-up was made – the Anya prince had miscalculated his approach, and the fear from within rose with great force, his heart racing during the time of dodging a dragon sword.
– A miss! Kamui managed to survive such a brief moment, but his heart couldn’t stop its intense beating. Heavy breaths began to form, Kamui’s balance becoming loose, leading him to his fall. A nasty landing was all he took, but the pain he felt would be nothing in comparison to a wound from those dastardly weapons. There was a few seconds of recovery, the instinct to survive kicked in, causing the prince to take out his dragonstone, using it immediately and finishing off his surrounding enemies with an aqueous blow.
He made sure to return back to normal after his transformation, but his breathing became more laboured than before. The fear he felt has gotten the better of him, losing his sense of logic, but all that was forcefully pressed aside when the grey-coloured knight approached him with concern. Kamui felt incredibly relieved to see his partner by his side again. Although he mustn’t let the other worry too much, forming a weak smile was all he could muster for the moment. The battle hasn’t been won, yet he had already felt the exhaustion of an aftermath.
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「 It was a close call, wasn’t it? 」 He tried to bring a bit of humour to relieve the stress, noticing the search for wounds on his person.
「 – Silas, I’m all right! 」
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vowoffriendship · 8 years
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[I haven’t been here in a while, but I have an excuse -- I’m lazy. But, no, seriously; I just got overrun on my main blog. Also I lost my Silas icons ‘cause they were on the laptop, and that finally seems to have gasped its last...
B U T -- I plan to get back here tomorrow, since I’ve missed my vanilla bean Nohrian.]
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