voya-inspire · 6 months
Venus in currently in Sidereal Libra
Venus will be in domicile! When your tastes change, you are more likely to show off your changes. You’ll be refining who you hang around, what you do, and what you discuss based on your new standards. Libra has an appreciation for class and quality based on social standards. Whatever you established during this Venus conj Ketu needs a follow through.
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More about this transit + aspects and this transit in each house is exclusively on my Patreon: Tai Soleil
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voya-inspire · 11 months
We all know about the DDOS attacks on AO3 as it is still down. So it is very important we talk about the KOSA(Kids Online Safety Act) that is going to hit the floor soon. Because if that act goes through this could very much be the new reality of not only AO3 but online fandom spaces within the next year. The point of this act is to limit queer media and to eliminate online queer spaces.
Let me stress, the politicians are lying to you. Democrats and Republicans are lobbying for this. It is not pro trans rights and it is not pro lgbtq rights. This is very reminiscent of the Restrict Act! Politicians can SUE websites for having QEEER CONTENT. This act will not protect kids, it will further separate and marginalize the queer community!
If this bill goes through AO3, Wattpad, TikTok, Tumblr, and Twitter will be limited and fanfiction websites could be wiped out all together. If you are apart of fandom spaces pay attention and ACT! Call and email your senators! AND SIGN THE BELOW PETITIONS!
Reblog this! Send the links to people who aren’t on Tumblr! If you care about fandom, fandom spaces, your ships, your blorbos, fanfiction writers’ works, freedom to create, etc. Spread this!
If you aren’t American you can still sign/send some of these!
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voya-inspire · 2 years
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voya-inspire · 2 years
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voya-inspire · 2 years
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voya-inspire · 2 years
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voya-inspire · 2 years
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voya-inspire · 3 years
Future spouse? you're 17 calm down
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voya-inspire · 3 years
Finger Injuries how do they pertain to your consciousness?
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Overall pain, trauma, illness, or injuries to fingers can mean you feel unsure where you fit in, need to establish your identity, be validated, or don’t feel supported when doing things.
Fingers are complex in the way that each finger has a different psychological reasoning behind the injury but also each finger correlates to the birth-chart, tarot and chakra system.
Reading finger nails in itself is a whole method of divination so when considering fingers there’s a whole host of information per each digit. I will not be covering the palms in this discussion but will be considering the thumb to extend from the tip/nail all the way to the wrist.
Associated with Mars, life force, and consciousness. In astrology Mars is also associated with the head and the feet both having to do with willpower. When experiencing injury or ailments to the thumb consider if you have had issues with the head or feet as well or if your subconscious is being nice in hurting your thumb rather than your head.
Injury to the thumb nails:
- Right Thumb Nail is the cue to check in with your higher self. Do your plans make logical sense? Are you expressing physicality/sexuality in a way that works for your highest good? Are you being stubborn or forcing a situation?
- Left Thumb Nail is a message from your guides/ancestors. (The left side of the body is feminine energy associated with ancestry and lineage.) Time to pause any plans that feel out of alignment, and rest to reach clarity. (Information from “The Ancient Art of Onychomancy in the Modern World” pg 12)
Injury to the Thumb itself:
- Often related to our relationship with authority. Feeling betrayed, controlled or taken advantage of by authority figures or someone who is triggering old unresolved trauma/issues with an authority figure. You feel you cannot take hold of a project due to fear of failure and attacking criticism. You may feel incompetent when executing tasks and important goals. (Information from “Metaphysical Anatomy” pg 380-381)
- I’d also like to add there could be an over abundance of anger or resentment you can’t let out, you could have Mars in the first house, or not be walking on your own path due to fear of punishment from authority figures. Also an imbalance in your feminine and masculine energy.
Stay tuned for the other fingers!
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voya-inspire · 3 years
Planetary Mounds in Palmistry
How do they correlate to your chart?
I’m studying palmistry this morning and I’m looking at the mounds at the base of my fingers. Particularly the Sun mound (at the base of the ring finger) and the Mercury mound (at the base of the pinky) I’ve noticed these are my two biggest mounds. And I believe (well really I know) that there’s a correlation between Sun being in my first house and Mercury being my Atmakaraka. I wanted to ask you all your thoughts and how does this play out in your palmistry- do you notice these correlations?
I’ll include descriptions of each mound below all information from:
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Please comment and let me know!
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voya-inspire · 3 years
You say “I’m tired” but you really wanna say “NO!”
Chronic fatigue syndrome and how it correlates to poor boundaries.
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There are many people who can’t quite figure out why they’re tired all the time and it seems like no matter how long they sleep they never feel rested. From my research I’ve noticed that chronic fatigue not only has to do with poor boundaries but also feeling like you can’t quite be yourself around friends, family, or even strangers.
We could say the possible root of this problem is the fear of rejection. “I hide parts of myself because if they knew they would no longer accept me” and while that can be valid concern for many of us it is not conducive to complete health.
When you are not being yourself around those you love, especially if you cannot be yourself at home then essentially your body is on guard all day every day. Because you are constantly acting (playing a role that is not completely yourself) and because you are never quite relaxed your body is tense throughout the day and essentially in fight or flight. So if your body is in fight or flight for extended amounts of time it’s running through “fuel” at a much higher rate than someone who is relaxed or at rest. When you sleep your body is exhausted so waking up may be difficult, but when you wake up you once again tense right back up to go on about your day pretending, and your body once again goes into fight or flight.
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What you may notice is that a person who deals with chronic fatigue finds it much easier to say “I’m tired” than to say “no.” They express their boundaries through their illness and would rather have the excuse of being fatigued than to truly express how they feel about the activity or the situation. This coupled with constantly being on guard can create a situation in which life gets exceedingly difficult due to being exhausted at all times.
This is a ailment is not easily able to be diagnosed through tests and screenings so the people facing this ailment/illness are often not believed or seen as lazy. This illness disproportionately affects young women and women have already had a tough time with the medical system distrusting their feelings and symptoms.
Other symptoms you may experience in conjunction with chronic fatigue:
Lower back pain (this means along with not being your true self around others you don’t allow for other people to help you or trust others enough to tell them your problems/see your weaknesses)
Middle back pain (this means you take on the problems of others and have poor boundaries separating your problems from everyone else’s in conjunction with lower back pain you always help everyone else but never allow them to help you)
Joint pain (this varies based on the specific joint but usually this is associated with chronic fatigue that results from fearing you’ll disappoint a parent or authority figure. If it’s the hips usually having to do with the father, the ankles usually have to do with the mother. Knee pain or foot pain can be a result of you not walking in your power/purpose. This in conjunction with lower back pain can mean you’re responding to a negative situation in the way your mother would and not necessarily how you want to.)
How to not be so tired?
First things first we have to commit to being our authentic selves, unless you are in a potentially dangerous situation in which you absolutely cannot be open and honest then you should strive to be your true self. A part of this may be allowing yourself to be vulnerable around friends and family and to be honest with your ideas and beliefs.
Second we must observe and respect our own boundaries. A lot of times we are unaware of our own boundaries. By the time someone has upset or triggered you they have already crossed your boundaries several times. It is important to analyze how you truly feel within situations and express your boundaries early and often. Most times within new situations we are yet unaware what are boundaries are in this case pay attention to how certain actions or interactions make you feel, take note to any unease and again act early and make your feelings known. 9 times out of 10 if you clearly state your boundaries in a non-defensive manner people will respect them. Anyone who does not respect your boundaries immediately delete them from your life- don’t stress yourself out!
These steps are simple though not necessarily easy please take your time! Your healing is at your pace! Peace peace fellow kings and queens and stay dangerous✨
Follow me on Instagram for more post!!
*All research from Metaphysical Anatomy and my personal work with clients.
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