voxdaemonica · 3 years
@gvldntrbl​​ (Viktor & Jakovan)
The serene peace of the Winter Court was a blessing, after the tumultuous breeze that Spring Court Fae had brought into his life. As much as Viktor enjoyed visiting his allies in the south (perhaps too much during his most recent foray), there was no question that the frost and snow was where he found the most comfort. But peace was not something that came without a price, and with the volatile changes in Autumn and Night alike, the High Lord found himself wondering if it was not time to act before the bloodshed could stain his precious home. 
A glimpse of his cousin in the Court, appearing all too calm for Viktor’s liking, was more than enough to sway his mind.
“Misha, I hope you haven’t been too bored overlooking Winter in my absence.” Viktor greeted him, settling in for another long day of hosting the court. It was fairly early in the session, which gave the High Lord plenty of privacy to speak candidly with Jakovan while the civilians and nobility trickled into the spacious castle. “I trust you haven’t faced any issues, with the humans or otherwise? I doubt the rebellion would find its way this far north, but one cannot be overly cautious these days.” It was a shame that they needed to worry of such things, but after what had happened at Kaden’s gala, even Winter’s guards needed to keep an extra eye on the humans who served them. 
He shifted in his seat stretching out his stiff wings as much as he could without looking too obvious about it. “I’ve been thinking about what you said before. About our alliance with Spring. While I will not interfere with Tatia’s mission I...believe there is fair reason to think that they will remain our allies.” Two reasons in particular. Viktor looked away, clearing his throat in embarassment. “All this to say, I think we might have an opportunity to look elsewhere for now. Where do you see us having the advantage?“ 
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@wickedgxmes​ (Kael & Nate)
While there had been some relief that had come with knowing that Gabriel had managed to pull through his ordeal in Autumn, and that the complicated situation involving Sophia and the both of them had finally blossomed into something he might dare to consider stable, Kael was painfully aware that he had been neglectful in his duties to the Night Court. While he had sat by his High Lady and High Lord’s sides, the stars had continued to shift and change for everyone else. As much as he longed to remain with his lovers, there was a Court to run and certain people he needed to speak with. After all, he was certainly not the only one in Night who had a penchant for dallying with High Lords.
“So, I’ll be needing myself a new Captain of the Guard soon, will I?“ There wasn’t an ounce of animosity to his tone, even as he oversaw the training regimens with the guards and their hellhounds. If anything, the sideways glance he shot towards Nate was almost proud. As much as he had been preoccupied with the turmoils of the inner circle, gossip was most certainly not something he tended to miss. And when it came to Nate Dubois, who was almost always at the centre of something particularly scandalous, Kael’s attention had been easily captured, especially when the word engagement was involved.
“I must admit, out of all your family, you somehow managed to surprise me yet again by being the first to settle down. And with impressive company too, if rumours are to be believed.” The War General smirked, keeping well out of earshot of the other guards as he spoke with their leader. “But gossipmongers can only be half-believed at the best of times. I’d much rather hear it from you. To whom am I losing you, Captain?”
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
Celine & Ada
The fall out of the tournament had certainly lead to an unsurprisingly hectic week. Ada had barely slept, working tirelessly alongside Lucien to ensure the safety and security of their people in the following days, months, even years should it come to that. Crowd control had been a vital thing, thankful in such circumstances that their pack was a tight knit as it was. They shared an invisible boundary with the hunter’s headquarters after all, the last thing anyone needed was a rouge group of warriors allowing anger to take their senses.  
It was until the dust finally began to settle and she was confident they had their house in order, that her mind wondered to analytical contemplation. She likely never would understand this need their king had felt to interconnected with Night, but they were allies now. If they simply sat back and did nothing after such a spectacle, it would paint them in a light of undependability…The evening had been one she’d committed to memory, a useful commodity that usually accompanied an ability to impartially combing through faces and events – There was just one slight problem on this occasion it seemed. Positively loathing how every so often her mind would drift to Celine in the process, derailing thoughts entirely. 
She hadn’t seen her since their little entanglement during the tournament, and Ada knew her well enough to know she would have been positively ecstatic to jump into the fray they had caused that night…The third-in-command had killed a couple hunters of her own, it surely could not have been without its losses on their part either. Celine may have been the most capable human she’d ever met, but the notion still gnawed at her, and that was perhaps what agitated her most. She did. not. care. If anything, the deficit of that infuriating blonde would only serve to make her life far easier – So why could she not seem to shake such unproductive rumination from her thoughts? 
It was a frustration that had her culminating deep within Cloverwood, a need to clear her head as Tíre & Anluan padded softly beside her. Ada would have even shifted to join them, had the metallic tang of blood not swept over her heightened senses. A stag’s blood, if she were to hazard a guess. It was a macabre message she knew all too well, given the kills Celine had stolen from her in the past. A sense of relief thoroughly ignored as she decided to follow the fresh trail it left in its wake right to the blonde in question. The huntress was strong, but she was still human, and a kill of that size lead to breaks. Premeditative eyes surveyed the clearing momentarily, an ambush was quite frankly the last thing Ada felt like deal with. “I mean this in the most….offensive way possible.” She stated simply, a brief pausing following suit as she stepped from the tree-line while her wolves took it upon themselves to start eating the hunter’s kill. “What, the fuck, are your people thinking, Celine?” 
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The buzz of adrenaline was just starting to fade as Celine took another gulp of water from her flask. Ever since the brawl in the Autumn Court, it felt like every one of her nerves had been wound taut, sensitive to even the slightest change in the environment around her. For so long she had lusted for battle, to show the Fae the exact same sort of nightmare that humans had endured for centuries, and to finally unleash that pent-up rage had been nothing short of euphoric. Yet when the Resistance had finally begun to ascend as a force to be reckoned with, its foundations had cracked apart, crumbling over nonsensical bullshit and leaving the murderous blonde blood-starved and impatient. 
She had lasted about a week before she had taken her bow and favourite knives back to her usual haunt. The stag she felled was far too big to be carried back to the Resistance’s elusive headquarters, but at least the exercise soothed her frustrations a bit. Even more important, it gave her the perfect bait for the one person she had yet to check in on. Celine had dragged it about half-heartedly, placing the carcass just slightly off her usual route until she was positive the scent could be found downwind. And there she had remained, carving nonsensical patterns into the log that she rested on while she waited to see if her quarry felt like showing up today. 
And then, as she considered taking some of the deer for a late lunch, a pair of wolves broke through the treeline, making a direct path to her kill while their mistress finally came into view. To see the Wild Hunt Fae in all her glory, unscathed from battle was...well she wouldn’t quite say it was a relief, because that implied feelings. She had given those up in the new year along with the final fuck she had left to give about the Resistance’s internal drama.
“I’m afraid you’ll need to be more specific, Ada. My people, as you so eloquently put it, have been quite busy these days.“ Celine huffed as the wolves took the stag for themselves, but did nothing to stop them. She couldn’t fault a beast for wanting a free meal, but they didn’t have to look so elated about it all the damned time. “The gala was a friendly reminder that the nobility should watch their backs. It’s hardly my fault that your gracious hosts just happened to be the perfect kindling.” The hunter shrugged, indifferent to the accusation at hand. They were all true, for the most part. “It’s almost funny. I would have thought killing a High Lord would have been far more shocking, but I suppose when you see a Fae’s godhood stripped away before a crowd, it leaves a more lasting impression.” 
She stood up them, her relaxed stance betrayed only by the subtle brushing of her fingers against the worn handles of her blades. With Ada, there was no telling whether their heated conversations would lead to fighting or complications, but Celine enjoyed the surprise of it. “Really Ada, did you expect us to sit there and lie down when the opportunity was ripe for the taking? It’s hardly our fault that your new ally was too short-sighted to notice a threat when it was right in front of him.”
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
Evelyn was not expecting any visitors tonight, it was late into the evening and she was struggling to fall asleep. Most nights Ashir had been by her side, that made it easier for her to rest without nightmares but she had told him to leave to get some rest. Having her own private room in the infirmary made everything quite boring for Evelyn who thrived off being able to listen into others conversations, nonetheless she appreciated the privacy especially seeing as how long it was taking for her to heal.  “Princess?” her tone was slightly surprised at the sight of the young woman standing by her door. “Come in take a seat.” she smiled, shifting herself up in her bed as she gestured towards the empty seat. “It’s quite late is it not Princess? Could you not sleep also?” Evelyn now saw Arabella in a different light than she did before her talks with Ashir, the talks which made her realise who her allegiance would be with when the time came to pick a side. 
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It hadn’t been easy for Arabella to sneak out of her rooms. Since the brawl in Autumn, Summer had chosen to take no chances with its security, which made it even more difficult than usual to give her guards the slip. But when she had spotted Ashir finally returning to his quarters, the princess knew that she had to take action. A trip to the bathhouses, a clever glamour and a trinket to bribe one of the maids was all it took to make her escape. With no one the wiser, she moved like a wraith, sticking close to the shadows and the passages she knew so well until the infirmary was in her sights.
With the increasing danger rolling towards Summer, Arabella could not find it in herself to remain as idle as she had been, and her previous conversation with Ashir had left her with far more questions than answers. So, she had to turn towards less conventional allies while the opportunity was ripe. Evelyn, she hoped, would be invaluable to her plans.
“My apologies for disturbing you at such an hour.“  The princess inclined her head in remorse, eyes flitting over the spymistress’ prone form. She had head about the injury in passing, but watching Ashir spend entire nights holed up by her side was proof enough of its severity. “I find that late nights are the best time to think without disturbance. About Summer and its future, most often these days.” Arabella sat down beside her, shrewed gaze locked firmly on the woman before her. “I often find myself wondering just who can be trusted.”
It was something that weighed heavily on her these days. Autumn had been far too trusting and they had paid the price. Even the Night Court, who had been the most cautious among them had been caught off-guard in a moment of weakness. Arabella would not let Summer face the same fate if she could avoid it. “How is it that you came to be injured, Evelyn? Tell me.“
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@lepinedoree​ (Tidus & Idalis)
There was an influx of guests at the Coral Palace that morning. With the Summer Court sitting relatively safe compared to several of the other Courts in Astralis, all manner of visitors had been flooding the royal estate looking to appeal to the High Lady, it seemed. Artists from Night, merchants from Autumn (which Tidus had to admit was a bold move to make), and any number of minor lords and ladies in between swarmed the halls swathed in their finest attires and bearing the kinds of gifts worth more than his year’s salary. 
The sudden influx of strangers meant that Tidus was busy juggling two roles that day, keeping an eye peeled for potential threats against the High Lady’s life and ensuring that these delegations were well-attended. There was, apparently, some sort of advantage to be gained by currying favours among the nobility, even if the High Lady wouldn’t deem them worthy of her attention. He didn’t entirely understand what the point was, but then again, it wasn’t really his job to worry about the little details. All he really cared about was making sure the heart-stopping nymph who had waltzed through the palace doors was happy with their hospitality.
“My apologies, Miss. Her Grace is entertaining a full room at the moment, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait to seek an audience with her.” Much to his credit, he had managed to stick to the script that he was given without getting tongue-tied. “But as a sign of goodwill, I’ve been instructed to see to it that you’re satisfied with your stay here.” Tidus smiled broadly, his stance relaxing now that the formalities were essentially out of the way. “So, my lady, how would you best like to be entertained? A walk in the garden? Tea by the pavillion? I also know my way around a deck of cards if you want to see some human magic tricks. What would please you?” 
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
 @gvldntrbl​​ (Tidus & Geneva)
The Summer Court delegation was just finalizing its numbers, the captain of the guard going over the guest list meticulously as carriages were packed and injuries were seen to. The High Lady and her progeny had long since left, but someone had to stay behind and see that the rest of the citizenry got home. A good dozen battered and bruised Fae remained, huddled together in more comfortable clothing while Tidus readied another carriage for travellers. The shock of such blatent savagery the previous night seemed to have clammed up the snide lords and ladies who had been throwing out insults all week. It was a welcome respite to work in silence, even if his own body ached from being tossed around in the fray.
As the next set of passengers settled into their ride, Tidus was interrupted by one of the other guards. “Wait, what did you say?” Confusion marred his face a moment, before he noticed the new addition to their small camp. He could hear the murmurings of the other Summer Court Fae as he crossed over to get a better look at her, expression brightening as his memory clicked. “Oh, I remember you! From the party, right?“ Tidus beamed at her, genuinely happy to see that she was okay and in one piece. Admittedly their first meeting had not been under the best of circumstances, but they had both managed to get out safely, it appeared. “Honestly I didn’t expect to run into you again this soon. I figured you would have hightailed it back home after that close call. That’s what they’re planning to do.” He nodded over to the nobles, who scowled but said nothing.
“But really though, how are you? It was a bit of a rough night.“ The smile faltered a little bit, concern making its way into his tone. Combat wasn’t as much of a problem when it was something one was trained to do, but the Fae before him was anything but a warrior. “Were you able to find your people that night? Hope you didn’t lose anyone.”
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@covrtofnightmares​ (Celine & Alexander)
They should have been celebrating, high off of yet another smashing victory against the highbrow Fae of Astralis that had kept the lot of them in shackles. While there was certainly a feast and the usual victory party that came with a mission well-done, it seemed as though no one could relax when there was a noticeable absence in the room. No one was entirely sure what had happened, only that when the final count of all their members had finished, one particular woman was missing among them. The tention and unease of that that could mean was palpable beneath the forced cheer, and it soured the atmosphere. 
Celine for one, couldn’t bother with whatever nonsense was making the lot of them so skittish, when they had clearly come out on top. But without their ever-fearless leader at the helm, it seemed as though the Resistance had lost its spine. To say it was annoying was an understatement. All this whining and speculation about Noa’s disappearance, paired with the murmuring doubts around Santiago grated on her nerves something fierce. And so she had left the party early, blood boiling and ears ringing with conspiracies she wouldn’t so much as bother to entertain.
At least there was one person who still maintained a handful of brain cells without supervision.
It wasn’t difficult to track down Alexander. Hunters like them were perhaps even more creatures of habit than the prey they chased after so regularly, and vigilance to the point of obsession was a given. It was only natural that she would find him in the one place no partygoer would think of treading; the makeshift training grounds. “My, if you look so dour all the time, your face will be stuck that way, darling.” Celine tilted her head, icy eyes scrutinizing him with the same morbid curiosity of a predator sizing up one of her kin. “It would be such a waste too. Handsome men with an ounce of sense to them are few and far between these days.”
She crossed over to take a closer look at her fellow comrade. While the recent months had given them so few opportunities to speak with one another, Alexander Barrett was among the handful who had earned her begrudging respect. He was one of the few who knew just what end of the knife to stick into a Fae, and what a masterpiece he could make when he was well and truly motivated. Alexander was the closest reasonable person she could think of in their chaotic little family, perhaps by default. “As much as I would love to play with you, Alexander, I think we have some rather pressing matters on hand, don’t you agree?” Quite a few, if Celine had been hearing the rumours correctly. “I wanted to know what you thought of it. The disappearances as of late. I never realized our dear friends lacked such backbone.”
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@covrtofnightmares​​ @nymphcts​​ (Kael & Sophia & Gabriel)
As the War General of the Night Court and the longtime lover of the High Lord himself, Kael thought that he knew nightmares. He had invoked any manner of terror personified on Gabriel’s enemies, had known everything there was to break a person down with a week of bad dreams, and yet the fresh hell that he was living now made those past efforts seem trivial in comparison. The first night had been the worst, when the healers had been uncertain whether the High Lord’s quick thinking had managed to mitigate the worst of the blood loss. The subsequent nights however, blended with one another in a constant, sleepless vigil, until he had lost count of the hour and the days as he stuck by Gabriel’s side.
The attack itself was a blur- a part of his memory that was vivid in some of the ways it had struck and where blanks filled in the other spaces. He remembered the face of the man who had done it, the human who had dared to strike the King of Nightmares during a peaceful event. Kael could recall the plunging of the dagger into a heart that felt far more than anyone could possibly know, and he could recall the way his voice had ripped out of him when he had believed the blow to be fatal. The crowd and the panic that followed had been nothing but white noise, waves of bodies that he had bulldozed his way through because Gabriel had been hurt. And he could recall scrambling to his lover’s body, plunging head-first past the shadows and dreams until he had taken hold of his universe falling apart before him. He remembered the vividness of the blood, the stickiness against his fingertips and the sheer wrongness of its feel against Gabriel’s skin. 
Their escape was far less certain, but there was the High Lord and there was Sophia. There had been screaming, hearts being rendered asunder as healers spoke of uncertain chances and threats were uttered. ‘Because healers who can’t do their fucking jobs can be fed to the hounds!’ There had been a moment where he had been kicked out of the room entirely, the hurricane of raw feelings far too much to handle for the Fae who worked so diligently to stablize Gabriel. By the time the anger was spent, Kael had been allowed back by his side. There he had remained ever since, stubborn, resolute and immovable.
But he hadn’t been alone. 
Sophia must have been there for as long as he, even if the forced insomnia made it difficult to know for certain. Kael had found his attention wandering between the both of them, hope for the High Lord’s awakening and concern for the High Lady’s well-being tugging him between two nervous states of being in equal measure. Whatever the strange relationship was that the three of them shared, messy and uncertain and full of secrets from all sides, there was some measure of comfort to be found in knowing that he shared his watch with another, even if he wasn’t entirely certain what it meant for them in the long run.
It was probably near mid-morning, if the untouched, stone-cold breakfast trays were any indication, by the time he looked up to speak with her. The exhaustion of the past few days was apparent to him, from the stiffness of his limbs to the raspiness of his voice. The War General doubted his appearance was likely to be any better if he looked even remotely like he felt these days. But there was only so long that they could continue with silence, and there were still others that needed them. 
“Sophia...” Long gone was the malice that had marked their first encounter, resignation of their complicated feelings having replaced it since. ”Have you given any thought to what we should say? To the others, I mean. We can’t leave the inner circle without answers for much longer.“ In truth, he really didn’t want to face their closest friends, not if it meant acknowledging that Gabriel was no better than before. The very idea of a Night Court without him was unthinkable, positively blasphemic in nature, but the stars were cruel enough to make it so, if their luck had been any indication. 
He sighed, rubbing his hands together as he frowned. “I...I’m just at a loss of what to do. If he doesn’t wake up-” Kael clamped down on those thoughts, despair looming overhead at the very idea that Gabriel might not wake up. “It’s my fault. I should have known Autumn couldn’t be trusted to keep the gala secure. I’ve failed you both.”
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@lupusrcx​ (Arabella & Henry)
Henry Young was an anomally in Arabella’s life; a constant presence that had been with her for as long as she could possibly recall. Considerate. charming and something of a flirt, her childhood friend was near hopeless when it came to political maneuverings. Yet what he lacked in cunning, he made up for in kindness; a trait that was as rare as a pair-bond with a sea serpent among their kind. Henry was the sort of person who wore his heart out so plainly on his sleeve that it was impossible to think him capable of any sort of deceptions, and it was this sincerity that had the young princess wrapped around his finger in hopeless, confusingly exhilerating ways.
Not that he knew any of that, of course.
Even now, as she waited for him for an appearance that was by all intents little more than a publicity campaign for the Coral Palace, Arabella could feel butterflies of anticipation squeezing her heart in strange, confusing and utterly wonderful ways. It wasn’t uncommon for the High Lady to use the pair of them for her own interests, especially when she was looking to divert the commoners’ attention elsewhere. Yet a small, selfish piece of the princess found herself looking forward to these appearances of theirs, if only so she could play out some of the fantasies that she kept so closely guarded to her heart. There wasn’t much hope in tying down such a free spirit as Henry, but it was nice to pretend that she might be worth the notice.
Arabella tried not to fuss too much with either her petal pink wings or the intricately embroidered hem of her dress; two things she had already spent the morning fretting over. She disliked the decadence required for these outings, but when Henry was involved, it was another story altogether. Thinking about what he would like or what he would say always drove her to check the smallest details, in hope that she might keep his eye on her for just another moment longer. 
When she caught sight of him, feelings of fondness and affection nearly blindsided her. It felt like eons since she last had a semi-private moment with him. “Henry!“ Arabella’s cheeks dusted with pink, hiding the smile that threatened to break free behind a lavendar sleeve. It was unbecoming of a princess to look too eager for anything, even if her heart was practically dancing in her chest. She glided over, grasping one of his larger hands between her own and holding it close with a comfortable familiarity. “I-I missed you. Where have you been?”
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@fatedfvllen​​ (Celine & Louisa)
Spring was a deceptively dangerous time to travel, especially in the Cloverwood Forest. With every beast waking up from a long winter’s rest, and their competitive instincts kicking off with the coming of summer, the wilds were an even more volatile than they usually were. Protecting the Underworld from ornery dragons or slobbering wolves had become Celine’s constant mission, if only to ensure that the wave of fresh recruits from Santiago’s latest stunt didn’t end up as food. 
The hunter had been en route to a nest she had found a few days ago, hoping to cull out a batch of hatchlings before they grew big enough to torch the forest down. But as she was making her way out of the tunnels, she spotted a shadow that was far too close to Resistance territory. A Fae of noble background (if she were to judge solely on the quality of her clothing), noticeable for how out-of-place she appeared came into her view, and the game she had been after was forgotten in favour of something far more valuable.
 “Didn’t anyone tell you stories about wandering in the woods, dove? It’s not safe for the likes of you.” Celine called out, fingers grazing the handle of her blade as she locked eyes on the intruder. There weren’t any guards, as far as she could tell, but human eyes were easily deceived. “All kinds of creatures out tonight. What’s got you wandering so far from home, dear?”
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@thenxghtwemet​ (Arabella & Ainsley)
Anyone who held the High Lady of Summer’s favor could be considered a Fae of exceptional cunning. It wasn’t enough to simply survive in the inner court, as Ashir did, nor was it enough to depend on who it was one was connected to. No, Liling Li Liu’s true favourites were the nobility that best reflected the worst traits in her. Cruelty, sadism, greed and vanity- the snakes that nested in her home were the true monsters of the Court, vipers that gorged themselves on the suffering of others. It was for this reason that the duchess Ainsley Tang simply could not be trusted. No one held the High Lady’s favour without more than a few skeletons in their closet, and the princess was near certain there was a graveyard’s worth hidden behind that two-faced smile of hers.
Regardless of her personal feelings, it was far more dangerous to leave the duchess to her own devices. And so the princess had arranged an outing for her mother’s true favourite. Pulling a few strings she saved for special occasions, she had bought out the top restaurant in Zhēnzhū for the evening, allowing the two women to dine with their sole accompaniment being a musician of her choosing, quietly providing them with an ambient atmosphere. It was the sort of extravagance that was expected of Arabella, though she so rarely exercised it. But if she wanted to know what her mother was up to, and what thew duchess was planning, it was an evil she would have to embrace.
“It’s such a pleasure to have finally found an evening with you, Ainsley.“ The princess spoke, the pleasant tone of her voice as indistinguishable from the smile on her face. With Ainsley, there wasn’t any room for the same sort of slip-ups she allowed with those who cared for her. Any form of weakness, any indication that she was anything less than the haughty daughter set to take the throne and no doubt the duchess would be sharpening her claws. “I’m sure you understand. Mother has kept me quite busy overseeing matters while she deals with her own affairs. A High Lady can’t be bothered with such trivial problems when there are Courts to conquer.” 
She swirled the blood red wine in her glass, channeling as much of the High Lady as she could in her dismissive attitude. “Still, women like us deserve a night out every now and again, wouldn’t you say? Tasteful indulgence is what separates us from our lessers, naturally.”   
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@nymphcts​ (Tidus & Melody)
Tidus stood before the entrance to the Garden, trying desperately to look like a proper Summer Court guard and less like a child in a candy store. He had heard stories of course, of an oasis of women at the heart of the Cloverwood Forest, and he had certainly fantasized about being allowed onto it’s hallowed grounds, but never had he anticipated an opportunity to visit through legitimate means. Even with the lumbering centaurs glaring at him, nothing could sink his buoyant mood. After the stress of dealing with the Night Court and the fallout from the Autumn Court tournament, it seemed as though someone in a higher place had decided that he was due for a far more pleasant trip abroad.
It was one of the best assignments that Tidus had ever been given; a once in a century opporunity that he would have given one of his wings for. Apparently some young nymph had requested an escort to visit her parents, and in a demonstration of good will, the benevolant, indulgent High Lady Li Liu had granted the duty of escorting to one of her own. That, paired with a little luck and a begrudging captain had seen him flying off at first light, bedecked in his finest uniform and grinning like an absolute lunatic. The bragging rights alone and the jealous looks of his peers would give him weeks of gloating power. But getting to spend a leisurely trip with a drop-dead gorgeous nymph at his side? The guard could have died happy.
“You guys really don’t crack, do you?“ The fae mused, chuckling as the centaur huffed at him. Even when he was an expected guest, the Queen of Roses certainly didn’t mess with her security whatsoever. But he had little time to muse on the humour of a magical creature. Not so terribly long after he had arrived, the guards parted, letting him steal a glimpse of soft floral scents and breathtaking beauty as they allowed for his ward to leave, allegedly for the first time if his captain had been correct.
To say that the little lady was alluring would have been an understatement, but Tidus didn’t expect anything less from one of the Queen’s own. She was undoubtedly from Summer Court, but there was an almost unearthly quality to the nymph that spoke to her true nature, like sunshine balled up in the form of an almost impossibly petite woman. “Miss Melody, is it?” Tidus asked, offering his best charming smile. “Nice place you have here. I was just here bonding with your centaur friends out here. Great conversationalists.” He gave them a cheeky wave before approaching, bowing slightly in greeting. “So I’ve been told a certain lucky nymph is looking for a travelling partner to Summer. I certainly hope I can live up to your expectations, princess.”
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voxdaemonica · 4 years
This was not how Maxim planned his night to unfold. He loved balls, it involved alcohol, flirting with the men and women of the realm and it was always followed by lots and lots of sex. That was his plan for the night, but now rather than getting hot and sweaty through sex he found himself in physical combat with a human. How disappointing.  “Hey careful, these robes are new!” He tutted as he dodged their sword directed towards him, shaking his head as he noticed the sleeve of his shirt ripped. “Look at what you’ve done. You’ve ripped them. Now I’m going to have to punish you.” He had given the human enough time and energy and Maxim was not one to spare anyone, he was strong and brutal and now the human was his victim. One fatal blow towards the human’s direction and they had collapsed onto the floor.  There was no time to stop and relax in the middle of the chaos, Maxim’s gaze fell to the corner of the room, his brows furrowing at the sight. Princess Arabella, cornered by a human with no guards to protect her. Without a second a thought, he grabbed the human. “Now that is just rude, this is not how you treat a lady!” he snarled before plunging his dagger into the man’s back, a pool of blood forming as the human collapsed onto the floor.  Holding his hand out towards the princess, he flashed her a smile. “You gotta be careful princess. I’ve got you. Let me take you somewhere safe or to someone from your court. We’ve not met before, I’m Maxim Aslanov.”  @voxdaemonica​
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It was a nightmare come true. Separated from the Summer Court in the middle of a war zone, it was all Arabella could do to stay pressed up closely against the wall as she swiftly searched for an exit of some sort. She was no stranger to carnage, but never had she been in a position so uncalculated, so precarious as this. Without her retinue, as untrustworthy as the High Lady’s champions were, she was a painfully appealing target to any and all who knew who she was. And as luck would have it, one of those very hunters who had ambushed the High Lord Beaumont had caught a glimpse of her stumbling alone, and was leisurely chasing her down through the court-wide melee.
She had felt trapped for all her life, but not once had she ever truly envisioned someone might cut her brief life short, when there was still so much that she had to do.
“P-please don’t.” Arabella took a step back for each one the human took towards her, until her wings brushed up against the cool stone wall. She could feel the hum of power at her fingertips, the careful mask of passivity she had cultivated crumbling in the wake of a powerful desire to survive. It wouldn’t be difficult, to replicate the deadly ways her magic could be used as they so flagrantly were in her home court, but at what cost? “I’m warning you. S-stop right there.” They did little to heed her words, and she braced for the worst before she heard them cry out and crumple, falling lifelessly as another Fae intervened at the final moment.
The princess’ knees nearly gave out as the hunter fell, one hand falling to the wall to steady herself as the fear and adrenaline ran its course. “I...um, thank you.” She stumbled over her words, looking up at her saviour with a slight flush and wide eyes. Arabella hesitated for only a moment before taking his hand, which felt far warmer than her frozen fingertips did. It seemed as through the terrifying ordeal had sapped any possible heat she had in her willowy frame. 
“You said Aslanov, yes? Duke Asklanov of Winter?” She asked with great undertainty, even as she stepped closer and into his protection. While their Courts were neither on good or poor terms, it certainly didn’t mean a high-ranking noble from Winter was someone she could trust. “I’m sorry, I’m just...surprised that you would go out of your way to help me. What benefit would that have given you?” It was probably a rude question to ask of her saviour, but their meeting was under such unusual circumstances that she felt that proper mannerisms no longer suited the occasion. “Or are you always this noble, rescuing damsels in distress?”
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voxdaemonica · 4 years
@gvldntrbl​ (Tidus & Geneva)
Tidus was in a hurry to get back to the rest of his comrades, questions involving the well-being of the princess, his friends and the High Lady plaguing him for every moment he was not by their side. It had been foolish, to let his guard down so soon after another royal had died, but the entirety of the tournament hadn’t given him any reason to suspect that the Resistance would strike again so soon. Fae and humans had gotten by just fine without a worry, but now they were pitted against each other in vicious duels that caught countless bystanders by surprise.
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, it seems as though Autumn is overly fond of their tavern brawls.” He quipped to his neighbour, offering a flash of a smile as he ducked, razor winds cutting right where his head had been only moments prior. Even if the entirety of the ball was crumbling to pieces with the same weakness of a sand castle during high tide, the guard saw no reason not to be friendly when he could afford it. Besides, the young woman he fought near was stunning, and he couldn’t pass up such a fine opportunity when he saw one. “Watch those Night Court fae. Nasty fighters, what with those shadows and everything.”
Someone, somehow, had seemed to split the floor in half before them, and Tidus took a step back in caution. Was it an illusion? Strong magic? Who could honeslty tell with the ecclectic mix of fighters before them. “I can’t say I was really expecting this tonight. All I was hoping for were a few drinks, maybe even a dance or two. If someone had mentioned mortal combat was on the menu, I would have worn my leathers instead.” Tidus joked, knocking over a few others with a wave of water to try and give them some space. “You holding up okay?”
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voxdaemonica · 4 years
@wickedgxmes​ (Tidus & Aida)
There were few storms that turned quite as quickly as the Autumn Court had, with friendly competitors swiftly shifting into deadly foes as the awards ceremony took a noticeably bloody turn for the worst. Fae were scrambling in all directions, seeking out their own respective Courts while magic and fists flew overhead. The High Lord of Night was well out of view as he collapsed, the flailing of limbs and supernatural forces making it impossible to know his fate. But the fear and anger of seeing such a powerful ruler felled by a human no less, in plain sight, had set off the partygoers in a way that the guards couldn’t have possibly anticipated.
Tidus for one, had not the slightest inkling as to where anyone had gone, Summer having dispersed as easily as the waves crashing against the shore. Without a weapon in hand (something Isadora would no doubt reprimand him for later), he was forced to resort to using other forms of brute force to make his way through. But for every soldier he felled in self-defence, there were at least two or three civilians in need of protection from the sudden brawl. He had spotted one such person just then, a slight Fae woman who looked about as fit for the battlefield as he did in a floral arrangement class. 
The guard had no reason in the world to help her in this mess, but as soon as he saw shards of ice flying her way, his body moved on its own accord. Water flashed up from his hands as he batted the projectiles away, the spear-like motion missing only an instrument of steel to be made truly deadly. Tidus moved to block the woman from the assailant, forming yet another spear of water and hurling it towards them with brutal speed and strength. “Are you hurt at all?” The guard asked, glancing over his shoulder to the stranger with concern etched across his face. ”Listen we need to get you out of here. It isn’t safe to be alone in this kind of place.” Where even the most civil noble had become a brute. “Your Court, are they close?”
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voxdaemonica · 4 years
The reckoning of the Summer Court felt like a long time coming. A revolution that began with the disenfranchised, before slowly poisoning the upper-ranks of Liling’s trusted guard. There was a hubris in assuming that his loss was what turned the tides within the inner court, but Ashir was thoughtful enough to deem it so. Those in his ranks, like the formidable Evelyn Hyun, had witnessed Liling’s right-hand man become subject to her perverse cruelty. Any leader that would turn against her most loyal, was one that promised nothing but misery. The seeds were planted long ago, growing almost painfully. And Arabella, like that seed of revolution, had grown with it. Even so, there was difficulty in determining the catalyst. What would take them from a griping and displeased inner court, and turn it into the toppling of the reigning monarch?
It was a question that seemed to plague the heavy-hearted Princess. The advisor had spent the better part of her life by her side. As a father, he had learned to become in-tune with the temperaments of his daughter. And although she was not his, Ashir felt a paternal sense of duty for the young Princess. A life and purpose that meant more to him, than even Ashir could comprehend. His dark eyes remain steadfast on the moving fae, lips curving into an understanding nod. “In this part of our world, there is pride in simplicity.” The Autumn Court’s culture was far from that of the Summer Court’s. They did not speak in layered sentences, or out-maneuver one another whilst sharing cold smiles. They simply lived and let live, turning to matters head-on. It was a reality that a younger, more ignorant man would condemn. But he was older, wiser, and more jaded now. What he would not give to share in their simplicity. “It takes great strength, to speak plainly and care for things openly.” Their homeland prided itself in anything but that, yet Ashir’s knew there was a strength that was required of it.
“Perhaps there is no time.” Ashir concedes gently. “The courts are moving faster than reason or sensibility demands. A High Lady is resurrected, another High Lord has come from exile, and marriages are underway to secure protection and fealty. We, fae, like to think we have time… But if our brothers and sisters are any indication, we may soon run out of it.” It was not his intention to strike fear in Arabella, but it demanded to be said. His own impatience aside, the world of fae was changing in a pace neither could predict. “Maybe it is time to begin doing something about it.” His tone is soft, conscious that such a suggestion was a delicate one.
He averts his eyes to the echoing boom of cheers, his ears ringing at the Princess’ sudden words. “A likeness?” He repeats, uncertain as a heavy dread falls upon him. It was a secret he kept close to his chest, guarding Liling’s secret as any true advisor did. Her charade was for the betterment of the Summer Court, she claimed. And at the time, Ashir felt no sense of loyalty for a nameless infant. Her life would certainly be grander, away from the cruel Lady’s reach. And what use would it be for Arabella, whose claim would be in a dire state, should it be revealed? “That is peculiar, indeed.” He offers hollowly, swallowing the thickness in his throat. “Was she bothering you? There are dozens of masters of deception out there. A fae glamoring her appearance is not uncommon, and con-men and women make a fortune out of it in Chaguan.”
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“Agreed. It would be admirable if it weren’t so foolish.“ There was a melancholy to her words; a longing for a different path that never existed. Autumn was so open with their intentions and feelings, which made them the perfect victims for manipulation and deceit. Arabella could understand why the Court was constantly at odds with her own, as the High Lady would have gleefully and maliciously toyed with them for centuries. “To be brave means so little if you don’t live to see tomorrow.” But it was nice to dream about it.
His answer wasn’t a surprise to her, and she closed her eyes in resignation. She had been hoping against hope that there would be at least some additional years to train. There was so much she didn’t know, and to pit herself up against the High Lady herself would be nothing short of suicide, even with the growing support around her. “Yes...It may be advantageous to use these movements in our favour. With all the others in states of turmoil, we would be seen as no different. We could likely blame it on the humans too, if we were to be subtle about it.” The human labourer came to mind then, and Arabella found herself regretting the thought, as logical as it was. “But how would that make me any different from her? As far as the people are concerned, a Li Liu is a Li Liu, regardless of generation. Would that not confirm their feelings, in either scenario?” 
Arabella nodded at his question, puzzled by the shift in the atmosphere between them. She passed him a quizzical look, before nodding. “W-well, yes, but it was so strange. I know what glamours look like. They’re polished to a fault. Clean. If this was a true glamour meant to deceive, then this one was perfect.“ Too different to be truly in her likeness, but too similar not to be of notice. And that feeling she had...it wasn’t like anything she had felt before. “I-I don’t remember much, for some reason, but I remembered her. It’s a bit hazy...“ The princess’ frown deepened. Even that in itself was unusual, given how much pride she took in her memory. But the more she tried to recall what happened following their short conversation, the more she found herself grasping at nothing. 
“It just strikes me as odd. If she was aiming for flattery, she would have used my face exactly, don’t you think?“ It was something she had seen a few other Fae attempt with her mother, some with great success. The others...well, they hadn’t been so fortunate. “That level of detail can’t be replicated easily Ashir. You know how rare it is for people to see my face to begin with. So how could she have possibly known?“ Arabella asked, her expression turning grave. “I cannot launch a plan without knowing all the elements at play. Things are volatile enough as it is.“ She took a moment to look around them, knowing they were fairly well alone but keeping her voice as soft as a whisper laced with steel. “So are you certain that this is all it is? A coincidence?”
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voxdaemonica · 4 years
“Always a fuckin’ joy when you’re around, Dahl.” Raymond grunted in response. To others around them, his voice was all lavender and silk. But to Celine? Raymond was every bit his normal self, save for the clothing he wore that was made of much finer fabric than he’d ever wear. He felt almost naked, wrapped in elegant, light cotton fighting clothing rather than his normal leathers. Naked, of course, was normal for someone like Raymond Holloway, but this was… different. The Resistance had managed to steal his current ensemble off of a drunken High Fae – whose body had been promptly dumped in a river, never to be seen again – in order to make his false beauty that much more believable, but it put him on edge. Frankly, he’d rather be completely nude than wearing this… prissy collection of embroidered gold and white.
Now that would certainly prove to be quite the distraction – because despite his current appearance, Raymond had made sure to keep a certain endowment true to size. 
The crowd around them was hollering, shoving against one another and holding jingling coins in their hands as bets were placed on their match that was about to begin. Raymond Holloway was every bit a former Champion of the Trials of Oberon, but the illegal fighting pits that sprang up throughout the Highwinds Tournament? They’d always been what he’d preferred – no rules, no regulations. The dirty fighting that High Lords and Ladies always pretended wasn’t there, as they enjoyed them just as much as the street rats did. He’d won more of these shit shows than he could properly count, and all but lived for them with no regrets.
But there was a current regret – the fact that Noa and Santiago had paired him up with the fucking Snake Woman, and the fact that every single person here would be betting against them; a pretty boy and an elegant-looking lady.
Raymond had a multitude of respect for Celine Dahl. Not only did they share a common… interest, but even Ray couldn’t deny the fact that no matter how hard they tried, they always seemed to work well together despite their clear lack of friendship. There was something about working with Celine that came naturally; they both weren’t afraid to do what needed to be done in order to get information, to win – and he’d be a fucking idiot if he underestimated her. As bitchy as she was, there was no doubting the fighting prowess she embodied.
Not that he’d ever admit it.
“Don’t worry, lass – gonna make sure all the hairs on your pretty little head come out in tact.” It wasn’t like he was a fan of this, either, and it was more than obvious that she shared his disdain for the Resistance leaders making them buddies. He turned to her, crossing his arms over his chest, and lifted a thick eyebrow – an eyebrow that was perfectly arched and groomed to all others but her. “You fought in one of these things before? It ain’t pretty – and it’s looking like every single fucker in this crowd is gambling on us to be the losers. Even if I gotta do it as a perfumed High Fae, ain’t planning on them getting their money because we fucking lose, aye?” 
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Celine didn’t try that hard to resist chuckling at the sheer ridiculousness of Raymond’s appearance. While to any other onlookers, he was the epitome of a High Fae, all she could see was his horribly unarmed form bedecked in some ghastly comination of noble colours. It was like dressing up a bear in a formal suit, and it entertained her to no end. “Sounds like someone didn’t get to finish their apertif this evening. Why so tense, dear?“They already had plenty of time to make fun of the sole Fae among them when he had first established his disguise, but it certainly didn’t mean she had been done with him. It was only fair, after all, that he be just as miserable about this arrangement as herself. 
She let out a huff  as he reassured her of her safety. It wasn’t as though she had volunteered for this plan without having some idea of what was to come. “How positively noble of you. And I suppose I’ll be expected to sit off to the side filing my nails while you have all the fun too?“ Celine challenged, bristling slightly at the very idea. They had been involved with one another enough that she felt her prowess in combat needed no question, but the way he spoke of the fighting rings made it sound as though she was still some scared little girl lost in the woods. “And what’s there really to know? We waltz in, beat the hell out of everyone here, and leave with a fortune even royalty would envy. It’s not as if we’re playing chess against Noa or something.“ An effort that the both of them would lose at, without question.
The crowd started to grow silent as the next round of challengers were called, and the hunter tugged on Raymond’s sleeve to follow. “If anyone’s pretty face needs protecting, it’s yours. I don’t think the crew could handle it if it got any uglier.” She had the audacity to wink at him before sauntering into the arena, sheer arrogance radiating off of her in waves. “Besides, if you’ve managed to win at these paltry games, how hard could they possibly be?“ Admittedly, he was one hell of a fighter when the occasion called for it, and their unfortunate synergy with one another made their pairing a logical decision for far more than mere babysitting.
As their opponents entered into the ring, one Lesser Fae from Spring and someone who looked like a halfway decent guard for Day, the blonde could feel the bloodlust and excitement building up in her, like flame catching to new kindling. “Why not make this interesting, Holloway?” Celine suggested, flexing her fists in anticipation. “Most knockouts tonight. Winner gets their bar tab covered by the loser at the end of the festival. Are you in?”  
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